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The University logo highlights the heart with the flame and arrow- typical of the Order of the
Augustinian Recollects.
 Heart represents love, especially the love of God for man. It symbolizes the core of the
person, the very heart of the being.
 Arrow symbolizes the word of God that hits us right in the heart. He speaks to us in the
heart. When He speaks, He seems to wound us.
 Flame represents human restlessness. St. Augustine says, we are restless pilgrims
whose heart remains restless until it rests in God.
 Book symbolizes the Scriptures and strict adherence to the teachings and authority of
the Church.
 Star the star of Tolentino. it symbolizes St. Nicholas of Tolentino, patron of the
 Eagle symbolizes the boldness of the spirit of every UNO-Rian to “soar up” and follow
his dream. It represents the theological teachings of St. Augustine, pointing to the
superiority and relevance of his ideas over all others.
 Blue symbolizes accountability where each UNO-Rian is trained to be accountable for
his actions as well as for the environment.
 Gold symbolizes the opportunities offered to every UNO-Rian for the total
development of his being.
 Sugarcane symbolizes the Negros Sugar Industry.
 Purple Sugarcane symbolizes the original sugarcanes, the “Negros Purple”, propagated
by Father Fernando Cuenca, the promoter of the Sugar Industry in Negros. Because of
his invention of the hydraulic sugarcane press, he gained this title.
 Green Sugarcane symbolize the Sugar Industry of Negros Occidental, which traces back
its origin to Fr. Fernando Cuenca.
The symbols challenge every UNO-Rian to be like Father St. Augustine to go back to the heart
and listen to the word of God and to find refuge in the teachings of the Mother Church.
All aspects of the University- moral, religious, structures, organizations, teachings and
management styles, and pedagogical principles draw inspiration from St. Augustine theme
 CARITAS ET SCIENTIA - “CARITAS” means love or charity. “SCIENTIA” means knowledge.
According to St. Augustine, knowledge is only the scaffolding of love. Thus, whatever
knowledge is gained, it should be used to show greater love especially to the weak and
the needy. Let knowledge be used as a kind of scaffolding to help build the edifice of
love and understanding which shall endure forever even after knowledge itself shall be


UNO-Rians choose to be SIMPLE-simplicity is the nature of the great souls.

Service & Community Life

 UNO-R is a community that strives to develop in all their members the values and
qualities of humble and generous service. It seeks to build up a community where
everyone aims towards authentic service for benefit of the common good.
 As members of the community, we aspire to develop values of:
o Solidarity
o Genuine commitment
o Responsibility
o Passion and zeal

 UNO-R is a community that strives to develop in all her members the values/qualities
that will enable them to live and work in harmony with others in all circumstances and
conditions, reflecting UNO-R as seedbed of people for others forever they will be led by
their vocation, profession, and mission.
 As members of the community, we strive to develop the values of:
o Other-centeredness
o Family
o Unity in Diversity
o Sense of Belongingness
o Solidarity

 UNO-R is a community which constantly searches for the truth by returning unto itself,
rediscovering Christ and recognizing Him in its members.
 As members of the community, we aspire to develop values of:
o Contemplation
o Interior Silence
o Prayer
o Truthfulness
o Communion

Marian & Moral Integrity

 UNO-R is a community of disciples who like Mary, our Lady of Consolation, the first
disciple of the Lord, unceasingly draws all her members to God through an act of faith
by listening to god’s word and embracing it with generous and open heart and bear fruit
through perseverance.
 As UNO-Rians, we strive for:
o Openness
o Sensitivity to others’ needs
o Selflessness
o Witnessing
o Obedience

Moral Integrity
 UNO-R is a community that strives to live a life based on the gospel.
 As persons Committed to the teachings of Christ, we endeavor to live the values of:
o Uprightness
o Transparency
o Honesty
o Conscientiousness
o Justice
o Decency

Peace & Justice

 UNO-R is a community that strives to develop in all her members the values and
qualities of justice and peace it is the commitment to give what is due to others
upholding what is fair and lawful, for unity and harmony.
 A UNO-Rian, therefore, values:
o Justice
o Peace
o Harmony
o Care for Nature
o Care for Resources

 A UNO-Rian strives to create and build a community founded on love of God and
neighbor and to which everybody would like to belong or be a part of.
 As members of the community, we aspire to develop values of:
o Acceptance
o Commitment
o Empathy
o Forgiveness
o Respect
o Trust

 UNO-R is a community where all the members aspire to be and to their best as gifted
persons in response to the lord’s invitation, “you must be perfect as your heavenly
father is perfect.”
 As members of the community, we strive to have:
o Proficiency
o Love of knowledge
o Vision
o Patience
o Humility to Learn

