Biochemistry Report

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Where to Find the 6 Major Minerals in Food

Minerals, like vitamins, are necessary for the proper functioning of
our bodies. You've probably seen mention of minerals your whole
life, but what exactly do these minerals do? What happens if you
don't get enough?
Since taking a daily multivitamin is not the ideal way to get most of
your minerals, let's look at the foods which contain these important
nutrients, as well as potential problems related to either a
deficiency or excess.1
We will begin by explaining the difference between "major" minerals
and "trace" minerals and then look separately at the importance of
calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium
for a healthy body.
1The Major Minerals Our Bodies Need
We often refer to minerals as being major minerals or trace
minerals. The six major minerals are the ones that are present in
our bodies in the largest amounts. 
When it comes to health and normal body functions, dietary
minerals are every bit as important as vitamins. 
They're necessary for many processes in your body, especially fluid
balance, maintenance of bones and teeth, muscle contractions, and
nervous system function.
For the most part, it's not too difficult to get sufficient amounts of
these minerals from the foods you eat, and as long as you eat a
healthy balanced diet, you should be getting enough of all six of
these essential nutrients.2
That said, there are medical conditions as well as some medications
that could lead to either a deficiency or an excess of some of the
minerals. Most of these minerals are also sold as dietary
supplements, but due to possible problems with excess or
interaction with medications, they should only be taken under a
physician's guidance.
The major minerals include:
 Calcium
 Chloride
 Magnesium
 Phosphorus
 Potassium
 Sodium
Let's look at each of these major minerals in more detail, including
what they do in your body, and what foods you should eat to make
sure you are getting an adequate intake.
 15 Calcium Sources That Don't Require a Cow
Calcium is probably best known for preventing osteoporosis, but it's
necessary for much more than strong bones and teeth. Your body
also needs calcium for blood clotting and normal nervous system
and muscle function.
In general, a healthy diet includes an ample amount of calcium.
People with some disorders, however, such as inflammatory bowel
disease may not absorb enough of this mineral. 3 In addition, those
who have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance may need to make
sure they are getting calcium from other foods.
Calcium is found in the largest amounts in dairy products, such as
milk, cheese, and yogurt. But if you aren't a milk drinker, there are
plenty of other foods that contain calcium. Calcium is also found in
nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fortified foods such as breakfast
Calcium supplements are one of the most popular dietary
supplements and may be recommended for some people, especially
postmenopausal women. But it's important to talk to your doctor, as
elevated levels can cause problems such as painful kidney stones. 4
Chloride is an interesting major mineral. Your body needs it to
create gastric juices and it's found right alongside sodium in the
fluid surrounding the cells. In fact, chloride works together with
sodium to help keep your body fluids in balance. 
Dietary chloride is found in table salt (sodium chloride) and many
vegetables, including celery and tomatoes. There's rarely any
reason to take chloride supplements.
Magnesium is necessary for biochemical functions that control many
actions in your body, including proper muscle contractions and
nerve impulses. It's also necessary for blood sugar control,
regulation of blood pressure, and maintaining healthy strong
Magnesium deficiency is associated with some gastrointestinal
conditions such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease, as well as
alcohol abuse, and diabetes. Some medications (such as antibiotics
and diuretics) can also lead to a deficiency.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be uncomfortable and may
include fatigue, weakness, numbness or tingling in your arms and
legs, muscle cramps, and abnormal heart rhythms. Severe
magnesium deficiency can also lead to deficiencies in calcium as
Magnesium is found primarily in nuts, seeds, whole
grains, legumes, and dark green vegetables. It's also found in
yogurt, salmon, fortified breakfast cereal, bananas, and potatoes.
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Magnesium supplements are fairly common and are often combined
with calcium. Magnesium supplements have sometimes been
recommended for the prevention of migraines or for the relief of
minor anxiety, but again, it's important to talk with your doctor
While a deficiency of magnesium can cause symptoms, getting too
much magnesium (usually by way of supplements) can lead to
nausea, diarrhea, a change in mental status, and other symptoms. 7
Phosphorus is important for bone growth and normal cell membrane
function. It works along with B-complex vitamins to convert the
foods you eat into energy that your body needs for all your daily
activities. It is stored in bones.
A deficiency of phosphorus is relatively uncommon and is usually
associated with medications such as calcium carbonate supplements
and antacids. A deficiency severe enough to cause symptoms is
rare, and typically only happens in conjunction with a health
condition including hyperparathyroidism, kidney tubule defects, and
diabetic keto acidosis.8
Phosphorus is found in foods that are high in protein such as meats,
nuts, seeds, and legumes.
Taking phosphorus supplements isn't necessary, and although
phosphorus toxicity (too much phosphorus) is very uncommon, it
can be found with conditions such as severe kidney disease. 9
Potassium is needed for normal nervous system function, muscle
contraction, and can have a profound effect on your health. Proper
levels of potassium are also extremely important in maintaining
normal heart rhythm, and either a deficiency or excess of this
mineral can result in life-threatening arrhythmias or respiratory
Potassium is found in the fluid inside your cells so it's essential for
normal fluid balance throughout your body. Potassium can also
counteract the impact of sodium on blood pressure. Either a high or
a low level of potassium can result in problems.
A low potassium level (hypokalemia) can result in dangerous
arrhythmias, and usually requires intervenous potassium in the ICU
if levels are seriously low. An elevated potassium level
(hyperkalemia) can likewise cause abnormal heart rhythms. 11

Potassium-rich  foods include fruits and vegetables (such as
bananas and potatoes), as well as legumes, milk, nuts, and meats.
You may be able to find potassium supplements, but don't take
them without speaking with your medical doctor first.
With kidney disease, potassium levels may need to be monitored
and a low-potassium diet instituted.12
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Sodium works along with chloride to maintain fluid balance outside
the cells. Sodium intake is important for regulating blood
pressure. Sodium deficiency is rare, and in fact, getting too much
sodium is a much more widespread problem. Consuming too much
sodium may elevate blood pressure in some people.13
Sodium is found along with chloride in table salt and it's naturally
found in small amounts in a variety of foods. But, most sodium
comes from processed foods that contain salt or preservatives made
with sodium. 
A Word From Verywell
The six major minerals listed here are important for healthy bodily
functions ranging from muscle contractions (including the heart
muscle) to fluid balance, to nervous system function. A healthy diet
will generally provide adequate amounts of these minerals, but
certain medications and medical conditions could lead to either a
deficiency or excess.
This is noted most often with potassium, which can lead to
dangerous heart arrhythmias due to both low or high levels.
Fortunately, if you have medical conditions (or take medications)
which predispose you to either a deficiency or excess of one of the
major minerals, your doctor should make you aware of this and do
periodic blood tests of your levels.

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