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Questions in Listening Comprehension consist of:

1. Part A: Short Dialogues: two lines dialogues between two speakers. There are 30questions in this part.
2. Part B: Long Conversation: 60 to 90 second conversations on casual topic between students, each
followed by some multiple choice questions.
3. Part C: Talks: 60 to 90 seconds talk about school life or about academic subject (lecturing), each
followed by some multiple choice questions.

General Strategies for Listening Comprehension sections are:

1. Be familiar with the directions, the directions on every paper test are the same, so it is not necessary
to spend time reading the directions carefully when you take the test, BUT, you HAVE TO LISTEN the
first direction to be familiar with the speed, intonation and accent of the speakers.
2. Listen carefully to the passages. Concentrate, because you will hear the recording ONLY ONE TIME.
3. Be familiar with the pacing of the test. You have to answer the question within 12 seconds and then
be prepared for the next questions.
5. Use any remaining time to look ahead at the answer to the question that follow, means: when you
finish with one question, you may have time to look ahead at the answer to the next question.


 It probably contains the answer
 Listen the first line, but if you do not understand don’t worry because it probably doesn’t contain the
 Be ready to focus on the last line of the dialog and keep it in your mind.

1. (man) Can you tell me if today’s matinee is a comedy, romance or western?
(woman) I have no idea.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. She has strong ideas about movies. B. She doesn’t like today’s matinee.
C. She prefers comedies over westerns and romances D. She does not know.

2. (woman) Was anyone at home at Barb’s house when you went there to deliver the package?
(man) I rang the bell, but no one answered.
(narrator) What does the man imply?
A. Barb answered the bell. B. The bell wasn’t in the house.
C. The house was probably empty. D. The house doesn’t have a bell.

3. (woman) You just got back from the interview for the internship. How was the result?
(man) I think it’s highly unlikely that I got the job.
(narrator) What does the man suggest?
A. It’s unlikely that he’ll go to the interview. C. The interview was apparently unsuccessful
B. He thinks he’ll be recommended for a high-level job. D. He had an excellent interview.

 Often the correct answer in a short dialogue is an answer that contains synonyms (words with similar
meaning but different sound) for key word in the conversation
 As you listen to the last line of dialogue, focus on the key words in that line
 If you see any synonyms for the key word in particular answer, then you have probably found the
correct answer
1. (woman) Did you see the manager about the job in the bookstore?
(man) Yes, and I also had to fill out an application.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
A. He got a job as bookstore manager. C. He saw a book about how to apply for jobs
B. The bookstore was not accepting applications. D. It was necessary to complete a form

2. (man) We’re planning to leave for the trip at about 2:00

(woman) Couldn’t we leave before noon?
(narrator) What does the woman ask?
A. If they could leave at noon. C. Why they can’t leave at noon
B. If it is possible to go by 12:00 D. If they could leave the room.

3. (man) Was the concert well-received?

(woman) The audience applauded for a long time after the performance.
(narrator) What does the woman say about the concert?
A. The performance went on for along time
B. There was applause throughout the performance.
C. The people clapped on and on after the concert.
D. The audience waited for a long time for the concert to begin


 Often the incorrect answer in the short dialogues are answers that contain words with similar sounds
but very different meaning from what you hear on the recording.
 Avoid these answers. Identify the keywords in the last line of dialogue
 Identify words in the answers that contain similar sound and DO NOT CHOOSE these answer

1. (woman) I heard that Sally just moved into a new, big house near the beach.
(man) But Sally doesn’t have a cent!
(narrator) What does the man mean?
A. Sally has no sense of responsibility. C. Sally has no money.
B. Sally sent her friend to the house. D. Sally is on the set with her.

2. (woman) Did they get the new car they wanted?

(man) No, they lacked the money.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
A. They locked the map in a car. C. It cost a lot of money when the car leaked oil.
B. They looked many times in the car. D. They didn’t have enough money to buy another car.

3. (man) Have you finished packing yet?

(woman) You should call the porter to get the suitcases.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. It’s important to pack the suitcases. C. The man should pack his suit in case he needs it.
B. They need help carrying their bags. D. The suitcases are quite portable.

