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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

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New outcrop with vertebrate remains from Solimões Formation T

(Eocene–Pliocene), Southern Solimões Basin, Acre State, Northern Brazil
Mauro Bruno da Silva Lacerdaa,b,∗, Lucy Gomes de Souzac, Leonardo S. Lobod,
Carlos Ernesto G.R. Schaefere, Pedro Seyferth R. Romanoa
Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Museu da Amazônia, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Departamento de Solos, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Keywords: Here we describe fossil vertebrate remains from a new Solimões Formation (Eocene-Pliocene) locality, near the
Cenozoic highway BR 364 at Sena Madureira municipality (Acre, Brazil). The findings comprise more than forty-four
Crocodyliformes isolated fragments from which twenty-three specimens could be properly identified anatomically and system-
Notoungulata atically. The materials include at least three different Caimaninae genera (Caiman, Melanosuchus, and
Mourasuchus), two distinct side-necked turtles (Chelus and Podocnemididae) and one mammal (Toxodontidae).
The studied fossils could be systematized into two taphonomic classes based on their preservational status,
indicating a sinuous fluvial meandering paleoenvironment. This new locality seems to be relevant regarding not
only its fossil vertebrate diversity but also because of its geographic position: on a highway side, which allows
access at any season of the year, as contrary to most common riverine outcrops from Solimões Formation, which
are restricted to collections during the dry seasons.

1. Introduction 1995; Hoorn et al., 2010a; Latrubesse et al., 2010; Gross et al., 2011;
Nogueira et al., 2013), and the sedimentary depositional history and
The State of Acre, northern Brazil, presents rocks that preserve some dynamic of these beds (Horbe et al., 2019). The influence of Andean
of the latest South American faunas before the turnover caused by the orogeny and the genesis of current Amazon hydrographic basin influ-
Great American Biotic Interchange event (Negri et al., 2010). The enced the landscapes, ecosystems, and also the faunal diversification in
Acrean fossil vertebrates have been early mentioned in literature by the Amazonian region in the Early Cenozoic, being the current diversity
Agassiz (1868) and, since then, the age of this fauna and its relation- patterns rooted in the diversity of the Neogene biota (Hoorn et al.,
ships with other fossil assemblages from South America have been 2010a,b; Bicudo et al., 2019). The direct influence of the Andes up-
discussed (e.g., Cozzuol, 2006; Latrubesse et al., 1997, 2007; 2010; lifting to the Amazonian paleoenvironment is evidenciated based on the
Hoorn et al., 2010a, b; Riff et al., 2010; Cidade et al., 2019a). Despite analysis of sedimentological data by Horbe et al. (2019), see also Hoorn
this, some doubtfulness regarding the stratigraphic correlation between et al. (2017), which concluded the Andean provenance of the sedi-
different localities persists, mostly because of the continuous and dense mentary cover in Solimões Formation.
vegetation coverage, which restrict the access to outcrops, that are The deposition of proto-Andean and Andean sediments over the
generally limited to natural (e.g., rivers) or artificially (e.g., highways) Acre and Solimões Basins resulted in the genesis of the rocks known as
devastated areas (Negri et al., 2010). As a consequence of this strati- Solimões Formation, which is a well-known Cenozoic lithostratigraphic
graphic unknowledge, the uncertainties regarding the Acrean portion of unit due to its biodiverse fossiliferous content comprising microfossils,
Solimões Basin, corresponding to the west portion of the state plants, invertebrate, and vertebrate (e.g., Cozzuol, 2006; Latrubesse
(Menegazzo et al., 2016; Sá et al., 2020), lead to a debate, that still in et al., 2010; Gross et al., 2013; Nogueira et al., 2013; Souza-Filho and
progress, about its age (e.g., Cozzuol, 2006; Latrubesse et al., 2007; Guilherme, 2015; Haag and Henriques, 2016; Kloster et al., 2017; Sá
Bissaro-Júnior et al., 2019), paleoenvironment (e.g., Räsänen et al., and Carvalho, 2017; Sá et al., 2020). This formation extends from

