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Good day everyone, I am here in front of you to discuss the learning goals, learning objectives

and learning outcomes that we usually use this words in our activities and assignments. This 3
terms offer accompany one another.

Now, lets talk about WHAT DO THEY MEAN? Or HOW DO THEY DIFFER?

We can think of this as encircling categories

Goals are the largest category. It is the heart of a course design and need to be made clear at
the planning stage.A learning goal is a broad statement of competence. Goals are the broad-
based description statements of the purpose of a program or course

And desired achievements of a particular course, which generally identify the knowledge like
( critical thinking, transfer content and creativity)

Skills, and capacities a student in that class should achieve.

It should answer the question “What should my students be able to do or know upon
completion of my course or program?” As you will learn above, this sounds very similar to the
definition of outcomes and objectives. Also similarly to outcomes and objectives, goals
should be student-centered. The purpose of a program or course is that our students learn
something, rather than that we teach something. Teaching is the activity we engage to
achieve the purpose of student learning.
Learning goals are similar to a road map in that, they direct us to our desired destination.
What I’m trying to say… It provides an overall direction to learning and assists in keeping
instruction focused on the targeted content. Furthermore, by determining learning
objectives, using a roadmap as a course design for goals can make them more clear and

We may use objectives in any school learnings, as method of actions. Usually instructors need
to take it to achieve those goals such as specific, instruction covered, case studies analyze and
text discuss. Learning objectives are what instructor puts into the course and plans for
achieving the goals and what we must expect of ourselves.

It Is a narrow statements that describe what a student should be able to do or know after
completion of a program, course, module or even lesson to confirm that the intended
learning occurred.
And it was always stated from the student perspective that learning objectives are
measurable, futhermore, it must be aligned with and support course and program goals.

Learning Outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that
learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a program, course,
module or lesson.

This learning actually identify what the learner will know and be able to do – the essential
and enduring knowledge, abilities (skills) and attitudes (values, dispositions) that constitute
the integrated learning needed by a graduate of a course or program. In this learning,
instructors assist students through this outcomes to explain what will be able to do because
of instruction, analysis or discussion.

In short….they are the “evidence” that learning took place.

I will stop my discussion here and to be continued by my partner ma’am andrelyn Zafra

Good day everyone, we are now discussing about “ the principles and policies of
governance” and it is under the


This article is divided into 28 sections, the sections 1 to 6 are the declaration of principles
and the 7 to 28 are the state policies.

But before we start about Sections, we need to define the Principles, Policies and the

What is Principle, Policy and Governance?

A principle is a proposition or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation. In law, it is a

rule that has to be or usually is to be followed. It can be desirably followed, or it can be an
inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a
system is constructed.

What is “Policy”? Policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or

voluntary practice of governments and other institutions. Policy decisions are frequently
reflected in resource allocations.

Governance is the process whereby elements in society wield power and authority, and
influence and enact policies and decisions concerning public life, economic and social

For example is the mayor’s decision to increase the police force in response to burglaries.

Now, lets start in


The Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and
all government authority emanates from them.

-In this section, it is said that our country Philippines is a Democratic Country where
decisions come from the people themselves through voting usually the word Democracy or
Democratic in English is used in political performances.

My example for this article is presidential Elections where it is in hands of our citizens who
will be the next president by voting.


The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the
policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.

-In this section, it is declared that the existence dddof wars cannot be used or considered as
a policy of the country, and only accepts the laws that are recognized by all and only conform
to the Policy of peace , equality and all nations.


Civilian authority is, at all times supreme over the military. The Armed Forces of the
Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of
the State and the integrity of the national territory.

-In this section, it is clearly stated that only the armed forces of the Military are at the top of
all times when it comes to the peace and security of our territory, and their other goal is to
ensure the absolute power of our state.


The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government may
call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be
required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service.

-In this section it is clearly stated that the first duty of the government is to serve and protect
the people. and the government can call upon the people to defend the state.

But how can we defend the state?

The government may require citizens to provide military or civil service during the times
prescribed by law.


The maintenance of peace and order the protection of life, liberty, and property, and
promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the
blessings of democracy.

