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Product management

Product management is the art of taking strategic objectives and turning them
into tactical activities.  Disciplined agile product management is performed in a
collaborative and evolutionary manner that reflects the context of your
organization. Disciplined agile product management includes the acts of:

 Identifying and prioritizing potential products/solutions to support your

organization's vision;
 Identifying, prioritizing, and allocating features to products under
 Managing functional dependencies between products;
 Marketing those products to their potential customers;
 Exploring the needs of existing and potential customers;
 Identifying minimum business increments (MBIs) for delivery teams to work

Program management

A program is a large team composed of two or more sub-teams (also called

squads). The purpose of program management is to coordinate the efforts of
the sub-teams to ensure they work together effectively towards the common
goals of the overall endeavor. Program management encompasses financial
activities, vendor management, coordination of people/staffiing concerns,
coordination of the evolution of the solution, and coordination of requirements
management issues across the sub-teams within the program.

Research & development

Research & development (R&D) encompasses the innovative activities

undertaken by your organization to identify potential new offerings (services or
products), or to identify potential improvements to existing offerings. R&D
constitutes the first stage of development of a potential new offering.  R&D
activities are an important part of both product management and solution
development to help explore potential ideas and strategies.

The aim of your sales efforts is to, you guessed it, sell your organization’s
offerings (both products and services) to customers. Your sales people, if any,
will work very closely with your marketing team to ensure they are focused on
selling offerings that reflect your organizations’ overall strategy. They will also
work closely with product management to ensure that what they’re selling is
available or can be built in a timely manner. Organizationally Sales is often
combined with marketing or may even be matrixed into business operations.

Part 5. Best Practices in Translating Great Strategy into

Great Performance

Companies typically realize only about 60% of their strategies’ potential value
because of defects and breakdowns in planning and execution (Kendall &
Rollins, 2003). Application of the following seven best practices will help the
executive leadership team maximize the returns on their portfolio investments.
1: Keep it simple, make it concrete.
Strategy is a highly abstract concept at most companies. Strategy is often
confused with vision or aspiration. Strategy is not something that can be easily
communicated or translated into action. But without a clear sense of where
the company is headed and why, lower levels in the organization cannot put in
place executable plans. In short, the link between strategy and performance
can't be drawn because the strategy itself is not sufficiently concrete. The AIM
process described earlier in this paper provides a framework to help the
Initiative teams translate strategic initiatives into concrete, actionable
projects. To start off the planning and execution process on the right track,
high-performing companies avoid long, drawn-out descriptions of lofty goals
and instead stick to clear language describing their course of action. By being
clear about what the strategy is and isn't keeps the enterprise headed in the
same direction. Resource and action planning becomes more effective; and
accountabilities are easier to specify.
2: Debate assumptions, not forecasts
High-performing companies want their forecasts to drive the work they
actually do. To make this possible, they have to ensure that the assumptions
underlying their long-term plans reflect both the real economics of their
markets and the performance experience of the company relative to
competitors. Separating the process of building assumptions from that of
preparing financial projections helps to ground the business unit–corporate
center dialogue in economic reality. The Opportunity Profile Workbook, an
integral part of the AIM process, provides a framework to help each Initiative
Team quantify their assumptions. Fact-based discussion resulting from this
kind of approach builds trust between the top team and each unit and
removes barriers to fast and effective exec
The AIM cycle process as described in this paper was developed by the Mesa
Research Group, LLC.

Exhibit 13. The closed-loop Strategic Portfolio Management process.

Exhibit 12 depicts a typical nine-month implementation schedule. The AIM process can
be implemented relatively quickly, however implementation of the resulting inititiaves
can span a number of years. This can be accomplished concurrently with
implementation of an EPM system, if one is not already in place.
The Strategic Portfolio Management process is a closed loop system that links
enterprise strategy investments to project results and provides performance metrics
feedback on strategic outcomes to the executive leadership team. (Exhibit 13).

Exhibit 14. Initiatives to achieve a preferred future state.

Exhibit 15. Initiative Articulation Diagram.

