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with fuel economy &

emissions reduction
Word from

Dear Operator, This document represents the latest contribution

from Airbus, it is designed to provide a holistic view
This is an update of the documents published in 2014
and 2015, now encompassing most aircraft types,
of the subject from the manufacturers’ perspective. and a wide range of refinements. We wish to express
With continued uncertainties in fuel prices, this In producing the document we brought together our thanks to those who have contributed to this
commodity continues to represent the single greatest specialists from the fields of aircraft performance, brochure.
cost for commercial aircraft operators. aerodynamics, engines and airframe engineering,
and integrated their inputs that were born out of
This pressing economic issue is now being Richard Stoddart
their wide experience with in-service aircraft. Airbus
complemented by environmental issues. These are Head of Customer Services
01 Scope driving airlines to increasingly invest resources to
operators have also played an important role with
the update of this document, giving their advice at Programmes
optimize fuel and operational costs. The process is various stages of the process. The aim is to share
02 Context often complex but the mantra of "every kilo counts" best practices by providing a guide to selected
Marc Parisis
Head of Training & Flight
can be increasingly heard. In support of this initiatives that can reduce both the fuel bill and the
03 Environmental trends optimisation process, there is a multitude of
information published by both the Aircraft
operating cost of your aircraft. You will find as well
a wide range of information related to the
Hubert Mantel
environmental aspects of air transport, like
04 Fuel saving opportunities Manufacturers and Industry bodies describing the
mechanisms by which fuel can be optimized. emissions, sustainable alternative fuels, regulation, Head of Environmental Affairs
Air Traffic Management.
05 Summary & Conclusions
01 Scope
The document’s objective is to contribute to the This year the GTG has been updated to include
general awareness of fuel efficiency throughout A380 and A320Neo figures. We will work on the
This document discusses the basic principles of the airline and beyond. On top of fuel burn, A350 XWB aircraft data to be ready for the next
fuel efficiency for in-service aircraft. It highlights emissions are becoming increasingly important update. In the meantime if any A350 XWB
measures that can reduce the fuel consumption of and airlines need to monitor them carefully. operator has any need for support in fuel studies,
Airbus’ in-service aircraft. Carbon dioxide is the best-known of these please contact your usual support team.
It is a compilation of best practices, derived from emissions and its limitation is covered by the References and points of contact within Airbus
the in-service experience of Airbus and its CORSIA scheme, but other engine-related are provided throughout for those wishing to
Customers. The initiatives it describes cover emissions are also to be taken into account. explore any item more fully.
operational, maintenance and servicing aspects It is a starting point and not a definitive guide to
that, in some cases may have implications for the what an operator must do to minimize fuel
service and comfort levels the airline offers its consumption or, more precisely, minimize
01 Scope customers. The document provides, for a broad operational costs. It provides a basis for study.
Implementation of initiatives described in this
range of aircraft standards and a wide variety of
02 Context operations, concise advice on operation and
maintenance practices that have been shown to
document should be evaluated in the context of
the operator’s specific operation and in
collaboration with all stakeholders. The document
03 Environmental trends limit in-service performance degradation and
facilitate efficient operations. It does not cover your has been written principally from the perspective
specific aircraft but provides general information by of the aircraft. However, where appropriate,
04 Fuel saving opportunities aircraft family. As an operator, you can apply the mention is made of other influencing factors, such
as scheduling or passenger service level.
principles in this document to your specific aircraft,
Environmental issues are becoming increasingly
05 Summary & Conclusions especially if the aircraft family is not yet covered (e.g.
important and these too have been outlined.
02 Context
Elementary physics tell us that for an aircraft to fly Focus on fuel price
it must generate lift to overcome its weight.
Generating lift produces drag, (as does the Like most commodities, the price of fuel may
movement of the airframe through the air). The increase with time, however it is highly volatile,
engines generate the thrust necessary to overcome tending to be influenced by crises of all kinds:
the drag. The greater the thrust required the more economic, geopolitical and natural. Supply and
fuel is burnt. This document discusses methods demand play the biggest part in the fuel price
of minimizing that fuel burn. development, demand being a consequence
of the global economic activity and growth while
supply is decided by oil producing countries to
Lift regulate the market.