CODE: AC1A, MIN: 0. 15

1. A. He would like some iced coffee. 7. A. The managers will take the train to the program
B. He wants to stop drinking coffee. B. A program to develop new managers
C. A drink seems like a good idea. will commence soon.
D. He needs to drink something to stop his coughing. C. The new management program is very weak.
D. The program will be maintained to the letter.
2. A .She would prefer a sunny day.
B. The park is too crowded. 8. A. The fire started to attack the building.
C. She would like a place that is not so loud. B. The firefighter stared at the attacker.
D. She cannot walk because she’s too old. C. The fire probably began at the top of the building.
D. The firefighter started to attack the fire.
3. A. He should open an account.
B. He should take a ride on a ship. 9. A. He assured the woman that he knew the truth.
C. He should try to keep the cost cheap. B. He is sure that it isn’t new.
D. He should try something monotonous to get to sleep. C. He thought that the woman was aware of
what happened.
4. A. The department is not changing the requirements. D. He soon will know the truth.
B. He hasn’t heard anything about the change.
C. The change are believable. 10. A. The art professor is not one of his fans.
D. What was happened is incredible to him.
B. His drawing were amazing.
5. A. The wait has taken close to an hour. C. The catches that he made were fantastic.
B. They were stranded in their car. D. His sketches showed a fantasy world.
C. Most of the people have been in line for hours.
D. They made a line in the sand.

6. A. The instructor is selecting several passages.

B. The conductor is fair to the passengers.
C. The stamp collector is conducting his business.
D. The riders are paying for the train trip.


 It is a common in short dialogues to ask you to draw some kind of conclusion. In this type of
question the answer is not clearly stated, instead you must draw conclusion based on the
clue in the dialogue. One kind of conclusion that is common in this part is asking who the
speaker is.
 Example 1 - Who
a. a newspaper editor
b. a police officer
c. a teacher
d. a student
The clues are: your class, quiz and homework, so the man is probably a teacher
 Example 2 - What
a. Sit down in the library
b. Look for some more books
c. Return the books to the shelves
d. Go to the circulation desk
The clues are books and the man who is saying that he would like to check them out now
 Example 3 – Where
a. At a beauty salon
b. At the beach

c. In a sandbox
d. At an outdoor restaurant
The clues are water, sand and suntan lotion. So we may guess that the location of this
conversation is around the beach


It is common for you to be asked to draw one of the following conclusions in the short dialogues:
- WHO is probably talking?
- WHAT she/he probably do next?
- WHERE does the dialogue probably take place?

1. (man) I’d like to deposit this check in my account, please.
(woman) Would you like any cash back?
(narrator) Who is the woman?
A. A store clerk B. A bank teller C. An accountant D. A waitress

2. (man) Have you deposited your paycheck yet?

(woman) No, but that’s next on my list of errands
(narrator) What will the man probably do next?
A. Earn his paycheck C. Go to a bank
B. Write a check for a deposit on an apartment D. Make a list of errands to run

3. (man) Did you get the bread, eggs, and milk?

(woman) Now we need to stand in line at the checkout counter.
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. In a restaurant B. At a bakery C. On a farm D. In a market


 It is sometimes difficult to understand who or what is doing the action in a passive sentence.
This problem is often tested in the short dialogues
 Example:
(man) Did Sally go to the bank this morning
(woman) Yes she did. She got a new checking account.
(narrator)What does the woman imply?
In your test book , you read
a. Sally wrote several checks
b. Sally wanted to check up on the bank
c. A new checking account was opened
d. Sally checked on the balance in her account


1. If the dialogue contains a passive statement, the answer to the question is often an active
2. If the dialogue contains a active statement, the answer to the question is often an passive

1. (woman) Alice needs to pay her tuition today.
(man) But her tuition has already been paid.
(narrator) What does the man imply?
A. Alice’s education has paid off
B. Alice’s tuition needs to be paid

C. Alice has already paid her fees.
D. Alice has already received the money.
2. (man) Have you been taking good care of the lawn.
(woman) I watered it only this morning.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. She drank some water on the lawn this morning
B. She waited for him on the lawn this morning.
C. The lawn has already been watered today.
D. She wanted a new lawn this morning.
3. (man) Did you hear the news about the child who was lost in the park?
(woman) Yes, and I heard that she was just found!
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. Someone located the girl.
B. She heard about the new park from the child.
C. The child found her lost pet.
D. The child was the last one in the park.


