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Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

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Journal of Building Engineering

Evaluation of phosphated superplasticizers in high-performance α-calcium

sulfate hemihydrate-based floor screeds
My Linh Vo, Johann Plank *
Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85747, Garching, Germany


Keywords: In the present study, the applicability of phosphated comb polymers as high range water reducing agents in a
Gypsum fully formulated α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate-based self-leveling floor screed was evaluated. A phosphated and
Superplasticizer two mixed phosphated-carboxylated superplasticizers were synthesized and compared to a strictly carboxylated
Water reduction
sample (PCE) and a commercial melamine formaldehyde sulfite polycondensate (PMS). Self-leveling screeds of
Compressive strength
variable water content (w/b = 0.41 – 0.25) containing the different polymers were prepared and their key prop-
erties such as spread flow, fluidity retention, flow speed, shrinkage as well as setting behavior and strength de-
velopment were examined. The results obtained encourage the utilization of phosphate group modified comb
polymers in screeds based on CaSO4-hemihydrate, particularly in high-performance screeds formulated at low
w/b ratio.

1. Introduction nearly 50% of their final strength is gained within 24 h only [12]. Thus,
the benefits of calcium sulfate screeds are obvious, yet they are still less
In modern interior design screeds are frequently placed for the pur- popular than cement-based ones, simply because CaSO4 screeds are un-
pose of smoothing or leveling floor surfaces [1]. They are defined as suitable for wet areas [17] and their strength is inferior to that of ce-
one or more layers of material placed in situ, directly onto a base or onto ment-based screeds.
an intermediate or insulating layer [2]. Generally, screeds consist of a Calcium sulfate screeds are based on either anhydrite (so-called
binder, aggregates, water and chemical admixtures [3]. The most com- CaSO4 II-E) or α-hemihydrate (CaSO4 ∙ 0.5H2O, in short: α-hh) [3,5,12].
mon binders for screeds include cement and calcium sulphates (CaSO4 ∙ Anhydrite-based screeds are less expensive, but relative to drying time
0.5H2O or CaSO4) [4,5]. Traditionally, cement-based screeds have been and strength development they are inferior to those based on α-
used, but one severe problem associated with them is their shrinkage hemihydrate [18,19].
during hydration which can cause cracking, bulging and debonding The application of self-leveling screeds has become widespread over
[5,6]. Furthermore, the manufacture of cement comes with a huge lib- recent years, due to their simple process which relives workers from
eration of CO2 and energy consumption is excessive [7–9]. Nowadays, heavy work [2,20]. To achieve the self-spreading property, a high level
CO2 emission and energy reductions in the construction industry are in- of fluidity must be introduced [2]. For this purpose, fluidizing agents
creasingly relevant [10,11]. (also referred to as water reducing agents, dispersants or superplasticiz-
Calcium sulfate-based screeds have been found to present an attrac- ers) are applied [2,21]. In anhydrite screeds the use of melamine
tive alternative as they exhibit almost no shrinkage [12]. Moreover, formaldehyde sulfite polycondensate (PMS) superplasticizer is predom-
gypsum-based materials are one of the most environmentally friendly inant although its water reducing and dispersing ability are modest and
binders [13,14] due to the significantly lower calcination temperature relatively high dosages are required [22]. Another aspect of PMS is that
[14] and their availability as by-product from industrial processes, such it contains formaldehyde which is classified as a human carcinogen
as flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) [15]. Another advantage of gypsum [22,23]. This presents a serious concern, especially in interior construc-
over cement is that it is fully recyclable [14,16]. Moreover, CaSO4- tion [22]. Therefore, polycarboxylate (PCE) superplasticizers which are
based materials can provide better thermal and sound insulation as well popular as high range water-reducing agents in cement-based systems
as fire resistance [14]. Another advantage of calcium sulfate screeds is [24] have been introduced to calcium sulfate screeds.
that they develop their strength more rapidly than cement [5], e.g.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Plank).
Received 6 October 2020; Received in revised form 21 May 2021; Accepted 24 May 2021
Available online 1 June 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

