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Behavior Contract for Mrs.

Schmitt’s Class

I, __________________________, am responsible for my own behaviors and actions, no

matter how angry, tired, or frustrated I am. I control my own behavior and will have
rewards/consequences based on my behavior.

I understand that being respectful looks like:

- Using acceptable language in school
- Keeping hands to yourself
- Treating others the way I want to be treated
- Actively listening when a teacher is talking
- Staying seated
- Raising your hand and waiting for permission to speak
- Taking care of class supplies

Being respectful is NOT:

- Using inappropriate or suggestive language to your peers or staff members
- Putting in headphones to avoid teachers
- Rolling your eyes or other unfriendly looks
- Saying things under your breath
- Laughing at or making fun of others
- Damaging pens, highlighters, pencils

I will follow all school and bus rules. The behaviors that are expected of me are to:
- Come to class on time, and with needed items and completed homework
- Be prepared with a charged Chromebook and charging cable
- Keep language and looks respectful to all peers and adults
- Complete classwork when given. If help is needed I will ask the teacher, or go to my
chosen teacher for help.
- Take breaks between class time
- Follow suggested positive ways to treat people that are posted in the room
- Take care of class supplies when in use, and return them when finished
- Show respect for my teachers, staff, and peers

These are some possible consequences:

- Extra assignments that fit the consequence
- Reassignment of seat
- Removal from classroom
- Conference with teacher and/or parent and/or principal
- Detention
I have read this behavior contract with my teacher and understand that my actions have
consequences if I do not follow the guidelines of this contract.

Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________

Teacher Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________

I have read this behavior contract with the student in Mrs. Schmitt’s class. I will show respect to
the teachers and other families. I understand that these are the behaviors expected, as well as
the consequences of misbehavior. I will encourage and remind the student named above what
is expected. I will work with Mrs. Schmitt if I see a problem. I can contact her via email at: or if the issue needs immediate attention, I will call the school to
arrange a conference time. I understand that my involvement in this student’s education and
well being is important and will provide a quiet place to complete homework, help as needed,
visit about their day in a conversation, and ensure they are well rested and ready for the day.
Although there may be situations that are going on in my personal life, I will shelter the student
from unnecessary stress and information that they don’t need to worry about.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________

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