-In this section, it is said that the state must follow the maintenance of peace, order,
protection of life, liberty, and property and the promotion of all these, so that we can enjoy

Enjoying democracy means a blessings that include economic growth and political stability

The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable

-In this section, the church should not interfere with the policies and implementation of the
state. And the state should not promote or have no official religion nor destroy or abuse any


The State shall pursue an independent foreign policy. In its relations with other states the
paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest,
and the right to self-determination.

- Foreign policy also called as International Relations Policy is a set of goals about how the
country will work with other country economically, politically, socially and militarily.

Independent Foreign Policy simple means that no other state should be permitted to dictate
how the Philippines should behave and relation to other state. No country should be able
possess around when it comes on how we do with other country. The president of the
Philippines acts as a Chief Foreign Policy Implementer and Department of Foreign Affairs of
DFA is a prime agency responsible for the pursuit of the state's foreign policy.

The Philippines consistent with the national interest adopts and pursues a policy of freedom
from nuclear weapons in its territory.

-We aim of this section is to forbidden, storing, manufacturing, and protecting of nuclear
weapons/devices in the parts of our country. However, it is not prohibit the use of nuclear
power for medecine, agriculture, and other benefits also in the national interest requires
storing of nuclear weapon maybe forbidden.

What do you means by this?

To understand this part, let's define national interest is a public declaration of a country's
needs and intentions based on an assessment of the current situation in other words, in the
Philippine government feels that it's good for the country storing a nuclear weapons maybe


The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and
independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide
adequate social services promote full employment, arising standard of living, and an
improved quality of life for all.

-In this section, the state shall promote a just and dynamic social order that shall ensure the
prosperity and independence of the nation and, at the same time free the people from
poverty. This objective can really achieve with the ff. policies: that will first: promotes full
employment, second a rising standard of living, third, an improved qiluality of life for all,
fourth the sufficient services and fifth the education, housing, and a lot more.

The State shall promote social justice in all phases of national development.

-Social justice is the equal access to wealth, opportunities and privileges within a society.

This state mandated to keep on preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate
members of the community. Basically, the ff. people first the poor, second, the
underprivileged, third the uneducated and fourth is disabled.


The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human

-In this section, it includes giving respect to all the people rights. Any torture against human
being is constitutionally probihited. The constitution, also set up the condition on human
rights, by will investigate the violation of human rights and the upper take of appropriate
measure to protect the right of every human being.


The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as
a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the
life of the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the
rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive
the support of the Government.

-In this section, only states that the State must recognize the sanctity of family life and must
protect and strengthen the family as a fundamental institution of society. It must preserve
both the life of the mother and the life of the baby in the womb from conception. The natural
and fundamental rights and duties of parents in raising awareness of the youth for civic
excellence and development of moral character must receive the patronage of the


The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and
protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate in
the youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public and civic

-In this section, it is clearly stated that State must recognizes the very important role of the
youth in the development of the nation and must promote and take care of their physical,
moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It should instill in the youth patriotism and
nationalism and encourage their participation in public and civic affairs.


The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women and men.

-In this section, the State recognizes the role of women in the development of the nation and
must ensure the fundamental equality of women and men. so that equality remains for both
male and female.

I will stop my discussion and to be continued by my partner miss Andrelyn Zafra

Now, lets talk about Policies and Principles of Governance

but I will only discuss about the Policies while the Principles of Governance is to be discussed
by my partner Andrelyn

When you heared about “Policy” what's in your mind?

As your teacher for today, I will discuss about policy or policies and it's types.


Policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or voluntary practice

of governments and other institutions. Policy decisions are frequently reflected in resource
allocations. It is a principle or course of action proposed or implemented by a governing
body. Governing bodies are groups of people that act in unison to guide and support a
community, unit, business, institution, etc.

Policies can take many forms depending on whether you're looking at an institution,
organization, government, or other body. Overall, policies do share some common features:

 Policies are authoritative declarations promoted by a person or body given the power
to do so.
 Policies shape principles and laws.
 Policies state and influence ways to perform actions and sometimes by whom.
Under the best circumstances, policies are exceptional resources for making the lives of
everyone in the community better.

By now we probably got a good idea of what a government policy entails. A government
policy is a rule or principle that hopefully better guides decisions, resulting in positive
outcomes that enhance the community or unit. Government policies contain the reasons
things are to be done in a certain way and why. This leads to the development of procedures
and protocols to see that policies are conducted in an appropriate manner. Procedures and
protocols dictate the "where," and "when" and "how" policies will be executed.