When there is more then one noun in a sentence in the short dialogues, it is common for the
answers confuse which noun does what
 Example:
(man) Do you know who is in the band now?
(woman) I heard that Mara replaced Robert in the band.
(narrator) What does the woman say about the band
Then you will read:
A. Robert became a new member of the band
B. Robert took Mara’s place in the band
C. Mara didn’t have place in the band
D. Mara took Robert’s place in the band

1. (man) Why is Bill not at work this week?
(woman) His doctor made him take a week off.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. The doctor decided to take some time off from work.
B. The doctor told Bill he wasn’t too weak to work.
C. Bill was mad when the doctor took some time off.
D. Bill took a vacation on his doctor‘s orders.
2. (man) Why is Paul going back home this summer?
(woman) He’s returning to Vermont for his sister’s wedding.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. Paul is getting married this summer.
B. Paul’s sister is returning from Vermont to get married.
C. Paul will be there when his sister gets married this summer.
D. Paul’s sister is coming to his wedding in Vermont.
3. (man) Did you hear that John’s uncle died?
(woman) Yes, and John was named beneficiary in his uncle’s will.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
A. John received an inheritance when his uncle died.
B. It’s a benefit that John’s name is the same as his uncle’s.
C. John knows that his uncle will come to the benefit.
D. John’s uncle gave him a beneficial name.

CODE: AC1A , MIN: 17.34
MIN: 17.56
1.A. In a department store.
B. In a stationery store.
C. In the pet shop.
D. In the Grocery store.
2. A. The teacher gave the students a hand.
B. The term papers were turned in.
C. The students got the papers from the office.
D. The teacher handed the papers to the students.
MIN: 18.42
3. A. The attendant checked the oil in Mark’s car.
B. Mark checked to see if he had enough oil in his car.
C. Mark checked with the service station attendant
D. Mark wrote a check to pay for the oil
MIN: 19.04
4. A. A delivery man.
B. A famous chef.
C. A clerk in a fast –food restaurant
D. An airline steward
MIN: 19.25
5. A. They need new print for the additional copies.
B. They can make extra copies if necessary.
C. Printers are needed for the additional copies.
D. Additional copies are needed immediately.
MIN: 18.48
6. A. The professor bought two books
B. The students had to purchase two books
C. The students sold two books to the professor.
D. The students were required to read two books by the professor.
MIN: 20.11
7. A. The doctor returned to the office.
B. Jim asked the doctor to come to the office.
C. The doctor will not return until next week.
D. Jim was told to come back.
MIN: 20.34
8. A. Go to work in the lab.
B. Sample the work from the lab.
C. Have the sample delivered.
D. Send a note to the lab.
MIN: 20.59
9. A. Marry became the new class president.
B. Sue took her place as class president.
C. In place of Mary, Sue became senior class president.
D The senior class president replaced Sue and Mary.
MIN: 21.22
10. A. The panel was analyzed on the television program.
B. A committee evaluated recent political events.
C. The program featured a psychoanalyst.
D. The panel discussed the television program

CODE: AC1A, MIN: 21.49
MIN: 22.12
1. A. He seemed to be rather hungry.
B. She was quite angry at him.
C. He was trying to hang the posters.
D. She believes he was mad.
MIN: 22.34
2. A. The parents are going to stay up late.
B. The parents have given Hannah her allowance.
C. Lately, the parents have not been so loud.
D. Hannah does not have to go to bed early.
MIN: 22.57
3. A. At a department store.
B. At a service station.
C. At a collection agency.
D. In a delivery room.
MIN: 23.20
4. A. She just broke some eggs.
B. They need to eat fast.
C. She is serious about the boat.
D. He has a choice to make.
MIN: 22.42
5. A. It was urgent that Ellen do her best.
B. He really urged Ellen to do more.
C. He was encouraged by Ellen to try harder.
D. Ellen told him that she was trying to do better.
MIN: 24.05
6. A. The car stalled on the road.
B. Someone took the car.
C. Rob sold his car.
D. Rob heard someone steal his car.
MIN: 24.28
7. A. Buying the bigger container.
B. Putting the milk in the cart.
C. Taking a carton that is smaller.
D. Getting the milk tomorrow instead.
MIN: 24.53
8. A. The receptionist welcomed the businesspeople.
B. The man created a shipping and receiving business.
C. The businesspeople were rather greedy.
D. The businesspeople greeted the receptionist.
MIN: 25.18
9 A. The police officer was stationed near the tourist.
B. The tourist was forced to accompany the police officer.
C. The tourist became mad at the police station.
D. The tourist stated that the police officer never came.
MIN: 25.40
10. A. He hasn’t seen her ideas.
B. It was a terrible deal.
C. He doesn’t like the idea.
D. It sounds magnificent to him.