So far, only few studies have focused on the effects of PCEs in α- perplasticizers were admixed to this formulation to achieve high fluid-
calcium sulfate hemihydrate binder, but no publications can be found ity and self-leveling properties.
on the performance of these polymers in fully formulated α-
hemihydrate floor screeds. B. Guan et al. [25] and H. Zhao et al. [26] 2.1.1. Superplasticizer samples
report that the water content in pure α-hemihydrate binder can be re- In this study, the impact of three different phosphated comb poly-
duced to ~ 15% by introducing 0.5% of PMS or PNS (sulfonated naph- mers on the screed formulation was compared with that of a carboxy-
thalene formaldehyde polycondensate) versus 20% when 0.4% PCE are lated PCE and a commercial melamine formaldehyde sulfite polycon-
added. As a result of the reduced w/b ratio, the final strength was in- densate (PMS) sample.
creased considerably, ~ 23% for the PNS modified binder and ~ 27% Among the phosphated superplasticizers, one was 100% phosphated
for the binder admixed with PCE. Furthermore, PNS accelerated hydra- whereas the other two contained both phosphate and carboxylate
tion in the early stage, but decelerated it in the later stage whereas the groups. The strictly phosphated superplasticizer (designated as 45P3)
PCE retarded the hydration of α-hh [25,26]. contained 2-(methacryloyl oxy) ethyl phosphate (MOEP) and poly(eth-
In a previous study, we presented comb polymers modified with ylene glycol) methacrylate ester (MPEG macromonomer, MM) at a mo-
phosphate groups as novel high-performance superplasticizers for α-as lar ratio of 3:1 and its side chain was comprised of 45 ethylene oxid
well as β-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and demonstrated their superior units. The mixed phosphated-carboxylated superplasticizers labelled as
dispersing performance as well as their significantly higher water re- 45P1PC4 consisted of 2-(methacryloyl oxy) ethyl phosphate,
ducing capacity as compared to conventional PCEs and PNS. These su- methacrylic acid (MAA) and MPEG macromonomer at a molar ratio of
perior properties are owed to their higher adsorbed amounts in compar- 1:4:1 whereas the second sample (45P0.5PC5) was composed of the
ison to PCE and PNS [27]. same monomers, but at a molar ratio of 0.5:5:1. Their syntheses are de-
In the present study, the focus is on the application of phosphated scribed in detail in Ref. [28]. The ratio of anionic charge per side chain
superplasticizers in a fully formulated, ready-to-use, self-leveling and was fixed to six for all comb-shaped superplasticizers, as different an-
self-healing floor screed based on α-hh. For this purpose, three different ionic charges would impact the dispersing performance. Phosphate
phosphated superplasticizers holding different amounts of phosphate groups bear two negative charges whereas carboxylate groups possess
and carboxylate groups, a strictly carboxylated PCE representing an in- only one.
dustry standard and a commercial PMS sample commonly applied in The first reference sample was a strictly carboxylated PCE (45PC6)
CaSO4 binder systems were investigated. Furthermore, high-strength prepared from methacrylic acid and MPEG macromonomer at the same
screed formulations characterized by ultra-low w/b ratios were tested molar ratio of 6:1 as for the phosphated copolymers. A detailed descrip-
with respect to their time-dependent spread flow, flow speed in the flow tion of the synthesis of this PCE is presented in Ref. [29]. The PMS refer-
channel and shrinkage in the shrinkage drain. Additionally, their set- ence sample was a commercial product, Melment® F 15 G supplied by
ting times (open times) were determined and heat flow calorimetry as BASF Construction Additives GmbH, Trostberg, Germany. It is com-
well as compressive strength tests were performed to capture their posed of melamine, formaldehyde and sodium sulfite at a molar ratio of
hardening properties. ~ 1:2.9:1.2 and exhibits a relatively low molecular weight. Its principle
synthesis is described in Ref. [30]. This powder presents an industry
2. Materials and methods standard in CaSO4-based building materials. The chemical structures of
45P1PC4, 45P0.5PC5 and PMS are shown in Fig. 1. The molecular
2.1. Materials structures of 45P3 and 45PC6 have been displayed in our previous work
A fully formulated α-hemihydrate-based floor screed presents the
basis of this study. Its composition is displayed in Table 1. Different su- 2.1.2. α-Hemihydrate sample
The α-hemihydrate sample (Raddichem 27) was supplied by Casea
company (Ellrich plant, Germany). Raddichem 27 is produced from flue
Table 1 gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum.
Basic formulation of the floor screed used in this study.
component product mass (g) 2.1.3. Sand
CEN standard sand [31] obtained from NORMSAND GmbH
α-hemihydrate Raddichem 27a 400.0 (Beckum, Germany) was used to prepare the floor screed samples.
sand (0.08–2.00 mm) standard sand 585.9
cement CEM I 42.5 R 12.0
water retention agent Tylose® H 300 P2 0.8 2.1.4. Cement
defoamer Agitan P803 0.5 An ordinary Portland cement sample (CEM I 42.5 R) provided by
retarder Retardan® P 0.2 Südbayerisches Portland-Zementwerk Gebr. Wiesböck & Co. GmbH
water deionized water 165.0 (Rohrdorf, Germany) was used.
a Produced from FGD gypsum.