Fuel price evolution is strongly influenced by

external parameters and airlines can’t have
01 Scope Drag
Thrust much influence on the price paid. Other cost
items that are important, like maintenance, have
02 Context less influence on the overall airline financial
situation. Current changes in environmental
regulations will certainly also play a role in the
03 Environmental trends future evolution of emissions (CO2) costs and
jet fuel price.
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions Figure 2.1: Elementary forces on an airframe
Average jet fuel (US cents/USg) & crude oil (US$/barrel) - 2015-2019

230 80
Fuel hedging (agreeing a fixed price for a specified
75 amount of fuel that will be purchased over a
70 specified period) offers airlines the opportunity to
190 65 maintain a degree of control over fuel price
170 60 variations. Deciding when and how much fuel to
55 "hedge" is typically the responsibility of the airline’s
50 fuel purchasing manager.
130 45
110 Any improvement an airline can make to their
overall fuel burn will help reduce their cost of fuel
90 30
and carbon emission offsetting charges. Because


























of the EU ETS and CORSIA, carbon offsets are
becoming more important to airlines to allow for
Jet Fuel Crude oil the reduction of CO2 emissions in line with the
industry aspirations.
Figure 2.2: Monthly Fuel Price Trend

Airlines operating costs

The cost of fuel is the major contributor to Cash

Operating Cost (COC). Cash Operating Cost is the
aircraft direct operating costs less the costs of insurance
01 Scope and ownership of the aircraft (e.g. finance, depreciation
or lease fees) – it may be thought of as the cost of flying.
02 Context It comprises fuel, maintenance, flight crew, landing and
navigation fees.
16% Nav / Landing 26% Nav / Landing
03 Environmental trends The following charts show the share of fuel in cash 23% Crew 15% Crew
operating costs for each family of aircraft and clearly 18% Maintenance 19% Maintenance
04 Fuel saving opportunities indicate that the bigger the aircraft, the higher the fuel
burn as missions get longer.
43% Fuel 40% Fuel

05 Summary & Conclusions

Figure 2.3: Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 (Fuel at US $2 Figure 2.4: Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 (Fuel at US $2
per US Gallon) A320 - Mission: 800 NM per US Gallon) A320neo - Mission: 800 NM
12% Nav / Landing 13% Nav / Landing 13% Nav / Landing
12% Crew 9% Crew 6% Crew
17% Maintenance 18% Maintenance 16% Maintenance
59% Fuel 60% Fuel 65% Fuel

Figure 2.5: Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 (Fuel at US $2 Figure 2.6: Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 (Fuel at US $2 Figure 2.7: Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 (Fuel at US $2
per US Gallon) per US Gallon) per US Gallon)
A330 - 300 - Mission: 4000 NM A340 - Mission: 3300 NM A380 - Mission: 4000 NM


01 Scope
AIRCRAFT Sector Fuel burn Sector Fuel burn Sector Fuel burn
The beside table shows the mission lengths that Trip Time Trip Time Trip Time
Length nm kg Length nm kg Length nm kg
are considered in this document for all the
performance calculations as well as the standard A320ceo 2535 5h49 15273 1270 3h00 7611 635 1h35 4074
02 Context trip time and fuel burn. A320neo 3105 7h08 14722 1550 3h37 7265 780 1h53 3844
Nevertheless actual fuel consumption depends on
03 Environmental trends
A330-300 4760 10h33 60277 3570 8h00 43827 2380 5h22 28666
a multitude of parameters based on the way the
A340-300 6110 13h07 92038 4585 9h56 65437 3055 6h41 41772
aircraft is operated and maintained.
04 Fuel saving opportunities These figures must not be regarded as guarantees
A380 7325 15h10 203986 5500 11h28 144339 3665 7h42 91716

or conclusive data.
05 Summary & Conclusions Table 2.8: Reference mission profiles for this document
A320 Family A330


A320 FA- A330
% kg % kg % kg % kg % kg % kg

Taxi 1% 140kg 2% 140kg 3% 140kg Taxi 0.5% 300kg 0.7% 300kg 1% 300kg

Climb 16% 2436kg 26% 1971kg 44% 1773kg Climb 10% 6169kg 12% 5446kg 16% 4826kg

Cruise 82% 12530kg 70% 5334kg 49% 1992kg Cruise 89% 53495kg 86% 37770kg 81% 23228kg

