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Note: Ch.

2, 3 & 4

1. Community - a group of people with common interests, where the members 16. Cheteria - These were the noblemen. For example, the Shahbandar who was in
communicate and interact with each other. charge of the Port and foreign trade, was a cheteria.

2. Respect - an act of acknowledging and appreciating the people you interact with. 17. Manteri - a third rank of officials, for example, Manteri Pendalaman.

3. Social equity - There is a fair distribution of resources across society. 18. Mosque Officials such as Imam, Khatib and Bilal.

4. Justice - the quality of being fair and reasonable. 19. Residential System was introduced in Brunei in 1906.

5. Criminal cases; 20. The first Resident appointed to Brunei was Malcolm McArthur (took office in
a) Murder
21. The duty of British Resident was to advise the Sultan on all matters of the country’s
b) Shoplifting
administration except touching on Islam or Malay customs.
c) Robbery
d) Kidnapping 22. There are FIVE reasons for introduction of the Residential System in Brunei;
e) Bribery
a) The threats from the Brookes Regime and the North Borneo Company
6. Civil cases; b) The failures of Amanat
a) Marriage c) The failures of British Protectorate Agreement 1888
b) Divorce d) Fear of foreign intervention
c) Child adoption e) The McArthur Report
d) Land dispute

7. Social responsibility - a duty that all citizens have towards their community to promote 23. Advantages of Residential System:
a safe, secure and moral environment.
i. Providing political stability
8. Government - an organisation that rules a nation, state or community. ii. Efficient and effective form of government
iii. Socio - economic development
9. Monarch - a state that is ruled or headed by a “monarch” means a single ruler for life
and he or she rules by birthright.
Disadvantages of Residential System:
10. Brunei has one of the oldest ruling families in the world. It is also the only remaining
Malay Islamic Kingdom in the world. a) Power of the Sultan weakened
b) Locals’ needs were not met
11. Kerajaan - Lands owned and controlled by the Sultan himself.

12. Kuripan - Given to important officials for as long as they held their positions. 24. Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III was the one who introduced 1959 Written Constitution.
He also formed a seven member committee called ‘Tujuh Serangkai’, to find out the
13. Tulin - Given to the noble families. These lands were passed from father to son.
people’s views regarding a written constitution for Brunei.
14. The most important officials in the system of government in Brunei is Wazir.
15. There are FOUR wazirs; i) Pengiran Bendahara iii) Pengiran Pemancha

ii) Pengiran Digadong iv) Pengiran Temenggong

32. There are 12 ministries in Brunei such as Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Home affairs, Ministry of Defence and so on.
25. Features of the 1959 Written constitution:
33. The responsibilities of Royal Brunei Armed Forces; i) to defend the borders of Brunei
i. The Sultan is the Head of State ii) Deter/Prevent enemies from attacking
ii. The post of Resident was removed and replaced with the British High 34. In the past, RBAF known as Royal Brunei Regiment and was formed on 31 May 1961.
35. There are THREE agencies under Royal Brunei Armed Forces;
iii. Malay is the official language.
a) The Royal Brunei Land Force
iv. Islam is the state religion b) The Royal Brunei Air Force
c) The Royal Brunei Navy
v. The system of government was constitutional sultanate, based on the concept
of Malay Islam Monarchy or Melayu Islam Beraja
36. There are FOUR responsibilities play by Royal Brunei Police Force in society:
vi. Brunei was responsible for internal affairs and the British government for
foreign and defence matters. a) Keep the country safe by crime prevention
b) Patrol the borders of Brunei
vii. A new post of Manteri Besar was created
c) Investigate traffic accidents and manage traffic
d) Conduct criminal investigations

26. There are FIVE important councils in 1959 Written Constitution

a) The Executive Council

b) The Legislative Council
c) The Privy Council
d) The Council of Succession
e) The State Religious Council

27. Privy Council - Member councils appointed by the Sultan

28. Cabinet - Ministers are appointed and placed in charge of different ministries in the

29. Religious Council - Members are appointed by the Sultan and advise on Syariah
(Islamic Law).
30. Magistrate Court - Hears minor cases.

31. Supreme Court - headed by the Chief Justice and judges who are sworn in for three-
year terms. There are i) Court Appeal for civil disputes ii) High Court for criminal cases.

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