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High-tech made by MTU

The company—Germany’s MTU Aero Engines is Germany’s leading engine

manufacturer and a firmly established player
number one in the international aviation industry. The com-
pany, whose roots reach back to the dawn
of powered aviation, designs, develops, manu-
factures, markets and supports commercial
and military aircraft engines as well as station-
ary industrial gas turbines. MTU has its head-
quarters in Munich.

Its predecessor companies provided the en-

gines for the first powered airplanes as early
as at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, MTU technology on board: The Eurofighter Typhoon
the company has carved out leading positions owes its remarkable power not least to its two EJ200
in essential engine technologies: High-pressure
compressors, low-pressure turbines, manufac-
turing and repair technologies made by MTU Among the showpieces in MTU’s commercial
are among the finest to be found in the global engine portfolio are the V2500 for the Airbus
marketplace. With its comprehensive and well- A320 family, the PW2000 for the Boeing 757
balanced product portfolio MTU has content and C-17, the CF6-80 for the Boeing 747 and
in all thrust and power categories and in all Airbus A310 and A330, the GP7000 for the
essential components and sub-assemblies Airbus A380 and the GEnx for the Boeing 787
that make up an engine, boasting full system Dreamliner and 747-8. With the Geared Turbo-
integration capabilities. fan™ engine (GTF) PurePower® PW1000G
Pratt & Whitney and MTU are developing the
propulsion system of the future; its introduc-
tion will mark the debut of an entirely new
family of engines. The GTF bases on a new
engine architecture and stands out for its very
high efficiency and low noise levels. The con-
cept, which represents a major leap forward
in jet engine technology, is catching on with

Bombardier’s CSeries will be the first passenger aircraft to enter service with a Geared Turbofan™ engine of Pratt & Whitney’s PurePower® PW1000G family.

customers: Airbus is offering this game-
changing propulsion system for its re-engined
A320neo and Irkut for its MS-21. Bombardier
has selected it as the exclusive engine to
power its new CSeries; Mitsubishi will equip
its MRJ with the GTF, and Embraer has picked
it for its new E-Jets.

In the military arena, MTU is Germany’s indus-

trial lead company for practically all engines
flown by the German Armed Forces. The com-
pany provides the full range of system integra-
tion services, from maturing enabling tech- A heavy-weight: The GP7000 powers the A380, the
nologies through developing and manufacturing world’s biggest passenger aircraft.
engines and engine components, to providing
maintenance and comprehensive customer
support services. Among the company’s cur- As a renowned partner, MTU closely cooper-
rent major military engine programs are the ates with all of the big engine manufacturers
TP400-D6 engine to power the new A400M and actively drives the development of the in-
military airlifter, the EJ200 for the Eurofighter dustry. It has roles in all important national and
Typhoon, the RB199 for the Tornado and the international technology programs. With its
MTR390 for the French-German Tiger attack- partners from industry, research and academe,
escort helicopter. The company also has stakes MTU has for decades been developing ad-
in four military engines built by GE Aviation, vanced technologies to make engines quieter,
the F404, F414, F110 and GE38. fuel-thriftier and cleaner.

One of the core competences of the company

is the maintenance and repair of engines. Its
maintenance segment is among the leading
service providers in this field and operates lo-
cations across the globe.

High-tech made by MTU Tomorrow’s engines call for innovative ideas.
The growing mobility needs of billions of peo-
ple, limited raw materials and acerbating eco-
logical problems leave little doubt that new
engine solutions must go beyond existing con-
cepts. Current projections assume that air
traffic will keep growing at a rate of around
five percent a year. To mitigate the impact on
the environment, therefore, tomorrow’s air-
craft must be fuel-thriftier, quieter and cleaner.

