Control System 5

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rampies Find add Ud Sctiotn secu debliing ced Cf ay Wy te teste Hp) form unily ferdback codah Syitinn whore oben Seog temsfer fucction is giver by: Gore 28 Ercrys) Pye cans es Re” a@@ie ~ Stessas 5 cud /sec a6 = 4 tad hres = $3.13 20.92 ted te: ZA. sass sec ah tp = = 0.785 Sec de seh | R Mps € te ass ts: sae 133 see dee 2% eriletion crampler Determine the position, vefouly amd acceferahion etter Copstanks for a wel fesctback conhiod syptin alhese K cpem Roop transfer fumchinn is given by GOs ae Fer sto0, catering the Shady stabi ester for a nth came mpd sh, Ker dg Gas or 5 kes in SG: aud Kas Lin S Gesd=0 sco For a wach tame gut ,when K =beo exanafley Grivtn the cfoted foop poles Ob a Systm as below: ad Find the unt shep cesponse wh the syitem ond the Setieg Hime for 27% LeSevmmee- sof chereckerishic equation is C84 43rd (844490) = S48 +20 2 Wy = To a 4472 cad /sec AYO = 8 — Pe =2 eet et EF -¥t = Sp sat se eet y o me ee sm (2t +o0lvyz) tse won sec Tn Crampler The open Boop bremsfer Qumebion Ak a feadbock Nod Systine i given boy \ wes st) a OO tea ect anay ces) Ddermine the ecror Corfpicients amd the errors due te he unit eositvonatl inpuk mit tame iagutrand umih parbalic wet of esto and Tah to Cai) Scwesvaeas) Lo Kes La Gesracsy= peers SeoQ 2 Gresvucs) = Be Kye PX SACL) = 0 site we Kee be TGened = See woe Sage her shee opt = oe se Jer wait meng Sapelt © eG Bee wih pacabedic ing = sol ze Resth’s Beobilily Caihenton Routh 's stb ty (Routh Mursoita) Coiberiom 38 0. Wey that can be agglied to the charaderiic equation Se hind ook Hoe gasence of he als withod dreving Le sdlve the aclual equation « “The nacessary Conditions dor = syjlan he be stable ore: Je Rim of the cocpficinds Othe claradershic equeshion should be wnissing or Zero Q- AU the Coefficienks should be veal aud should have Hee Same Sige the Subbicient Cardibion der a syiten to be stable is Hat cade Seam of the Pict Colsmn of Roath’s astray be positive and shall fave the Same Signs Rohs ory doc the charaderichic equekion : Cd MESTEU ST Cet SHC Ong St ON at os aeleeqe ASEAS 4 Og S 4 tA SH Oq =e For net, Rett’s antag con be Aermed as belloto: a. os a, as by bs cs oy as & fe bye ees = on bys SA¥- S085 ar os 2 ute ede cy. baenanbs we Limitations 4 ba) as bs 26 se cd eqs ascends yz Sebs=bsC3 oy dye Shen bane c= Meds 2. Sds—diso = a [Roth's stubifity eriterion is valid amy if the chermcreris hic equation i alyebric, auc“ amy Coedficient in Yee equachinn ts complex ox contains Power of “e™ this Criberion canvet be agplied. Bo Thagues ur an infecmnation os be hes many rests are Sing fn the eight thawed side of Hoe pSant Values of Yre roots ore act available , also dt comndt aAishnguith bcdwean cea’ and Complex vests . TH any A He Cocbficvants is tere oc negative inthe presence ef. a ok feast ene positive coefficient hureis a cect of rocky ahd ore Imaginary, or hak have positive cea parks hecebert ji suck 0 case te agtem is nat slable. emamngler Consider Hae fallowing podynemiad .. att ~y ceedbiciend is missing sem be sepllaced by Zero ln Mee otro 4 s Ae - = S 2 4 a conte devided by 2 fe a St