It also describes a course of action, creating a starting point for change. They can influence
how much tax the community pays, immigration status and laws, pensions, parking fines, and
even where you go to school. While policies are driven to be non-discriminatory, they can
affect specific groups of individuals. Policies are not laws, but they can lead to laws.

We already define and know what's the aspects of policy, from the process of its
formulation. We even undressed the matter from the top determinant of human lives, who is
generally affected by policy from birth. Now, we need to learn–What Are The 4 Types Of

Four types of policies include Public Policy, Organizational Policy, Functional Policy, and
Specific Policy.

📌Public Policy are generally determines the lines along which human beings in a particular
country can operate. It is designed by authorities of the respective country through processes
based on the type of government that rules. Public policy is arguably the umbrella of all other
policies. This type of policy also determines policies that are formulated in organizations that
operate in the country in question.

Institutions, companies, and other entities operating under these governments have adopted
the idea of policy formulation, and as such new types have emerged.

Public Policies examples are the ff:

1. The Human Development and Poverty Reduction that focusing on improving the overall
quality of life of the Filipino and translating the gains of good governance into direct,
immediate, and substantial benefits that will empower the poor and marginalized segments
of society. By implementing programs like Pantawaid Pamilya Pilipino Programs or 4Ps, K to
12 Basic Education, Responsible Parenthood, Sin Taxes

2. The Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Cluster that focusing on the conservation,
and protection of the environment and natural resources. It shall take the lead in pursuing
measures to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change on the Philippine
archipelago; and undertake all the necessary preparation for both natural and man-made
disasters. By implementing program Project NOAH and National Green Program

3. Public Health Connection- within this context of public health, this policy includes the
advancement and implementation of public health law, regulations, or voluntary practices
that influence systems development, organizational change, and individual behavior to
promote improvements in health. Such policies can be executed within the health sector, for
example, using Medicare conditions of participation or reimbursement to influence health
care delivery, or using the tax code to encourage employer-provided health insurance.
However, public health goals can also be achieved working in other sectors such as education,
agriculture, or employment, among others.

4. The Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Policy that promote transparency,

accountability, participatory governance, and strengthening of public institutions. It shall also
work to regain the trust and confidence of the public in government. By implementing
programs like Governance Cluster webpage, Freedom of Information, and Human

📌Organizational Policy is a internal and external stakeholders of a specific organization make

this type of policy. It is the type of policy that aims at deciding the goals and activities of the
entire organization. Policies of this sort usually anchor on the co-values of the organization
and what purpose it serves.

For example, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that advocates for human rights. They
can develop a policy that makes sure these are respected starting from within the NGO
before being extended to the field.

Such organizations create codes of conduct that are characterized by criticism against;
discrimination along racial or tribal lines, the stigma of any kind, and even inter-office
romantic relationships sometimes. A breach of these may even cost someone their position
or their entire placement in such an organization.
📌Functional Policy are companies among other organizations are organized into
departments that have different functions. These Units and divisions necessitated this type of
policy. Functional policies are assigned to specific areas in any kind of setup.

Some examples of functional policies are: financial policy, production policy, marketing policy
and personnel policy.

The Economic Development Cluster that focus on the promotion of rapid, inclusive, and
sustained economic growth. By implementing Public-Private Partnership and Philippine
Development Plan

📌Specific Policy

The last type of policy we will look at for the purposes of this discussion is the specific policy
which is quite self-explanatory and straightforward. Be it in the government or the private
sector, this type of policy is formulated to address a particular issue and usually is temporary.

For example, call to mind how Covid-19 has impacted policymaking in our respective country.
We have also seen activities of the old day being banned and in some instances referred to as
illegal and attracting fines and even jail penalties.

Not only public policy was affected, but private entities are also changing their policies to suit
the new business atmosphere. Further, a heavy decrease in movement and physical contact
activity has been the order of the day.

A good example of a phenomenon affecting policymaking is that of Covid-19 vaccination.

These vaccines also have received a lot of negative criticism. There is such resistance, that
governments implemented policies that excluded non-vaccinated citizens from are from
certain activities.

