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STEM 306

ELECTRIC CURRENT current is referred to as conventional like Manila Electric Company

➔ Simply current, it is the amount of current. (Meralco). Alternating current is
charge passing through any point in a ELECTRON CURRENT used in most household appliances.
conductor per unit time. In symbols, I ➔ When an electron was discovered, it
= q/t (where q is the charge in became clear that the current in a
➔ Simply resistance is the opposition
coulombs and t is the time in seconds. metallic conductor is actually a flow of
of a material to the flow of electric
➔ The unit of current is coulomb/second. electrons from the negative terminal to
This combination of units is called the positive terminal. This is called
➔ Provided in a circuit by resistors.
ampere (A). Hence, 1A=1C/s. electron current.
➔ They resist the flow of current.
➔ It represents the flow of electrons. It DIRECT CURRENT
➔ Resistance is also defined as the
tells you the rate at which electrons ➔ The current that travels in one
ratio of voltage to the resulting
are flowing. direction (at all times) is called
current. In symbols, R=V/I. (R is
direct current.
resistance in ohms, V is voltage in
➔ It is supplied by cells or batteries
volt, and I is current in amperes)
and is commonly used in
➔ This equation is known as Ohm’s
flashlights, calculators,
Law, investigated the relationship
automobiles, and cell phones.
between current, resistance, and
➔ The current that changes
➔ The SI unit of resistance is the
➔ Electric current was defined as the
directions at a regular interval
ohm, named after Georg Simon
flow of positive charges from the
(normally 60 times in one second)
Ohm. (denoted by the symbol
positive terminal to the negative
is called alternating current.
terminal of a source of voltage. This
➔ Produced by AC generators and
distributed by electric companies

STEM 306

➔ Most electrical connections make use ➔ The standard symbol for a cell from the battery and as a result, the
of devices called resistors to regulate terminal voltage decreased.
the amount of current passing through ➔ As we increased the internal
a conductor. resistance, the terminal voltage
decreased significantly.
ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL ➔ An Electromotive Force (EMF)
DIFFERENCE increases the electric potential of the
➔ Is the difference in electrical potential charges. It does work on a charge so it
➔ The rate at which it consumes
energy per unit charge between two increases their electrical potential
electrical energy.
points. energy, whereas a resistor which
➔ Electrical power is obtained by
➔ The unit of potential difference is volt consumes energy, it decreases the
multiplying the voltage by the
(V). (1 volt = 1 J/ 1 C) electric potential energy.
➔ A potential difference must be ➔ If the current flows from a high
➔ In symbols, P=VI (V is voltage in
supplied to get an electric current potential to a low potential, the
volts, I is current in amperes, and P
flowing along a wire. charges are losing energy.
is power in watts)
➔ Some common sources of potential ➔ If the current flows from a low
➔ Power may also be expressed in
difference are electric batteries, solar potential to a high potential, the
terms of resistance.
cells, fuel cells, and generators. charges are gaining energy. The source
➔ Whenever you pay your electric
is transferring its energy to the charge.
bills, you pay for the electrical
➔ As we decrease the load resistor, this
energy consumption and not the
caused more current to be drawn away

STEM 306

➔ Electrical Energy Consumption is ➔ Resistance and Current: Inversely ➔ A series circuit is a circuit that
determined by multiplying the power Proportional. If the voltage increases, contains more than one electrical
rating of an appliance by the length of the current decreases. component connected one after the
time, which the appliance is switched ➔ Voltage and Resistance: They are other in a single path.
on. (electrical energy consumption = directly proportional to each other,
Pt) however, they do not have an influence
➔ SI unit is Joule. (1 joule is equal to 1 on each other. If one property
watt-second). increases, the other property stays the
➔ In electric bills, the energy same value.
consumption is given in kilowatt-hour. ➔ In a series circuit, the current
COMBINATION OF RESISTORS flows in a single path and is the
➔ An electric circuit is a group of
REMEMBER! same in all parts of the circuit.
electrical components that are
➔ As the voltage across a resistor is ➔ If the circuit is broken at any point,
connected together to form a complete
increased, what happens to the no current will flow.
path for current.
resistance of the resistor? The PARALLEL CIRCUITS
➔ A circuit where current flows in one
resistance of the resistor stays the ➔ A parallel circuit is a circuit in
direction is called direct current (DC).
same as it is not manipulated in any which two or more electrical
➔ In a DC circuit, it is the battery or the
way. While the current of the resistor components are connected across
DC generator that supplies the voltage.
will increase because the voltage is each other in such a way that the
directly proportional to the current current is distributed between
➔ The components of a circuit may be
applied to it.
connected in series, parallel, or a
➔ Voltage and Current: Directly
combination of series and parallel.
Proportional. If the voltage increases,
the current also increases. SERIES CIRCUIT