Corresponding author. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
E-mail address: (M.B.d.S. Lacerda).
Received 8 January 2020; Received in revised form 18 March 2020; Accepted 28 March 2020
Available online 10 April 2020
0895-9811/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Manaus municipality (Amazonas State, Brazil) to the South limits of whereas the remaining twenty-one are too fragmentary to perform a
Acre State, Brazil (Latrubesse et al., 2010). Despite the divergences precise systematic and anatomical identification and were only eval-
about dating and paleoenvironment interpretations (e.g., Latrubesse uated for taphonomical considerations (see session 3.2). Those mate-
et al., 2010 contra Räsänen et al., 1995), the paleontological im- rials are housed in the paleontological collection of the Laboratório de
portance of Solimões Formation is unquestionable, providing several Paleontologia e Osteologia Comparada (LAPOC), of the Museu de
specimens of a variety of Tetrapoda clades, such as anurans (Muniz Zoologia João Moojen (MZUFV), Departamento de Biologia Animal
et al., 2016), lizards and snakes (Hsiou and Albino, 2009; Hsiou et al., (DBA), Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais State,
2009, 2010), turtles (Oliveira and Romano, 2007; Riff et al., 2010), Brazil. The materials are under the acronym MZUFV-P and each spe-
crocodilians (Cidade et al., 2019a,b), birds (Alvarenga and Guilherme, cimen received its own register number. The studied materials, that are
2003; Negri et al., 2010), and several mammalian orders (Cozzuol, described here were compared to extant and fossil specimens from
2006; Negri et al., 2010, Ribeiro et al., 2013). This plethora of fossil several species, those samples were accessed from osteological collec-
organisms provide relevant and essential information on the evolution tions and specialized literature (see SM to details on the compared
of neotropical fauna and flora from the Amazon region (Hoorn et al., specimens and information about the institutions where the materials
2010a,b; Bissaro-Júnior et al., 2019). are deposited).
The present work intend to increase our knowledge regarding the
vertebrate diversity of the Solimões Formation through the description 2.3. Anatomical nomenclature
of some fossils found on a new outcrop situated within Sena Madureira
municipality, State of Acre. This work provide brief comments about The Crocodyliformes cranial nomenclature was based on Mook
the systematics and taphonomy of those specimens. (1921a) and Iordansky (1973) and the postcranial nomenclature on
Mook (1921b), Carvalho (1951), Hoffstetter and Gasc (1969), Frey
1.1. Geological background (1988), Vieira et al. (2016) and modifications on vertebral nomen-
clature proposed by Souza (2018). The Testudines nomenclature was
Situated within the Acre, Solimões, and Madre de Dios basins, the based on Gaffney (1990), Cadena et al. (2008), and Sereno and ElShafie
Solimões Formation is exposed in northwestern of Brazil, east of Peru, (2013). The Mammalia nomenclature follows Paula-Couto (1979).
and north of Bolivia (Duarte, 2011). Its rocks are characterized by
several facies of conglomerates, sandstones, and mudstones with fining 2.4. Measurement of specimens
upward vertical profiles, showing great lateral heterogeneities (Caputo
et al., 1971; Brasil, 1976), also including claystone, with calcareous The measurements of all bones and structures were performed with
concretions, calcite, and gypsum veins (Latrubesse et al., 2010). This a manual Mitutoyo® digital caliper. The angles of morphological
horizontal heterogeneity of the rocks made previous authors recognize structures (e.g., processes, zygapophysis) were measured using photo-
the Solimões Formation as a series of different formations (see Brasil, graphs of the specimens using the software ImageJ 1.8.0 (Rasband,
1976 for a historical perspective). Dating and thickness of the Solimões 1997). All measurements were taken by the same person (MBSL) and
Formation adopted here follows those proposed by Cunha (2007), those were used in morphological descriptions and to assist in speci-
which corresponds to the temporal range Eocene–Pliocene age, with an mens’ identifications and comparisons.
estimated thickness of 2200 m. The Solimões Formation presents sev-
eral reverse faults related to the Andean Orogeny (Brasil, 1976) and 3. Results
possible diachronism during the Late Miocene sedimentary deposition
(Bissaro-Júnior et al., 2019). The paleoenvironment was attributed to 3.1. Morphological descriptions and systematic
sandbars, channels, and floodplains formed in fluvial or fluviolacustrine
systems (Caputo et al., 1971, Räsänen et al., 1995, Gross et al., 2011, CROCODYLIFORMES Hay (1930).
also see Latrubesse et al., 2010 for a historical perspective of pa- CROCODYLIFORMES Indet.
leoenvironment interpretation). Souza et al. (2016), refined these flu-
vial interpretation, at least for the uppermost portion of the Solimões Referred materials: MZUFV-P 0005; MZUFV-P 0010; MZUFV-P
Formation, as a high sinuosity fluvial meandering paleoenvironment, 0011; MZUFV-P 0015; MZUFV-P 0037; MZUFV-P 0038; MZUFV-P
interpretation that is followed here. 0039; MZUFV-P 0040; MZUFV-P 0044; MZUFV-P 0045; MZUFV-P
0046; MZUFV-P 0047; MZUFV-P 0048; MZUFV-P 0049.
2. Material and methods Morphological description (osteoderms): Seven specimens
(MZUFV-P 0005, MZUFV-P 0040, MZUFV-P 0045, MZUFV-P 0046,
2.1. New fossiliferous locality MZUFV-P 0047, MZUFV-P 0048 and MZUFV-P 0049) are isolated os-
teoderms. Based on the ornamentation (rounded and shallow pits at
This new locality is situated, in State of Acre, within Sena Madureira dorsal surface and parallel oriented scar lines forming grids in ventral
municipality in the exit to Manuel Urbano municipality, on highway BR surface) and general shape (sub-rectangular), those osteoderms can be
364. The fossils were collected in the region of the uppermost part of attributed to the Crocodyliformes.
the Solimões Formation. The geographical coordinates of this new MZUFV-P 0005 (Fig. 2A) is completely preserved. It has a rectan-
outcrop are: 9°02′43,20″ S 68°46′18,12″ W (Fig. 1). gular shape with 36 mm of maximum length and 32 mm of maximum
The site have been exposed due to scarping of the BR 364 highway. width. The dorsal surface of the dermal plaque has a small elevation
It represents a strata of expansive clays, greenish gray, rich in phos- (not forming a true crest) in the medial region, with small pits at its
phates and sulphates. It is possible to see whitish concreted areas on dorsal surface. Joint sutures with other osteoderms are visible on left
this level, where several bone remains abound, many of which have and right sides. The rectangular shape of MZUFV-P 0005 with rounded
been rolled or transported. The specimens were collected by free corners, the sutures morphology and its position are compatible with an
walking along the site, at a height of 10 m above road level. osteoderm from the main dorsal roll.
MZUFV-P 0040 (Fig. 2B) has a triangular shape in lateral view, the
2.2. Studied materials apice is rounded and posterodorsally inclined. The medial surface is
more plane than the lateral, which is concave laterally. The base of this
Carlos E. G. R. Schaefer collected at least forty-four isolated fossils osteoderm is not completely preserved and the most ventral part of it is
in July of 2010. From those fossils, twenty-three were described, 30 mm of maximum width and 26 mm of maximum height. It belongs

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Fig. 1. Map of South America, highlighting the Acre State, north of Brazil. The dot symbol indicates the new fossiliferous outcrop (9°02′43,20″S 68°46′18,12″W).