s 1 5 oe Ss The mumber af changes tn sign of the Goegficien’s tha Piet Colm ie 2, this means that rere are hoo costs with Positive veal part rand the system is nat shible. Special case: IL 0 fieab Colm teem in omy fous os Tero, bk the cemnaining Serums are nek y the Zero ecm is replaced wy very Seat porihive number (E\ amdube cast of: he acoy is 8 + For eramgle 5 consider the following equation S 4254842 The ecvay of Motor ficients is : 28, s 4 ‘ s 2 a s one ise 2 UE the Sign of the Coefficient cbove the ter is the Same as thet below Uk, Ub indieatins that Ue ss a paie of Kmrenginnry tects . for Ure fast equahion , we have Luo rocts Sek) TH He sign of He Cocfficied chove the Tero is opposite et hak below cb, Ur dices that there is one sign change. Jor examples $8842 2 (3-1) (S42)e0 whe meng of CaeHctenks ia : Ss o4 -3 ome signehaye( So ove 2 hi C ae ons cterge CO TR Wh CocMhicie ls in any derived cow are Zea, UF indieatis thot there ave rocts of equal megettacle Segieg fodilly cpfesite in the S-phant- Tn Such case He evabuchion of the vest of the array can be cantinatel by forming an susary Pelypomiak in the nest row, amd such roots can be femal by sebaing phe, cuibiacy polynomial. Cramples Consider the Jalleming cqubion 4 5 aac S 425'e248'448S_ 258-50 20 ae 1m nas o, 42 =o Aewitinry poly 2 —. ° 4 2 Poys 4S 4439-50 which indicates that Hare are two pairs af reals, AH caved mnppitinde and apposite Sgn Selling, peed by caucthivg to tere and Rid the derivahive with cesget Los) Pcsya28' 448s —soce WO ces aaes - > becomes» s ‘ ae Sy a 4a -se Seg 96 «cefisads of AED oe ae 50 Ss m4 ° Sec We see that here is ome change b Sign be the fiat colemnn af the news eras Thus Hee original equahion has one cost with a positive ceak pack . 30 er BeR 4 S25Y8 sample 2 Consider 0 systtim with the Faliowsingy choses - Boop transfer qunckion + cos) k RY” Sse Hird the values of K tak ensue the stability of he Syste _ sol 4.98238 sas 4c zk 2 ° « s Kk toe stability KK must be Positive, and all Gelficteadts in He dicst Colimn wast be gositive. —» 2- ere pend KIO 4 “ 27 SK» yk es ese ct 7 Seamples Oeterwine ch te fallowing, 6 ‘6 ° se to kK ° s fonkk si 70 s kK foc stability K>o and S22 yg KR <0 > e _ He reak avis, angks of aryaphiters G2 AOE where: P is tte number ty cpen loop poles E is the number Ch open Loop zeros #2 Co2,-) Rube & 5 The rabersechion of ctymphites coith real axis ok point Gis given bys = Zits Tees Rube Fi Zotersection 4 Coe naginary eis com be easily obtuned by use G Routh Crilerion on by puttiog Sage awel equastiog tmeginesy pacts Le Zero te did wW the intersection . Rule Bz The break wey point Prom the veaoax's i's obkatned by AHerenhahing the open Soop transfer fumchian woth vespect be CS) mmol equaching at to Zero. Ride gy Angles of clepartiire ame arrive of om root Joe an be cleternincal from the Complex poles and Terms respecdiely amel 1s given by + Oye 180° - Dp + be Sp dum of all the angles robended by all otter — *6 poles. Pez sum SH atl gigles G ong Ter. Woe Regauding breakaway amd break in geidts CRE 6), are the Peinks at which the cloreat Joop goles Leave te reall axis awd Consett Ly complex Potan the