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Exhaust fumes cause global warming
Cause  effect (neutral) Effect -> cause
Cause Be caused by
Result in Result from/stem from
Lead to
Have an effect/influence on
Give rise to
Bring about Be brought out by
Create Be created by
Produce Be produced by
Contribute to Be triggered by
Be a factor contributing to Can be attributed to = is attributable
Be a contributing factor to to…

Causative verbs
Positive Negative
Boost Harm / damage / impair
Enhance Destroy
Augment Be harmful for
Improve Be detrimental for
Help / assist in
Mitigate / alleviate / ameliorate (a
negative issue)

Cause  effect Effect -> cause
Cause  effect Effect -> cause
The amount of rubbish in our world is increasing at a rapid rate. Why is
this happening? What can be done to reduce it?

40 minutes
5 minutes planning – 5 minutes introduction – 10 minutes body 1 -10 minutes
body 2 – 5 minutes conclusion – 5 minutes checking work.
 Your essay needs to be complete. If you’re writing body 2 and running
out of time, just finish the sentence and write the conclusion (1 sentence
conclusion is fine).
The amount of rubbish in our world is increasing at a rapid rate.
Paraphrase = to express the same idea in different structures and words.
Grammatical paraphrasing Lexical paraphrasing
1. Change the voice of the verb: 1. Synonyms:
Smoking can cause a lot of health Smoking = smoking
issues cigarettes/cigarette smoking
A multitude of health issues can be Rubbish = Garbage = Waste
caused by smoking. Increase = rise / grow / go up
2. Change the part of speech
(V<>N…) 2. NEGATIVE + Antonyms:
Smoking (v-ing) Harmful = not healthy
 It is harmful to smoke in terms
of health
Rapid -> rapidly

The amount of rubbish in our world is increasing at a rapid rate.

Step 1: Lexical paraphrasing
Amount = quantity = volume
Rubbish = garbage = waste
In our world = all over the world = in the world = on our planet.
Increase = rise = go up = climb
Rapid = quick / exponential (tăng theo cấp số nhân).
 The volume of garbage on our planet is rising rapidly.
Step 2: Grammatical paraphrasing:
The volume of garbage on our planet is rising rapidly.
There is an expontential rise IN the volume of garbage on our planet.

The amount of rubbish in our world is increasing at a rapid rate.
Causes + solutions
Causes Solutions
- Industrialization + - Governments:
globalization + Encourage manufacturers to use
+ goods are encased/wrapped in environmentally-friendly
plastic -> cannot recycle packaging.
+ many products travel a long + Increase taxation on imported
distance to reach consumers products (increase tariffs) /
provide incentives to consume
local products

- The public’s attitude - Governments, society, and

consume more (materialism): families should join hands to
unnecessary/frivolous purchases increase/raise people’s
 Not in the habit of recycling awareness… (A feasible
used products solution is for governments to
organize awareness-raising
campaigns to warn people
about the negative impacts

1. Paraphrase the topic:
- There is an expontential rise in the volume of garbage on our planet.
 The exponential increase in garbage has been a issue of great concern.
Common sentence structures to start the introduction:
NP Has become An increasingly serious problem.
Clause An important part of our daily lives.
A growing concern for many people.
It is a common sight to see + NP: It is a common sight to see huge piles of
garbage these days around the world.
One of the major problems facing the modern world is the issue of NP/is that…
The issue of N is one which needs to be examined carefully.

2. Thesis statement:
Two ways to write a thesis statement:
2.1. Indicate your plan: This essay will endeavor to examine the reasons
why this (negative) situation has arisen and to pinpoint possible
approaches of addressing it.
2.2. Explain why the issue is important: It is imperative to come to an in-
depth understanding of this (negative adjective)
disgraceful/distressing/disturbing/deplorable situation in order to
suggest some sound solutions to address | ameliorate | mitigate |
alleviate it.