As members of society, we all play important roles in the development of government policy.
From the president of our class to the lowest level of public office to the president of the
Philippines, our power to vote determines who makes policy and how that affects our lives
and the community.

Policy making is the process of taking an idea and transforming it into an action. And those
ideas come from people like you. Your potential to influence policy development does not
end at the voting booth. Every one of us has the power to affect policy. Our voices and
actions can be heard by being actively involved in community groups and voicing our

Every syllabus have 3 main components: Goals, objectives and learning outcomes. We may
use this words in our activities and assignments. This 3 terms offer accompany one another.

Now, lets talk talk about WHAT DO THEY MEAN? or HOW DO THEY DIFFER?

We can think of this as encircling categories

Goals are the largest category. Usually relating to larger aims such as critical thinking, transfer
content and creativity. Goals are the broad-based description statements of the purpose of a
program or course. It should answer the question "What should my students be able to do or
know upon completion of my course or program?" As you will learn above, this sounds very
similar to the definition of outcomes and objectives. Also similarly to outcomes and
objectives, goals should be student-centered. The purpose of a program or course is that our
students learn something, rather than that we teach something. Teaching is the activity we
engage in to achieve the purpose of student learning. Goals typically do not need to be
measurable, but must be supported by (aligned with) measurable outcomes and objectives.

We may use objectives in any school learnings, as method of actions. Usually instructors need
to take it to achieve those goals such as specific, instruction covered, case studies analyze and
text discuss. If objectives are what instructor puts into the course and plans for achieving the
goals. Learning objectives are narrow statements that describe what a student should be able
to do or know after completion of a program, course, module or even lesson. This learning
are more narrow and specific than goals, and describe the components of a goal. Learning
objectives are always stated from the student perspective and are measurable. Learning
objectives must be aligned with and support course and program goals.

Learning Outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that
learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a program, course,
module or lesson. This learning actually identify what the learner will know and be able to do
– the essential and enduring knowledge, abilities (skills) and attitudes (values, dispositions)
that constitute the integrated learning needed by a graduate of a course or program. In this
learning, instructors assist students through this outcomes to explain what will be able to do
because of instruction, analysis or discussion.

Therefore, learning outcomes must be measurable and observable inshort

GOALS dictate the general aims to the course project or Activity

OBJECTIVES layout the plan for how the goals will be met or what instructor will provide and

LEARNING OUTCOMES exhibit what the learner actually do as a result objectively.

Because of sequential nature of this Activities usually a syllabus or project description is

First describe the goals, and then provide objective and the learning outcomes.

(John Angelo/Analyca)

Sama sama tayo at walang mag iiwanan

Kung may problema tayo tayo lang din naman

Ang magtutulongan

Di pwede may maiiwan lahat kasama pag may kasiyahan

Kaya't sama sama tayo na parang parang magbabarkada lang


Simula pa nung una pag ako may problema alam ko may matatakbuhan

Masasandalan walang iwanan kahit anong sabihin niyo mga kapatid koto

Kasama koto sa hirap o ginhawa magunaw man ang mundo chaka iba talaga
Saya na yung dala pag tayo ay sama sama na yung tipo nakakalimotan mo

Ang lahat ng problema mong dala basta

Ganun na nga pag tayo'y kumpleto na mas masaya diba, yeah!


Gusto kung kasama, kayo sa kulitan sarap walang iwanan,

At kahit na minsan nagkakaroon man tayo ng

Hindi pagkakaunawaan, tampuhan at galit awayan

Pag usapan nalang sa tagayan

Di maka tiis pag nakitang naka ngiti, Aperan! wala na yan.

Sabay halakhakan at palakpakan kahit na walang nakakatawa,

Ganyan kabaliw pagmagkakasama mapatingin lamang sa bawat isa.

At bukod pa SA samahan natin na SA kabila ng mga PAG

Subok KAsama kita nararanasan mas masaya lagi basta tarana!