Fig. 1. Chemical structures of 45P1PC4, 45P0.5PC5 and PMS superplasticizers used in the study.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

2.1.5. Water retention agent 2.2.2. Characterization of α-hemihydrate sample

A hydroxy ethyl cellulose sample (Tylose® H 300 P2 from SE Tylose A Cilas 1064 laser granulometer (Cilas Company, Marseille, France)
GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden, Germany) was utilized which is com- was used to determine the particle size distribution of the α-
monly applied in self-leveling compounds to achieve water retention hemihydrate sample which was found to be 1.6 μm (d10), 22.3 μm (d50)
and sag resistance. and 56.0 μm (d90). Its specific density as investigated via Helium pyc-
nometry (Ultrapycnometer 1000, Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton
2.1.6. Defoamer Beach, USA) was 2.79 g/cm3 and its specific surface area according to
Most superplasticizers (with the exception of PMS) entrain air into the Blaine method was 3100 cm2/g. Additionally, the XRD pattern of
the building product which necessitates addition of a defoaming agent the α-hh sample was taken on a D8 Advance instrument (Bruker AXS,
[32]. Here, a commercial powder defoamer (AGITAN® P 803 from Karlsruhe, Germany) and is presented in Fig. 3. The XRD diagram con-
Münzing Chemie GmbH, Abstatt, Germany) was employed. firms phase-purity of the α-hh sample.

2.1.7. Retarder 2.3. Preparation of floor screed

Retardan® P (Sika GmbH, Leimen, Germany) was admixed to retard
the hydration of α-hemihydrate and to prolong the setting time and ex- All components presented in Table 1 were dry-blended before
tend the open time. adding the appropriate amounts of water and superplasticizer to
achieve a spread flow of 26 ± 0.5 cm. The screeds were prepared via
2.1.8. Water an eccentric agitator (ToniMIX, Toni Technik Baustoffprüfsysteme
Deionized water from a Synergy® water purification system (Milli- GmbH, Berlin, Germany) according to DIN EN 13454-2 standard [34].
pore GmbH, Germany) was used. Water holding the superplasticizer was filled into the mixing bowl be-
fore adding the preblended dry components within the first 15 s There-
2.2. Methods after, the mixture was homogenized for 1 min 45 s at 145 rpm resulting
in a total mixing time of 2 min. Here and in the following, all superplas-
2.2.1. Characterization of polymer samples ticizer dosages given are meant in % by weight of α-hemihydrate
The self-synthesized superplasticizers were characterized via size binder. Thus, for simplicity, dosages are presented only as %.
exclusion chromatography (SEC) using a Waters 2695 gel permeation
chromatography separation module equipped with the three 2.4. Spread flow measurements
UltrahydrogelTM columns 500, 250 and 150, a refractory index detector
2414 module (Waters, Eschborn, Germany) and a Dawn EOS 3 angle A Vicat cone (height 60 mm, upper diameter 70 mm, bottom diame-
static light scattering detector (Wyatt Technology Corporation, Clinton, ter 100 mm) placed on a glass plate was used to perform the spread
SC/USA). The polymer samples were dissolved at 10 g/L concentration flow experiments as defined in DIN EN 13454-2 [34]. The freshly mixed
in 0.1 N NaNO3 solution (pH = 12) as eluent and then filtered through screeds were poured into the cone which then was removed vertically.
a 0.2 μm filter. Samples were measured at a flow rate of 1 mL/min and The final spread diameter was measured at two directions perpendicu-
number (Mn) as well as weight average molecular weight (Mw) and lar to each other and then averaged.
polydispersity index (PDI = Mw/Mn) were calculated by using the dn/ An important requirement for flow screeds is an open time of >
dc value of polyethylene glycol. The SEC spectra of the synthesized 30 min [35]. Therefore, the spread flow values were also determined at
comb polymers are displayed in Fig. 2, and the characteristic properties 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after the start of the mixing. Prior to each mea-
obtained from this analysis are tabulated in Table 2. surement the formulation was stirred again for 5 s at high speed

Fig. 2. SEC spectra of the self-synthesized copolymers.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

Table 2 2.6. Dry shrinkage/expansion

Molecular properties of the self-synthesized superplasticizer samples.
Polymer Molar ratio MOEP:MAA:MM Mw (g/mol) Mn (g/mol) PDI (Mw/Mn) Shrinkage/expansion behavior was assessed on 1 m long shrinkage
drains (Schleibinger Geräte Teubert u. Greim GmbH, Buchbach, Ger-
45P3 3:0:1 91,700 37,100 2.5
many) as shown in Fig. 5. In experiment, 5 kg of each floor screed sam-
45P1PC4 1:4:1 44,200 19,100 2.3
ple were prepared and then immediately placed in the shrinkage drain
45P0.5PC5 0.5:5:1 33,100 15,700 2.1
45PC6 0:6:1 25,600 13,500 1.9 which was covered with a removable neoprene rubber sheet. On one
side of the shrinkage drain a movable anchor was fixed. The movement
of this anchor was monitored automatically via a digital probe. The
measurement started 24 h after preparation and the length of the speci-
men was recorded every 1–2 min over a period of 70 days. During the
measurements the shrinkage drains were stored in a climate chamber at
20 °C and 6% relative humidity.

