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Pre-Submission Report for INT213 CA - 2


Design a System for Hangman Game

Submitted by :


Sahil Kumar 12110224 RK21KAA17

Animesh Kumar 12110858 RK21KAA15

Utsav Kumar 12112304 RK21KAB57

In partial fulfilment for the requirements of the award of the degree of

B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering)
School of Engineering

Lovely Professional University Phagwara,

Sample Software Output

1. Login Module :
A Login page Interface will be provided to the user in which the
user will be asked to enter the user name and basic description of the
game will be provided to the user.

2 . Rules module:
After registration the user will be provided with the game details and rules of
the game and a start button, after clicking it game will start.

3 . Utility Module:
In this user will be asked to guess a word within given no. of guess limit by
guessing one letter at a time and the no. of letter will be given to the user
along with a picture as a .

4. Exectuion of the Game :

In this user will guess the letters of the word and with each wrong guess a
Gallows and after that body parts of a man hanging will appear with each
wrong guess and with correct guess user will be asked to guess another
letter until the game ends.

5.Ending Page module:

At the end of the game if the word is guessed correctly the user will
win the game and for guessing incorrect word the user will loss the
game and hangman will die.
Technology used :
● Python : for functionality.
● Tkinter : The tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard
Python interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit, will be used to create
Graphical User Interface.

Roles of Each Member

1. Sahil Kumar :
○ Task Assigned : will be working on Module 1
& 2.
○ Will work on designing architecture of the
software, Will be creating the login page and
rules page using the concepts of python to
embed functionality and will be using tkinter
to incorporate GUI

2. Animesh Kumar:
○ Task Assigned : will be working on Module
○ Will be work on the working of the game using
the concepts of python to embed functionality
and will be using tkinter to incorporate GUI.

3. Utsav Kumar :
○ Task Assigned: Will be working on ○ Module
3 & 5.
○ Will be designing the GUI of modules
○ ( 4 & 5) and will be testing the software.
○ By using the concepts of python, will be
implementing the modules assigned.
Gantt chart

Task/Process September October November

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11W12
Planning and

Final Result

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