(Jj, Luisa, Airra)

Sama sama tayo at walang mag iiwanan

Kung may problema tayo tayo lang din

Naman ang mag tutulongan di pwede may maiiwan

Lahat kasama pag may kasiyahan

Kaya't sama sama tayo na para, parang magkabarkada lang


Kami ay mga magkakapatid magkakaibigan lang tignan

Nagkakapikunan man minsan walang pwede na mangiwan

Kami din ang magkakasangga sa lahat kahit gano kabigat

Ano mang hirap mapapalitan ng sarap basta tayo ay magsikap


Sagana sa tawa pag kasama sila

Pero hindi na bago walang kasing saya kaya sa kanila kumpleto na'ko

May kapatid kana, may tropa pa

Eh di quotang quota na

Wala nakong mahihiling pa

Sa kanila pang ay sobra na


Sila yung tipo na solid kasama Mga kadikit sa hirap at

Ginhawa kahit magkakalayo darating kaagad kapag napasama ka

Walang iwanan pag sagana

Lalo na kapag kawala na sabay sabay na

Magkakaroon hanggang maubusan ay magkakasama

(John Angelo)

Magkakapatid, magkakadugo

Kung minsan man ay nagtatalo pero sinisigurado ko walang

Magpapabaya pag may naagrabyado kaya lagi nang panatag basta

Sila sa kin na bahala

Walang dahilan para magiwanan sa isa't isa kami nagtitiwala


Sama sama tayo at walang magiiwanan

Kung may problema tayo tayo lang din

Naman ang magtutulungan di pweding may maiiwan

Lahat kasama pag may kasiyahan kaya't sama

Sama tayo na para parang magbabarkada lang


Kaya walang iwanan (walang iwanan tayo)

(John Angelo)

Kaya walang iwanan


Asahan mona magdadamayan tayo kahit ano man ang problema ng bawat isa

Babangun tayo kahit tayo pa ay

Madapa di magpapahalata ganyan lang dapat

Di magpapaawat sa pag subok may subukin

Dapat tayo ay maging handa

Sama sama tayo at walang magiiwanan

Kung may problema tayo tayo lang din naman ang magtutulungan

Di pweding may maiiwan lahat kasama pag may kasiyahan

Kaya't sama sama tayo na para parang magkabarkada lang



Flowers bloom glistened by the morning dew

The sun rises shining bright the sky so blue

In the corner she sips her morning brew

Her smile so warm she radiates a magical hue

Joy and laughter are synonymous with her

Pain and suffering she faces without fear

Beauty and charm as innate in her as nature

Gentleness, kindness and love will also nurture

Mother is mother, whether she is yours or mine,

She will try her best to make our lives fine,

It's not her education or job, making her a mother

It's her unconditional love making her so stronger

Heavy hearts lighten with her embrace

In her presence, ideas flow like the river exuding confidence

Never a dull moment her stories ever enchanting

Future comes alive her art so mesmerizing

Passion drives her, creativity seen like never before

Humility roots her, always ready to lift others to the fore

The dependable soul, the heart of gold, cures every child sore

My Mother, your unconditional love makes every day worth living even more!

Behind the Mask

-Almira R. Sibul

As my innocent eyes look in the sky,

I can't help not to cry

Mumbling these words, "What if I die?"

"What about my dreams in life?"

There are screams, hidden behind my masked smile

The happiness which faded in the dull lights

I often starved in the night,

To reimagine a better future of mine, with a little hope inside.

This pandemic is too much!

Causing chaos, so harsh!

We, youth are hostage to a virus, asking for freedom

When that time will come?

Taking a toll on our mental health

Isolation, depression felt.

What a cruel world giving us a rope

Instead of filling our minds with hope.

Reminiscing memories of laughing,

The feeling of proper schooling,

The time when distancing meant nothing,

A splendid sight worth seeing.

Wondering how to get out of the maze of doubts

Seconds, minutes, and hours had passed,

Thoughts and advocates welcomed me

So I woke up to see what they can offer to me.

We may be small and young,

But we are able to do this brave fighting dance

While keeping our social distance

Staying at home and wearing mask if we go out.

Instead of whispering complains,

Let us make a way in breaking the chains

Plan for victorious deed and for a change

To give us a chance for a full recovery and raise.

Road to recovery begins with us

Masked but not muted

Let's set certain legislations for the next generation

Rise up, raise our voice, and make the choice.