to the caudal series of osteoderms, representing an isolated crest of one neural spine. The specimen presents the right and left basis of the fused
of the first caudal series (dentiform caudal verticiles sensu Carvalho, caudal rib (Fig. 2E3), the base of the spinous process (Fig. 2E1) and the
1951). right prezygapophysis (Fig. 2E1). The vertebral body is flattened la-
The remaining osteoderms (MZUFV-P 0045, MZUFV-P 0046, teromedially and this flattening is most evident in its medial portion,
MZUFV-P 0047, MZUFV-P 0048 and MZUFV-P 0049) are markedly below the fused ribs (Fig. 2E2). The vertebral condyle is well-procelic
fragmented. The grooves on the dorsal side seen in MZUFV-P 0045 and (Fig. 2E1-2E2). Below the condyle, it is possible to observe a scar, in-
MZUFV-P 0046 allow us to identify it as lateral or dorsal trunk osteo- terpreted as the contact between the ventroposterior region of the
derms. The specimens MZUFV-P 0047, MZUFV-P 0048, and MZUFV-P vertebral body and the chevron/hemal arch (Fig. 2E2). The pre-
0049 do not have these ornamentations grooves, but, as seen in all zygapophysis is dorsally elongated, narrowing in the anteroposterior
osteoderms collected, they exhibit small scars in ventral surface, which direction and willing horizontally in relation to the vertebral center in
indicate the joint between the dermal plaque and the derm of the lateral side. The specimen MZUFV-P 0011 also presents a surface of
specimen. articulation with the pre- and postzygapophysis slightly medially la-
Morphological description (ribs): MZUFV-P 0010 represents a teralized, thus the articulation with the posterior vertebra is more in-
medial region of a fragmentary isolated rib (Fig. 2D). The rib has ternalized (Fig. 2E3). The length of the caudal rib is 26 mm, which is
73 mm of maximum length and 23 mm of maximum width in its most about 46% of the total length of the vertebra (Fig. 2E2), allows the
expanded region. The ventral margin is slightly curved, being convex. identification of MZUFV-P 0011 as a caudal vertebra from the anterior
The morphology of its anterior and posterior margins, forming crests, portion of the tail. In addition, its general morphology and ven-
suggests that it represents a dorsal rib fragment. troposteriorlly scars of the centrum, indicating the chevron articulation,
Another rib fragment is MZUFV-P 0044 (Fig. 2C), this specimen corroborate to this conclusion.
refers to part of the proximal region. It has 51 mm of maximum length MZUFV-P 0015 (Fig. 2G) is a fragment of neural spine, with 45 mm
and 45 mm of maximum width in its most proximal region and 38 mm of maximum length and 40 mm of maximum width. The fossil consists
of maximum width in the most distal region. MZUFV-P 0044 has a on the dorsal region of a neural spine and is lateromedially flattened
relatively anteroposterior flattened, being slightly concave in the dorsal and relatively thin, with about 5 mm of maximum thickness. The apical
region with a maximum thickness not exceeding 8 mm. The tubercular region of the neural spine has a lateral extension forming an elliptical
articulation is dorsoventrally elliptical, whereas capitular articulation is structure in dorsal view. The anteroposterior length of MZUFV-P 0015
elliptical anteroposteriorlly. The tubercular articulation is larger than and the lateral expansions on its apex allows identifying it as probably a
the capitular. The capitular and tubercular processes are almost posterior dorsal or anterior lumbar vertebra of a large specimen.
equivalent in size (capitulum maximum length 14 mm; tuberculum Morphological description (crania): MZUFV-P 0037 (Fig. 2H1-
maximum length 10 mm, when measured from the base of the notch H2) is a medial fragment of the right maxillary, and it has 76 mm of
capitulum-tuberculum), and the notch has a well-defined angular maximum length and its maximum width is 30 mm. The palatal surface
aperture. Due to the length similarities between the capitulum and is smooth and nearly straight with the presence of a foramen in most
tuberculum processes of MZUFV-P 0044 we identify it tentatively as the posterior region (Fig. 2H2). This foramen is similar to the foramina of
first left dorsal rib. the palatal region observed in some Caimaninae specimens such as
Morphological description (vertebra): MZUFV-P 0011 is a well- Caiman latirostris, and Melanosuchus niger. The dorsal region of MZUFV-
preserved caudal vertebra, missing most part of the neural spine P 0037 is irregular, with a dorsally projecting structure that forms the
(Fig. 2E1-E3). It has 56 mm of maximum length, from cotyl to condyle inner region of the maxilla (Fig. 2H1), but the most dorsal region of the
and 38 mm of maximum height up to the preserved part of the base of bone is not preserved. The anterior and posterior edges of the specimen

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

are flat, and no suture border is preserved. Even if fragmented, the Remarks: Price et al. (1977) and Souza et al. (2016) pointed out the
presence of the foramen and the morphology of the ventral region of the presence of at least two Crocodyliformes clades in Solimões Formation:
MZUFV-P 0037 allow us to conclude that it is a maxillary fragment Sebecidae and Crocodylia. Given the absence of enough diagnostic
assigned to Crocodyliformes. features distinguishing the above-mentioned fragmentary material,
MZUFV-P 0039 (Fig. 2I1-I2) is probably a right ectopterygoid with conservatively we identify those specimens as indeterminate Crocody-
46 mm of maximum length and 22 mm of maximum width. The ventral liformes.
portion, in the region of contact with pterygoid is broken, enabling to
visualize the internal structure of the bone (Fig 2I-2). The rugose sur- CROCODYLIA Gmelin, 1789 (sensu Benton and Clark, 1988)
faces preserved seen in lateral portion are probably the suturement ALLIGATOROIDEA Gray (1844) (sensu Brochu, 2003)
region with maxillary and jugal (Fig 2I-1). ALLIGATORIDAE Gray (1844) (sensu Norell et al., 1994)
Morphological description (appendicular skeleton): MZUFV-P CAIMANINAE Brochu (2003).
0038 (Fig. 2F) is a fragment epiphysis, probably from first right meta- CAIMANINAE indet.
tarsus. It has a maximum length of 31 mm and an elliptical shape in
cross-section. On the lateral side, the specimen has two smooth digs in Referred material: MZUFV-P 0014.
the epiphysis region. The articulation of distal region with the first Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0014 is a fragmented neural
phalange is planar and triangular when seen in distal view. arch (Fig. 3A1-A3). It has 57 mm of maximum length and 28 mm of

Fig. 2. Crocodyliformes: MZUFV-P 0005 (A) dorsal view; MZUFV-P 0040 (B) right lateral view; MZUFV-P 0044 (C) right lateral view; MZUFV-P 0010 (D) ventral
view; MZUFV-P 0011 (E1) right lateral view; (E2) ventral view; (E3) anterior view; MZUFV-P 0038 (F) dorsal view; MZUFV-P 0015 (G), lateral view; MZUFV-P 0037
(H1) lateral view, (H2) palatal view; MZUFV-P 0039 (I1) medial view; (I2) caudal view. Scale bars = 20 mm. Anatomical abbreviations: af-anterior facet; cap-
capitulum; cr-caudal rib; tub-tuberculum; prz-anteriorzygapophyses; for-foramen.

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

maximum width. Both postzygapophyses are preserved, with the left not show any joints or sutures to other osteoderms. The dorsal surface
one missing part of its dorsal extremity (Fig. 4A1). The right post- (Fig. 4A1) presents irregular pits and grooves ornamentation, being
zygapophysis exhibits a rectangular shape and is inclined poster- concentrated to the anterior portion of the osteoderm, but also present
olaterally in dorsal view. Only the right prezygapophysis is preserved in the lateral surface of the crest. The median crest is well-developed
and has its articulation surface arranged in a horizontal position with a dorsally, with 32 mm of maximum length and 21 mm of maximum
subcircular shape. The basis of the right diapophyseal process is also high, with an angle of 148° in relation to the base of the osteoderm
preserved and located over the lateral surface of the prezygapophyseal (Fig. 4A2). The crest is compressed lateromedially, projecting poster-
process (Fig. 3A1, 3A3). The shape of the vertebral canal is preserved odorsally and presenting a rounded apex. The ventral surface of the
and has 12 mm in width (Fig. 3A2). The peduncle and part of the la- specimen has parallel line scars, formed due to the attachment of the
mina of the neural arch is also preserved on the right side of the spe- osteoderm with the body specimen.
cimen. In ventral view, the neurocentral junction of the neural arch MZUFV-P 0009 (Fig. 4B1-B4) is an almost complete posterior dorsal
peduncle has rugose texture (Fig. 3A2) characteristic of the contact vertebra. This vertebral body is longer than it is tall (Fig. 4B2), having
between neural arch and vertebral body. The presence of a more hor- 56 mm of maximum length (from cotyl to condyle) and 78 mm of
izontalized diapophyseal process with two well-developed ridges con- maximum height (measured to mid dorsal line from the pre-
necting with prezygapophysis and postzygapophysis allows identifying zygapophyses uppermost edge to the ventral edge of the cotyl)
it as an anterior dorsal vertebra, probably being the second dorsal (Fig. 4B1). The vertebral body has a medial constriction which reaches
vertebra (sensu Souza, 2018). the smallest thickness (29 mm) in the midventral part (Fig. 4B4). The

Fig. 3. Caimaninae: MZUFV-P 0014 (A1) dorsal view; (A2) ventral view; (A3) left lateral view. Scale bar = 20 mm. Anatomical abbreviations: dpr-diapophyseal
process; poz-posteriorzygapophyses; prz-anteriorzygapophyses; nc-neural channel.