Advisory Council for Aviation Research and

Innovation in Europe (ACARE) has defined am- MTU uses highly advanced manufacturing techniques,
bitious targets for future air traffic and pub- such as additive manufacturing.
lished them in its Strategic Research and
Innovation Agenda (SRIA). This new strategic 2020, minus 30 percent by 2035 and even
roadmap includes the ACARE 2020 and Flight- minus 40 percent and more by 2050. In addi-
path 2050 goals and introduces new medium- tion to these environmental objectives, ACARE
term objectives to be achieved by the year has also defined targets to enhance the com-
2035. These are the specific targets: By the petitiveness of the European aviation industry.
year 2020, aircraft are to burn 43 percent less
fuel per revenue passenger kilometer and emit MTU Aero Engines has for decades been devel-
43 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2) and 80 oping new technologies, thus actively shaping
percent less oxide of nitrogen (NOX). The goals the future of aviation. The company has carved
for the year 2035 are even more challenging: out a global leadership position in low-pres-
Plans are to cut the fuel burn per revenue sure turbine and high-pressure compressor
passenger kilometer and CO2 emissions by 60 technologies, high-tech manufacturing proces-
percent and NOX emissions by 84 percent. ses and repair techniques. With over 400
Moreover, the perceived noise is to be reduced patent applications a year in Germany and
by 55 percent. And that’s not the end of it: By abroad, MTU aims to secure its technological
the year 2050, the industry aims to reduce fuel edge in these core competencies. Its technol-
consumption and CO2 emissions by 75 percent, ogy portfolio includes some 100 projects that
NOX emissions by 90 percent and noise levels are tightly aligned with the company’s objec-
by 65 percent, as compared with year-2000 tives and pursued in accordance with strict
values. A substantial contribution to the NOX product development rules. Close meshing
and noise reductions will have to come from with industrial partners, academe and research
the engines. The targets for fuel burn and CO2 institutes is the sine qua non for the success-
emissions are minus 20 percent by the year ful development of new technologies.

The Geared Turbofan™ PW1100G-JM is the engine of the future. It was put through its paces in
MTU’s test cell.

Airbus opted for Pratt & Whitney’s PurePower technology and offers the Geared Turbofan™ as an engine option for the A320neo.

Progress in engine construction essentially ceived noise level by 65 percent by the year
depends on whether manufacturers succeed in 2050. Plans are to achieve the CO2 and noise
improving two physical key parameters: pro- targets defined by ACARE in its Strategic Re-
pulsion efficiency and thermal efficiency. Each search and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in three
efficiency enhancement reduces pollutant and stages.
noise emissions. MTU’s development efforts
are targeted at optimizing both parameters.
The company has already found solutions to
address the challenges of the future: Under
its Clean Air Engine technology initiative, or
Claire for short, MTU combines key technolo-
gies to build an advanced commercial engine
that will burn 40 percent less fuel, emit 40
percent less carbon dioxide and cut the per-

Technology fields The name MTU Aero Engines stands for lead- Because approximately one third of the total
ing-edge military and commercial engine tech- flow losses are caused by leakage, the design
nologies and superior quality. High-pressure of the transitional zones between rotor and
compressors and low-pressure turbines made stator stages must be given particular atten-
by MTU rank among the most advanced in tion. Brush seals here permit technical solu-
their class. Apart from these, MTU’s product tions that would not be possible with conven-
spectrum also encompasses integrated engine tional labyrinth seals. Moreover, innovative
control and monitoring systems. The company technologies have been developed that influ-
is building on long experience in the military ence the action of the flow, such as the so-
field here. These three product development called casing treatment that involves structural
domains are complemented by the manufac- modifications to the rotor casing inner surfaces
turing and repair technology fields. MTU’s pri- for increased aerodynamic loading of the
mary objective is to secure its technical, opera- compressor. Active systems, too, will play an
tional and logistics competitiveness. increasingly important role. These are assem-
blies that respond to variations in operating
Efficient compressors conditions, for example by minimizing clear-
MTU’s high-pressure compressors are among ances or injecting air to improve compressor
the best to be found in the market. For more stability.
than 30 years, the German company has been
developing, manufacturing, repairing and over- Integral constructions and novel materials are
hauling this component, the centerpiece of key to significant weight reductions. Today’s
an aircraft engine. Current flagship products advanced compressors, for example, feature
developed by MTU’s experts are the compres- rotors in blisk design, where disk and blades
sor for the EJ200 powering the Eurofighter form an integral part. This concept should
Typhoon and that for the TP400-D6 for the new equally be applicable also to whole successive
A400M military airlifter. The high-pressure stages in line—a configuration that would
compressor currently being developed in part- markedly reduce the length and weight of the
nership with Pratt & Whitney is one of the core component.
components of a new family of Geared Turbo-
fan™ engines targeted at regional and busi- Comparable saving potentials are afforded by
Technology of the future: compressors with ness jets and short- to medium-haul airliners. advanced disk and blisk materials in titanium
active clearance control. and nickel-base alloys. They outperform con-
The technologies are continuously being re- ventional materials by their greater specific
fined and tailored to suit the various engine strength that makes for “leaner” component
types. The focus of MTU’s development efforts designs. To protect high-value components,
is on improvements in efficiency and on weight such as compressor blisks, against erosion by
reduction. Both factors directly affect fuel sand and dirt particles, MTU has developed
consumption and hence also the emission of a novel multilayer coating: Dubbed ERCoatnt,
carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Further this coating combines the hardness of ceramic
cost reductions, too, are on the wish list. materials with the high ductility of metals. The
coating is thin enough to be deposited also
on engine-run components without interfering
with their aerodynamic or structural-mechani-
cal properties.

