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Number Task Duration

Oracle iSupplier Portal – Implementation Rel 12.1.3 131 Days

Initiation 1
1 Planning 35
iSupplier Current Business Baseline document 10
Review Current iSupplier System Documented Procedures
Interview Business Process Owners
Prepare iSupplier Module Baseline document and submit for
Conduct walkthrough review of iSupplier Baseline document
Modify and Complete iSupplier Module Baseline document
iSupplier Baseline document Sign Off

Solution Design 25
Prepare Solution Design document (BP.080)
Review Solution Design document and incorporate review
Solution Design document Sign Off
Request sample client data as per templates

Conference Room Pilot (CRP) 13

Discuss and Freeze Scope
Publish Finalized Components from MoSCoW list
Publish Updated Solution Design Documents

2 Execution 99
Data Collection 15
Create templates for data collection
Forward Data Collection templates to Client
Submission of completed templates
Review Data submitted
Sign Off on submitted data
Reports (2 In Scope) 9
Discuss Reports requirements
Submission of completed Reports specifications
Review submitted Reports specifications
Sign Off on submitted Reports specifications (MD.50)

Test Plan 6
Prepare Test Scripts and submit to Client
Prepare Test Scenarios and Test Data
Identify Testers
Develop Test Plan

Setup and Configure Application in TEST 10

Create clone of Production
Configure iSupplier application in TEST instance
Update Set Up document

Payables Integration 7
Modify Payables setups

Customizations 25
Build two (2) custom reports in TEST instance
Submit Reports for testing and feedback
Make modifications based on feedback
Sign Off on Reports

Pre-UAT Walkthrough of iSupplier 9

Prepare for walkthrough (UAT instance)
Load data
Deliver Pre-UAT walkthrough
Sign Off on walkthrough

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 15

Test ERP Module – iSupplier module and Custom Reports
Fix UAT issues and Retest
Modify Set Up documentation with changes
Sign Off on UAT

Training Plan 13
Prepare and Submit Training Manuals (SOPs)
Identify Key Users
Prepare Training Plan
Conduct Training

Transition 4
Submit Production Data for loading
Maintenance of data on existing system
Add Custom Reports to PROD
Production Phase 4
Cutover Plan 4
Prepare DRAFT Cutover Plan and submit for review
Discuss and Approve Cutover Plan

Application Set Up 14
iSupplier Set Up
Clone PROD in TEST
Setup / Test access for each user
Set Default User Passwords and notify user
Setup Security Access per user
Test the PROD in TEST instance

Production 1
Go Live

3 Post Implementation Support 21

Remote (offsite) Post Implementation Support
Prepare and Submit Setup Document
New Total
206 Days

Number Task Duration
Oracle iSupplier Portal – Implementation Rel 12.1.3 187 Days
Initiation 1
1 Planning 36
iSupplier Current Business Baseline document 10
Review Current iSupplier System Documented Procedures
Interview Business Process Owners
Prepare iSupplier Module Baseline document and submit for
Conduct walkthrough review of iSupplier Baseline document
Modify and Complete iSupplier Module Baseline document
iSupplier Baseline document Sign Off

Solution Design 25
Prepare Solution Design document (BP.080)
Review Solution Design document and incorporate review
Solution Design document Sign Off
Request sample client data as per templates

Conference Room Pilot (CRP) 1

Discuss and Freeze Scope
Publish Finalized Components from MoSCoW list
Publish Updated Solution Design Documents

2 Execution 123
Customizations 30
Review Customizations
Sign Off on Customizations
Reports (2 In Scope) 9
Discuss Reports requirements
Submission of completed Reports specifications
Review submitted Reports specifications
Sign Off on submitted Reports specifications (MD.50)

Test Plan 3
Prepare Test Scripts and submit to Client
Prepare Test Scenarios and Test Data
Identify Testers
Develop Test Plan
Setup and Configure Application in TEST 5
Create clone of Production
Configure iSupplier application in TEST instance
Update Set Up document

Payables Integration 2
Modify Payables setups

Customizations 25
Build two (2) custom reports in TEST instance
Submit Reports for testing and feedback
Make modifications based on feedback
Sign Off on Reports

Pre-UAT Walkthrough of iSupplier 5

Prepare for walkthrough (UAT instance)
Load data
Deliver Pre-UAT walkthrough
Sign Off on walkthrough

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 5

Test ERP Module – iSupplier module and Custom Reports
Fix UAT issues and Retest
Modify Set Up documentation with changes
Sign Off on UAT

Training Plan 13
Prepare and Submit Training Manuals (SOPs)
Identify Key Users
Prepare Training Plan
Conduct Training

Transition 4
Submit Production Data for loading
Maintenance of data on existing system
Add Custom Reports to PROD

Production Phase 4
Cutover Plan 4
Prepare DRAFT Cutover Plan and submit for review
Discuss and Approve Cutover Plan

Application Set Up 5
iSupplier Set Up
Clone PROD in TEST
Setup / Test access for each user
Set Default User Passwords and notify user
Setup Security Access per user
Test the PROD in TEST instance

Production 1
Go Live

3 Post Implementation Support 21

Remote (offsite) Post Implementation Support
Prepare and Submit Setup Document
SI.NO Milestone Event
Upon receipt of Final Baseline Sign Off
Upon receipt of Final Solution Design Sign Off
Upon completion of Application setup in TEST
and Payables Integration

Upon receipt of Reports Sign Off document

Upon completion and Sign Off of Pre-UAT

Upon completion and Sign Off of UAT
Upon completion of Training
Upon Application setup in PROD
Upon completion of Post Production Support

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