break-in goich are vic Verse denoting team byor> 5 & where Zi cd Po are Ye negative of he Teves avd Poles af Gicsrnesd yond o- has veal values only C complex values are not acephable ). example 1 Seas He Lecckion of poles of the closed Joop systin. sheon as K Varies. Ro rent 3 Gore S__ seem) from oles we have & branches because of having 2 cee Leap poles ak S20, and ge te open loop Zeros ot S= 00, 0 _ Cor Hyy 60 - 2-2 a ~ Gdiary it. angis of ey lts 12 GitOn =, -E Asgmetstes 2 or =-2 any other 1, Same results we get note Haat the reafanis between © ame & is a port of the root focus Cat Healt of od number db geles ant >7 ates). ye Root focus a: a now we can sketeh; gots Root Jocus is Symetric about the eal ex's emol camat overhep. cond ha, dhiredtion Iq = eh the arrows shows the wrovement Oy the closed Qoog poles os a trcveases + We can see, h Kis Small he Systan is overdamped awd og KK Meveoses “He syte orsllading resqonse brentenwan goick 1: wi be Ondeamged sith, se 3 + 8 o+~ Tro ee ea a Ta er we have Gcsoncsr= a + Gropnesy = Orth sa 3ee3 Sissy 2 tS a4 S52 examples Dw the Jocation Oe gales ahah sgtnn “# Shasr os K Valles. cs) Bics) wie Res <3) StS 45)CS400) soa mmber af branches ore 3 stark ok open hong piles Bee, -5 2-0 Rend ot ope Jaep Tes Sem.oe + Aegis 1 Ops Ente 2s SE = Angles fF oyephhs 2 £2) as Core have 3 Iffenct esyeeistes ~ tect ecus Comvecges te eye OS K increases ond y te te oat Wehh plane tren Site becomes unstable eK thatthe mectases fer ercitlahions. a jo 39 Vbrenkansnag oink + ee ial He) ms 0 30% 4300 +50 <0 Me 5H td & oy = 7886 5 7 ESSE not ualel o Prenkowan Poiat is -2412 Fagng omy is TFe Saves toy Tow '+ sisreiasny Te tos S155 4 50S +t0K sig Routh table: a _ s ‘ so er) tow Kp sand KS eee foe stabi Ley 7 3 tow er eo SK The crossiog Poiaks an imapinary axis cam be foul by seeing the uestinny equation obtained fom the s pow, > 5S pik = 158% F580 20 we 324) F071 hence, cos Ki inerenses Jurter , rhe syst becomes unstable . another ang He ind the crossing points: let sagio im He cheraderisbic equahin, - es (Baas ods 50cqu) 410K Zo ep Os HOF cremeles Griven that Gres) = soe fc the owihy, feedback. ceded agin «Find Gireagandig be began exis tasting oud the cocespondin ples. Boh, newer of branches ore 2, Stack ak S= 0,3 ond end ak Se -3300 Argeatctis 5 a 2 6 Angles Of angethti : O27 “Thane far duction TFs ASS) 2 s ‘ ak See ° s aK oh eg then we wit have row tk Zac For Salle than B we ewdup with unstable Syste Fer K>3 sno Sigs chage- Aad ok Cerlein we are kth ons Ke and he key, bom S row we get: Sages 2 $2343 exother wart Atom characterishe equation, pu Se gus hen (Gah 3gw -JoR 43K se Aer kay We W253 ensthar wey 2 From avgle Gileion a O,162- f,= 100° venoms eossng 2 O, 440-4, 2186. ba Ba%ai30" and nok Ht Sad, > By 4+G=26 .. © Bats 223 ai} than the imaginety exis Ceossing is Sew ot) mos ge eee Cle cerrespnalig eam maagnitale Ceifecion , k fot s/f = 1 k=3 3 water Kk [ GiesyHcsy, break-in Point cacamagle 2 brenkath ports Sek p teeber of branches ay, slack wt Se0/-5)-t0 end end ab S24, 0 p00 Agmptoe : a = 5.5 Angles 4 aigmpbte +B = The breakaway pork :

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