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Ma. Victoria C.

Atty. Charles Kevin Absalon


HAGONOY”: A legal and social analysis on the flood phenomenon on Hagonoy, Bulacan
The environment is the fountain of life. It is made up of all life forms and our surroundings.
It determines our growth and development and directs it. We, Human beings depend on the
environment that surrounds us. A balanced natural cycle must be existed between the
environment and all living creatures. Also, this said role and aspect is the usual field that our
society, especially our government is being underprioritize and being unfulfilled. Humankind
plays a crucial role in the degeneration of the natural environment that affects lives on this
planet, thus us, humans had also neglect how to regenerate and take care for our environment, for
the next generation. One of these undermined situations is the tremendous flooding of the planet.
According to Jha et al. (2012) maintained that the risk to urban flooding is a growing challenge
worldwide and is causing devastation, economic damages, as well as claiming human lives.
Flooding can be a consequence of combination of 68 meteorological and hydrological extremes
exacerbated by human activities. From 1900 to 2010, approximately 3,686 flooding events
occurred worldwide. It also affects particularly the dwellers living close to the flood plains and
coasts which also provides the various types and causes of floods.
This exact statement of Jha et. Al, can be materialize on the situation of Hagonoy, being
bunked in water for several years already. Hagonoy is a 1st class municipality in the province of
Bulacan. According to the recent 2020 census, it has a population of 133,448 people and
counting. It is also a coastal town that is flood-prone as a result of heavy typhoon and monsoon
rains, as well as high tides from Manila Bay. It also experiences back-flooding from the
neighboring provinces of Pampanga and Nueva Ecija through the Pampanga River System, as
flood waters flush through Manila Bay. The field sites for this municipality are bounded by
riverbeds that also make them highly susceptible to flooding. As a result of varying levels of
exposure and vulnerability, disaster risks differ among provinces in the Philippines, Hagonoy is
one of the municipalities in the country where 20 per cent of the total land area is susceptible to
flooding. Schmuck (2012) argued that flooding is a part and parcel of the hydrological cycle and
the life of rivers. It is further exacerbated by actions such as deforestations or interference with
the river channel. Thus, concluded that the flooding is a result of the massive deforestation of the
Sierra Madre mountain range as well as the forest area of Angat. On the disposition of the
citizens, the primary cause that contribute to this continuous water flooding of their municipality
are the clogged and skinny drainages due to undisciplined and unorganized solid waste
management, various road widening and elevation, and lack of dredging activities to depth their
rivers and water bodies.
But in reality, these certain factors are all just an underlying statement, compared to the real
reason that most of us people are not aware of. Fernando P. Siringan, Doctor of Philosophy at the
University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute castigate that the reasons on why Hagonoy
has been a waterloo of flood in the recent period of times are due to certain scientific, and
interpersonal reasons. First of this is the type of rain, its quantity and how long this rain will last
for a period of time. Because if the rain is torrent, there’s a possibility that the water will just be
collate and add up, instead of them to cease. This can be associate if the ways of water
(drainages) within the municipality are being clogged by solid waste and garbage. Third, is the
illegal settling of houses at the shore and water areas, causing the water system to be thinner and
tighter, effecting the rain water to be mixed up with the high tide. The Geographical setting of
the municipality should be taken into consideration, since the area is a Low-lying, tectonic
setting, the land where the municipality is being built, it can get to be thinner and softer
throughout the time. Excessive ground water extraction also cause the land to be thin. Fasten the
compaction of the sediments, since the water beneath the land has already droughting.
Unresponsible waste management also cause rivers and other water bodies to be thinner and be
clogged. It can also transform the structure of the water bodies and fasten the running of water
as well.
Since Hagonoy is located at the Southern-West portion of Bulacan, Hagonoy is also
connected with other large bodies of water like Manila Bay, Pampanga Delta river and Labangan
channel. Since the municipality has been at the heart of this water chain, the water from the
nearby steep and elevated provinces, will go down from these systems, and will be compacted
with the area of Hagonoy. Since these waters are mostly coming above the mountains, and these
mountains are already shaved due to illegal quarrying, mining and logging, the amount of the
water that the mountains can absorb are being reduced, making the remaining waters to flow
faster with mud, resulting to flooded communities and congest riverbanks, through the form of
backlogging. Also, the capacity of the Hagonoy river is quite limited to accommodate the huge
cubic meters of water coming from its nearby connected bodies of waters, repelling this water to
come back and forth from the river to the flood the community areas and vice-versa. These also
causes siltation and encroachment of the water causing the water ways to be thinner and least-
welcome to catch all of the water and rainfalls that will come. Lastly, the planet’s continuous
Global warming can cause Thermal expansion that causes the lands to break and be soft, the
Polar Caps and glaciers to melt and creates typhoons that makes High Oceans plus Low Land to
produce submerged areas like Hagonoy itself.
With these multiple issues raises in this context, there’s also many ways for us to combat and
handle this flood problem no only in Hagonoy, but in our country, gracefully and scientifically.
The solutions are already served in the table, the discussion herein is that what are the utensils
and tools we can use to further and strengthen these solutions. Simply, Collaboration of the
Government and the Citizens, in implementing and obeying the rules and regulations under the
laws. The government, under the Philippine laws, have implemented rules to further control the
situation by the means of R.A 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 200) that
strengthening the proper solid waste management. Presedential Decree No. 1067 (Water Act of
the Philippines), which apprehending people who will construct homes and structures at the
water bodies, illegally. Republic Act No. 7942. (which penalize those miners who illegally
practice quarrying, mining and logging that makes our mountains to be bald and destroyed.)
lastly, the Presidential Decree No. 1152 (Environmental Code of 1977), which reminding us the
proper utilization, usage and stewardship for our environment and our natural resources as well.
On our part as a citizen, we shouldn’t simply read or familiarize ourselves with these laws
just to avoid being penalize, but let us welcome it and take it with all of our heart and mind, to
follow and maintain these safeguards, by obeying and making it, our lifestyle. Because a strong
law is not effective, unless it is shared by two. A solution will not apply, if both actors will not
go hand in hand.
Citing the case of Oposa Vs. Factoran, We have this intergenerational responsibility and
justice to maintain a clean environment, meaning each generation has a responsibility to the next
to preserve that environment, and children may sue to enforce that right on behalf of both their
generation and future generations. The Philippine Constitution also requires the government to
“protect and promote the health of the people and instill health consciousness among them, under
the Section 15, Article II of the 1987 constitution. This means that let’s us protect and flourish
the environment, not just for ourselves, but for the equal access of the society’s next generation
as well. Because taking care of our environment is our due to the pay that we enjoy from our
environment, thus it must be shared by all, and bring it back to our community. Lastly, let’s stop
the blaming game. Let’s stop speaking and walk our thoughts to talk. Because at the end of the
day, we are all citizens of our planet, and we benefit from it, individually and generally. Each of
us, regardless of being institutionalize, being individual, being private citizen or public servant,
have our respective role in our planet. We have our own contribution to make things work for all
of us. So that, the future generations ahead of us, can also be able to experience and treasure all
of the wonders of the planet that we are taking benefit of. It's the time to take actions and talk
less because each action could either kill or save nature. As long as we still have the chance, let’s
prove ourselves, and practice prevent and protect rather than repent and repair. Because at the
end of the day, this is our one and only home.

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