Technology already used in production: com-

pressors in blisk design.

The latest generation of MTU high-pressure compressors.

Award-winning turbines
Low-pressure turbines for aircraft engines are
a core competency of MTU. The company has
been a global technology leader in this field
for decades. Its technological bandwidth is
enormous, extending from conventional low-
pressure turbines for business jet engines to
highly efficient low-pressure turbines for tur-
bofan engines powering medium- to long-haul
airliners and all the way to power turbines for
heavy-lift helicopters. MTU’s masterpiece is
the high-speed low-pressure turbine it devel-
oped for the GTF, a key component of this new Simulation of a turbine disk with blades: advanced
propulsion system. The company is the world’s computing methods markedly reduce development
leading manufacturer of this engine component
and was honored with two German innovation
awards for this outstanding technological aluminum, which weigh only half as much as
achievement. blades in conventional nickel alloys.

The technology behind the high-speed low- In the years ahead, advanced computer simu-
pressure turbine is unique: Compared with lations will permit the three-dimensional design
conventional models, it permits higher stage of the blade ducts, including side walls and
efficiencies by lower aerodynamic loads. As fillet radii. In the process, numerical optimiza-
a result, the number of stages can almost be tion methods are used in the aerodynamic
halved, which reduces the module’s overall design. For operation at the high altitudes at
length and weight and substantially cuts the which long-haul airliners and business jets
costs of maintenance. In addition, this turbine normally fly, improved airfoil designs and
is much quieter than today’s low-pressure measures to selectively influence the boundary
turbines, as the high-frequency noise emitted layer are being explored. To keep the noise the
is attenuated by propagation through the at- low-pressure turbine contributes to overall
mosphere and, as a result, almost inaudible engine noise low under certain operating con- Award-winner: the high-speed low-pressure
to the human ear. ditions, for example during landing approach, turbine for the PW1000G Geared Turbofan™
a number of noise abatement measures, such
For all new low-pressure turbine concepts, the as the 3D contouring of turbine blades, are
overall goal is to find a well-balanced design being investigated using an experimental tur-
in terms of efficiency, weight, noise, costs bine specifically built for the purpose.
and service life. To reduce the manufacturing
costs, MTU is exploring novel constructions
and looking at less expensive materials for
use at elevated temperatures. Materials play
an important part in such new designs, as
light-weight materials hold promise of saving
up to ten percent of the overall turbine weight.
A case in point are rotor blades in titanium

MTU has been a technology leader in the field of low-pressure turbines for years. Its masterpiece is the high-speed version (left). At the right: the low-pressure turbine for the

