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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the interactions between Science Technology and
society throughout history;
2. Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect
society and the environment; and
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history
✓Science and technology indeed play
major roles in the everyday life
✓they make difficult and complicated
tasks easier
✓development in this field are not just
products of people’s imagination or
one time thought process; they are
also brought about by gradual
improvements to earlier works from
different time periods.
✓In the ancient times , people
were concerned with
transportation and
navigation, communication
and record-keeping, mass
production, security and
protection, as well as health,
aesthetics and architecture
✓was significant during that
time because people were
trying to go to places and
discover new horizons
✓they also travelled to trade
their surplus goods in
exchange for things that
they lacked
✓was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy
new places.
✓they needed a way to communicate with the natives of the
areas they visited so as to facilitate trade and prevent possible
✓the increase in size and number of nations connoted increased
demand for food and other basic necessities.
✓were important as well in the
discovery of new places or the
establishment of new alliances with
other tribes.
✓at that time, there was always a risk
of conflict when people met others
with different culture and
✓the early people might have been
successful in harnessing the rich
resources that the world could
provide, but their survival posed a
great problem
✓different illness and diseases, both
natural and man-made, hampered
the full potential of the human
✓in order to integrate their
needs-for better
transportation, establishment
of structures for protection
from human attacks and
natural disasters and
construction of bigger and
stronger infrastructures-
people ventured into what is
now known as the field of
✓the development of
engineering also ushered in the
introduction of architecture.
✓others might see architecture
as a mere style, but during the
ancient times, elaborate
architectural designs were signs
of technological advancement
of a particular civilization.
✓Sumeria is located on the
southernmost tip of ancient
✓Sumerian are known for their
high degree of cooperation with
one another and their desire for
great things.
✓they are not contented with the
basic things that life can offer
✓one of the major contributions of
the Sumerians is the development of
the first writing system known as
✓it is a system that utilizes word
pictures and triangular symbols
which are carved on clay using wedge
instruments and then left to dry.
✓another important contribution of
the Sumerians is the City of Uruk.
✓it is great wonder not only because it
is considered to be the first true city
in the world but also for the way it
was erected.
✓there were no building stones in the
location of this city and lumber was
limited, making the construction a big
✓also called as the mountain of god,
was built in the same manner that
they constructed the city of Uruk.
✓without much building materials,
the structure was constructed using
sun-baked bricks.
✓the Ziggurat served as the sacred
place of their chief god, where only
their priests were allowed to enter.
✓as population increased, so did
the demand for food.
✓the Sumerians were challenged
to mass produce food items but
the elements in the environment
seemed uncooperative.
✓it was difficult to get water from
rivers, thus they could not
maintain farmlands.
✓another challenge to the
Sumerians was transportation.
✓at that time, the wheel was not
yet invented; the main mode of
transportation was through
waterways such as rivers and
✓in the later part of the history ,
the Sumerians were able to invent
the wheel since the specialized
tools needed to create it were
already available.
✓the first wheel were not made for
transportation but for farm work
and food processes.
✓another farm technology
invented by the
✓humans evolved from being
food gatherers to farm
✓however, farmers needed a
technology which would enable
them to dig the ground where
seeds would be planted.
✓In order to facilitate
faster and easier travel,
the Sumerians developed
the first roads.
✓with this work, the flow
of traffic become faster
and more organized.
✓it emerges near the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers.
✓the Babylonians were great
builders, engineers and
✓one of their major
contributions is the hanging
garden of Babylon, one of the
seven wonders of the world.
✓today people can only marvel at the
beauty of the famous hanging gardens
of Babylon from stories of historians
and paintings that portray the place.
✓it was said to be a structure made up
of layers upon layers of gardens that
contained several species of plants,
trees, and vines.
✓according to the legends, the great
Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II
built the gardens for his wife, Queen
✓another early civilization
famous for its legacy is the
Egyptian civilization located in
North Africa.
✓many stories tell about the
engineering feats of the
Egyptians especially regarding
the infrastructures established
by the pharaohs.
✓one of the earlier contributions of Egyptian civilization.
✓although Egypt was not the first to develop a system of writing,
they were able to make writing easier for the world.
✓when the Egyptians invented the
papyrus or the paper, engraving
ceased to be used in writing.
✓as a result, the Egyptians invented ink
by combining soot with different
chemicals to produce inks of different
✓ The word hieroglyph literally means "sacred
carvings". The Egyptians first used hieroglyphs
exclusively for inscriptions carved or painted
on temple walls. This form of pictorial writing
was also used on tombs, sheets of papyrus,
wooden boards covered with a stucco wash,
potsherds and fragments of limestone.