2.7. Setting times

Initial and final setting times of the screed formulations were deter-
mined using a Vicat needle apparatus according to DIN EN 13454-2
[34]. For this purpose, fully formulated screeds were prepared as de-
scribed in chapter 2.3 and then filled into a Vicat cone placed on a
plate. Subsequently, initial and final setting times as defined by DIN EN
13454-2 standard [34] were recorded at the conditions of 20 °C and
65% relative humidity.
Fig. 3. XRD pattern of the α-hemihydrate sample Raddichem 27 used in the
study (black) and reference pattern PDF 00-036-0617 (D) – Bassanite [33] 2.8. Isothermal heat flow calorimetry
(red). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Heat release from the hydrating floor screed samples was monitored
using a TAM Air isothermal heat conduction calorimeter (Thermomet-
(285 rpm). Between individual measurements the screed was stored in ric, Järfälla, Sweden). For this purpose, the samples were prepared by
the mixing bowl covered with a wet cloth to prevent drying out. mixing and homogenizing 16 g of the dry blended floor screed with the
appropriate amounts of water and superplasticizer for 120 s and trans-
2.5. Flow channel experiments ferred into glass ampoules which were then placed in the calorimeter.
During the experiments temperature was constant at 20 °C, and heat
For floor screeds not only the spread value is important, but also the flow curves were recorded until heat release ceased. The calorimeter
speed at which the screed spreads out. Therefore, tests were carried out captures the exothermal heat flow of the samples. The cumulated heat
in a flow channel (Fig. 4) from FORM + TEST Seidner&Co. GmbH Q was obtained by integrating the heat flow yields.
(Riedlingen, Germany) following DIN EN 13395-2 [36]. This method
allows to capture the speed at which a screed spreads out. In experi-
ment, 1 L of flow screed was prepared as described in section 2.3 and
transferred to the funnel of the flow channel. After 30 s, the rod was
lifted up causing the screed to flow along the flow channel. The spread
value was taken every 30 s until flow ceased. The flow rate was calcu-
lated by dividing the spread flow value obtained after 30 s by 0.5 min.

Fig. 4. Conventional flow channel used to assess the flow speed of the floor Fig. 5. Shrinkage drain equipped with a movable anchor connected to a digital
screed sample. probe as used in the experiments.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

2.9. Compressive strength From the results displayed in Fig. 6 it is obvious that polymer
dosages generally increased with ascending water reduction rate. More-
Compressive strength of the floor screeds was tested after 4 h; 1; 3; 7 over, all polymers containing phosphate groups (45P3, 45P1PC4 and
and 28 days following DIN EN 196-1 standard [31]. For each mix, three 45P0.5PC5) were capable to reduce the amount of water by as much as
sets of mortar prisms (40 × 40 × 160 mm dimension) were prepared. 40% whereas the strictly carboxylated sample 45PC6 reduced the water
The specimens were first stored for 24 h in a sealed plastic box and content by max. 30%, and PMS achieved a water reduction rate of 10%
placed above 1 cm of water to ensure 90% humidity. After 24 h, the only. In the initial formulation (≙ 0% water reduction) the dosages of
samples were removed from the molds and stored in a climate chamber all comb polymers were comparable (~0.05%), only the polyconden-
at 20 °C and 65% relative humidity. To capture the mechanical proper- sate PMS required a higher dosage of 0.3% to achieve the target spread
ties, at first the flexural strengths and thereafter, the compressive flow of 26 cm. However, when the amount of water was decreased,
strength data were obtained. From the results, the average of all values then significant differences between the comb polymers occurred. For
was calculated and reported. example, at 20% water reduction, the lowest dosages were found for
the phosphated samples 45P3 and 45P1PC4 (~0.10%) and 45P0.5PC5
3. Results and discussion (0.12%), whereas for the carboxylated comb polymer 45PC6 addition
of 0.15% were required. This gap even widened at further decreased
3.1. Water reducing effect of phosphated superplasticizers in floor screed water reduction rates. At the ultra-low w/b ratio of 0.25 (water reduc-
tion 40% !) the completely phosphated sample 45P3 performed best
This experiment was carried out to investigate the water reduction (required dosage 0.95%) while the mixed phosphated-carboxylated
power of the five different superplasticizers in the α-hemihydrate-based polymer 45P1PC4 demanded 1.3%. For the comb polymer with the
floor screed. For this purpose, the water-to-hemihydrate ratio (w/b ra- least amount of phosphate 45P0.5PC5 even 2.3% were needed to
tio) was stepwise lowered from 0.41 (0% water reduction; labelled as achieve the target spread flow of 26 cm.
WR0) to 0.25 (corresponding to 40% water reduction; abbrev. as The results demonstrate that when phosphate groups are incorpo-
WR40) and polymer dosages were adjusted such as to maintain a spread rated into the polymers, then a superior water reducing capability is
flow value of 26 ± 0.5 cm which satisfies the requirement according to achieved as compared to the strictly carboxylated sample 45PC6 and
the standard. There, a spread flow of at least 22 cm is specified [35]. the polycondensate PMS. Thus, not only in pure α-hh but also here in
The amount of water of the different screed formulations is tabulated in the fully formulated screed composition their dispersing effectiveness is
Table 3. far superior over conventional superplasticizers. The reason for their
superior water reducing capability is their higher adsorbed amount on
the binder [27]. As such, partially or completely phosphated copoly-
Table 3
mers allow ultra-high water reduction rates which are completely inac-
Water reduction rate, w/b ratio and amount of water used in the preparation
of the floor screed formulations.
cessible by conventional fluidizers.