Technology fields Overall system the control and monitoring system of the
MTU’s diverse portfolio of products and serv- TP400-D6 engine powering the A400M military
ices also includes complete control and moni- airlifter and is responsible for the digital engine
toring systems, as well as subsystem and control and monitoring unit (DECMU) of the
equipment integration, plus the associated EJ200 engine for the Eurofighter Typhoon. To
software. The company’s competences span be able to maintain its expertise long-term,
the gamut from equipment, software and sys- MTU Aero Engines joined forces with Sagem
tem development through to system validation, (Safran Group) and set up AES (Aerospace
production support and maintenance. Embedded Solutions GmbH), a Munich-based
50/50 joint venture. AES offers the full range
More Electric Engine of services, from design and testing to certifi-
On the next generation of aircraft, experts antic- cation of safety-critical software and electron-
ipate electric power requirements to quintuple, ics. MTU will continue to draw up the specifi-
not least because the air conditioning system, cations for the control and monitoring systems
for example, will no longer operate on engine and to produce and repair the electronic equip-
air but on electricity. On the engine proper, ment.
too, mechanical and hydraulic components
will advantageously be replaced with electric Monitoring and diagnosis
units because these are smaller and lighter in For the Eurofighter’s EJ200 engine, MTU has
weight, more flexible to accommodate and developed a new generation of control units
smarter. An electric fuel pump, for example, that control the engine and concurrently mon-
would reduce fuel consumption since it would itor it. The primary task of such control and
permit fuel to be fed only in the amounts actu- monitoring systems is to immediately alert
ally needed, obviating the present need for to defects, while their number two job is to
scavenging excess fuel back into the tank. The prevent defects through earliest possible de-
More Electric Engine of the future will come tection of deviations. These technological
with a plurality of sensors, electric motors and capabilities are gradually being transitioned
New system: The control unit of the EJ200 control elements, posing new power manage- also to other engines. An engine trend moni-
controls and monitors the engines powering ment, control engineering and engine monitor- toring system, for instance, has been devel-
the Eurofighter Typhoon.
ing challenges. oped for use by MTU’s maintenance shops.
This system captures essential operating data
Control units such as pressure, temperature and vibrations
Advanced engine control and monitoring sys- through the onboard computer and radios or
tems are playing an increasingly important role emails it to a ground-based network for con-
for the safe operation of aircraft. MTU has tinuous comparison with ideal engine data.
been working in this area for more than 30 When deviations from nominal are noted, ap-
years and possesses unique expertise in the propriate corrective action can be taken to
field of control systems for military propulsion prevent major consequential damage and cost-
systems. The company has a major role in ly repairs.

Highly advanced technology is found also in MTU's test facilities—shown here is the test cell at MTU
Maintenance Hannover.

Airfoils can be repaired by patching. Additive manufacturing techniques are playing an increas-
ingly important role—also at MTU.

Manufacture and maintenance In the field of commercial engine and industrial

Engines are high-tech products the manufac- gas turbine maintenance MTU has established
ture of which calls for innovative techniques. itself as one of the world’s largest service pro-
With their aid, just about any product can be viders. All activities have been pooled under
manufactured today, except that to be sale- the roof of MTU Maintenance. The company’s
able, it also needs to be affordable. MTU’s strategy is “Repair beats replacement.” MTU
manufacturing shops have to organize the Maintenance provides service support mainly
entire process chain in a manner that secures for engines in which its parent has a stake
the company’s international competitiveness. as risk-and-revenue-sharing partner. MTU is
In the area of manufacturing technology, there- renowned across the globe for the high-tech
fore, the company is pursuing activities ex- repairs it uses. Most of them are patented
tending across the whole gamut from process and marketed under the trade name MTUPlus
development, testing and measuring methods repairs. The portfolio of the maintenance spe-
all the way to automation and factory planning. cialist comprises more than 15,000 different
repair processes. In the development of new
Among the most important high-tech processes repair techniques, MTU can draw on its unique
used by Germany’s leading manufacturer are expertise derived from the development and
laser caving to produce cooling air holes in production in numerous engine programs. With
high-pressure turbines, as well as adaptive techniques such as patching of blisk airfoils,
milling, friction welding and precise electro- or blade tip repair by laser powder cladding,
chemical machining (PECM) to manufacture the company achieves levels of restoration
blisks. Blisks (blade integrated disks) are high- that are unique worldwide.
tech components where disks and airfoils
come as one piece, which reduces weight.
Blisks are used in low-pressure and high-pres-
sure compressors for military and commercial
applications. MTU is one of the world’s leading
manufacturers of such blisks and keeps ex-
panding its capabilities: At its Munich location,
the company has built a new shop which
houses its center of excellence for blisk pro-

Novel techniques that are gaining in impor-

tance are additive manufacturing processes,
such as selective laser melting. In a first step,
a 3D CAD model of the component to be pro-
duced is sliced up. A laser then builds up the
solid equivalent of the model layer by layer
from a powdery material. This process allows
complex components to be produced almost
without the need for conventional tooling.
Further advantages afforded by additive pro-
cesses are nearly unlimited freedom of design,
shorter production times, faster innovation
cycles, lighter components with added func-
tionality and lower development costs. MTU is
already using such processes in the manufac-
ture of production parts for the GTF engine to
power the A320neo.

High-tech production facilities: A new shop was built at MTU in Munich which houses the center of excellence
for blisks.