 The university symbols- Every school has its own values, beliefs, traits and
characteristics which help define its culture. Though there is one umbrella and a
general spirit breathing through all the schools, each institution has its own peculiar
characteristics and its own invisible spirit which must be captured in signs and symbols.
These signs and symbols gathered in this booklet represent the epitome of what
University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos stands for.
 Signs, whether natural or artificial, show the way. They are the little doors, windows
and benchmarks of the institution. Symbols do not only show the way. They also carry
implied and expressed invitation for the beholders to participate in and be part of that
 Traffic signs, for example, show us when to stop or go or where to turn left or right.
But symbols like the cross invite us to partake of and be a part of the crucifixion and the
saving grace of Christ.
 A true UNO-Rian spirit is transcendental – one that you cannot see but is present.
However, through the signs and symbols presented here, you can distinguish him from.


*The first president of UNO-R is FR. Federico Terradillos, OAR.

*The president of UNO is Dr. Antonio Lizares.
*Introduced the sugarcane plantation in the Island of Negros is Fr. Mauricio Ferrero.
* The “All Steel Church in Whole Asia” is San Sebastian Basilica.
* The first Recollects occupy when they arrived in the Philippines is Cebu.
*The first convent that establish of recollects is located in Intramuros.
* The place that the recollects given their First mission territory is in the Zambales.
 FRAY JOEL ALVE, OAR University President.
 FRAY AMADEO LUCERO, OAR VP-Administration and Finance/Director, HRMDO.
 FRAY ROMEO BEN A. POTENCIO, JR., OAR VP-Academics and Research/Director of Basic
 FRAY JOSE ALDEN B. ALIPIN, OAR VP-Identity and Mission, Formation/NSTP Director/
Director of Scholarships.
 FRAY CRISTITUTO A. PALOMAR, OAR Director, Religious Education Department and
Campus Ministry Office.
 FRAY SAMUEL EYAS, OAR Property Administrator.
 FRAY JOAQUIN JAMELO, OAR Coordinator for Security.

 St. Augustine founded three monasteries- St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus) November
13, 354
*Birth in Tagaste; today-Souk-Ahras Algeria
*387: baptized by St. Ambrose
*389: founded first monastic community
*391: Sacerdotal ordination – founded the second monastery in Hippo; and monastery for
*395: Episcopal ordination. Later succeeded Bishop Valerius. Founded the 3rd monastery
(“monastery for clerics”)
*397: Date of the composition of the “Rule”, books, sermons and letters (5 million words in all)
*August 28, 430: Death. Succeeded by Heraclius, youngest of his deacons.
 Persecution and revival of Augustinian life
Genseric 429-477 (African Vandal King) and his son Huneric (both Arians) were furious
against the bishops and religious, destroyed almost all Augustinian monasteries. There were at
least 35 monasteries (convents) of males and ten females in North Africa in the year 500. When
persecution ended, Augustinian life has revived across the sea: c. 502: St. Fulgentius became
bishop of Ruspe (Tunisia) c. 570: 70 Christians brought it, to Toledo, Spain 7th century: Arab
scimitars wiped out traces of Augustinian monasticism in Africa.

 Followers of St. Augustine’s rule were aplenty

1139: The Second Lateran Council solemnly approved the processed of giving the rule of St.
Augustine an equal place with those of St. Benedict and St.Basil
1200: scattered cenobitic communities followed the Rule of St. Augustine.

 The great union

1215: Pope Innocent III convoked the 4th Lateran Council – decreed that all conventual
communities adopt one of the rules recognized by the Church; all existing monastic
communities should live unanimously and unite to create an association under the direction and
guidance of father superior.
March 31, 1244: Pope Innocent IV confirmed the “first grand union” among Augustinian
Hermits of Tuscany, thus was born officially the Order of St. Augustine.

 No historical nor juridical link to St. Augustine’s original communities

Recent studies show that the original communities of St. Augustine are not historically link nor
juridically related to all the existent Augustinian families whose canonical existence began only
in the 13th century. The Order of St. Augustine had its direct origin in the fusion of different
eremitical groups in Italy.

 St. Nicholas of Tolentine: the first Augustinian saint after the great union
St. Nicholas of Tolentine (1245-1305) was canonized by Pope Eugene IV in 1446. He was the
first Augustinian Saint after the Great Union. He epitomized the Augustinian way of life.

 Philippines under Spanish rule

Spain had taught the Philippines how to become a nation because of these historical facts. One
is that prior to the coming of Magellan in 1521, the archipelago was composed of various
kingdoms ruled by different datus and rajas. The colonization of these 7,100 islands by the
Spaniards produced a sense of unity since there was one colony, one ruler and one religion.