water reduction rate w/b ratio amount of water

[%] [g]
3.2. Workability retention

0 0.41 165.0 In practical application, sufficient workability (fluidity) over at least

10 0.37 148.5 30 min [35] and preferably for 1 h is required to place the screed.
20 0.33 132.0
Therefore, the spread flow of the screed formulations was measured at
30 0.29 115.5
40 0.25 99.0
15; 30; 45 and 60 min after preparation. Table 4 displays the change

Fig. 6. Dosages of the different superplasticizers required to reach a slump flow of 26 ± 0.5 cm at different water-to-hemihydrate (w/b) ratios of 0.41; 0.37; 0.33;
0.29 and 0.25.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

Table 4 boxylated PCE was noticeably inferior (flow rate 94 cm/min and final
Initial and 60 min spread flow values for the floor screed formulations tested. flow of 56.5 cm).
admixture spread flow [cm] At 20% water reduction, the flow rate and final flow values of all
screed formulations decreased. Generally, polymers containing phos-
0% WR 10% WR 20% WR 30% WR 40% WR
phate groups outperformed the strictly carboxylated one (45PC6).
2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 Again, 45P3 produced by far the highest flow speed (74 cm/min) and
reached a final flow value of 61 cm which much exceeded that of all
45P3 26.1 24.4 26.3 25.0 25.8 24.0 26.1 25.1 26.4 25.7
45P1PC4 26.1 24.3 26.0 24.5 26.3 24.3 25.8 24.7 26.3 25.8
other samples (54 – 55.5 cm), with 45PC6 exhibiting the lowest effec-
45P0.5PC5 26.3 24.7 26.4 24.4 26.0 24.5 25.6 24.8 25.7 25.2 tiveness relative to flow speed.
45PC6 26.1 25.3 25.8 25.6 26.2 24.9 26.2 24.3 – – At the highest water reduction of 40%, flow rate and final flow de-
PMS 26.4 24.1 26.1 23.9 – – – – – – creased again. The flow rates were remarkably low (33 – 26 cm/min)
indicating “sticky” consistency whereas the final flow values were sur-
from the initial spread flow (26 cm) to the flow value recorded after prisingly high. Such flow behavior is well known e.g. from concretes
60 min. prepared at ultra-low water-to-cement ratios of ≤0.3 [37,38]. Appar-
The results corroborate that all formulations admixed with com- ently, such highly solids loaded suspensions like the screed at 40% wa-
pletely or partially phosphated comb polymers successfully nearly re- ter reduction are characterized by high plastic viscosity which greatly
tained their initial workability over 60 min (decrease only 0.5 – decelerates the flow speed, as was established in cementitious systems
2.0 cm), independent of the water reduction rate which is quite remark- before [39].
able. In comparison, the strictly carboxylated sample 45PC6 revealed a The flow channel experiments clarify that at 0% WR 45P3 and PMS
slightly stronger decrease of workability in the system with 30% water produced the highest flow rate as well as the highest final flow values.
reduction, and the PMS sample produced a more noticeable decline to The mixed carboxylated-phosphated polymers were inferior as com-
23.9 cm already at 10% water reduction. pared to them, but still outperformed the conventional PCE superplasti-
In summary, all formulations are able to retain acceptable fluidity cizer 45PC6. However, when the w/b ratio was reduced stepwise, then
over at least 60 min however the phosphated copolymers outperform the superiority of the phosphated comb polymer 45P3 became even
the conventional superplasticizers because only they are able to achieve more evident, and the performance gap to the carboxylated samples
this at water reduction rates of up to 40%. widened considerably. Apparently, the stickiness of floor screeds for-
In the following, only the formulations with WR0, WR20 and WR40 mulated with a high solids volume can be overcome by incorporating
were looked at to limit the number of tests. phosphate as a functional group into the superplasticizer.

