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Should we welcome immigrants?

Today migration is a global issue because everyday from every country of

the world there are groups of people who leave from their origin country to
another one because of several reasons: looking for a better climate because
in their original country there were natural disasters like earthquakes,
tsunami, air or water pollution and others ones, looking for a job because in
their country there was no enough opportunities to find a job (the famous
brain drain). They leave to escape from a persecution or war and so find a
peaceful country where there can live peacefully and they also leave because
they want to follow a particular career. Since the first years of human history
they move from a place to another, in fact we say that “human was born
migrant” because he was always moving. Human beings see migration as a
survival strategy, so we should not be surprised that everyday there are
people who come to our country because it was always been like this, but the
main question that we formulate in our head is “should we welcome

Why do people migrate?

There are many causes that motivate people to move from a country to
another one: they can be environmental causes for example natural disasters
like earthquakes, pollution and so on. There are 2 types of environmental
disasters: accidental disaster like earthquakes and tsunami. Voluntary
disaster are the air pollution or water pollution. The difference between the
2 terms is that the first one we cannot foresee it, but the second one we have
to , because is a men’s responsibility if we have air pollution or water
pollution So it is evident that life is not possible in a country where
everyday there is the risk to be involved in a natural disaster.

They can be also economic causes: people move from their origin country
because there were not enough opportunities to find a job or to study: the
brain drain, this phenomenon that is more and more intensified, especially in
countries that are still developing them self. There are many stories of many
people who left to find a work or study because in their countries there were
not enough opportunities. Often those countries are poor and not sufficiently
economically developed: we can take in example Africa because is a
continent very poor and that is the reason why most of immigrants who come
also in Italy, our country, come from there. In Africa there are not schools or
hospitals, so illiteracy and AIDS and HIV are the ordinary. Malnutrition is
another problem in this continent and in fact they escape from there looking
for hospitals that can save them from these dangerous diseases and
malnutrition. Luckily there are association like “Save The Children” that
worry about the safety and healthcare of this country looking for an
economical development.

Another motivation of migration is escape from persecution and civil war: in

some parties of the world like Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and also in
Albania there is civil war because of religion or regime that is why there are
so many Muslims and Albanians around the world.
There is an historical episode, told in a song sang by La Fame Di Camilla
called “28/03/1997”, that is the date of this fact still remembered in Italy
because it happened in channel of Otranto and in Albania because many
Albanians died: on 28th March 1997 a ship called Kateri I Rades came from
Albania because there there was the regime. The ship wanted to enter in Italy,
but this permission was denied from Italian ship called Sibilla. The two ships
sank in collision and more than 100 Albanians died. The wreck of Albanian
ship is still preserved in Otranto’s seaport and on 31th March is a day of
national mourning in Albania. This episode have to be remembered because a
human right, that is the right to security and protection, has been violated
and this does not happen anymore: migrants are human beings and have to be
respected, and protected because is a right of them.

Which are the consequences?

The consequences of migration are:
for the country that lost his people migration could be a problem because it
means that the country will lost its high educated people if them leave
looking for opportunities of job, and economically it reduce nation’s
possibilities of building up a workable economic structure. Instead for the
country that welcome migrants this could be positive for his economy
because they could contribute to the economical development of the country.
There are many people who left from his country and contributed to the
economy of another one because of their abilities: many researchers from
developed countries like Russia, Spain and Germany today gave a contribute
to others countries, but unfortunately Italy have not researchers who come
from different countries because according to the law immigrants are not
accepted here. Instead Italy gave to others countries like UK, USA, Germany
and France many of our best brains.

How does the world see the issue of immigration?

According to UNESCO’s report globally migration is very good for
globalization because migrants can help economically and socially a country
in way of development giving a little of their experience, but it can have also
some negative effects because there is the possibility of some inequalities and
abuse of human rights. Migrants and native people should have the same
rights and must, without any exception, unfortunately not always is like it
should be: many times there have been many conflicts because of inequality.
It is told by a global organization, so we can test this claim

How does Italy see the issue of immigration?