Comparisons: Despite the fragmentary nature of MZUFV-P 0014, it anterior part of the cotyl is slightly convex and wider than tall
preserves a key feature for taxonomic identification, the diapophyseal (Fig. 4B2). Only the basis of the neural spine, which covers the entire
process (Fig. 3A1 and 3A3). In this specimen (MZUFV-P 0014), the dorsal surface of the neural arch is preserved, reaching 50 mm in
diapophyseal process is located on the lateral surface of the pre- maximum length (measured from the base) (Fig. 4B3). The pre-
zygapophyseal process (Fig. 3A3). The anterior margin of the diapo- zygapophyses of MZUFV-P0009 have a rectangular shape in dorsal view
physeal process present a ridge, connecting it to the dorsal portion of (Fig. 4B) with a slight medial arching and the dorsal edges straightened.
the prezygapophyseal process. In the posterior margin of the diapo- The articular surface of the prezygapophyses has an angle of 52°
physeal process, a posterodorsal ridge connects it with the anterior (anterior view) in relation to the sagittal plane (Fig. 4B1). The post-
margin of the postzygapophyseal process. This set of features is similar zygapophyses also have a rectangular shape, with rounded edges
to those observed in extant Caimaninae species Caiman crocodilus, (Fig. 4B3-4B4), the articulation surface of the postzygapophyses, pro-
Caiman latirostris, Caiman yacare, Melanosuchus niger, Paleosuchus pal- trudes anteriorly to the vertebral body and have a greater area of ar-
pebrosus, and Paleosuchus trigonatus. On the other hand, the remaining ticulation in relation to prezygapophyses. Both transverse processes are
extant species of non-Caimaninae observed, such as Alligator mis- preserved, but the left one is distorced due to taphonomic bias. Based
sissippiensis (Daudin, 1802), Alligator sinensis (Fauvel, 1879), Crocodylus on the right transverse process it is possible to infer that these structures
niloticus Laurenti, 1768, Crocodylus porosus (Schneider, 1801), Gavialis are planar and flattened dorso-ventrally, not exceeding 10 mm of
gangeticus, and Tomistoma schlegelii (Müller, 1838), differ by having the thickness (Fig. 4B3-4B4). There is no evidence that the neural arch and
diapophyseal process more posteriorly located, with the anterior ridge the vertebral body are completely fused, however, the region of medial
that connects it with prezygapophyseal process more horizontalized contact between vertebral body and neural arch is not entirely pre-
and also, by having the posterior ridge shorter and almost vertical. served due to taphonomic bias, presenting some excavations of the
Remarks: The presence of an anterior displaced diapophyseal bone surface (Fig. 4B2).
process in the second dorsal vertebra is a feature exclusively shared Comparisons: The morphology of the osteoderm MZUFV-P 0004 is
with extant Caimaninae species. compatible with osteoderms referred to Mourasuchus arendsi Langston
(1965), as pointed out by Langston (2008), and Mourasuchus sp. as
Mourasuchus Price, 1964 inferred by Souza et al. (2016). It has the following Mourasuchus di-
Type-species: Mourasuchus amazonensis Price (1964) agnostic features: small and subcircular base; well-developed medial
Mourasuchus sp. crest with anterior margin inclined; and rounded apical extremity.
MZUFV-P 0004 probably is an osteoderm of the lateral rolls of the
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0004; MZUFV-P 0009. trunk, given its general morphology and the previous proposal made by
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0004 is a well-preserved Langston (2008) and reiterated by Souza et al. (2016).
and nearly complete isolated osteoderm (Fig. 4A1-A2). It has a sub- MZUFV-P 0009 is larger than all extant Crocodylia species ver-
circular base with 42 mm of maximum length and 26 mm of maximum tebrae. It is compatible in size with, at least, three extinct genera: the
width. The lateroposterior border is broken and partially lost. It does Caimaninae Mourasuchus and Purussaurus and the Gavialoidea

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Fig. 4. Mourasuchus sp.: MZUFV-P 0004 (A1) dorsal view; (A2) lateral view; MZUFV-P 0009 (B1) anterior view; (B2) lateral view; (B3) dorsal view; (B4) ventral view.
Scale bars = 20 mm. Anatomical abbreviations: tp-transverse process; poz-posteriorzygapophyses; prz-anteriorzygapophyses.

Fig. 5. – Melanosuchus cf. M. niger: MZUFV-P 0016 (A1) proximal view; (A2) lateral view; (A3) medial view; (A4) posterior view. Scale bar = 20 mm.

Gryposuchus. Since there are no post cranium axial skeletal elements constriction in the medial region of the vertebral body, differing from
described for Gryposuchus so far, it is impossible to compare MZUFV-P MZUFV-P 0009 (Fig. 4B2) and Mourasuchus, which is straight. MZUFV-
0009 to this genus. Purussaurus dorsal vertebra have condyle and cotyl P 0009 has a lateromedial compression on the vertebral body, seen in
with similar size (Gervais, 1876), differing from the observed in ventral view (Fig. 4B4), and similar to that described by Langston
MZUFV-P 0009 (Fig. 4B2) and Mourasuchus. Also, in Purussaurus, the (2008) for Mourasuchus arendsi. Moreover, MZUFV-P 0009 and Mour-
ventral portion of vertebral body is arched with the greatest asuchus arendsi also share corresponding angulation of prezygapophyses