Technology programs MTU Aero Engines has for decades been work- to enter into service as from 2015. Concept
ing on new technologies to further lessen the studies conducted as part of the second stage
environmental impact of future aircraft en- of Claire indicate that the geared turbofan con-
gines. In close cooperation with the big players figuration lends itself as a platform for further
in the industry, Germany’s leading engine development and improvement. For example,
manufacturer develops innovative propulsion it is quite conceivable that the bypass ratio
systems and technologies in all thrust and can be further increased by the year 2030.
power categories. In engine development pro- Moreover, the thermal efficiency of the core
grams plagued by time and cost pressures, engine can be enhanced by higher pressure
there is little room for experiments. Therefore, ratios and temperatures, the objective being
innovations must be developed, tested and to improve the fuel-burn and CO2 reduction to
matured for production in good time. For the 25 percent.
purpose, technology projects are launched
under which demonstrator engines are built The third and last stage of Claire is aimed at
to verify the feasibility and capability of new further optimizing the propulsion efficiency. In
technologies. These are normally funded under addition, plans are to use a highly-efficient
national and international cooperative ventures heat engine for enhanced power generation,
or sponsored programs. MTU has roles in all possibly based on recuperative technologies.
major technology programs, be it at a national All these developments are hoped to reduce
or international level, and has launched its own CO2 emissions by 40 percent and cut noise
long-term technology initiative, dubbed Claire levels by fully 65 percent by the year 2050.
(Clean Air Engine).
German Aviation Research Program
Claire MTU is one of the leading industrial partners
Advanced technologies for low-pressure tur- 15 percent, 25 percent, 40 percent less carbon on the German Aviation Research Program
bines are tested on the high-altitude test dioxide—these are the staged goals of MTU’s launched by the German government. The
facility of the Institute for Aircraft Propulsion
Claire technology initiative, under which the company cooperates closely with universities
Systems at Stuttgart University.
company has pooled all activities aimed at and research institutes, focusing on the devel-
developing environmentally compatible en- opment of new high-pressure compressor and
gines. MTU plans to achieve the CO2 and noise low-pressure turbine technologies to further
targets defined in ACARE’s Strategic Research improve efficiencies. The development of the
and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in three stages. successful GTF technologies is owed to no
small extent also to the funding granted under
In the first stage, the Geared Turbofan™ (GTF) this national program. Part of the program,
engine alone already provides a reduction in moreover, is devoted to optimizing blisk manu-
fuel consumption and, hence, carbon dioxide facturing techniques. MTU has carved out a
emissions by up to 15 percent and appreciably globally unique position in blisk technology.
cuts noise levels. This game-changing propul- New solutions that help reduce manufacturing
sion system is being developed and built jointly costs accentuate the company’s industry lead-
by Pratt & Whitney and MTU and is scheduled ership.

The most advanced compressors can be validated on MTU’s compressor test rig.

Clean Sky
Clean Sky is the technology program the Euro-
pean aviation industry hopes will help achieve
the ambitious SRIA standards. It forms part of
the Joint Technology Initiative of the European
Union’s 7th Framework Program. From the
very beginning, the project drew a large num-
ber of participants from the European aviation
industry and from science and research. In all,
more than 200 partners are currently involved
in the research work, and further partners can
be invited to join in through calls for proposals.
With an overall budget of 1.6 billion euros, 800
million of which are funded by the EU, Clean
Sky is the biggest research program ever
undertaken by the European Union. Clean Sky Under the Clean Sky technology program MTU is developing a seal carrier manufactured
encompasses six so-called Integrated Techno- using additive techniques.
logy Demonstrators (ITDs) and one Technology
Evaluator. Within the SAGE (Sustainable and
Green Engine) ITD of Clean Sky five engine LEMCOTEC
demonstrators in different thrust classes and Under the LEMCOTEC project, which will run
for different market segments will be built until 2015, 35 European partners are exploring
and tested by 2015. One of the sub-projects options to increase the overall pressure ratio
(SAGE 4) is led by MTU. It is pursued with the (OPR) to further enhance the thermal efficiency
aim to further develop the geared turbofan of future engines. MTU is responsible for two
technology, in particular the low-pressure sec- work packages involving the design, construc-
tion, in cooperation with other European part- tion and testing of a new high-pressure com-
ners, and test and validate it. The project was pressor with an unprecedented pressure ratio,
officially launched in 2008 and will run through which will feature lighter high-temperature
to 2017. The successor project Clean Sky 2 materials and an advanced secondary air sys-
will build on the results achieved so far. MTU tem.
plans to take a major role also in the new pro-
gram, hoping to be again entrusted with the E-BREAK
design of an engine demonstrator. The EU’s E-BREAK technology program is
aimed at further reducing the fuel consumption
ENOVAL and CO2 emissions of future propulsion sys-
MTU’s most recent European technology pro- tems and to extend their service lives. In a
gram is ENOVAL (ENgine mOdule VALidators). joint effort, 42 partners are working to improve
Launched as part of the last call for proposals components and engine systems by further
under the EU’s 7th Framework Program in developing sealing, material and condition
2013, the MTU-led project will run for four monitoring technologies. The four-year pro-
years. 35 European partners from industry, gram, which is funded under the EU’s 7th
research and academe are developing new Framework Program, was launched in 2012
technologies for low-pressure components for and will run until 2016. MTU is involved in
medium-sized, large and very large turbofans, several sub-projects and investigates new
the aim being to reduce CO2 emissions by up abradable systems, simulation methods, the
to five percent and cut noise levels by 1.3 dB. light-weight material titanium aluminide as
These improvements will be achieved by in- well engine monitoring systems.
creasing bypass ratios to between 12:1 and
20:1 and overall pressure ratios to between
50:1 and 70:1. MTU is focusing on the inte-
gration and optimization of the expansion sys-
tem, which consists of the inter-turbine case,
low-pressure turbine and turbine exit case.