Strategic Portfolio Management

A smart, realistic and relatively fast way to gain
sustainable competitive advantage
CONFERENCE PAPER Portfolio Management 2 March 2005
Garfein, Stephen J.
How to cite this article:
Garfein, S. J. (2005). Strategic Portfolio Management: A smart, realistic and relatively fast way
to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress
2005—Asia Pacific, Singapore. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
Stephen J. Garfein
President, RPM Systems Corporation


Project Management helps ensure that projects are done right. Strategic
Portfolio Management determines the very future of the enterprise; its
competitiveness, and ultimately, its survival. Think of strategic successes such
as Microsoft, Costco, and Starbucks and strategic failures such as TWA,
Digital Equipment, and WordPerfect. Each had a strategic portfolio. Each
made strategic decisions on what to place in their portfolios and how to
execute. Some have thrived. Some have not survived. This paper provides a
framework for developing and maintaining an enterprise-wide Strategic
Portfolio Management capability.
This paper defines and champions Strategic Portfolio Management which the
author believes is the natural, evolutionary next step made possible by the
foundational enterprise project management (EPM) tools and process
currently being implemented in many organizations.

Strategic Portfolio Management Defined

Strategic Portfolio Management is a closed-loop process encompassing all

enterprise investments. To illustrate, a company's portfolio options might
includAnswer: B
The project team develop the project plan, which includes risk
identification and planning. The team may seek the assistance of senior
management and the results are approved by senior management but the
development remains the project’s responsibility. Similarly, only some of
the project constraints will come from or be controlled by management.
The project team is responsible for identifying and documenting all
Minimising unnecessary changes to the project objectives is the exclusive
responsibility of 'senior management', which includes the sponsor . They
develop and sign off on the business case and project charter, which
establishes the objectives of the project is the responsibility of senior
management (portfolio management, sponsor, etc).
Question 4:
The "halo effect" (or the effect of the "Peter Principle") refers to the
tendency to:
A. Move people into project management because they have project
management qualifications.
B. Move people into project management because they are good in their
technical field.
C. Hire people from leading educational institutions because they are seen
to the best.
D. Promote from within.
Answer: B
These terms refer to an assumption often made during staff acquisition
that demonstrated competence in one area will automatically flow through
to competence in other unrelated areas, however, a person who is good in
technical role may not be good at a management role.
For example: "You are our best business analyst; therfore you will be a
great Project Manager!". These effects seem to be innate biases that can
affect decision making.
Peter Principle - in a bureaucracy people are promoted to their level of incompetence.
e funding internally generated ideas, buying other companies, returning cash
to stockholders as dividends, modernizing facilities, implementing a major IT
system, increasing employee compensation, and paying down debt. Deciding
which of the options to invest in is a core responsibility of company's executive
leadership team. This paper presents a process for making those investment
decisions and then translating the resulting strategic portfolio into great
Part 1. Presents three brief case studies illustrating various aspects of
Strategic Portfolio Management.
Part 2. Describes the AIM Process for developing and managing a strategic
Part 3. Outlines the project management prerequisites for Strategic
Portfolio Management.
Part 4. Discusses the importance of the leadership factor in Strategic
Portfolio Management implementation.
Part 5. Offers seven best practices for translating great strategy into great
Strategic Portfolio Management can be a vehicle for transformation and
breakthrough. Bill Davidson writes in his book Breakthrough, “Think of
breakthrough as enterprise-scale innovation—significant enough to shape an
emerging enterprise or to reform the core of an existing organization”(2004, p.
4). Breakthroughs typically result from large-scale, long-term initiatives that
use advanced technologies and radical process innovations to achieve leaps
in operating performance, financial results, and market position as outlined in
the following Apache, Yellow Roadway, and Boeing examples.
Enterprise project management (EPM) capability is an essential component of
Strategic Portfolio Management. Exhibit 1 depicts the author's view of the
emerging role of Strategic Portfolio Management that it is built on the
foundation of enterprise project management. Exhibit 2 lists currently available
EPM solutions. There are numerous enterprise project management solutions
available today. All require significant tailoring and staff training to be
successful. However, once an enterprise makes the investment and masters
the EPM toolset, it is ready to use it strategically, as described in the paper.
The Strategic Portfolio Management process is software independent and can
be implemented with any of the solutions listed.


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