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

in relation to the sagittal plan. According to Langston (2008), the first transverse process are completely fused, without any visible suture.
lumbar vertebra of Mourasuchus arendsi has an angulation of 48° and However, the suture between the vertebral body and neural arch re-
the fifth, 50°. The prezygapophyses of MZUFV-P 0009 have an angu- mains open, with 15 mm of maximum length, situated above the ver-
lation of 52°. It is not possible to identify which posterior dorsal ver- tebral centrum. MZUFV-P 0012 presents the sacral rib with dorsal
tebra MZUFV-P 0009 is, but it is secure to identify it as Mourasuchus margin horizontalized, seen in anterior view (Fig. 6A4). In dorsal view,
based on the above-mentioned features as well as the differences there is a concavity in the lateral margin of the rib forming the ar-
pointed out to Purussaurus and all extant Crocodylia species. ticulation with the left ilium (Fig. 6A1). The prezygapophysis is well-
developed, with 28 mm of maximum length and 13 mm of maximum
Melanosuchus Spix, 1825 width, and its articular surface is elliptical in shape (Fig. 6A3). In dorsal
Type-species: Melanosuchus niger (Spix, 1825) view (Fig. 6A1), the lateral portion of the articular surface of the pre-
Melanosuchus cf. M. niger zygapophysis is more posteriorlly than medial, becoming gradually
more inclined along the anteroposterior axis. In anterior view
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0016. (Fig. 6A4), the articulation surface of the prezygapophysis is relative
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0016 (Fig. 5A1-A4) is a inclined to the sagittal plane of the vertebra, with approximately 62°.
fragmentary left tibia. Only the proximal epiphysis is preserved, with The tuberculum of sacral rib is extended anteriorly, as seen in anterior
37 mm of maximum length (Fig. 5A2-A4) and the maximum width at its view. This tuberculum fuses to the lateral border of the vertebral cen-
most proximal portion, is 33 mm. The posterior process of the tibia is trum, and in MZUFV-P 0012 is a well-developed structure (Fig. 6A2).
broken (Fig. 5A4), but in proximal view (Fig. 5A1) the inner margin of The tuberculum position in MZUFV-P 0012, in relation to rib, presents
it is visible, and in posterior view (Fig. 5A1), the origin of the ventral an angulation of 131° and extends anteriorly to the anterior limits of the
portion slope is also visible (Fig. 5A1). The posterior process has a prezygapophysis (Fig. 6A1-A3).
subtle leaning, which we interpret as evidence that it does not range Comparisons: The rib of MZUFV-P 0012 presents its dorsal surface
extensively. MZUFV-P 0016 general shape, in proximal view is elliptical horizontalized in relation to the vertebra-ilium contact, this condition is
with a straight anterior border (Fig. 5A1). On the lateral side, the opposite to that observed in Gavialis gangeticus, which has the inclined
proximal tibiofibular joint facet presents a shallow concavity between rib with its distal region more ventrally positioned. In Paleosuchus
the lateral process and the posterior process (Fig. 5A2). The medial palpebrosus, the sacral rib also has the dorsal surface slightly inclined
process projects slightly occupying most of the medial margin of the towards the ilium, but this inclination is less evident than in Gavialis
tibia (seen in proximal view). Between the medial and the posterior gangeticus. In Melanosuchus niger, the dorsal surface of the rib is arched
process, lies a shallow concavity (Fig. 5A3), the intercondylar sulcus and forms a convex structure. This feature differs from the observed in
(sensu Vieira et al., 2016) of the tibia, that is located between the base MZUFV-P 0012. Caiman species have the dorsal surface of the sacral rib
of the posterior, lateral and medial processes (Fig. 5A1) in a medio- relatively flatter and more horizontal, when compared to Gavialis,
laterally portion of the epiphysis, in proximal articulation. Paleosuchus, and Melanosuchus. Among Caiman species, C. crocodilus
Comparisons: MZUFV-P 0016 is identified as Melanosuchus cf. M. presents the straightest rib in its dorsal surface (seen in anterior view),
niger by the following features: a well-developed posterior process that being this condition similar to those observed in MZUFV-P 0012.
is laterally and medially delimited by two concavities (seen in proximal The left prezygapophysis of MZUFV-P 0012 is well-developed, being
view); these concavities isolate the posterior process from the lateral a relatively large structure. This condition differs from Gavialis gang-
and medial process, respectively; both lateral and medial process points eticus and Paleosuchus, because both have relatively small pre-
respectively to lateral and medial directions; also the anterior margin is zygapophyses with a smaller articulation surface. Melanosuchus and
slightly arched. Those features seen in Melanosuchus niger and MZUFV-P species of Caiman have the most developed prezygapophyses, being
0016 differs from Caiman species by having a medial process facing observed in Caiman crocodilus the greater prezygapophyses between
medioanteriorly seen in proximal view. Also, in Caiman there is an extant Caimaninae. In anterior view, MZUFV-P 0012, Caiman crocodilus
additional process, facing medioposteriorly, between the medial and and Caiman latirostris, have the prezygapophyses occupying a great part
posterior process that is not seen in MZUFV-P 0016. In Paleosuchus the of the neural arch, being its base broadly enlarged. The inclination of
lateral process is pronounced and limited to the anterior most portion of this structure in MZUFV-P 0012, based on its dorsal surface of articu-
the lateral surface, whereas in Gavialis the anterior margin is straight lation with the last lumbar vertebra and relative to the sagittal plane of
but with two small concavities, the posterior margin is well-developed the vertebra is 62°. The dorsal end of the prezygapophysis is laterally
and its lateral and medial processes are not developed, both differ from inclined in MZUFV-P 0012. The opposite can be observed in Gavialis
the morphology seen in Melanosuchus. Other extinct Caimaninae of the gangeticus which have an angulation of 43° and Caiman yacare, 44°. In
Solimões Formation, such as Acresuchus (Souza-Filho et al., 2019), these two species, the edge of the prezygapophyses are situated in a
Caiman brevirostris Souza-Filho (1987) (Fortier et al., 2014) and Mour- more dorsal position when compared with MZUFV-P 0012. Caiman
asuchus do not have any preserved tibia, and therefore, the comparisons crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger show the most inclined laterally
with these taxa is not possible. Thus, although poorly preserved, prezygapophyses, with 55° and 56° of inclinations, respectively,
MZUFV-P 0016 preserves key features that allow us to identified as a whereas Mourasuchus arendsi has an angulation of the prezygapophyses
specimen of Melanosuchus cf. M. niger. with 58°, according to Langston (2008).
A feature observed in MZUFV-P 0012 that differs from any living
Caiman Spix, 1825 Crocodylia is the position of the contact between the tuberculum and
Type-species: Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758) the vertebral body. This structure is positioned in a more anterior re-
Caiman aff. C. crocodilus gion and forms an angulation of 131° in relation to the anterior border
of the rib (Fig. 6A1). In general, extant Crocodylia have the tuberculum
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0012. that does not exceed the anterior line of the prezygapophysis. However,
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0012 is the 1st sacral ver- this feature is unknown in Purussaurus and Acresuchus.
tebra (Fig. 6B1-B4). It has 88 mm of maximum length measured from Remarks: The dorsal surface of the first sacral ribs of MZUFV-P
the vertebral body to the rib/ilium contact, and 47 mm of maximum 0012 is horizontalized, which seems to be a feature exclusively shared
width in region of vertebral body. Only the left side of the vertebra is with Caiman species. Therefore, MZUFV-P 0012 is securely assigned to
preserved, including a fusioned sacral rib, prezygapophysis and a small Caimaninae. Due to the overall similarities and the above-mentioned
dorsal portion of the vertebral centrum (Fig. 6B1-B4). Part of neural shared features of MZUFV-P 0012 and Caiman crocodilus, we tentatively
canal is preserved and has a diameter of 9 mm. The sacral rib and the indentify it as Caiman aff. C. crocodilus.