Descent 2% 307kg 4% 307kg 8% 307kg Descent 1% 613kg 1.3% 612kg 2% 611kg

Total 100% 15273kg 100% 7612kg 100% 4072kg Total 100% 60577kg 100% 43828kg 100% 28666kg

Figure 2.9: Fuel consumption per flight phase - A320 Family Figure 2.10: Fuel consumption per flight phase - A330

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

MISSION 1 MISSION 2 MISSION 3 The need for fuel efficiency is not new. However,
A340 fuel price volatility and contribution to the operating
% kg % kg % kg cost model mean that initiatives that might
previously have been assessed as marginal may
Taxi 0.5% 300kg 0.5% 300kg 0.7% 300kg
merit re-examination as the cost breakdown
Climb 9% 8502kg 11% 7302kg 14% 6118kg evolves. It should also be borne in mind that
implementing fuel efficiency measures often has a
Cruise 89% 82786kg 87% 57388kg 83% 34908kg cost.
Descent 1% 749kg 1% 745kg 2% 745kg
Much has been written to support Airlines in wishing
to minimize their fuel and operational costs. Industry
Total 100% 92337kg 100% 65737kg 100% 42071kg bodies, airports and manufacturers have both
made contributions. Airbus’ principle contribution
Figure 2.11: Fuel consumption per flight phase - A340
in this field has been the development of a number
of documents under the generic title of "Getting to
Grips". These documents provide an in-depth
A380 insight into topics such as cost index;and fuel
economy (ref. table next page).


01 Scope % kg % kg % kg

Taxi 0.2% 480kg 0.3% 480kg 0.5% 480kg

02 Context Climb 8% 16339kg 9% 13368kg 12% 11092kg

03 Environmental trends Cruise 91% 186204kg 89% 129532kg 86% 79187kg

04 Fuel saving opportunities

Descent 0.8% 1442kg 1% 1439kg 1.5% 1435kg

Total 100% 204465kg 100% 144819kg 100% 92194kg

05 Summary & Conclusions Figure 2.12: Fuel consumption per flight phase - A380
Getting to grips… Brochures

The following titles are available and cover all Airbus types:


Getting to grips with fuel economy Getting to grips with ETOPS The information contained in
3 Jun-19 English Volume 1: Certification and 1 Dec-14 English
& emissions reduction the ‘Getting to Grips’
Getting to grips with Fuel
4 Oct-04 English publications are not intended
Economy Getting to grips with ETOPS
Volume 2: The Flight Operations 1 Dec-14 English to replace procedures or
INDIRECT INFLUENCE ON View recommendations contained
Getting to grips with Cold Weather in the Flight Crew Operating
Getting to grips with the Cost 2 Dec-15 English
2 May-98 English Operations Manual (FCOM) or Flight Crew
Getting to grips with Surveillance 1 May-09 English Techniques manual (FCTM).
Getting to grips with Aircraft
1 Jan-02 English The brochures having direct
performance Getting to grips with Cat II / Cat III
Getting to grips with Aircraft operations
3 Oct-01 English influence on fuel economy
1 Jan-03 English highlight the areas where
Performance Monitoring
Getting to grips with FANS 4 May-14 English
Getting to grips with Weight and maintenance, operations and
1 Feb-04 English
Getting to grips with Aircraft Noise 1 Dec-03 English flight crews can contribute
Getting to grips with MMEL/ English,
significantly to fuel savings.
Getting to grips with Modern
01 Scope MEL NOT AVAILABLE in Airbus
1 Jul-05 Chinese,
5 Jun-04 English