 Augustinians in Mexico
The missionary history of the province (of Castille), and even that of the Augustinian Order,
began in 1533 with the arrival of the seven religious in the port of Veracruz (Mexico). Mexico
would later be an important point of stop-over for Recollect missionaries from Spain before
proceeding to the Philippines.

 First signs of recollection movement

Thomas de Jesus and other religious: Between 1540 and 1588 there appeared (Augustinian)
religious who were desirous of assimilating values of [reformation such real poverty, more
prayer, silence, austerity and equality] and adapt them into their Order. This Portuguese
Recollection failed. Thomas de Jesus failed to obtain approval from Prior General, disbanded in
1574. St. Thomas of Villanova led the survival of the MEXICAN Recollection and sow the first
seeds of Recollection in 1533.
 Arrival of 4 Religious Orders in the Philippines
*Augustinians 1565 (founder: St. Augustine). Franciscans 1578 (founder: St. Francis of Assisi).
Jesuits 1581 (founder: St. Ignatius of Loyola). Dominicans 1587 (founder: St. Dominic de
 Birth of the Augustinian Recollection
- December 5, 1588: Birth of the Augustinian Recollection (Provincial Chapter of the
Augustinian Province - Toledo, Spain)
- created Recollect convents for those who wanted to embrace a more austere system
of life.
1. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo (October, 1589)
2. Nava del Rey, Valladolid (June 1591)
3. Madrid (foundation: 1596)
4. Later: El Toboso, Toledo (f. 1600)
 The Forma De Vivir
Forma de Vivir (de los Frailes Agustinus Descalzos) composed of 14 chapter was the
achievement almost exclusively by Fray Luis de Leon (1528-1591).
-was approved on September 20, 1589
-Was incorporated the Constitutions of the Order of Augustinian Recollects
 The recollects became a province
POPE CLEMENT VIII 11 February 1602 Through his papal bull “Apostolici Muneris” The Discalced
Augustinians (later known Augustinian Recollects or simply Recoletos) became separate
Province (disjoined from the Province of Castile) FR. JUAN DE SAN JERONIMO was elected as
the 1st PRIOR PROVINCIAL who later led the pioneer missionaries to the Philippines.
 Recollection crossed over the ocean for the first time
1604 1st American Recollects began their journey around the Columbian hermitage of La
The next year 1605 the Spanish Recollects (sailed) for the faraway lands of the Philippines.
 Arrival in the Philippines
12 July 1605 On board the ship Santa Maria del Juncal, 14 Recollects led by FR. JUAN DE SAN
JERONIMO 22 February 1606. They boarded the galleon Espiritu Santo. A fire on board that
might have triggered a tremendous explosion, and death of Fr. Andres de San Nicolas.

The 1st expedition was composed of 10 priests and 4 brothers.

1. Fr. Juan de San Jeronimo (Head)
2. Fr. Argentales de San Fulgencio (procurator)
3. Fr. Geronimo de Cristo
4. Fr. Miguel de la Madre de Dios
5. Fr. Diego dela Anunciacion
6. Fr. Rodrigo de San Miguel
7. Fr. Francisco de la Marde de Dios
8. Fr. Francisco Bautista
9. Fr. Andres del Espiritu Santo
10. Fr. Andres Canovas de San Nicolas (died at the sea)
11. Bro. Juan de San Guillermo
12. Bro. Jeronimo de la Madre de Dios
13. Bro. Francisco d San Jeronimo
14. Bro. Simeon de San Jose
 Recoletos became a congregation
5 June 1621 POPE GREGORY XV through his papal brief “Militantis Ecclesiae” RECOLETOS
was elevated to a CONGREGATION.
 First Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno
February 1624 The first Provincial Chapter of the Philippine Province planned to adapt St.
Nicholas of Tolentine as a Patron Fr. Pedro del Fulgencio in 1610 granted his petition to Rome
that Philippines should be independent from Spain due to distance and by reason apostolic
 Talangpaz Sisters and the Congregation of the AR Sisters
the Augustinian Recollect Sisters. Living in a Beaterio de San Sebastian Calumpang the beatas
guided with the zeal by the OAR Friars.
 Suppression of the Religious Life in Spain
Between September 1835 and January 1836: Spanish liberalist leader Juan Alvarez Mendizabal
despoiled the Recollect Congregation of 32 out of 33 monasteries and expelled the monks. Only
their mission in the Philippines survived. The convent in Monteagudo was also spared.