3.3. Behavior in the flow channel 3.4. Expansion and dry shrinkage behavior

In actual application not only the final spread flow, but also the Shrinkage presents a major problem associated with cement-based
speed of flow presents a critical factor. When the flow rate of a screed is floor screeds, because it can result in cracks and bulges. Generally,
high, then it spreads out fast and placement time for a given area is screeds based on calcium sulphates usually exhibit a very minor shrink-
shorter. Flow channel experiments can reveal the flow speed of individ- age, thus large areas can be produced without joints. The shrinkage of
ual floor screeds. The results are exhibited in Fig. 7 and Table 5. cement-based products normally is ~ 0.6 mm/m [40], whereas CaSO4 ∙
In the initial formulation (0% WR), both 45P3 and PMS produced n H2O-based screeds exhibit values of ±0.2 mm/m only [35]. The ex-
the highest flow speed (99 or 100 cm/min) and final flow value pansion/dry shrinkage values of the screeds admixed with the different
(61.5 cm). The partially phosphated PCEs performed slightly less (flow superplasticizers at 0 – 40% water reduction was measured and the re-
rate 96 cm/min and final flow value of 59 cm) while the strictly car- sults are plotted in Fig. 8. There, positive values correspond to an ex-
pansion and negative values signify shrinkage.

Fig. 7. Flow rate of the different floor screed formulations tested in the flow channel.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

Table 5 idizer. Maximum expansion was reached after about 10 – 15 days, with
Flow rate and final flow values of the floor screeds as determined in the flow values ranging between 0.02 and 0.025 mm/m only and shrinkage val-
channel. ues of - 0.08 mm/m to - 0.1 mm/m were reached at the end of the test-
polymer WR flow rate final flow ing period. Among the comb-shaped polymers no clear trend became
sample [%] [cm/min] [cm] visible, apparently the substitution of carboxylate with phosphate
groups has no impact on the volume changes of the screed. Interest-
PMS 0 100 61.5
45P3 0 99 61.5
ingly, the expansion of the screed admixed with PMS was slightly
45P1PC4 0 96 58.5 higher (~0.03 mm/m).
45P0.5PC0.5 0 96 59.0 At 20% water reduction, maximum expansion was observed after 15
45PC6 0 94 56.5 – 20 days, with values ranging from about 0.035 to 0.045 mm/m, and
45P3 20 74 61.0 after 70 days the shrinkage value for the 45P3 modified screed was
45P1PC4 20 66 55.5
0 mm/m whereas all other formulations recorded values of ~ -
45P0.5PC0.5 20 66 54.0
45PC6 20 64 54.0
0.015 mm/m. Yet, again only minor differences between individual su-
45P3 40 33 57.5 perplasticizer samples were observed.
45P1PC4 40 28 53.5 Remarkably, at 40% water reduction initial expansion became much
45P0.5PC0.5 40 26 53.0 more severe and attained values of between 0.15 mm/m and almost
0.2 mm/m after 10 – 25 days. Furthermore, the completely phosphated
It can be seen that all floor screeds initially expand and later turn comb polymer 45P3 exhibited the lowest expansion (0.15 mm/m), fol-
into shrinkage. However, all dimensional changes remain within the ac- lowed by the mixed derivatized sample 45P1PC4 (0.17 mm/m) while
ceptable range of ±0.2 mm/m. Second, it becomes evident that expan- the copolymer holding the lowest amount of phosphate groups
sion generally increases at decreased w/b ratios, and this effect is par- (45P0.5PC5) produced the strongest shrinkage (almost 0.2 mm/m).
ticularly strong at 40% water reduction. The differences in the expansion/shrinkage behavior of the WR40 sys-
Relative to the superplasticizers, in the initial formulation (no water tems are attributed to the noticeably high superplasticizer dosages
reduction) all comb-shaped polymers developed comparable expan- which impact the size and morphology of the gypsum crystals.
sion/shrinkage profiles which were similar to the system without flu-

Fig. 8. Expansion and shrinkage of the floor screeds prepared at various water reduction rates of 0%; 20% and 40% and admixed with different superplasticizers
(top) enlarged presentation of values for 0% and 20% (bottom).

