How To Stay Motivated in Your Business

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How to stay motivated in
your business?
Here are 5 Principles to
help you!

“Everything happens for a reason!”

“Look at the bright side?”
“Do the best you can!”

Have you ever stopped to think about these overused motivational

quotes and told yourself- “But why me?” “There’s no bright side I
can see at all”. “What if I can do better than what I am doing?”

Let me tell you, you are not alone!

Staying motivated all the time is impossible and anyone who sells
you motivation like this is a scam!

Developing a business, building a team, chasing your aspirations all

demand energy and attention to bring your A-game to your job and
life every single day. Every business experiences ups and downs. You
may have run out of ideas, lost steam or things simply aren't
working out the way you want them to. So, what can you do to get
yourself back on track? Whatever decisions you make, motivation is
crucial in turning things around. ©2022
Why should you learn and
understand 5 principles to
motivate your business?

These are universal energy and emotional mastery concepts. What if

you don't manage or master your emotions? Your emotions will
begin to govern and dominate you, and if this happens, you will no
longer be in charge of your own life. As a result, it's critical to grasp
the fundamental concepts of regulating your energy, motivation,
and emotions in order to get the most out of your life.

How can you use motivation practically in life and not just through
quotes? ©2022
What if you don’t get a
high performance team?

If you have a team that is not devoted or competent, you will

become engaged in taking care of things that your team is expected
to take care of, and you will become entangled in day-to-day
operations, never being able to focus on the company's
development and expansion.

Then what should you do to make sure you are building a high
performance team? ©2022
5 foundational principles to
manage your energy to
keep it High!

01 Principles of Regulation

02 Principle of Focus

03 Principle of Environment

04 Principle of the divine

05 Principle of Acceptance ©2022
Principles of Regulation

Most people believe that regulating your emotions and energy

entails repressing unpleasant feelings, covering up or ignoring
negative emotions. You cannot repress your bad feelings with
poisonous optimism, and you cannot pretend to be joyful, serene, or
highly driven since that's simply acting. It's not your truth and it's
not real, therefore instead of focusing on emotional repression, it's
necessary to ingest the notion of control.

It's alright to not be okay, and your role with your energy and
emotions is to regulate them rather than cover them up or smother
them with poisonous positivity.

How do you regulate your emotions?

You manage your emotions first by embracing and being honest

with yourself, and then by dealing with and mending your feelings
via dialogues and counselling.

To be genuine to your emotions and manage them so that you may

take your energy and emotions to a whole new level, the concept of
regulation is an absolutely important principle. ©2022
Principle of Focus

There's an ancient adage that goes, "What you focus on, you feel."
So, the key is to understand where you are investing your focus,
what you are seeing, what you are sharing, what you are consuming,
what you are speaking, and when you start managing this, you start
managing what you are experiencing, and when you are
experiencing what you want to experience, you can experience the
emotions you want to experience and you can manage the
motivation and energy you want to have.

Simple Funda to focus

Consider how much energy you absorb when you watch the news,
or when you watch too dramatic reality television, or when you
watch overly unneeded soap serial dramas, or simply when you
engage in nasty gossip chats. You can't say you have this invisible
protective barrier that prevents you from being impacted by all this
foolishness and negativity because, well, you're human, and if you
ingest it, it will become a part of you.

As a result, it's critical to be aware of where you're directing your

attention and to avoid wasting it on unneeded poisonous
interactions and information. ©2022
Principle of Environment

Who is in your surroundings? Who is around you? Who are the

people you spend most of your time with? - this influences the
quality of your emotions, the quality of your energy, the quality of
your motivation, and when it comes to having people around you.

Quality or Quantity, who should you keep in your life?

Less really is more. It is not a matter of having more people in your

life. When it comes to individuals, less is more; it's about having
people who matter. It's about having individuals who care about you
and who create for you.

Your life should be invested in individuals who fit into one of three
categories: those who matter, those who care, and those who
generate something great as a result of their presence on this earth.
Everyone else in your life should be cut out because, at the end of
the day, you want your energy to be directed in the proper place.
You don't want energy drainers in your life, dream stealers in your
life, cynical negative individuals in your life. You want to pick who
you surround yourself with, and when you do, it becomes your
simplest and easiest approach to regulating your energy and
motivation. ©2022
Principle of the Divine

Well, as humans, we all have an illusion of control. We feel that life

should operate the way we want it to happen, and when it doesn't,
we get emotionally devastated and our energy levels plummet.

How is the principle of Divine helpful for you?

There is nothing lacking. Everything is great, everything is just as it

should be. It is our illusion of control that causes us to feel feelings
we don't want to feel when we watch things occurring that we don't
want to happen. Remember that everything is perfect and nothing is

So, if you are going through an experience that your senses aren't
appreciating, remember that God's will may not take you where
God's grace cannot reach you. ©2022
Principle of Acceptance

As a person, you should recognise that you are a human, not a

computer or a robot, and you should embrace all emotions without
judgement. Most individuals struggle with regulating their energy
and motivation because they want themselves to be high energy
and high motivation all the time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

That is not possible; it is factually impractical. The key is to accept

that you are human, and as a human, you must honour those
emotions rather than repressing them with toxic positivity, and you
must not judge them as good or bad emotions, right or wrong
emotions; that judgement kills us more than the emotion itself.

Why is the principle of acceptance important?

The acceptance principle is a key concept for freeing yourself from

any judgement of any feeling and allowing you to welcome the
emotions. The more you embrace and accept, the simpler it is for
you to control and transition those emotions and bounce back with
greater energy and motivation. ©2022
So, these are the five guidelines you should follow in order to control
your energy and drive. The Principle of -
Divine, and

You may begin to play and have fun with these five rules without
taking your life too seriously since, when you think about it,
everyone is only a little speck of dust in this vast world, in this
massive galaxy, in this massive Milky Way. So we have no right to
take our lives so seriously that we lose energy and motivation.

©2022 ©2022

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