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Name : Nafisa

Class : EK-2C



Hello guys!!! Good morning. How are you today? I hope you are okay.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nafisa. I study at Semarang State Polytechnic major in
Electrical Engineering . I am now in the five semester and I'm in class EK3C.

First, I will explain about capacitor. Capacitor is component that are able to save an electric
charge for a while. Capacitor consist of metal pieces and an insulator as a barrier. This insulator
is called a dielectric. This capacitor component is often called a conductor which has one of the
passive properties. Usually widely used in making electronic circuits with capacitance, namely

Capacitor has a symbol like this. The capacitor symbol is two parallel lines separated by an
empty space. The capacitor symbol has a positive pole and a negative pole.

Next I will explain the types of capacitors and capacitor materials.

1. Ceramic Capacitor
Ceramic Capacitor is made of Ceramic and has no polarity
2. Polyester Capacitor
Polyester capacitor is capacitors made of plastic and has no polarity.

3. Paper Capacitor
Paper Capacitor is capacitors made of Paper and has no polarity.
4. Mica Capacitor
Mica capacitor is capacitors made of mica and has no polarity.
5. Electrolyte Capacitor
Electrolytic Capacitors are made of electrolytes and are in the form of tubes or cylinders.
Electrolytic Capacitors that have Positive (-) and Negative (-) Directional Polarities
The constituent materials of a capacitor are two pieces or two electrically conducting sheets that
are separated using an electrical insulator in the form of a dielectric material. Each chip or sheet
of an electric conductor is given an electric charge in the same amount but different types,
namely a positive charge and a negative charge.

Then I will explain the function of the capacitor.

1. The main function of the capacitor is as a temporary electrical voltage storage. The
application of this function is a fan, car, and air conditioner
2. Capacitor as filter. Usually the function of this capacitor is found in televisions, radios,
amplifiers. Filters on this radio function to filter out distracting obstacles from the
3. Capacitor as a coupling. This function is usually found on the amplifier to connect a low
level amplifier to a high level amplifier. The function of this capacitor is applied inside
the power supply.
4. Capacitor as a frequency generator. This capacitor function is applied to the oscillator and

The properties and characteristics of the capacitor are as follows:

1. It stores electric charge.

2. Passing alternating current (AC) and holding Direct current (DC) Positive charge on the
3. capacitor cannot flow towards the end of the Negative pole.

Application of Capacitors as a Decoupling circuit. In an electronic circuit, noise often occurs

which causes the voltage to become unstable. if the voltage is unstable then the lamp will flicker
due to noise in the voltage, the capacitor functions to stabilize the voltage by utilizing the electric
charge stored in it. This function is known as decoupling.

Well, now you know about capacitor. I think enough to tell you explain capacitor. I want to
thank you all, for taking the time to watch my video. Hopefully we can take a good lesson from
this video.
Symbol Capacitor

Application of Capacitors

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