Today more than 4 million of foreign people live in Italy and half of 1 million
are illegals immigrants, so it means that they came to our country without a
regular entry visa, and according to the law they must be rejected. Most of
them come from Albania, China, Morocco, Philippines, Romania and
Ukraine. Immigrants who live in Italy in a regular way have the same rights
as us, but for illegal immigrants sanctions are provided, also for people who
permitted the entrance. Immigrants who come to Italy cannot give their
contribute because our government does not wants stranger researchers
because of his prejudices about them, while our best researchers leave to
other countries giving their contribute to the economy of the country where
they left. There should be balance between the two groups of researchers but
unfortunately there is not. At the moment the law do not consent to foreign to
enter in Italy, because President Of The Council Matteo Salvini is stopping
the wave of migrants.

How do I see the issue of immigration?

I think that immigrants are human beings and have to be protected and
respected: it is not good to discriminate them just because they come from a
different country, they can teach to our country a lot of things about their
culture, language and traditions. We gave to the economy of other countries a
great increasing because if we think about how many researchers in many
sectors like medicine, astronomy and biology contributed to the economical
development we cannot say that they have a negative influence, but in Italy
they are not accepted because of the prejudices that we have about them and I
think that immigrants should have the opportunities that they had not in their
origin country. I do not agree with government that do not welcome
immigrants because of his prejudices about foreigners, because they could
give to Italy a great increasing in economy and socially they could become
our friends, but at the moment the situation is very critical not only for the
prejudices of our government but also for the prejudices that Italians have
about them: at school, at work and in every place there are people who
discriminate other people because they come from another country instead to
get to know them and learn something more about a new culture, language
and tradition.

What can be done?

It will be not easy to face on with the issue of immigration because we should
fight all the prejudices and the phenomenon of racism that is in every part of
the world and it will be impossible to fade them completely, but we can try to
reduce them: first of all our government should begin to let immigrants enter,
but before that it should control them and make sure that they are regular
immigrants, if they are irregular before reject them, but it will be more
respectful for them to make sure that they have all that they need to face up to
another travel. If they need medicines, food and clothes we have the must to
help them because is a human right, the right to be protected and live in
safety. The government should give the opportunities to foreigner researchers
and let them come in as the same as our researchers did with the countries
where they left.

After that it come the most difficult part of the plan to make way that
immigrants could find a better life in our country: integrate them in our
community and life. At school, at work or whatever will be the place when
we get to meet someone who do not come from our same country we should
respect him and try to learn something from his experience. For example: in a
class there is a girl who come from Africa and she has black skin. Often, but
luckily not always, her classmates begin to take fun of her, they try to avoid
any contact with her just because she is African and she has black skin.
Instead we should try to get to know her and learn something about his
country, his language and traditions, because it will be effective for our
personal culture, for all Italy and for all the world because the globalization
will grow up.

Which are the conclusions?

Migration will be an important issue for long time, but there is an
improvement from Italian people twho are learning to respect and insert
them in our communities. We are still so far from the goal that we want to
reach: delete completely all the prejudices towards people who come from
different countries and this prejudices will rest for long time, but we will not
give up and we will continue our fight for the human rights because I think
that we are all equal, even if we come from a different country we are all
equal and so we have the same rights.

What did I learn?

By writing this Individual Report I learned that not all the situations are the
same and there is solution for every problem: now I know that if there are
illegal immigrants before to reject them we should be sure that they have all
that they need to face on another travel. Now I know that the government
should open his eyes and mind to understand that immigrants can give us a
globalized Italy.
I always thought that immigrants have to be welcomed because they have the
right to live in a safe place with all the opportunities that they need, but I did
not know how many researchers gave their contribute to the economy of the
country that welcomed them. Now I hope that this issue will be solved
peacefully and all people could live in every place that they want, without
any problem of discrimination and racism, because globalization could bring
vantages that we could not imagine, but if we do not allow that this happen
then there will not be any globalization.

I learned to see the issue from different points of view and I strongly hope
that everyone will do it because, sure there are negative effects but we have
to consider the positive ones to make way that the globalization will grow up.

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