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A. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities?

-For me, I think no because we have different perspectives. The church did not intervene in scientific
discovery but they always supported science. We know that science is a tool used by everyone to find
solutions to a certain thing.

B. Explain how can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern times:


-Darwin’s theory describes how organisms develop generations through the inheritance of physical or
behavioral traits. It influences agriculture as it has been influenced by evolution since ancient times. The
reason for this is the natural growing process of the plants. It is helpful to know what makes them
suitable for their own environment and what to increase or decrease in productivity when they begin to
know the breeding selection. In the modern understanding of the mechanisms behind changes in
organisms, made more intentional and target the changes possibilities.


-Darwin’s theory is the study of biology or all about species and organisms. In political science there is
little bit of influence, which is global politics or global economy. Any sort of political decision affects
those who are likely to have offspring and for those who are not, but no strong pressure over it. Survival
or socially fit to the society or environment can influence in modern political science which will lead to
civilization or increasing in population.

C. What are the controversies or questions in Freud’s idea in the following fields:


-Freud is well recognized as the creator of psychoanalysis And Talk therapy was at the core of the
therapeutic methods that Freud created. That made use of techniques like transference, free
association, and dream analysis. And also Freud acknowledge the plasticity of human behavior and
capacity for change; flawed and insufficient research techniques; excessive theorizing based on
insufficient empirical data; and the assumption that the model can be applied to all individuals.

II. Mass media

-Freudian Revolutions is the study of psychoanalysis that it relates to the unconscious and the conscious
mind of a personality. How it really relates to mass media? Mass media is scattering all over the internet
or all over world. People have the free will to look up in the media. People tend to see almost everything
in the media and people tend to analyze and process the information of it. Because of mass media the
people’s imagination, thoughts, and processing ideas are highly enhanced because of what they see.
And those information are being stick to people’s mind. And that also affects those behavior in terms
that they conclude of what they see or feel. Or they imitate it without having the risk of it.
Jya Arcenal
Jade Nabuya
Jamaica Suson
Andrei Cañete

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