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Fig. 6. – Caiman aff. C. crocodilus: MZUFV-P 0012 (A1) dorsal view; (A2) lateral view; (A3) medial view; (A4) anterior view. Scale bar = 20 mm. Anatomical
abbreviations: tub-tuberculum; prz-anteriorzygapophysis.

TESTUDINES Linnaeus, 1758. fragmentary base of the transverse process. The neural arch also pre-
PLEURODIRA Cope (1865). sents both postzygapophyses and the base of neural spine, which is
PLEURODIRA indet. quite fragmented. Only the posterior portion of neural spine is pre-
served and is dorsally elongated (Fig. 7B1). The postzygapophyses have
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0042. an elliptical shape in articulation surface, being taller (9 mm of height,
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0042 is a fragmentary right and 6 mm of length), and clearly visible in dorsal view (Fig. 7B2). The
xiphiplastron (Fig. 7A1-7A2). It has 39 mm of maximum length and angulation of the postzygapophyses are 34° in relation to the sagittal
42 mm of maximum width. There is no suture demarcation in MZUFV-P plane, therefore, the articular surface is laterally positioned (Fig. 7B1).
0042 with the hypoplastron. In visceral view, the specimen MZUFV-P Part of the neural channel shape is preserved and presents a maximum
0042 presents the pubic scar nearly preserved (Fig. 7A1), with a diameter of 5.5 mm (Fig. 7B1).
semicircular shape, and slightly elevated on its most anterior portion. Comparisons: Even though not completely preserved, the neural
The ventral surface of the bone shows the femoral-anal sulcus that is spine of MZUFV-P 0013 is probably well developed, as seen in Chelidae
positioned above the pubic scar (Fig. 7A2). and Podocnemididae turtles. In Chelidae, the postzygapophyses show
Comparisons: The femoral-anal sulcus in MZUFV-P 0042 is similar smaller angulation aperture, with the articulation surface more ven-
to those observed in chelids such as Chelus fimbriata (Schneider, 1783) trally positioned. Also, Chelidae species have smaller joint surfaces, if
and Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) in both position and compared with MZUFV-P 0013 and Podocnemididae species. On the
shape, but differs from the podocnemidid Podocnemis expansa other hand, Podocnemididae species also have articular surface of
(Schweigger, 1812) that have the femoral-anal sulcus more anteriorly postzygapophyses more developed than Chelidae's, as well as greater
positioned. The position of femoral-anal sulcus could be interpreted as angular aperture, with the surface of articulation more laterally posi-
diagnostic to Chelidae, but the fragmentary condition of MZUFV-P tioned. The aforementioned Podocnemididae features are observed in
0042 does not allow us to properly compare it. However, the pubic scar MZUFV-P 0013, allowing us to assign it to this family. Since the post-
observed in MZUFV-P 0042 allows us to identify it as a side-necked zygapophyses of 7th and 8th cervical vertebra of Podocnemis and
turtle specimen. Stupendemys do not differ from the general morphology of remaining
podocnemidids and other South American genera, and Caninemys
PODOCNEMIDIDAE Cope (1868). (Gaffney et al., 1998; Meylan et al., 2009) and Bairdemys (Gaffney and
PODOCNEMIDIDAE indet. Wood, 2002) do not have preserved cervical vertebra, it is impossible to
identify which genus and species MZUFV-P 0013 could belong.
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0013.
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0013 is probably the 7th or CHELIDAE Gray (1825).
8th cervical vertebra (Fig. 7B1-7B2). It has 18 mm of maximum length, Chelus Duméril, 1806
13 mm of maximum height, and 11 mm of width. Only the neural arch Type-species: Chelus fimbriata (Schneider, 1783)
of the vertebra is preserved. The right side of neural arch presents the Chelus sp.

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Referred material: MZUFV-P 0006. the specimen preserves the medioposteriorlly portion of the iliac scar,
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0006 is a partially pre- with 26 mm of maximum width (Fig. 7C2).
served left 8th costal bone (Fig. 7C1-C3). It has 69 mm of maximum Comparisons: The iliac scar allows the identification of MZUFV-P
length and 41 mm of maximum width. Only the medial and lateral 0006 as a Pleurodira. Moreover, the presence of a partially preserved
portion is preserved. The suture surface with the left 10th and 11th dorsal ridge enables to assert it to Chelus, since this structure is only
peripherals are visible and a groove can be seen in visceral medial re- known in this genus (Wood, 1976; Cadena et al., 2008; Ferreira et al.,
gion of the specimen. This groove has been interpreted as a taphonomic 2016). The shape of the preserved portion of the dorsal ridge seems to
damage on the rib contact with 10th peripheral bone (Fig. 7C1). The be continuous, as in Chelus colombianus, and differing from the Chelus
anterior portion of MZUFV-P 0006 preserves the posterior edge of the fimbriata and Chelus lewisi. However, given the fact that only the most
dorsal ridge (Fig. 7C3), being notably thicker (22 mm of thickness) than posterior portion of this structure is preserved, we prefer to keep a more
the lateral portion (5 mm of thickness) of it (Fig. 7C2). The posterior conservative identification due to the lack of other specific diagnostic
region is also more arched, notably on the visceral surface, a feature feature.
consistent with 8th costal morphology (of Chelus). The ventral surface of

Fig. 7. Testudinata: MZUFV-P 0042 (A1) visceral view; (A2) ventral view; (B1) MZUFV-P 0013, posterior view; (B2) dorsal view; (C1) MZUFV-P 0006, dorsal view;
(C2) ventral view; (C3) anterior view. Scale bars = 20 mm. Anatomical abbreviations: pbs-pubic scar; a-f sc-anal-femoral scar; nsp-neural spine; poz-poster-
iorzygapophyses; phc-peripheral contact; ils-iliac scar; dri-dorsal ridge.

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

Fig. 8. – Toxodontidae: MZUFV-P 0008; (A1) proximal view; (A2) distal view; (A3) lateral view. Scale bars = 20 mm.