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

To summarize, the expansion and shrinkage values of all formula- It is noteworthy that the floor screeds at 0% and 20% water reduc-
tions tested fulfilled the requirements laid down in the standard [35] as tion rate set rapidly although their open time was maintained for at
they were ≤0.2 mm/m and therefore confirmed the practical applica- least 60 min. From a practical point of view, this appears to be ideal as
bility of the screed formulations designed for this study. it provides ample time for the worker to spread the floor screed, yet still
short walk-on times are achieved. These two properties facilitate a sim-
3.5. Setting times ple and fast construction process which helps to save time and costs.
However, this advantage no longer applies to ultra-high strength α-hh
The initial and final setting times of the formulations holding differ- floor screeds which are formulated at 40% water reduction rate.
ent superplasticizers were measured using the Vicat method. The re-
sults are illustrated in Fig. 9. 3.6. Isothermal heat flow calorimetry
Initial set of the reference sample (w/b ratio = 0.41) holding no
dispersing agent occurred at 1 h 50 min, and its final set was recorded Isothermal heat flow calorimetry presents a common method to in-
10 min later. When superplasticizers were admixed to this system, then vestigate the influence of polymers on the hydration kinetics. In the fol-
the initial and final setting times increased slightly, with PMS produc- lowing, the heat flow curves of the formulations with 0, 20 and 40%
ing the largest increase (final setting at 2.4 h vs. 2.1 h for 45P3 which water reduction admixed with the different superplasticizers will be
still presents a quite moderate change. The differences recorded might discussed.
also be stem from the different dosages of the superplasticizers admixed According to Fig. 10 (top), in the initial system (WR = 0) all super-
to the system. It is also evident that generally final set occurred quickly plasticizers led to a prolonged induction period and reduced height of
after the initial set. the peak. The effect was particularly strong for PMS and quite compara-
As expected, at 20% water reduction setting times were slightly re- ble for all comb polymers including the carboxylated one. Yet, the total
duced as compared to the initial system, and a lower content of phos- heat of hydration remained unchanged in comparison to the reference
phate groups in the comb polymers led to shorter setting times. Still, formulation, with the exception of the PMS treated system which pro-
only a difference of 10–15 min as compared to the reference samples duced a slightly reduced cumulative heat. This behavior can be ex-
was encountered. Here, the reduced water content beat the slight re- plained by the significantly higher dosage of PMS (0.3%) as compared
tarding effect of the superplasticizers although these formulations con- to the comb polymers (0.042 – 0.050%).
tained higher dosages of the polymers. At 20% water reduction, the induction period was extended only for
However, most striking were the setting times recorded for the the copolymers containing higher amounts of phosphate (45P3 and
screed exhibiting 40% water reduction. Here, much longer setting times 45P1PC4) whereas the two other polymers produced induction times
reaching from ~ 15 h for the strictly phosphated comb polymer 45P3 to comparable to those of the non-admixed system (Fig. 10, middle).
~ 22 h for the slightly phosphated sample 45P0.5PC5 were encoun- Again, the cumulative heat release of all screeds was rather compara-
tered. Obviously, the trend is that a higher content of carboxylate ble, and no significant impact of individual superplasticizers was de-
groups extends the setting time whereas phosphate functionalities tected.
somewhat can control this excessive retardation which is attributed to Completely different observations were made in the screed formu-
the high polymer additions (0.95%–2.3%) and renders this system im- lated at 40% water reduction (Fig. 10, bottom). There, all phosphated
practical. polymers caused a very significant extension of the induction period
The measurements suggest that the significant amounts of super- from <2 h for the initial screed (0% WR) to 15 – 22 h, with the trend
plasticizers required in the system with 40% water reduction delay the being that the lower the phosphate content in the comb polymers, the
setting times disproportionally. More specific, the setting times of the longer was the induction time. This trend is opposite to the behavior
mixtures with 40% less water were retarded from 2 h to 15 – 22 h. recorded in the system of 20% water reduction. Consequently, at 40%

Fig. 9. Initial and final setting times of the screed formulations; water reduction rate = 0%, 20% and 40%.