✓when the Egyptians invented the papyrus or
the paper, engraving ceased to be used in
✓as a result, the Egyptians invented ink by
combining soot with different chemicals to
produce inks of different colors
✓the Egyptians also invented the use of
✓although cosmetics in the modern times are
used to improve and highlight the facial
features of a person, their function in ancient
Egypt was for both health and aesthetic
✓Egyptians mostly used galena (more
commonly known as kohl) and malachite
powder (a green mineral) for eye makeup.
Galena was a black paint that shielded eyes
from the sun, while malachite powder made
the eyes appear larger and protected those
who wore it. Both were applied using ivory,
wood, or sticks made of metal.
✓In ancient Egypt, both males and
females wore wigs made either
from human hair, sheep's wool or
vegetable fibers, depending upon
their social status.
✓another cosmetic invention of the
Egyptians is the wig.
✓wigs are use to enhance the
appearance of people who are
balding or those who wants to try
new hair trends.
✓another important ancient
Egyptian contribution.
✓the device utilizes gravity that
affects the flow of water from
one vessel to the other.
✓the water clock was widely used
as a timekeeping device during
the ancient times.
✓Greece is an archipelago in
the southeastern part of
✓known as the birthplace of
western philosophy, some of
the major achievements of the
Greeks include in-depth works
on philosophy and
✓one of the most utilized gadgets today
that was invented by the ancient Greeks is
the alarm clock.
✓although the alarm clock during that time
did not resemble the present-day alarm
clock, the purpose was same-to tell an
individual when to start and stop.
✓were also considered as one of
most important contributions of
the Greek civilization to the
✓only used in agricultural
processes like milling of grains
which was necessary form of
food processing during that
✓Roman Empire was perceived to be the strongest political and
social entity in the west.
✓it was considered be the cradle of politics and governance during
that period because the Roman Empire was so large, other
civilizations looked up to it as their model in terms of legislation
and codified laws.
✓one of the major contribution of
Roman empire.
✓the first newspaper known as the
gazettes, contained announcements
of the Roman Empire to the people.
✓these gazettes were engraved in
metal or stone tablets and then
publicly displayed.
✓with the invention of newspaper,
it became easier for civilizations
to write down everything that
happened in their time.
✓record-keeping was much easier
since paper did not easily break,
was lightweight and did not
occupy much space.
✓is one of the most visual
contributions of the ancient Roman
Empire to the world.
✓was considered a continuation of
Greek architecture, hence, the
✓they were able to preserve great
and elaborate architectural designs
because they could produce sturdier
and stronger infrastructures.
✓although other number systems had
already been established before the
Roman numeral, these old systems
could not keep up with high calculation
requirements due to the increasing rate
of communication and trade among
✓since the Roman Empire was
expending, it had to deal with many
nations to maintain its power.
✓is considered to be the oldest
civilization in Asia, if not the world.
✓also known as the middle
kingdom, China is located on the
far east of Asia.
✓it was famous among other ancient
civilizations because of its silk
✓one of the things that connected
Far East China to the world is silk.
✓although it is produced by silk
worms, the Chinese were the
ones who developed the
technology to harvest the silk and
process it to produce paper and
✓tea is a beverage produced by
pouring hot or boiling water over
crushed or shredded dried tea
✓it was believed that the first tea was
drunk by a Chinese emperor.
✓tea production was developed when
an unknown Chinese inventor created
a machine that was able to shred tea
leaves into strips.
✓once considered the only man-made structured
that could be seen from outer space, the Great
Wall of China is said to be the largest and most
extensive infrastructure that the nation built.
✓it was constructed to keep out foreign invaders
and control the borders of China.
✓Around 220 B.C.E., Qin Shi Huang, also called the
First Emperor, united China. He masterminded the
process of uniting the existing walls into one. At
that time, rammed earth and wood made up
most of the wall. Emperor after emperor
strengthened and extended the wall, often with
the aim of keeping out the northern invaders.
✓the gunpowder is one of the most
interesting inventions in China.
✓originally, it was developed by Chinese
alchemists who aimed to achieved
✓they mixed charcoal, sulfur and
potassium nitrate, but instead of
creating an elixir of life, they
accidentally invented a black powder
that could actually generate large
amounts of heat and gas in an instant.