Be sure the sentence has a subject and a verb

You know that a sentence in English should have a subject and a verb. The most common
types of problems that you will encounter in structure questions on TOEFL test have to do with
subjects and verbs: perhaps the sentence is missing either the subjects or the verb or both, or
perhaps the sentence has an extra subject or verb.

Example 1:

………..was backed up for miles on the freeway.

a. Yesterday

b. In the morning

c. Traffic

d. Cars

In this example you should notice immediately that there is a verb was, but there is no subject. Answer (C) is the best answer
because it contains the singular subject traffic that agrees with the singular verb was. Answer (A), yesterday, and answer (B), in the
morning, are not subjects, so they are not correct. Although answer (D), cars, could be a subject, it is not correct because cars is plural and
it does not agree with the singular verb was.

Example 2:

Engineers………for work on the new space program

a. necessary

b. are needed

c. hopefully

d. next month

In this example you should notice immediately that the sentence has a subject engineers and there is no verb. Because answer
(B), are needed, is a verb, it is the best answer. Answer (A), (C), and (D) are not verbs, so they are not correct.

Be careful with Present Participles

A present participle is the –ing form of the verb. The present participle can be (1) part of the
verb or (2) an adjective. It is part of the verb when it is accompanied by some of the verb be. It is an
adjective when it is not accompanied by some forms of the verb be.

1The boy is standing in the corner.

2The boy standing in the corner was naughty.

Be careful of Past Participles

A past participle often ends in –ed, but there are also many irregular past participle. For
many verbs, including –ed verbs, the simple past and the past participle are the same and can be
easily confused. The –ed form of the verb can be (1) the simple past, (2) the past participle of a verb,
or (3) an adjective.

1She pointed this picture

2She has pointed this picture

3The picture pointed by Karen is now in a museum.

EXERCISE 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake.

2. A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the front desk.

3. A job on the day shift at the plant available

4. The new computer program has provides a variety of helpful applications

5. the box can be opened only with a special screwdriver.

6. The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty chapters.

7.The papers in the wastebasket should be emptied into the trash can outside.

8. Departure before dawn on boat in the middle of the harbor.

9. Yesterday, found an interesting article on pollution.

10.The new machine is processes 50 percent more than twenty chapters.

Exercise 2: Each the following sentences contain one or more present participles. Underline the
subject and the verbs. Circle the [present participle and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then
indicate if the sentences are correct (c) or incorrect (i).

1.The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most customers.

2.Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate Three.

3.The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair.

4.The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges.

5.The first team winning four games is awarded the championship.

6.The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.

7.The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market.

8.Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form.

9.The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention.

10.The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive.

Exercise 3: each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the past participles and label them as adjectives or verbs.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1.The money was offered by the client was not accepted.

2.The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled.

3.The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on next week’s exam.

4.The leaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at a low temperature for many hours.

5.The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of the foreign nation.

6.Those suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police.

7.The pizza is served in the restaurant is the tastiest in the country.

8.The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites.

9.All the tenants were invited to the independence Day barbecue at the apartment complex.

10.Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day.

EXERCISE 4: choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentences.

1. The north plate river _____ from Wyoming into Nebraska.

a. It flowed c. Flowing
b. Flows d. With flowing water

2._____ Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning “first people.”
a. The city of c. It is in
b. Located in d. The tour included

3. A pride of lions _____ up to forty lions, including one to three males, several females, and clubs.
a. Can contain c. Contain
b. It contains d. Containing

4. ______tea plant are small and white.

a. The c. Having flowers the
b. On the d. The flowers of the

5. The tetracyclines, ______ antibiotics, are used to treat infections.

a. are family of c. a family of
b. being of family d. their family is

6. Any possible and academic assistance from taking stimulants______marginal at best.
a. It is c. is
b. There is d. As

7. Henry Adams born in Boston, ______ famous as a historian and novelist.

a. became c. He was
b. and became d. and he became

8. The major cause _____ the full of the moon on the earth.
a. The ocean tides are c. Of the tides in the ocean
b. Of ocean tides is d. The ocean tides

9. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, ______ limited to the rich.
a. Was c. It was photography
b. Was photography d. Photography was

10. A computerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors embedded in the
payment ______ on a local cable channel during rush hours.
a. Airs c. Air
b. Airing d. To air

EXERCISE 6 : Each the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel.
Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the
parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. She held job as a typist, a housekeeper, and in a restaurant.