MAMMALIA Linnaeus, 1758. Comparisons: The Notoungulata order is the unique group which
NOTOUNGULATA Roth (1903). has taxa that reach this dimension of carpal bones in outcrops of
TOXODONTIA Owen (1853). Solimões Formation. Apart from that, the overall morphology of
TOXODONTIDAE Owen (1845). MZUFV-P 0008 is compatible with the description of Toxodon made by
TOXODONTIDAE indet. Roth (1898) and is also similar to the specimen MCL 23330/19 of
Toxodon platensis. The MZUFV-P 0008 is slightly smaller than the
Referred material: MZUFV-P 0008. Toxodon described by Roth (1898) and the specimen of Toxodon pla-
Morphological description: MZUFV-P 0008 is a complete right tensis housed in MCL/PUC. The MZUFV-P 0008 has the distal facets less
scaphoid (Fig. 8A1-A3). It has 39 mm of length, 69 mm of height, and concave than in Toxodon platensis MCL 23330/19, and the facet placed
45 mm and 32 mm of width in anterior and posterior regions, respec- laterally onto the tuberosity is more delimited than Toxodon platensis
tively. The proximal view (Fig. 8A1) presents a plane articular facet that MCL 23330/19. Cozzuol (2006) and Latrubesse et al. (2007) list the
becomes concave in the posterior region. This articular facet also pro- occurrence of eleven genera of Notoungulata, specifically the family
jects a tuberosity in the anterolateral region. Laterally, there is an Toxodontidae, for outcrops from the Solimões Formation. Most of these
anterior facet plane onto the tuberosity which is followed posteriorly by listed taxa are described and have key features only in dental and
a small, circular, and slight convex facet. A third facet, displaced dis- cranial remains, such as Abothrodon (Paula-Couto, 1944) and Trigodo-
tally, is the biggest of the three, and deeply concave at this posterior nops (Kaglievich, 1930), but do not have, to our knowledge, any formal
half. In the distal view (Fig. 8A2) the biggest facet of the scaphoid is description of carpal and tarsal bones to the Notoungulata from Acre
separated by a smooth crest. The posterior facet of the distal region State outcrops. Thus, the general morphology described above allow us
presents a deeply concave region that becomes convex in the posterior to identify MZUFV-P 0008 as a Toxodontidae.
region. The medial region presents a slight concave facet displaced
posteriorly (Fig. 8A3).

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

3.2. Taphonomy of collected specimens 4.2. Paleobiodiversity

Based on the studied material, some taphonomical comments can be The diversity of taxonomic groups from the outcrops of the Solimões
provided to explain the differential material preservation, and to in- Formation is unquestionable, and the fossil record of this formation is
terpret their correlation with possible effects generated by the inferred the one of the best records of the Cenozoic biota providing extensive
depositional paleoenvironment of the newly described locality. The knowledge about the evolution of proto-Amazonian fauna and flora
fossils described here can be systematized into two distinct taphono- (Cozzuol, 2006; Hoorn et al., 2010a,b; Ribeiro et al., 2013; Sá and
mical classes: Carvalho, 2017; Cidade et al., 2019a; Sá et al., 2020). Some localities in
Class 1: The materials are usually small and fragmented, but do not the Solimões Formation have more representativity of this biological
present rounding edges. The break is usually acute and the external diversity, such as the Talismã and Patos localities (see Bergqvist et al.,
surface is well-preserved without wear signals. This category is inter- 1998; Cozzuol, 2006; Hsiou and Albino, 2009; Negri et al., 2010; Souza-
preted as low energy transport of dismembered carcasses and/or iso- Filho and Guilherme, 2015; Souza et al., 2016). Both assemblages have
lated bones, explaining the absence of transport marks. This class ma- been well sampled and provide much of the biodiversity that allows us
terials are probably deposited in overbank fines or floodplains being to understand the development of the environments of the proto-
subjected to trampling, explaining the acute breaks. Regarding the well- Amazonian. The new fossiliferous locality described here (see session
preserved surface, two hypotheses are equally plausible: i) the materials 2.1), although not presenting records of several animal groups (so far),
were not exposed to the atmosphere, being covered by thin layers of still presents great diversity of vertebrates, comprising the record of
sand or mud; or ii) the materials were exposed to the atmosphere, crocodiles, turtles, and mammals in a single locality (see session 4.1),
however, the high humidity and the vegetal cover (preventing direct which is not common in other Solimões Formation outcrops, but was
sun influence) protected the decomposing bones from desiccation. The represented at this new site in a single collection effort.
specimens showing these features are: MZUFV-P 0004, MZUFV-P 0005, Crocodylia is greatly representated in Solimões Formation, being
MZUFV-P 0006, MZUFV-P 0007, MZUFV-P 0008, MZUFV-P 0010, well known, abundant, and diverselly recorded (Souza-Filho, 1987;
MZUFV-P 0011, MZUFV-P 0012, MZUFV-P 00013, MZUFV-P 0014, Fortier et al., 2014; Souza et al., 2016, 2018; Cidade et al., 2019a,b,c;
MZUFV-P 0015, MZUFV-P 0016, MZUFV-P 0037, MZUFV-P 0038, Souza-Filho et al., 2017, 2019). Some of the specimens described here,
MZUFV-P 0039, MZUFV-P 00042, MZUFV-P 0043, MZUFV-P 00045, such as the genus Mourasuchus (Fig. 4) and Caiman (Fig. 6) are rela-
MZUFV-P 0046, MZUFV-P 0047, MZUFV-P 0048, MZUFV-P 0049, tively well recorded in the Solimões Formation (e.g., Mourasuchus –
MZUFV-P 0050, MZUFV-P 0051, MZUFV-P 0052, MZUFV-P 0053, Price, 1964; Souza et al., 2016; Cidade et al., 2019b,c; Caiman – Souza-
MZUFV-P 0054, MZUFV-P 0055, MZUFV-P 0056, MZUFV-P 0057, Filho, 1987; Cozzuol, 2006; Fortier et al., 2014). However, the Mela-
MZUFV-P 0058, MZUFV-P 0059, MZUFV-P 0060, and MZUFV-P 0061. nosuchus (Fig. 5) described here represents the first postcranial record
Class 2: The materials present deformations in their external sur- of its genus for the Early Cenozoic of Solimões Formation (described in
face, being usually broken in acute angles. Here we interpret that those a previous note by Lacerda et al., 2017), since the other known record
fossils suffered similar pre-diagenetic processes as described by class 1. of this genus is represented by cranial remains (Souza-Filho et al.,
However, during the early fossildiagenesis those materials were more 2017). We reinforce that Melanosuchus fossil record extend, at least, to
superficially deposited enabling the calcite recrystallization and dis- the Paleogene/Neogene of Solimões Formation, and these records are
placement of the superficial bone tissue (see Holz and Schultz, 1998 for still restricted to the outrcrops of the northern Brazil (Lacerda et al.,
further information on taphonomy). This interpretation is based on the 2017; Souza-Filho et al., 2017; Cidade et al., 2019a). Those Melano-
presence of expanded clays into the bones. The specimens showing suchus specimens found in Solimões Formation are in agreement with
these characteristics are: MZUFV-P 0009, MZUFV-P 0044, MZUFV-P the fossil occurrence of this genus in other formations in South America,
0062, MZUFV-P 0063, MZUFV-P 0064, MZUFV-P 0065, MZUFV-P such as Urumaco Formation, from Upper Miocene of Venezuela
0066, MZUFV-P 0067, MZUFV-P 0068, and MZUFV-P 0069. (Medina, 1976; Foth et al., 2017; Cidade et al., 2019a).
The side-necked turtle findings (Fig. 7) extend geographically the
4. Discussion diversity of both, Chelidae and Podocnemididae, record in the Solimões
Formation, which are already widely registered (e.g., Campos et al.,
4.1. New fossiliferous locality 1976; Gaffney et al., 1998, 2002; Carvalho et al., 2002; Bocquentin
et al., 2001; Bocquentin and Melo, 2006; Meylan et al., 2009; Ferreira
The Solimões Formation has a great diversity of fossil species and a et al., 2016). In addition, it reinforces the notion that Chelus represents
large number of outcrops, located mainly in Acre and Southern one of the most abundant representants in this formation, with several
Amazonas State (Campos et al., 1976; Price et al., 1977; Cozzuol, 2006; occurrences (e.g., Campos et al., 1976; Bocquentin et al., 2001; Ferreira
Ribeiro et al., 2013). However, several outcroppable localities in the et al., 2016).
region refer to sites that are situated on the river slopes and along their Finally, the occurrence of a new specimen of Toxodontidae (Fig. 8),
course (e.g., Bergqvist et al., 1998; Alvarenga and Guilherme, 2003; although is not new, considering the diversity and abundance of this
Cozzuol, 2006; Cozzuol et al., 2006; Hsiou et al., 2009; Fortier et al., clade in the Solimões Formation (Cozzuol, 2006; Latrubesse et al.,
2014; Souza et al., 2016, 2018). The development of the Amazonia 2007; Negri et al., 2010), represents another piece in the paleobio-
rainforest over the rocks and soils derived from Solimões Formation geography history of this group, expanding its occurrence to the
make the outcrops more easily recognizable in regions with more ero- northern region of Acre State, and to south limits of Solimões basin,
sion such as river margins and roads/highways cuts (e.g., Bocquentin confirming the abundance of the group in rocks proceeding from the
and Melo, 2006; Cozzuol, 2006; Hsiou et al., 2010). Consequently, very Solimões Formation.
few works in the northern region of Brazil present outcrops that are not As discussed above, the records presented by this new locality
situated around watercourses (e.g., Cozzuol, 2006). This becomes more confirm the fossil potential of this outcrop adding more scientific in-
evident when we look at the several localities that are described in the formation related to the proto-Amazonian biota, and also adding an-
pioneering work developed by Campos et al. (1976) and Price et al. other piece in the historical scope of the studies carried out in the
(1977), covering an extensive area of the Solimões Formation. How- Solimões Formation, which have been developed for over a century.
ever, the new fossiliferous locality described here represents one of the Thus, new controlled excavations can further sample the proto-
few exceptions for the Solimões Formation, being located in a highway Amazonian biota in this specific locality, hitherto unknown biological
section with a region of trifling vegetation cover, that makes this out- information may emerge.
crop more accessible, with less physical boundaries limiting access.