✓the start of middle ages was
marked by massive invasions and
✓wars were prevalent during this
✓as such, great technology was
needed in the fields of weaponry,
navigation, mass food and farm
production and health.
✓after the Chinese developed
woodblock, Johann Gutenberg was
able to invent the printing press, a
more reliable way of printing using a
cast type.
✓he utilized wooden machines that
extracted juices from fruits, attached to
them a metal impression of the letters,
and pressed firmly the cast metal into a
piece of paper, which then made an
exact impression on paper.
✓another invention in the Middle Ages.
✓more and more people transferred to
polluted and populated urban areas
which resulted in more people getting
sick and needing medical attention.
✓guided by the principles used for the
invention of eyeglasses in early years,
Zacharias Janssen was able to develop
the first compound microscope.
✓since the Middle Ages was also
known as the Age f Exploration, the
need for nautical inventions was
✓considering the vast empty oceans
that separated lands, ship captains
needed to see far and wide for them
to navigate or to avoid dangers at
✓since wars were widespread
during the Middle Ages, great
weaponry technology also
✓all sides must develop
weaponries not only as
offensive tools but also as
defensive instruments.
✓the booming world population
during the nineteenth century
onwards demanded that more
goods be produced at a faster
✓people needed efficient means
of transportation to trade more
goods and cover a larger
✓as people were able to developed better means
of production to meet the needs of the
population, food preservation and food safety
became an issue.
✓the challenge to keep manufactured food from
deteriorating was greater for dairy products,
especially milk, since they usually spoiled faster.
✓ Pasteurization or pasteurization is a process in
which packaged and non-packaged foods (such as
milk and fruit juice) are treated with mild heat,
usually to less than 100 °C (212 °F), to eliminate
pathogens and extend shelf life. ... Spoilage
enzymes are also inactivated during
✓Louis Pasteur
✓the modern times demanded better
means of powering homes and
✓at first, people used animal oils for
generating light to illuminate their
✓however, the production of animal oils
could not keep up with the demand.
✓Samuel M. Kier was able to invent
kerosene by refining petroleum.
✓Kerosene was later referred to as the
“illuminating oil”
✓the more people got connected by
trade and exploration, the more they
needed a way to easily maintain these
connection and communicate with
each other in real time.
✓the development of the telephone by
Alexander Graham Bell was one of
the most important inventions at that
✓although an earlier
version of the calculator
had already been
circumstances in the
modern times required a
faster way to compute • According to the History of Computers website, Wilhelm Schickard
more complicated was credited with inventing the first adding machine after Dr. Franz
Hammer, a biographer of Johannes Kepler, claimed that drawings of a
equations. calculating clock had been discovered in two letters written by
Schickard to Johannes Kepler in 1623 and 1624. Prior to this
discovery, Blaise Pascal, who developed the “Pascaline” adding
machine in 1642, was regarded as the inventor of the first adding
✓despite being considered a
developing country, the Philippines
also contributes to the global
advancement of science and
✓it is quite remarkable to note the
ingenuity of the Filipinos despite
the lack in resources.
✓the Philippines is known to be one
of the most vulnerable countries in
terms of natural disasters.
✓it has become ordinary for
Filipinos to convert transport
vehicles into something more
✓an example is the conversion
of American military jeeps
used in the World War II into
✓one othe major needs in the
Philippines, as a developing
nation, is electrification.
✓electricity powers various types
of machines, including light
✓in many rural areas in the
country, activities would cease
when it gets dark.
✓a common problem in the Philippines is the
high mortality rate of newborn babies.
✓one reason for this problem in the 20th century
was the lack of available incubators specially in
far-flung rural areas due to lack of available
resources and electricity.
✓Dr. Fe del Mundo, a Filipino pediatrician and
the first Asian woman, admitted into Harvard
Medical School, devised a medical incubator
made from indigenous and cheap materials
which do not run on electricity.
✓dengue, a mosquito-borne viral illness,
is endemic in tropical and subtropical
areas, including the Philippines.
✓this virus is usually transmitted by
Aedes aegypti mosquito, rampant
during the rainy season.
✓in 2010, the DOST-ITDI was able to
introduce the Mosquito
Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System, also
known as OL Trap.
✓a major innovation that changed the transportation industry in the
Philippines was the development of the jeepney.
✓This iconic public utility vehicle was built using the military jeeps
left by the Americans after World War II.
Science Technology and Society book.(Danil Joseph
McNamara, SJ, Vida Mia Valverde & Ramon Beleno III)

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