2. The report you are looking for could be in the file or on the desk.

3. She works very hard but usually gets bellow-average grades.

4. The speaker introduced himself, told several interesting anecdotes, and finishing with

an emotional plea.

5. You should know when the program starts and how many units you must complete.

6. The term paper he wrote was rather short but very impressive.

7. She suggested taking the plane this evening or that we go by train tomorrow.

8. The dean or the dean’s assistant will inform you about when and where you should

apply for your diploma.

9. There are papers to file, reports, to type, and those letters should be answered.

10. The manager needed a quick but thorough response.

The paired conjunctions both……. and, either …….. or, neither …… nor, and not only …….. but also
require parallel structures.
I know both where you went and what you did.
Either Mark or Sue has the book.
The tickets are neither in my pocket nor in my purse.
He is not only an excellent student but also an outstanding athlete.

The following is not parallel and must be corrected:

He wants either to go by train or by plane*.

It is not correct because to go by train is not Parallel to by plane. It can be corrected in several ways.

He wants either to go by train or to go by plane.

He wants to go either by train or by plane.
He wants to go by either train or plane.

When you are using these paired conjunctions, be sure that the correct parts are use together. The
following are incorrect :

I want both this book on* that one.

Either Sam nor* Sue is taking the course.

These sentences are incorrect because the wrong parts of the paired conjunction are used together.
In the first example, and should be used with both. In the second example, or should be used with

EXERCISE 7 : Each of following sentences contains word of groups of words that should be parallel.
Circle the word or words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the
parts should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. According to the syllabus, you can either write a paper or you can take an exam.

2. It would be both noticed and appreciated if you could finish the work before you leave.

3. She would like neither to see a movie or to go to bowling.

4. Either the manager or her assistant can help you with your refund.

5. She wants not only to take a trip to Europe but she also would like to travel to Asia.

6. He could correct neither what you said nor you wrote.

7. Both the tailor or the laundress could fix the damage to the dress.

8. He not only called the police department but also called the fire department.

EXERCISE 8: Circle the word or words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts.
Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentence are correct (C) or incorrect

1. After retirement he plans on traveling to exotic locations, dine in the finest restaurants, and
playing a lot of golf.

2. She was both surprised by and pleased with the seminar.

3. What came after the break was even more boring than had come before.

4. He would find the missing keys neither under the bed or behind the sofa.

5. Depending on the perspective of the viewer, the film was considered laudable, mediocrity,
or horrendous.

6. He exercised not only in the morning, but he also exercised every afternoon.

7. Working four days per week is much more relaxing than working five days per week.

8. Sam is always good-natured, generous, and helps you.

9. Either you have to finish the project, or the contract will be canceled.

10. The courses that you are required to take are more important than the courses that you

Part A. Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood is neither journalistically accurate______.
a. A piece of fiction c. Or written in a fictitious way
b. Nor a fiction work d. Nor completely fictitious

2. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and_______of scurry.

a. It cures c. Cure
b. Cures d. For curing

3. A baby’s development is influenced by both heredity and______.

a. By environmental factors c. The influence of the environment
b. Environmentally d. Environment
4. Because bone loss occurs earlier in women than _____.the effects of osteoporosis are
more apparent in women.
a. Men do c. As men
b. In men d. Similar to men

Part B. Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1. Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals, or watery.

2. The U.S. Congress consists of both the senate as well as the House of Representatives

3. The prison population in this state, now at an all time high, is higher than any state.

4. A well-composed baroque opera achieves a delicate balance by focusing alternately on the

aural, visual, emotional, and philosophy elements.

5. Manufacturers may use food additives for preserving, to color, to flavor, or to fortify foods.

6. A bankruptcy may be either voluntary nor involuntary.

EXERCISE 10: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. The growth of hair ______cyclical process, with phases of activity and inactivity.
a. It is c. Which is
b. Is a d. regular

2. The fire ______ to have started in the furnace under the house.
a. Is believed c. They believe
b. That is believed d. That they believe

3. In Roman numerals, _______ symbols for numeric values.

a. Are letters of the alphabet c. Which uses letters of the alphabet
b. Letters of the alphabet are d. In which letters of the alphabet are

4. The legal systems of most countries can be classified ______ common law or civil law.
a. As either c. Either to
b. Either as d. To either

EXERCISE 11: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members, ______ appointments are
subject to Senate approval.
a. Their c. Because their
b. With their d. But their

2. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because _______.

a. Not wanting the story in the papers
b. The story in the papers the superintendent did not want
c. The public to hear the story
d. The superintendent did not want the story in the papers
3. Like Thomas Berger’s fictional character Little Big Man, Lauderdale managed to find himself
where ______ of important events took place.
a. It was an extraordinary number c. An extraordinary number
b. There was an extraordinary number d. An extraordinary number existed

4. _____sucked groundwater from below. Some parts of the city have begun to sink as much as
ten inches annually.
a. Pumps have c. So pumps have
b. As pumps have d. With pumps

5. Case studies are the target of much skepticism in the scientific community, ____ used
extensively by numerous researches.
a. They are c. Yet they
b. Are d. Yet they are

6. According to the hypothesis in the study, the monarchs pick up the magnetic field of the ____
migrate by following magnetic fields.

a. Target monarchs c. Target since monarchs are
b. Target since monarchs d. Target

7____ show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects
are important.
a. Neural theories c. Although neural theories
b. A neural theory d. However neural theories

8____ or refinanced, the lender will generally require setting up an escrow account to ensure the
payment of property taxes and homeowner’s insurance.
a. A home is c. When a home
b. A home is bought d. When a home is bought

9. If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth’s atmosphere, ____ generally blocked by the ozone
concentrated in the atmosphere.
a. It c. So it is
b. It is d. Then it

10. Among human chromosomes, chromosomes do not participate in meiotic recombination.

a. In c. And
b. So d. that

EXERCISE 12: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that the best completes the sentence.
1. The three basic chords in ____ the tonic, the dominant, and the subdominant.
a. Functional harmony c. Functional harmony are
b. Functional harmony is d. Functional harmony they are

2____ Hale Telescope, at the Palomar Observatory in southern California, scientist can photograph
objects several billion light years away.
a. The c. They use the
b. With the d. It is the

3. Without the proper card installed inside the computer, ____ impossible to run a graphics program.
a. Is definitely b. Because of
b. c. It is d. Is

4. The charter for the Louisiana lottery was coming up for renewal, ____ spared no expense in the
fight to win renewal.
a. The lottery committee c. So the lottery committee
b. So the lottery committee and d. The lottery committee made

5. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple star, ____ to the naked eye to be a single star.
a. It appears c. Appears
b. But it appears d. Despite it

6. The sun’s gravity severely distorted the path of the comet ____ entered its wildly erratic orbit
around Jupiter.
a. It c. After the comet came into it
b. When d. Once the comet

7. Each object ____ Jupiter’s magnetic field is deluged with electrical charges.
b. Enters c. Entering

c. It enters d. Enter

8. As its name suggests, the Prairie Wetlands Resource Center _____ the protection of wetlands on
the prairies of the Dakotas, Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
a. It focuses c. Focusing
b. Focuses on d. To focus on

9. One of the largest and most powerful birds of prey in the world, ____ a six foot wingspan and legs
and talons roughly the size of a man’s arms and legs.
a. So the harpy has c. With the harpy having
b. The harpy having d. The harpy has

10. ____ creation of such a community was a desirable step, the requisite political upheaval had to
be accepted.
a. Since the c. Later, the
b. The d. It was the

EXTRA EXERCISE 1( Sentence Formation)

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. The girl singing in the corner is my beautifully friend
2. Unfortunate, I couldn’t join your party last night
3. I saw magnificently performance in the theater
4. The woman trying to do her works good is my neighbor
5. The porter brings heavily suitcase to the car outside the building
6. Tono bought her new and expensive car happiness last month with his family.
7. Indra and friends goes to see good movie happily
8. The new is parked in the corner of parking lot
9. The facilitators will be giving you wisely words tomorrow
10. The conscientiously lecturers made the outstanding presentation related to the healthcare

EXTRA EXERCISE 2 (Paired Conjunction);

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. I didn’t knew where the money was. It is neither in my pocket nor in my wallet
2. We have knowing about the tragedy. It’s not only its cause, but the place also.
3. I don’t like either to go by plane but to go by ship.
4. Both the man or the woman in this class room couldn’t answer those weird questions
5. The boy standing in the corner is neither nicely nor innocent so you should not communicate
with him.
6. The instructor admonishes the trainee about both the risks but the benefits of conducting
that exercise
7. The carpenters made the antique accurate through unusual method
8. The unpredictable moment of accident at the main road near the beach