STEM 306

them. ➔ The resistance of this resistor is combination of both series and

called the equivalent resistance parallel.
Rtotal of the combination. ➔ The equivalent resistance of such a
➔ Ohm’s Law may be used to combination of resistors can be
determine the equivalent found by combining the resistors
resistance for the series and part by part until it ends up with
➔ In a parallel circuit, each component
parallel combinations of resistors. only a series or a parallel
operates independently of the others.
Hence, even if a component fails, the
➔ The resistance of a conductor
current still flows through the others.
increases as it temperature
➔ Circuit diagrams may be used to
increases. This is because
analyze the voltage, current, and power
temperature is a measure of the
dissipation through each component
vibration of the atoms within the
of a circuit.
➔ As the atoms vibrate more, so the
➔ Are almost always part of a DC circuit.
(refer to the lp) electrons collide more often
They may be connected in series,
➔ As more resistors are added in making it more difficult for the
parallel, or a combination of both
series, the equivalent resistance electrons to flow and so increasing
series and parallel.
increases. the resistance.
➔ For any combination of resistors, there
➔ Connecting additional resistors in
is always a single equivalent resistor
parallel decreases the equivalent
that can replace the combination
without altering the total current and
➔ Resistors are not only connected in
potential difference.
series or in parallel, but also in a

STEM 306

3. A 12V battery is connected to a resistance of 75 ohms. Using an

light bulb and draws 150mA of ammeter, the current flowing in
current. (a) What is the electrical the circuit was measured to e 120
resistance of the light bulb? (b) mA. What is the voltage of the
How much power does it consume? battery?
(c) How much will it cost to operate 8. A hair dryer pulls a current of 0.8A
this bulb for a month if the cost of from a 12V power source. What is the
electricity is $0.11 per KWh? internal resistance of the hair dryer?
4. A motor uses 50W of power and 9. If 3.0 C of charge move through a 12V
draws a current of 400 mA. (a) potential difference, what is the charge
PROBLEM-SOLVING ITEMS What is the voltage across the in electric potential energy?
1. A current of 3.8A flows in a wire motor? (b) What is the internal
for 12 minutes. (a) How much resistance of the motor?
charge passes through any point in 5. 12.5 Coulombs of charge flow
this circuit during this time? (b) through a 5 kilo-ohm resistor in 8
How many electrons would this minutes. (a) What is the electric
represent? current that flows through the 10. Consider
2. A 9V battery is connected across a resistor? (b) How much power is the circuit shown. (a) Calculate the
250-ohm resistor. (a) How much consumed by the resistor? equivalents resistance of the circuit. (b)
current passes through the 6. A 12V battery is connected across a Calculate the current flowing through
resistor? (b) How much power is 4 oh, resistor. How much current each resistor. (c) Calculate the voltage
dissipated by the resistor? (c) How will flow in the circuit? across each resistor. (d) Determine the
much power is delivered by the 7. A battery is connected across a power absorbed by each resistor. (e)
battery? light bulb with an internal

STEM 306

Calculate the power delivered by the 14. Three resistors with values of 60 Ω,
battery. 30 Ω , and 20 Ω respectively, are
11. An electrician experienced a mild connected in parallel to a 110 V
shock when he accidentally battery of negligible internal
touched a wire carrying 5.0 mA for resistance. Draw a circuit diagram 16. Determine
approximately 1.0 s. How many and find the (a) equiv- alent the following quantities for each of the
electrons constitute the given resistance of the combined two circuits: (a) equivalent resistance
current? resistors, (b) current flowing (b) current from the power supply (c)

12. A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) current from each resistor) (d) voltage
through each resistor, (c) volt- age
uses less energy than its equivalent drop across each resistor (e) power
drop across each resistor, and (d)
dissipated in each resistor.
incandescent bulb. How much will the power dissipated by each
17. A kitchen in North America has three
a person save if he/she uses a 20 W resistor.
appliances connected to a 120 V circuit
CFL instead of a 100 W 15. Find the equivalent resistance of the
with a 15 A circuit breaker: an 850 W
incandescent lamp for 6 h in 30 combination of resistors shown.
coffee maker, a 1200 W microwave
days? Electricity is priced at P oven, and a 900 W toaster.
8.17/kW.h. a. Draw a schematic diagram of this
13. Four resistors when connected in circuit.
series give an equivalent resistance b. Which of these appliances can be
of 75 Ω.Three of the resistors have operated simultaneously without

values of 18 Ω, 6 Ω, and 24 Ω tripping the circuit breaker?

respectively. What is the resistance 18. The diagram below shows a circuit
with one battery and 10 resistors; 5 on
of the fourth resistor?
the left and 5 on the right. Determine…

STEM 306

a. the current through

b. the voltage drop across
c. the power dissipated by each resistor

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