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Thomas Villanova

- Tomás Garca y Martnez, known as Thomas of Villanova (1488–September 8, 1555), was
a Spanish friar of the Order of Saint Augustine who was a renowned preacher, ascetic, and
religious author of his time. Because of how much he cared for the underprivileged in his
diocese, he rose to the position of archbishop.
- As he is recorded as saying, "Humility is the mother of many virtues since from it
reverence, patience, modesty, meekness, and peace are born, St. Thomas is also a
remarkable example of humility. As our patron, let us follow St. Thomas of Villanova's good
example, who said, "He who is humble is at peace with everyone and is friendly to

St. Ezekiel Moreno

- The Catholic Church now regards Ezequiel Moreno y Dáz, a member of the Order of
Augustinian Recollects, as a saint. His birthplace was Alfaro, La Rioja, Spain, on April 9, 1848.
He later worked as a missionary in the Philippines. In Colombia, he also rose to become the
Bishop of Pinara and afterwards of Pasto.
- his fervent generosity, apostolic zeal, bravery, and profound internal existence. The life
of St. Ezekiel was devoted to helping others. His fervor for sanctifying souls and his devotion
for the hungry, ill, and poor knew no bounds.

St. Rita of Cascia

- Rita of Cascia, also known as Margherita Lotti, was an Italian widow and Augustinian nun
who lived from 1381 to May 22, 1457. She is regarded as a saint by the Roman Catholic
- She also serves as a patron saint for anyone suffering from sterility, abuse, loneliness,
troubled marriages, parenting, widowhood, illness, and physical injuries. Her incorrupt body,
which has been revered for generations, is kept non the Cascia shrine that bears her name.
Each year, many people go to see her tomb.

St. Joseph

- Saint Joseph is a biblical person who is revered as a saint in several Christian sects and is
thought to have been the physical father of Jesus Christ. In the gospels of Matthew and Luke,
Joseph first makes an appearance. In Matthew, King David is mentioned as Joseph's ancestor.
According to the Bible, Joseph was born in 100 BCE and later married Mary, the mother of
Jesus. Around 1 AD, he passed away in Israel.
- Dignity - Every person shall be treated with respect since we think that human life is
Charity - We extend God's love and caring care to everyone who requests it.
Justice - We fight for everyone's needs, particularly those of the most vulnerable. We pledge
to uphold moral principles and to act honestly and fairly in all of our undertakings.
Excellence - is the standard to which we hold ourselves healthcare and service quality
Stewardship - We make appropriate use of both our human and financial resources, with a
focus on providing care for the underprivileged and vulnerable.

St. Augustine

- Saint Augustine, usually known as Augustine of Hippo, was the bishop of Hippo Regius in
Numidia, Roman North Africa, and a theologian and philosopher of Berber descent. He lived
from 13 November 354 to 28 August 430. He is regarded as one of the most significant
Church Fathers of the Latin Church during the Patristic Period because of the influence his
writings had on the development of Western philosophy and Christianity. The City of God,
On Christian Doctrine, and Confessions are only a few of his many influential writings.
 Love
 Interiority
 Humility
 dedication to learning and seeking wisdom
 Freedom
 Community
 Common sense
 generous and humble service
 Friendship
 Prayer

St. Nicholas of Tolentine

- Nicholas of Tolentino, often known as the Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian saint and
mystic who lived from 1246 to 1305. His Latin name is S. Nicolaus de Tolentino. Particularly
during Lent and the month of November, he is invoked as a supporter of the souls in
Purgatory. There are weekly devotions to St. Nicholas on behalf of the suffering souls in
many Augustinian churches. For the followers of St. Nicholas of Tolentino, November 2, also
known as All Souls' Day, has special significance.
 Enjoy
 Success
 Respect
 Community
 Responsibility
 Compassion.
St. Monica

- The mother of Augustine of Hippo, Monica was an early North African Christian saint
who lived from 332 to 387. Her outstanding Christian virtues, in particular the suffering
brought on by her husband's adultery, and her prayerful life devoted to the reformation of
her son—who wrote extensively of her pious acts and life with her in his Confessions—are
remembered and honored in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, albeit on different feast
days. According to well-known Christian tales, Monica cried every night for her son
 We are honest. We are open, we communicate clearly. We ask questions and we listen,
so that everyone's voice is heard.
 We are responsive. We adapt to changing times and individual needs.
 We are inspirational. We continuously learn, innovate, grow and improve.



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