9. The prospective students have intention of engaging in neither the scholarship program or
regular program
10. The fortunately candidate of the winner in that championship received the honor

EXTRA EXERCISE 3 (Present and Past Participle);

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. The policeman didn’t investigated the cause of the accident. It’s neither the victims nor the
2. Both the lecturer and the students checked theirs task together in the class last two days
3. The man in black suit is sitting and studying math under the tree is smart and marvelous
4. The goods you bought are producing by the factory near my house.
5. The government made the promise to revise the policy and others rule relate to this case
6. The terrible story made to amuse the reader
7. To entertain the audiences the performer is performed good performance
8. The healthcare material composed by the lecturers
9. In the middle of storm was completely destroyed
10. The incredibly women were exposed when the accident happened
11. The police officer catches the badly guys
12. The show arranged to give good entertainment to the audiences
13. The fancy car bought this year by the rich
14. The lecturers explain the difficulties material in the classroom
15. The presentation regarding this project conducted in the middle of the office

EXTRA EXERCISE 4 (Parallel Structure);

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
 We learned, attempted and estimation this prospective project seriously.

 These tools are used to close the gates and maintaining it well

 The people suffered this disease were hospitalized and treatment in the famous nearby

 The implementation of this program is to maintain the progress of this project and
prevented from other problem

EXTRA EXERCISE 5 (Sentence formation, Paired Conjunction, Present and Past Participle & Parallel
Structure); Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.
1. That devices are used to correct, and estimating the cost of product

2. This program is to make the students understand and building their motivation

3. The book read by me in the corner good

4. The unpredictable match conducted in this session very expensive

5. The estimator would like to sell the projects to the others investor

6. The unbelievable progress is not only to surprise the customer but also entertaining them

7. This study is not only to make you smart but also encouraging you

8. The policeman is guarding the dangerous area serious inside the building

9. The lecturers wrote the complicated thesis careful in the office

10. The greed investor stated adversely statement regarding the upcoming project

11. Both the instructor or the investor are not merely smart facing this problem

12. Either you or me were talking about ours program when the facilitator explaining the lesson.

13. The students concerned on the lecturer’s explanation attentive in the classroom

14. The cardiograph was bought to examine the patient’s cardio was mine

15. the program made to anticipate the disaster in this area suspended

16. . . . . Deal with this program

a. The politician c. Georgeous
b. Generous d. Unpredictable
17. The major cause _____ the full of the moon on the earth.
a. The ocean tides are
b. Of the tides in the ocean
c. Of ocean tides is
d. The ocean tides
18. Neither the farmer or the customer can predict the cost of the crops

19. Theirs program was established to maintain the progress of the project

20. The government needs to concern on the current situation and solve the problem





In general, the features of reading comprehension test can be explained as the following:

Total questions are about 50 items on average

Total time allocated for reading test is 55 minutes

There are about 5 - 6 reading passages in the test with approximately 8 - 12 questions in every
reading passages

The topics of these readings include different topics which can be taken from any sources such
as scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, research findings, etc. These topics will discuss
certain issues from general perspectives so you do not need any background knowledge to
be capable of answering the questions as all information can be found directly from the

Question Types in reading section

There are many different types of question items you will find out in reading comprehension test.
The followings are very common in TOEFL reading section.

 Main idea questions  Vocabulary-in-context questions

 Stated-detail questions  “Where” questions
 Unstated detail questions  Pronoun referent questions
 Implied detail questions

Test-taking Strategies

Overall strategies for TOEFL reading questions:

Be familiar with the directions.

When you answer the questions, make sure you know what types of information the
questions ask you to find from the passages. The directions on every TEOFL test are the
same so you only need to skim the questions to understand the directions. Therefore, you
should be familiar with all types of directions in TEOFL reading test before you sit in the test.

Do not spend too much time reading the text

In the test, you do not read for your enjoyment, your task is to find certain information from
the text for your own answers. It means you do not need (even not recommended) to read
the passage in depth. You might only need to understand what the reading is about. To do
this, you can read the title of the reading, or if not provided you can skim the first paragraph
especially the first and the last sentences.

Don’t worry if the reading passages are sound strange for you

Sometimes, you will find that the topics of the reading passages are so unfamiliar with your
background knowledge. In that situation, you do not need to be panic because you can still
handle the tests as the information you need for your answer is all provided in the reading.

