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• Q1. Explain how is soil formed ?
• Ans : Soil is formed through the process of
weathering .
Weathering is a process of physical
breakdown and chemical decomposition of
rocks and minerals near the surface of the
earth , as a result of these process , large rock
pieces are converted into smaller pieces and
then to the soil.

Q2. What is soil fertility ? How can we improve soil

fertility ?
Ans:- The capacity of soil to provide nutrients in
adequate amount f0r the growth of plants is
called soil fertility .
Q3. How is humus formed ?
Ans:- The dead remains of plants and animals in
the soil , it decompose by the microbes present in
the soil , this decayed matter is called humus .
Q4. Explain the different types of soil ?
• Ans :- Soil are classified into different types on the
basis of proportion of particles of various sizes . They
• Sandy soil : If soil contains greater proportion of big
particles it is called sandy soil .
• Clayey soil : If soil contains greater proportion of fine
particles it is called clayey soil .
• Loamy soil : If soil contains same amount of large and
fine particles it is called laomy soil
• Silt : It occurs as a deposit in river beds . The size of
the soil particles is between those of sand and clay.
Answer the following
• Q5. Razia conducted an experiment in the
field related to the rate of percolation. She
observed that it took 40 min for 200ml of
water to percolate through the soil sample .
Calculate the rate of percolation .
• Ans : Amount of water = 200 ml
Time taken = 40 min
Rate of percolation [ml/min/]=
Amount of water
200 ml Time taken1
= 5 ml/min
40 min
• Q6. Define the following
o Soil profile : A vertical section of soil from the
ground surface to the parent rock , that shows
the different layers of soil or the horizon is
called soil profile .
o Soil erosion : The removal of soil by running
water and wind is called soil erosion .
Q7. Draw the structure of soil profile .

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