Getting to grips with Cabin Safety 4 Apr-15 English

02 Context Getting to grips with Performance-

Based Navigation (PBN)
1 Nov-16 English

03 Environmental trends Table 2.13: Other “Getting to grips with…” brochures

04 Fuel saving opportunities All these documents are available in Adobe PDF format on the Airbus World website:
(please note that access to this site is restricted. It is managed by airline’s IT administrator)
05 Summary & Conclusions
03 Environmental trends
aircraft through the implementation of new technologies once they reach
maturity for airline use and through research programmes in emerging
Optimizing fuel consumption is an issue for many groups in commercial technologies. The launch of the A320 Family neo and A330neo or New Engine
aviation. Motivation to deal with the subject comes not only from the Option are excellent examples of how this commitment drives aircraft
desire to minimize fuel expenditure, but to increase overall efficiency and performance development.
also from the wish to address environmental concerns. In simplistic terms, The key role for the operator is to keep the aircraft in good condition and
reducing fuel burn is the best way to reduce emissions, and hence the ensure that they are operated efficiently. Infrastructure providers and managers
environmental impact and associated costs, as well as fuel expenditure. such as aviation authorities, air-traffic control (ATC), airport authorities and air
The market expects aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, in cooperation navigation service providers (ANSPs) can all contribute by providing airlines
with their suppliers, to design and deliver the most economically efficient with the means to use their aircraft in the most efficient way possible.
01 Scope aircraft with the best environmental performance possible. Airbus is indeed
committed to improving the fuel burn and emissions performance of its

02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
Optimum operational conditions can be compromised by Air Traffic Control Furthermore, Operators may find it beneficial to review their operation
(ATC) requirements. For example, aircraft kept waiting on the taxiway, requirements and capabilities with their local ATC authorities to both raise
restricted to non-optimum flight altitude by an ATC requirement or simply mutual awareness and identify opportunities for route and schedule
not permitted to fly the most direct route do not optimize fuel consumption. optimization.
Such constraints will always be a feature of commercial aircraft operations As environmental regulations are becoming more stringent in all industries
to a certain extent. However, ATC reform and modernization continues, and the global population is getting more aware of the importance of
driven principally by increasing air traffic. preserving natural resources, airlines need to be part of the trend. Becoming
Airbus and industry bodies offer support services such as training courses compliant with the latest regulations and operating as efficiently as possible
and consulting. For example, Navblue Fuel and Flight Efficiency Consulting may be hard work and requires deep reflexion but it is essential for the
Service and tools (See the ‘Environmental trends’ section) seek to identify continuity of the air transport activity.
and implement fuel savings through a combination of route improvements,
infrastructure enhancements, reduced flight times and operational efficiency

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

Fuel efficient trajectories facilitated by Air Traffic Management and Aircraft Capabilities

The market expects aircraft manufacturers such most efficient trajectory in terms of lateral routing,
as Airbus to design and deliver the most vertical profile and speed. Air Traffic Management This is why Airbus contributes to Air Traffic
economically efficient aircraft with the best has a crucial role to play when it comes about to Management Research and Deployment
environmental performance possible. Indeed, minimize the impact of increasing traffic on flight Programmes such as SESAR in Europe and
Airbus is steadily improving the fuel burn and efficiency and to keep deviations from the most NextGen in the US with a special sensitivity for
emissions performance of its aircraft. However, efficient trajectory as small as possible. worldwide interoperability of the suggested on-
best advantage of these performance gains can board technical solutions which serve also other
only be taken if the aircraft can be flown on its ATM transformation programmes like those in
Canada, China (CNAS), Japan (CARATS), India
(FIANS), Russia, Brazil (SIRIUS), Australia and
ATC Sector A Terminal Area ATC Sector B Oceanic ATC
New Zealand, each of which is addressing the
Continous Descent Continous Climb specific regional air traffic patterns and needs.
In-trail Procedures
FMS/CDA All these programs have the ambition to increase
EPP Trajectory sharing capacity, without compromising safety, to provide
Optimum cruise level & speed ATM services to airspace users at reduced cost
Trajectory sharing
and last but not least to reduce environmental
impact, including reduced fuel burn. SESAR for
GLS,SLS example identified solutions expected to save
173 kg of fuel for a typical European flight by
01 Scope
CAVS 2035 versus the 2012 baseline (about 3% of
FANS A average gate-to-gate fuel).
02 Context RNP with RF legs Optimum cruise
level & speed
This is equivalent to a reduction by more than a
half of the fuel inefficiency induced by ATM-related
MinTaxi Time Free Route Airspace

03 Environmental trends FANS B+

Airport NAV
Flexible Use of Airspace
trajectory constraints.

04 Fuel saving opportunities RNP to xLS

PBN Airspace

05 Summary & Conclusions Optimum trajectory Sub-Optimum

Arrival and Departure Phase Of Flight

Especially at the busiest and more congested airports there is potential for ATM to facilitate more efficient climb and descent profiles (reduction of level-offs and
holdings) as well as for track mile savings through better organisation of arrival traffic flows and through optimized design of arrival and departure routes.
Various on board CNS capabilities contribute to achieve this goal.