Do not spend much time on the questions you think difficult to do

Be efficient with your time! Always keep in your mind that you do not have much time to do
the test. Therefore, when you feel stuck with some questions, just skip straight away and
continue doing other questions. When you still have enough time you can come back doing
those questions.

Complete all the test before the time is up

Don’t leave blank your answer-sheet as no penalty of doing wrong. Even, if you could not
find the information you could guess for the answer.

In additional to these strategies, you also need to understand what you are supposed to do and
what you are supposed to avoid. The following information will give you some guidelines what you
might do to be successful in the test.


 Read the questions before reading the passage.

 Check if there is a glossary, diagrams, highlighted words, titles to help you get a general idea of the text
 Be conscious of discourse markers to establish the relationships between words, sentences, and paragraphs
 Use context clues and word-building skills to understand difficult words
 Guess if you cannot find the answer or you run out of time


 Don’t start reading without knowing why you are reading

 Don’t guess the answer unless you cannot find the answer or evidence for an answer and your time is almost up
 Don’t read for enjoyment –your purpose is to answer the questions only
 Don’t worry about unknown words unless they are necessary
 Don’t leave any spaces on your answer sheet, you don’t lose marks for wrong answers

(404 essential tests for IELTS, 2004)

Main idea question

This question asks you to locate the main idea of a text or paragraph. Almost every reading test will
have items about the main ideas of a paragraph or whole texts. There are some strategies you could
use when you deal with such questions.

If a question asks you about the main idea of a certain paragraph, you only need to read the first
sentence since the main ideas are, in most cases, stated at the beginning of the paragraph. But, if
you are still not sure (and you think it is necessary) you can also read the last sentence. This
strategy also applies when the question asks you about the main idea of a whole passage
consisting only one paragraph.

If a question asks you about the main idea of a passage consisting more than one paragraphs, you
need to read the first sentence of each paragraph.

Try to find out a common theme or idea in the first lines, and skim the rest of the passage to make
sure that you have find correct topic sentence(s).

Compare what you have got from the passage with the four-option choices, and ignore the
answer(s) which are definetly wrong, then choose the best answer from the remaining choices.

How to identify the questions

There are some sentence structures that might signs the questions asking about the main ideas of
the passage. Try to pay attention to some key words as underlined in the following question

For examples:
 What is the topic of the passage?  What is the author’s main point in the passage?
 What is the subject of the passage?  With what is the author primarily concerned?
 What is the main idea of the passage?  Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?


The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really is. Each year a tree
produces a ring that is composed of one light-coloured wide band and one dark-coloured narrow
band. The wider band is produced during the spring and early summer, when tree stem cells grow
rapidly and become larger. The narrow band is produced in fall and early winter, when cell growth is
much slower and cells do not get very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and
summer months.
Q1: It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands, then it is . . .
a. a century old. c. fifty years old
b. two century old d. two hundred years old

Q2: It can be inferred from the passage that cells do not grow . . . .

a. when the tree is ill c. when it rains too much

b. during extreme heat or cold. d. if there are more light-coloured bands than dark one


The words ‘capital’ and ‘capitol’ are confused in spelling and in meaning by a lot of people who try to
use them. Both their spellings and their meanings are quite closely related. a’ ‘capital’ is the location
of the center of government, while a ‘capitol’ is the actual building where the government officials
meet. Thus, in the US, for example, the Capitol building is located in Washington, D.C., which is the
capital city of the US.

Q1: Where in the passage does the author define the word ‘capital’?
a. Lines 2 c. Line 4
b. Line 3 d. Lines 5

Q2: Where in the passage does the author mention where the U.S. Capitol can be found?
a. Lines 1 c. Lines 4.
b. Line 2 d. Lines 5.

Last tips review:

Be familiar with text/passage organisation (How text is organised)

Don’t waste marks! So be sure you get all the easier answers correct.

Don’t spend too long on one question, mark it and come back later.

Don’t leave any question unanswered. Guess! You might be lucky!

Always read what you need

(Slater, Millen, & Tyrie, 2003; Jakeman & McDowel, 2004)

This module is a compilation summary from several TOEFL&IELTS materials

Main References

Phillips, D. (2004). Introductory course for the TOEFL test: The paper test. New York: Pearson

Phillips, D. (2001). Complete course for the TOEFL test: Preparation for the computer and paper test.
New York: Pearson Longman.

(2004). 404 essential tests for IELTS.

Learning Express. (2004). TOEFL exam essentials. New york: Learning Express


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