0 1 2 3 km ©Wyle 0 1 2 3 km

SEL contour (dB) The “noise footprint” of an aircraft powered by Geared

75 80 85 90 95 Turbofan™ engines is 75 percent smaller than that of
Runway Flight track today’s aircraft.

Technology network MTU Aero Engines is closely cooperating with
research institutes and universities. Pursued
are long-term, cross-system engine develop-
ment activities in a concerted win-win effort,
where the institutes’ more or less fundamental
research propensity takes on a more practi-
cally oriented tilt and MTU, in turn, draws on
the scientists’ excellent expertise. MTU’s net-
work strategy relies on the three pillars of
trend analysis and development of visionary
engine concepts at Bauhaus Luftfahrt, con-
centration of basic research at just a few top-
notch institutes and universities, and regular Concept study of a potentially emission-free aircraft of
exchange of experience with experts within the future: Bauhaus Luftfahrt’s Ce-Liner.
and outside the aviation industry.

Bauhaus Luftfahrt MTU’s innovative clout long-term and foster

An internationally oriented think tank, Bauhaus the meshing between academe and industry.
Luftfahrt aims to develop innovative approach- Getting students in touch with industrial reality
es for future air transport systems. Within the early in their academic careers, MTU hopes to
framework of the research activities pursued produce a continuous pool of young talent.
by Bauhaus Luftfahrt, the complex system of Jointly with leading German universities and
air transport is reviewed from various aspects: research institutes, MTU has launched six dif-
First and foremost, the Bauhaus researchers ferent centers of competence (CoC) to perform
aim to develop visionary aircraft concepts. As specific research tasks. Criteria for the selec-
part of these efforts, they also investigate eco- tion of partners were outstanding technical
logical aspects, such as alternative fuels, revo- qualification and long experience. The centers
Strategic alliances: MTU closely cooperates lutionary technologies, and sociopolitical fac- of competence do research in the following
with universities and research institues. tors. Key in the Bauhaus Luftfahrt roadmap to fields: compressors, turbines, More Electric
success is the interaction between its in-house Engine, constructions and production, mainte-
disciplines and cooperation with industry and nance, repair and overhaul, and engine 2020+.
research in a global network. Bauhaus Luftfahrt
was founded in 2005 by four partners—EADS, Expert working groups
Liebherr-Aerospace, MTU Aero Engines and Expert working groups convene at regular inter-
the State of Bavaria. Meanwhile, IABG has vals. Specialists in a particular technical disci-
become the fifth member of the association. pline meet two or three times a year to trade
insights gained into new trends and develop-
Centers of competence (CoC) ments. Discussed are specific technical issues
Cooperation with universities and research for which likely solutions are sought and hope-
institutes forms an essential part of MTU’s fully found. These working groups benefit from
research and development work. Strategic alli- the broad, cross-industry networking of experts
ances have been established with world-class from science and industry.
research partners, the aim being to secure

Cooperation with universities and centers of competence

Centers of competence Cooperation with

RWTH Aachen
Compressor technology BAM Berlin
DLR Berlin
Uni & LZ Hannover TU Berlin
Maintenance Repair Overhaul TU Braunschweig
BTU Cottbus
DLR Cologne TU Darmstadt
engine 2020+ TU Dresden
Uni Erlangen
TU Munich FHG Fürth
Structural design and TU Göttingen
production TU Hannover
TU Heidelberg
UniBW Munich KFA Jülich
More Electric Engine TH Karlsruhe
Uni GH Kassel
University of Stuttgart DLR Stuttgart
Turbine technology MPA Stuttgart

Close cooperation between MTU and universities and research institutes is a win-win proposition for all involved, including young academics.