 St. Ezekiel Moreno lived and worked in the Philippines

St. Ezekiel Moreno (1848- 1906). Patron of Cancer Patients Patron of the Philippine Province
“An Augustinian Recollect Saint among Filipinos”. His missionary work in the Philippines lasted
for 15 years from 1870 to 1885.
 Recoletos became an Order
POPE PIUS X. Through his papal brief “RELIGIOSAS FAMILIAS”. Recoletos was elevated to a
RELIGIOUS ORDER on September 16,1912. The official name of the order. Order of the Recollect
Hermits of St. Augustine, would be changed to ORDER OF THE RECOLLECTS OF ST. AUGUSTINE

To the dream of Dr. Antonio Lizares and Dr. Francisco Kilayko in 1941 to have a premier school
for the people of Negros.
They establish the Occidental Negros Institute in Talisay.
It was immediately close down due to the unset World War 2.
1946- revived in Lacson Street Bacolod City.
1948 -it transferred to the Lizares property present site because of in flags of the student.
1957 -granted to its university status. University of Negros Occidental (UNO)
1962 -pass to the Order of Augustinian Recollects. UNO was winning to UNO-R.
 Rev. Fr. Federico Teradillos, OAR the First Rector
 The university trained the young minds base on the Philosophy and Spirituality of St.
Augustine. The Virtues of holy men and woman the Likes of St. Nicholas of Tolentino.
 The university patron St. Ezekiel Moreno and St. Monica.
UNO-R is an Augustinian Recollect University that educates the mind and the heart by
providing the climate, the structure and the means to develop vocation, knowledge, skills and
talents, and attitudes of the community as permeated by the Gospel Values for the service of
humility, love and praise to the one God.
Qualities looking for student:
 Contemplative, Apostolic, and Communitarian.
Unorian make Marian the blessed Mother. Model of Fidelity and Faith to the one God.
The University bold it stands as The Cradle of Excellent. As 1 st Catholic University in the Island of
Negros. The 1st University in the Province of Negros and founded by Negrenses.
Autonomous Institute in Region 6. IQUAME Category A(t). Most program the PAASCU
Accredited. The only University we cheds the Center of Development in Technology Education.
COD in Electrical Engineering.
First alumnus to be elevated to the order of Bishop in the Country in the country in the person
of Bishop Gerardo Alminaza, D.D. Diocese of San Carlos.
UNO-R is also known in the province as a home of the hip-hop high competitions.


Full Name: Aurelius Augustinus
Date of Birth: November 13, 354 ADS
Place of Birth: Tagaste/Thagaste, North Africa
Father: Patricius (Pagan)
Mother: Monica (Christian)
Siblings: 2 Brothers and 1 sister (Navigius and Perpertua)

354-365 Infancy and first study
361 In school in Thagaste: serious illness
365-369 Studied in Maduara
369-370 Interrupts his studies and returned to Thagaste
370 Went to Carthage to study Rhetorics and Liberal Arts; takes concubine
370-371 Death of his father Patricius and also the birth of his son Adeodatus
372-373 Reads the Hortensius of Cicero and was converted to Manicheism
376 Death of his best friend and returns to Cathage and opened a school
380 Writes his first book that got lost “The Beautiful and Fit”
381 Reads the Categories of Aristotle
383 Leaves Rome and opens a school
384 Became a professor on Rhetorics in Milan.
Hears St.Ambrose preach and became a catechumen in catholic church
386 Suffers from chest ailment
Resigns from beign the chair of Rhetorics
Converted to catholic church and retires with friend and mother to Cassiciacum.
Wrote “Againt the Academics; On the Happy Life; On order and Soliloquies.
387-388 Death of St. Monica then returned to rome with Alypius
Anti Manichean books
April 24- Baptized by St. Ambrose
388 Returns to Africa and went to Thagaste
390 Death of his son Adeodatus
Established a religious community
391 Ordained as priest at Hippo
392 Debates with Fortunatus; a Manichean
395 Consecrated as bishop and made assistant to Valerius the bishop of Hippo
396 Valerius died and he became the new Bishop
397 Wrote “Controversy with the Donatists”
412 Controversy with the Pelagians
413 City of God
427 Wrote his Retractations, where he lists all his works, except the letters and
sermons, and corrected his prev errors
August 28, Dies during the siege of Hippo by the Vandals


 Interiority
o Spiritual withdrawing inwards in order to come to a better knowledge of both
oneself and God.
 Truth
o is explained as the meaning of reality where reality is the origin of experience.
 Freedom
o According to Augustine, “Human beings are endowed with a power that he calls
the will.” He emphasizes the will to being the center of freedom.
 Community
o The Ideal Augustinian community emphasizes on Friendship. And openness of
mind is community.
 Friendship
o In this world two things are essential: life and friendship. Both should be highly
prized and we must not undervalue them.
 Solidarity and Justice
o as Augustine defined justice, justice is something deeply personal but with
social implications since humans are not atomized animals but essentially
social. “The function of justice is to assign to each his due.”

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