M.B.d.S. Lacerda, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101 (2020) 102588

4.3. Taphonomy identifications and morphological descriptions, prepared figures and/or

tables and wrote the manuscript, reviewed drafts of the paper, ap-
The fossils described in this paper have distinct preservation pat- proved the final draft. Lucy G. Souza: Conceived and designed the
terns, being systematized into two distinct classes according to their research, performed the identifications and morphological descriptions,
preservation (see session 3.2). Regarding the taphonomical scenario of wrote the manuscript, reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final
the remaining localities of the Solimões Formation, some of those lo- draft. Leonardo S. Lobo: Performed the identifications and morpho-
calities have their own taphonomical explanations, such as the pre- logical descriptions and wrote the manuscript, reviewed drafts of the
sented by Souza et al. (2016) for outcrops along the Acre River. How- paper, approved the final draft. Carlos E. G. R. Schaefer: Collected the
ever, taphonomic studies and interpretations in outcrops of the samples, performed the geological descriptions, reviewed drafts of the
Solimões Formation are scarce and remain restricted to the southern paper, approved the final draft. Pedro S. R. Romano: Wrote the
part of the Acre State (see Souza et al., 2016 and references therein). manuscript, reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft and
Furthermore, complete taphonomical studies, similar to those carried provided the supervision.
out for Bauru Group (e.g., Azevedo et al., 2013; Bandeira et al., 2018)
including several biological information such as plants, invertebrates, Declaration of competing interest
and vertebrates, besides lithological studies and characterization of the
sediments in different outcrops from Solimões Formation still in need to The authors declare no conflict of interest.
better understand the origin and preservation patterns of these Paleo-
gene/Neogene fossils. The taphonomic hypotheses for the two classes Acknowledgments
described in this work might suggest a high sinuosity fluvial mean-
dering paleoenvironment, and this scenario is consistent with ob- The authors wish to thank the curators who gave us access to the
servations at the south limits of Acre State (Souza et al., 2016). How- collections: Rodrigo Machado (DNPM); Matthew A. Brown and J. Chris
ever, this sedimentary deposition scenario cannot be generalized to Sagebiel (TMM); Luciana Barbosa de Carvalho and Manoela Woitovicz
other outcrops from the Solimões Formation considering its extensive Cardoso (MN/UFRJ); Kevin de Queiroz, Kenneth A. Tighe and Addison
horizontal area and possible different processes that may have occurred Wynn (USNM); David C. Blackburn and Coleman M. Sheehy III (UF);
throughout the depositional history of the formation, being our ta- David A. Kizirian and Lauren Vonnahme (AMNH); and Castor Cartelle
phonomic conclusions restricted to the area under study of this new (PUC-MG). We also thank to Kamila L. N. Bandeira (MN/UFRJ) for
outcrop in the southern limits of Solimões basin. taphonomical comments and discussion about all specimens; Natália
Benevenuto (UFV) and Thiago Mariani (MN/UFRJ) for comments about
5. Conclusion turtle specimens; Giovanne Cidade (UFSCar) for comments about
Mourasuchus; and also to Camila B. Pinto (UFMG) for revision of the
The fossil findings from the new locality, presented in this work, manuscript draft and help with grammar. The author MBSL thanks for
address some important informations for the paleobiodiversity and fundings provided by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
paleogeographical distribution of some mammals and reptiles groups Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
from the Paleogene/Neogene of Solimões Formation. Furthermore, we Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES); LGS thanks for the PhD scholarship
reinforce four important considerations: 1) the new locality is on a granted by CAPES and to support granted to Paleo and Geohistory ex-
highway side, in a slope area, increasing our knowledge about the hibition at Museu da Amazônia [PRONAC 183808].
Solimões Formation in the interfluvial regions; 2) the outcrop seems to
be a rich fossil tetrapod assemblage, presenting fossils of side-necked Appendix A. Supplementary data
turtles (Chelidae and Podocnemididae), notoungulates (Toxodontidae),
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