Engines of the future Ever since the 1950s the fuel consumption and use of light-weight materials and an airframe
CO2 emissions of aircraft engines have been design capable of accommodating the larger-
reduced by double-digit percentage points in sized propulsion systems. In the engine interior,
each decade. With its innovative technologies pressures and temperatures will increase for
MTU has played a major role in this develop- even higher efficiencies. As a result, improved
ment and plans to keep it that way also in materials and coating systems will be needed.
Further improvements in the propulsion effi-
With the Geared Turbofan™ engine, Pratt & ciency require even higher mass flows. For
Whitney and MTU are building the commercial enhanced power generation highly efficient
propulsion system of the future. The GTF bases heat engines will be needed, which are based,
on an entirely new engine architecture and for example, on variable-cycle, recuperative,
holds promise of reducing fuel consumption combined-cycle or hybrid technologies. To-
and CO2 emissions by 15 percent each, and of gether with its partners, MTU is already explor-
halving the perceived noise level. This is a ing these concepts for the year 2050. First
major leap forward in jet engine technology. estimates suggest a reduction in fuel burn by
What sets the GTF engine apart is that it fea- 40 percent and in noise levels by 65 percent.
tures a reduction gearbox between the fan and
low-pressure turbine. In conventional turbofans Military engines
the two components sit on a common shaft, MTU’s military portfolio comprises engines for
with the fan driving the turbine. The gearbox various applications which will determine the
allows the fan with its large diameter to rotate product range of the future. These propulsion
more slowly and the turbine to rotate much systems include conventional low-bypass
faster. This lets the individual components turbofan engines to power combat aircraft and
achieve their respective optimum speed, which advanced turboshaft engines to power heli-
greatly boosts the engine’s overall efficiency. copters and turboprop aircraft, such as the
The result: Fuel burn, carbon dioxide emissions A400M military airlifter.
and noise are substantially reduced. In addition,
the engine weighs less as it requires fewer In the EU, engines for unmanned aerial vehicles
What sets the Geared Turbofan™ engine parts and stages. (UAV) are presently taking center stage in mil-
apart is a reduction gearbox the decouples itary technology development. For long-range
fan and low-pressure turbine.
The trends: New commercial engines will have cruise applications, they need to be fuel-
higher bypass ratios and, hence, larger fans thrifty, but for low-altitude operations also
than today’s models. This calls for an increased should generate substantial thrust. MTU brings

Airbus concept aircraft.

its comprehensive experience in the military

business to the table and is a reliable partner
that has major roles in national and internatio-
nal research projects, such as the European
Technology Acquisition Programme (ETAP).

A combat aircraft system is designed for max-

imum performance in extreme situations. The
variable-cycle engine concept uses so-called
active systems to individually adapt the engine
to suit changing operating modes. What needs
to be developed for such engines are variable
modules (bypass duct, fan or exhaust nozzle)
or variable components (stator vanes). The
technological challenge here is to reliably inte-
grate these systems into the engine mechani-
cally and electronically.

Shaping the future

The name MTU stands for leading-edge engine
technologies, and has been doing so for dec-
ades. With its unique expertise and its inno-
vative clout, the company has established itself
as a technology leader in many fields and
comes recommended as a reliable partner in
the industry. To keep it that way, MTU is in-
vesting heavily in a variety of technological
activities, new products and services, thus
setting the course for the future. Germany’s
leading engine manufacturer remains commit-
ted to its tradition as a company that drives
innovation and actively shapes the future of

With a maximum power output of 11,000 shaft horsepower the TP400-D6 powering the
A400M military airlifter is the most powerful turboprop engine of the Western world.

GER 04/14/MUC/02000/DE/EB/E

MTU Aero Engines AG

Dachauer Straße 665
80995 Munich • Germany
Tel. +49 89 1489-0
Fax +49 89 1489-5500

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