›› T
 he Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ›› N
 umerous airports have implemented fuel ›› D
 atalink communication is the key enabler
for example is the base for a regulation for the efficient Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) allowing air-ground synchronization so that
25 major European airports where at the latest and fully managed continuous descent without optimal trajectories can be facilitated by the Air
by 2024 each of them will have implemented level-off is a feature of the flight management Traffic Control via a fully closed-loop process.
optimised RNP1 procedures for departures system which allows better adherence to the A new era begins with the deployment of the
and arrivals including Radius to Fix legs. In most fuel efficient vertical profile independently Aeronautical Telecommunication Network
addition, the RNP to xLS capability allows from individual pilots’ behaviours. Baseline 2 (ATN B2) as of 2018 starting in
combing RNP arrivals with any precision Europe. It allows especially the transmission by
landing system, either ILS, GLS or SLS the the aircraft to Air Traffic Control (ATC) of the so
latter two enabling increased glide slopes or ›› O
 n the surveillance side, ADS-B In avionics called Extended Projected Profile (EPP) which
displaced thresholds without additional ground technology allows the Cockpit Display of Traffic contains the predicted trajectory of the whole
infrastructure. This allows tailoring procedures Information (CDTI) which in turn enables air flight in terms of positions and times. This
to the individual need of any airport with the traffic control to clear for approaches based on makes the flight more predictable to ATC,
best compromise between fuel efficiency, noise CDTI Assisted Visual Separation (CAVS). In which in turn results in a better adherence to
abatement and capacity. most cases visual approaches translate into what the flight crew has planned. The top of
track mile savings and CAVS renders them
01 Scope more resilient when in marginal visibility
descent point for example is transmitted with
the EPP and ATC can now make best effort to
conditions. deliver descent clearances accordingly without
02 Context the need of any further communication. This
results in more fuel efficient vertical profiles.
03 Environmental trends Airbus implements ATN B2 through its FANS
C package which comprises all in one ATN B2,

04 Fuel saving opportunities FANS B/2 and FANS A/1.

05 Summary & Conclusions

En-Route Phase Of Flight

Fuel optimum flight level and cruise speed On long-haul flights, the optimum route is often
combined with minimum time track result in the determined by meteorological considerations
least fuel burn in the en-route phase of flight. and on the busy North Atlantic organized track At the end of the en-route phase of flight the
Airspace design has a detrimental impact on system more aircraft can now take advantage of aircraft may enter the horizon of what is called the
lateral flight efficiency, the ideal case being free best wind conditions thanks to the reduction of extended arrival manager (E-AMAN). This
route airspace (FRA) where the airline can plan lateral track separation to half a degree enabled controller support tool serves the operational
the flight between any entry and exit point in a by on board CNS capabilities including ADS-C, concept where aircraft are sequenced much
given airspace. In Europe for example, within the RNP4 and CPDLC. Controller Pilot Datalink earlier than within the Terminal Area. Controllers
last decade, the route extension due to airspace Communication (CPDLC) also facilitates an in the upstream sectors can instruct pilots to
design was reduced by about 1% down to 2.6% efficient negotiation of trajectory modifications, adapt aircraft speed before beginning descent
compared to the great circle distance. Conditional typically for the purpose of bad weather avoidance with the objective to de-conflict arriving traffic in
Routes (CDR) contribute to this improvement, by or to obtain ATC clearance for more fuel efficient an early stage resulting in less holdings or route
01 Scope making military airspace temporary available for routing, flight level or speed. extension through vectoring. E-AMAN is part of
civil use as part of the Flexible Use of Airspace Also introduced on the North Atlantic was the In- the European Pilot Common Project to be
02 Context (FUA) concept. Available routes, CDRs and FRAs
are published periodically with the AIRAC cycle,
Trail Procedure (ITP) which allows aircraft, after
clearance by ATC, to obtain the optimum flight
implemented at 24 major airports. The aircraft’s
capability to downlink its Extended Projected
Profile (EPP) through FANS C combined with its
03 Environmental trends however airspace users still plan flights which are
on average by 2% longer than the system would
level more frequently. This is enabled by display
to the pilot of surrounding traffic through ADS-B improved adherence to a required time of arrival
allow. which allows temporary reduced longitudinal (initial 4D feature) will allow further optimising this
04 Fuel saving opportunities separation when climbing through intermediate concept with the ultimate goal making holdings
a relic of the past.
flight levels. ITP is applied also in the South Pacific.
05 Summary & Conclusions
Airport Surface Operations

