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Installing the Unicode Plugin for the Bhaktivedanta VedaBase®

• Shut down the VedaBase

• Open C:\Bhaktivedanta VedaBase 2003\

• Rename “FcObj4.dll” to “FcObj4.old”

• Copy new file “FcObj4.dll” to C:\Bhaktivedanta VedaBase 2003\
• Restart the VedaBase

• Click “Tools > Customize”

• Locate “VedaBase Extension v3”
• Drag to the Toolbar the two Unicode icons and the two "plain text" icons (or whichever
ones you want)

• Your icons will appear on the Toolbar.

• Click “OK.”

• Shut down the VedaBase and restart it.
Creating keyboard shortcuts

• Click “Tools > Customize.”

• In the “Customize” window, select the “Keyboard” tab.

• In the box for “Command Category,” choose “VedaBase Extension v3.”
• Highlight the command for which you want a keyboard shortcut.
• Click in the box that says “Press new shortcut key.”
• Press the combination of keys you want to use.
• Click “Assign.”
Your key combination will appear under “Keys.”
• Press “OK.”

• You’re done.

Please note: This plugin is currently unsupported at this time and provided “as is.” This plugin is
not affiliated with the Bhaktivedanta Archives, publisher of the Bhaktivedanta VedaBase®.

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