Rogue Amendiares

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Rogue Amendiares used to be a solo who went on to become the best fixer in Night

City by 2077. She is the owner of the famous Afterlife nightclub. Early Life

Rogue was a rebellious teen, knew stiff hierarchy of gang life was not for her and set out on her
own, to become a solo. She was a new and successful mercenary in Night City. Rogue also
began a relationship with hit rockerboy sensation Johnny Silverhand. Rogue on occasion asked
Johnny if they could visit a drive-in theatre on a date, which went largely ignored.

Her relationship with Johnny ended at some point in 2011,[4] after Rogue found out about Johnny
cheating on her.[5]

2010s - 2020s

In 2013, Rogue and her partner, Nomad Santiago were mercs, being reputed to be the best at the
time. During a meeting between the two of them in the Atlantis Club, Johnny Silverhand
interrupted them by entering the room to ask for their help in raiding Arasaka to save his
girlfriend Alt Cunningham. While Rogue was still held a sour spot for Johnny, she ended up
agreeing along with Santiago for nothing more than to give it to the corporations. The two
participated in Silverhand's raid on Arasaka Tower to recover Alt and the Soulkiller program
alongside a media known as Thompson, but the raid ended in failure as Alt was separated from
her body, trapped in the Arasaka mainframe.[4]

During the Fourth Corporate War, Rogue participated in another Arasaka raid that would come
to be known as the Night City Holocaust. She,alongside Spider Murphy, Shaitan, and Johnny
Silverhand, raided the Arasaka Tower from the roof to leave a mini nuke within. However
Johnny had additional plans and asked Rogue to accompany him, she refused and only promised
to wait longer for him to escape. After attempting to bring Johnny onboard the chopper, they
were intercepted by Adam Smasher, who fired upon the chopper with a heavy machine gun;
Rogue was forced to leave Johnny behind as the nuclear bomb would soon detonate.


By 2045, she had largely retired from the solo lifestyle, and now operated the Afterlife, although
she still held court with local Solos and acted as a middleman with potential contacts,[6] providing
valuable information and intelligence they needed. This was to ensure they would would not
harm her because of her involvement in the terrorist attack. She also had a son during this time.


By 2077, Rogue's reputation as a solo continued to inspire and influence others. As the "Queen
of the Afterlife", she was regarded as Night City's top fixer. She continued to manage the
Afterlife surrounding herself with experts in their fields to follow through with her plans; Nix
was hired as the Afterlife's top netrunner, Crispin Weyland was her pick as the top solo and
bodyguard to accompany during big gigs, Emmerick Bronson was hired as the bouncer of the
club, and finally Claire Russell became the bartender who kept track of the customers. During
this time she was contacted by a corporate bodyguard named Goro Takemura, who had been
searching for information on an ex-Arasaka employee, Anders Hellman. Rogue recognized
Takemura as the man accused of the murder of Saburo Arasaka and because of this she turned
him away before any trouble could be traced to the Afterlife.[3]

At some point, Rogue met with a lone nomad, Panam Palmer, who left her clan to work in Night
City. She paired Panam with another nomad named Nash Bane on a few gigs, but during an
assignment to deliver "merchandise", Panam was betrayed by Nash, who stole both their cargo
for the Raffen Shiv, and Panam's customized Thorton Mackinaw "Warhorse". Having messed
up, Panam angrily confronted Rogue, however due to her mistake she refused to give
compensation or help to recover the stolen items. After some time she was contacted by a local
mercenary, V, who had been searching for information on Anders Hellman similar to Takemura
before. Despite recognizing V as the sole survivor of the failed heist at Konpeki Plaza, which
marked them as a merc with a body count behind them, she offered to give them the information
they needed if they paid €$15,000. After receiving the payment she debriefed V with the
information of a Kang Tao AV that was transporting a VIP to secure location, V voiced concerns
of working in the Badlands and was paired with Panam, whom Rogue believed could help them
retrieve what they needed. After giving V Panam's contact information, she went back to dealing
with her business.

After successfuly retrieving the stolen cargo from Nash, Panam called Rogue to gloat of her
success. However, Rogue was not impressed and mocked Panam for having a high-temper and
that fixing her own mistake was not an achievement, which only caused Panam to become
angrier disconnect the call.[3]

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