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

Fig. 10. Isothermal heat flow calorimetry of floor screed compositions containing different superplasticizers formulated at a w/b ratio of 0.41 (top), of 0.33 (mid-
dle) and of 0.25 (bottom); differential heat flow (left) and cumulative heat flow (right).

water reduction within the first 15 – 20 h the total heat release for all C60 and C80 (C = compression followed by the value for 28 day com-
screeds was much reduced as compared to the untreated sample, but pressive strength in N/mm2) are listed in the standard [35]. For calcium
later started to increase and after 60 h reaches ~ 90% of the total heat sulfate-based screeds as minimum class C12 and as maximum class C60
release by the reference. are recommended [35]. On the market, self-leveling CaSO4-screeds of
The calorimetric tests reveal that all superplasticizers retard the hy- the classes C25, C30 and C35 are most common.
dration of α-hemihydrate which is in line with the results obtained from Fig. 11 presents the progressive development of the compressive
the setting times (Fig. 9). Retardation is particularly strong for the strength of screeds at 0%; 20% and 40% water reduction after curing
melamine superplasticizer. For the comb polymers, a higher carboxy- periods of 4 h; 1 day; 3 days; 7 days and 28 days.
late content prompts a stronger retardation except for the screed with In the initial system (0% WR), within 4 h a substantial increase of
20% water reduction. There, surprisingly and similar to the results on the compressive strength to ~ 23 N/mm2 was achieved, independent of
the setting times exhibited in Fig. 9, an opposite trend is observed for the kind of superplasticizer admixed.
which no explanation is apparent. Interestingly, over the following 3 days compressive strength re-
mained constant and after 7 days increased by ~ 30% until it rose fur-
3.7. Compressive strength development ther to ~ 40 N/mm2 after 28 days.
At 20% water reduction, again a very substantial increase within
Floor screeds are categorized according to their compressive 4 h–33 N/mm2 which is characteristic for CaSO4 floor screeds was fol-
strength. The classes C5, C7, C12, C16, C20, C25, C30, C35, C40, C50, lowed by a relatively “dormant” period up to 7 days and after 28 days

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

Fig. 11. Compressive strengths of the floor screed samples holding the different superplasticizers after 4 h, 1 d, 3 d, 7 or 28 days of curing; w/b = 0.41 (0% WR); w/
b = 0.33 (20% WR) and w/b = 0.25 (40% WR).

compressive strength had risen to no less than 55 N/mm2. Also here, all values for all polymers are low (<0.2 mm/m) and relatively minor
admixed screeds produced the same values of strength. as compared to cement-based systems.
Similar to the heat flow calorimetry and setting time investigation, 4. The WR0 and WR20 floor screeds exhibit a setting time of ~ 2 h
again a major difference was observed for the system formulated at which is ideal in actual application. However, at 40% WR for the
40% water reduction. Here, after 4 h no strength could yet be mea- phosphated polymers excessively long setting times of ~ 15 – 22 h
sured, and only after 1 day the highly phosphated copolymers 45P3 and are observed which is owed to the high dosages applied.
45P1PC4 recorded exceptionally high compressive strength values of ~ 5. When admixing the phosphated comb polymers to the α-
50 N/mm2 whereas the mostly carboxylated sample 45P0.5PC5 pro- hemihydrate floor screed, an increase of nearly 50% for the final
duced an almost negligible value of ~ 3 N/mm2. However, after 3 days compressive strength (~60 N/mm2 vs. ~ 40 N/mm2) can be
of hydration this polymer reached almost the same strength values as attained.
for the other two polymers. Remarkably, the strength of the screed for-
mulated at 40% water reduction just barely exceeded that of the system The results signify that the introduction of phosphate groups into
with 20% less water (58 vs. 55 N/mm2), thus signifying that from a comb polymers provides significant benefits in CaSO4 ∙ 0.5H2O-based
practical point of view an excessive water reduction of 40% does not floor screeds. Extremely high water reduction rates which are not acces-
provide sufficient benefit. sible with common PCEs or a benchmark melamine superplasticizer can
be achieved, thus opening new possibilities in the application of such
4. Conclusion eco-friendly screed systems. In future studies, the effect of phosphated
comb polymers in anhydrite-based floor screeds which are also com-
In this paper, the behavior of a fully phosphated superplasticizer, mon in interior construction should be investigated.
two mixed phosphated-carboxylated comb polymers, a 100% carboxy-
lated polymer and a commercial PMS polycondensate as an industry Funding
standard was studied in a fully formulated α-hemihydrate-based self-
leveling floor screed. From the test results, the conclusions as follow This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
can be drawn: cies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

1. Introduction of a phosphate group into a comb polymer allows up Author statement

to 40% water reduction in the flow screed whereas the
carboxylated PCE achieves only up to 30% and PMS is limited to My Linh Vo: Conceptualization, Data curation, Project administra-
10% water reduction. tion, Validation, Visualization, Writing-original draft, Writing-review
2. Phosphated comb polymers also enhance the flow speed of floor and editing.
screeds, thus optimizing spreading and placement times in actual Johann Plank: Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writ-
application. The effect is more pronounced at high water reduction ing-original draft, Writing-review and editing.
3. Phosphated comb polymers induce less expansion and less
shrinkage than carboxylated polymers or PMS. Yet, the shrinkage

M.L. Vo and J. Plank Journal of Building Engineering 41 (2021) 102787

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