- Industrialization + globalization
+ goods are encased/wrapped in plastic -> cannot recycle
+ many products travel a long distance to reach consumers
- The public’s attitude
consume more (materialism): unnecessary/frivolous purchases
 Not in the habit of recycling used products

First sentence: A primary reason for (the issue) relates to… Example: A primary
reason for the increasing amount of garbage relates to industrialization and
Second + third sentences: Indeed, in this day and age, …, thereby V-ing e.g.
thereby increasing the amount of plastic wrapping.
Forth sentence: Another key element is … e.g., the public’s attitude. It is
apparent that …, which results in/leads to/gives rise to…
Firth sentence (+ sixth): An excellent/outstanding illustration of this is…
An outstanding case in point…

- Governments:
+ Encourage manufacturers to use environmentally-friendly packaging.
+ Increase taxation on imported products (increase tariffs) / provide
incentives to consume local products
- Governments, society, and families should join hands to increase/raise
people’s awareness… (A feasible solution is for governments to organize
awareness-raising campaigns to warn people about the negative impacts
First solution: One of the most feasible | practical | practicable | viable |
achievable solutions to tackle (the issue) is for (people who do it) to… This
can/could/might/is likely to + V (positive). This can be illustrated
by/exemplified by…
Second solution: Concerning the issue of …, it is vital | imperative | central that
governments should organize awareness-raising compaigns to warn people
about… | incentivize people to …, which can…

In conclusion, the issue of (issue) is largely attributable to (cause 1) and (cause
2). It is within the power of governments and individuals to act so that this issue
will not continue worsening.
- To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- Is this a positive or negative development?
- Discuss both views and give your opinion.
- Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Type 1: Agree or disagree – TO WHAT EXTENT?

Choose one of the five viewpoints:
- Completely agree
- Generall agree (agree with it for the most part but still have some
- 50/50 Agree with it certain situations but disagree with it in others.
- Generally disagree
- Completely disagree.
Introduction: ... has been an issue of great concern these days. (Paraphrase the
topic). I completely agree/disagree with this opinion, and the primary reasons
for my view will be discussed in this essay.
Body paragraph 1: The most compelling reason for my stance is that… This is
because…, which leads to/results in/brings about… An excellent illustration of
this is…
Body paragraph 2: Another major reason for my position is that… If …, … This
can be exemplied by…
Inconclusion, I totally agree/disagree with the opinion that … This is due to
(reason 1) and (reason 2). [express hopes, wishes, predictions or fears about the
future] Given this situation, it is hoped | recommended | predicted | forecase that
(governments around the world should think about…)
Type 2: Positive/negative development
- Completely positive
- Generally positive
- Positive in some and negative in others
- Generally negative
- Completely negative
Type 3: Discuss both views and give your opinion:
(General statement). While some contend that (opinion 1), others hold the belief
that (opinion 2). This essay will discuss both perspectives and argue that
(opinion that you agree with) | and argue that the former | latter opinion is more
Body 1 (Starting with the opinion you do not agree with): there are certain
reasons to assume that (Opinion that you do not support). It has to be admitted
that… An excellent illustration of this is that…
Body 2 (Opinion that you agree with): However, I am convinced that there are
more compelling reasons to believe that (Opinion that you support). Indeed, …
This can be exemplified by…+ Reason 2.
Conclusion: In conclusion, while it can be argued that (opinion you don’t
support), I strongly believe that (opinion you support), because (reason 1)
[+reason 2]. Given this situation |Taking everything into consideration, …


… Thesis statement: I strongly believe that the benefits of this trend |
phenomenon | development are much more significant than its drawbacks (or
the other way round).
Body 1: Start with the side you do not support – There are certain drawbacks
TO … A major disadvantage… However, these drawbacks can be addressed
Body 2: On the other hand, I am convinced that the advantages of this dwarf its
shortcomings. A primary advantage is that…
Conclusion: In conclusion, I believe that this trend | phenomenon | development
is more advantageous than it is disadvantageous because (Reasons why you
think it is good). Given this situation, it is hoped|predicted that…
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of …

- Problem and solution
- Cause and effect
- Cause and solution

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