The unforgettable experiences that I encounter to make make feel funny is when I had a
funny classmates when I was elementary she sing a song but her voice is on crack, we feel like
were on the rocket ship that we are on the air. Second is I was emotional when my lolo die
because he always give me advices on my problems and he also shared their personal
experiences to make me feel better at all times . However, when something does not go as I
want, or simply does not work out well I get also emotional. There are many things I
mastered as a person but when I leave my comfortable zone I get frustrated and lose myself.
When you do things you had never done before it requires more effort and moFinally, both
help me a lot in my daily life. Thanks to what I have learned through them I can stop what I'm
doing and think better my steps. Also, it has helped me to make better decisions and work
more with my emotions. Even thought I do not like leaving my comfortable zone I understand
it's the best I can do and that is the only way to explore new things in life.


Half of me died the day when you're gone

Wasn't prepared for the word "done"

Hurts like hell, I'm incomplete.

But knowing you're at peace,

I sighed and relief.

Love, memories
Never fades.



Effects of Cyberbullying and Online Sexual Abuse on Students

The GAD webinar on the Effects of Cyberbullying and Online Sexual Abuse on Students was held
on October 25, 2021 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM and was led by Mr. John Michael E. Matibag.
Cyberbullying and online sexual assault against students occur on a daily basis in all
communication networks. Mistreatment by others has long been a part of a student's life. With
cellphones, taking compromising photographs and spreading them online is relatively simple.
Because teenage users can access the internet from anywhere, at any time, and on their own,
there are no safeguards in place. Operators of youth-oriented platforms must mitigate inherent
risks and implement protective strategies. Parents and teachers need risk information, while
young people need enough help to avoid sexual assaults.

Cyberbullying is another term for online bullying (cyber-harassment). It's getting increasingly
common, particularly among students. Cyberbullying occurs when someone, typically a teen,
bullies or harasses others on social networking sites. Posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a
victim's personal information, or insulting labels are all examples of destructive bullying
behavior. Bullying or harassment is identified by repeated action and the desire to injure.
Victims may suffer low self-esteem, suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional reactions such
as fear, frustration, rage, and melancholy. Internet trolling is a form of cyberbullying that occurs
in an online community (such as online gaming or social media) to elicit a reaction, cause
disruption, or for personal entertainment. Cyberstalking is a form of bullying or harassment in
which a victim is stalked via electronic communications; this can pose a serious threat to the
victim. The Internet can be extremely beneficial when used for education, briefings, leisure
activities, and communication with peers, colleagues, friends, and family. Working and
socializing on the Internet necessitates emotional and intellectual engagement. Embarrassing
photos and compromising films are regularly provided in all services geared towards a young
audience. Cyberbullying is uncontrollable since mobile communication is done through private
texting. Victimized youngsters have a tough time coping with the attacks. Bullying, social
mockery, and malice are not new issues. However, because of the rapid development of social
media, children and young people can now be humiliated in more ways than ever before: they
can't go home and escape from it all; they can be victimized at any time of day or night.
Cyberbullying can potentially reach a large audience.
Defamatory content can quickly travel throughout the internet community and be seen by a
huge number of people. It's nearly tough to get rid of this material. When something goes viral,
no one can stop it. Sexual assaults in chat rooms, messaging platforms, and online forums are
the most widespread type of online sexual abuse. Assaults committed in public, such as as a
remark on a video or in live stream chat room discussions, are growing increasingly regular.
Even the first images and phrases might be upsetting, and there is frequently some small talk
before the attack. Offenders generally inquire about their victims' sexual experiences or
describe their own sexual habits and aspirations; they then request that their victims engage in
sexual activities, touch themselves or others, or even perform sex acts on webcam. They
routinely include pornographic files and links in their mails. With the rapid evolution of
information technology, online sexual assault is changing. This crime is too powerful to be
stopped only by the law, because the law, in reality, does not terrify the perpetrator and only
acts after the crime has been done.A criminal justice approach will not be effective in
preventing this crime; instead, a cultural approach is necessary as an alternative. Because it
appears that cultural abilities to combat internet child sexual abuse are inconsistent, a cultural
approach is required.

In the current culture, this crime cannot be stopped or even dealt with. There has been no local
knowledge to deal with it, and it really feeds the criminality. As a result, in order to address the
crime problem, a new culture based on local cultural values is required. The goal is to
strengthen the presence of the family, promote gender justice, and improve community
leaders' technical literacy and awareness of this new criminal paradigm.

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