The reduction of taxi time, especially at taxi-out, SESAR Development and Deployment
is the lever to reduce fuel burn during surface The SESAR Definition Phase ended in 2008 under Airbus leadership and produced the first European
operations. The means employed by ATM for this ATM Master Plan which is at the time of writing under its fourth revision. It constitutes the roadmap driving
purpose are Departure Management tools modernisation of the European ATM system and is the result of strong collaboration between all ATM
(DMAN) which are synchronised with pre- stakeholders, including airlines and airframe manufacturers. The Master Plan sets the framework for the
departure sequencing and take into account development activities performed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) and the implementation activities
surface management constraints. DMAN may to be performed by all operational stakeholders under the coordination of the SESAR Deployment Manager.
comprise automated assistance to the controller The SESAR 1 Development Phase ended 2016 and resulted on the airborne side in the prototyping of a
for surface movement planning and routing. In set of new aircraft communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) capabilities some of which are
the cockpit, the Airport Navigation Function (ANF) identified for deployment in the frame of the Pilot Common Project (PCP). For example, the ATM functionality
improves the situational awareness of the flight "Initial Trajectory Information Sharing" of the PCP will draw advantage of the new airborne capability "initial
crew and hence avoids increased fuel burn 4D" prototyped in SESAR 1. Likewise, the European follow-on deployment program Common Project 2
caused by surface navigation errors. will take advantage of developments of both SESAR 1 and SESAR2020, the latter launched in 2015 for
a 5-year period.

One of NextGen’s long-term goals is to evolve Established on RNP is being deployed to allow
towards trajectory-based operations (TBO) with operators to fly more direct approach paths that
NextGen an accurately projected and shared flight path for save fuel.
The Next Generation Air Transportation System, each aircraft resulting in improved strategic
01 Scope or NextGen, is the FAA-led modernization of the planning and hence less deviation from the
Resilience to weather phenomena is a major
challenge in US and at high density airports,
US air transportation system which identifies four planned caused by tactical interventions. ATC controllers can now data link revised departure
02 Context focus areas: Multiple Runway Operations,
Performance Based Navigation (PBN), Surface
services are transitioning to satellite-based
navigation and surveillance as the primary means
clearances via FANS A to the cockpit when
needed due to weather or airspace changes.
and RNP and ADS-B are the related airborne
03 Environmental trends Operations & Data Sharing, and Data
Communications. avionics enablers. A dense network of precisely
This decreases departure delays and avoids
aircraft gridlock that can happen when arrivals
defined PBN routes renders the flow of air traffic continue to land while delayed departures wait
04 Fuel saving opportunities more efficient and the procedure called for revised clearances.

05 Summary & Conclusions

ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan Web sites
The European ATM Master Plan and NextGen’s Joint Implementation Plan are fully coherent with ICAO’s  SESAR
Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) which includes Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) derived from  NextGen
Operational Improvements (OI) from SESAR and Next Gen. ASBUs are organized in six-year periods
Further reading
reaching till 2031 and coordinate aircraft- and ground-based operational objectives together with the
avionics, data link and ATM system requirements needed to achieve them. IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for
Fuel and Environmental Management, 5th Edition
One of the four performance improvement areas identified in the ASBUs addresses efficient flight path
October 2011.
through trajectory-based operations. It contains Continuous Climb and Descent Operations via PBN
routes evolving gradually into a concept where CDO is combined with time based de-confliction of arrival  Cleansky
stream using the aircraft Required Time of Arrival (RTA) and datalink capability for trajectory sharing.  IATA

its current products and services and developing Products are designed with the environment in
the generation of products and services of mind, and NAVBLUE’s core business is fully
Presentation of Navblue tomorrow. committed to a greener future in air transport.
01 Scope NAVBLUE is a fully owned Airbus subsidiary
specialized in the development and delivery of
In line with Airbus policy, NAVBLUE considers the
environmental factor as a key contributor to
Solutions and software that improve flight
operations fluidity and efficiency highly contribute
to reducing fuel consumption and noise,
02 Context Flight Operations and Air Traffic Management
solutions and services. NAVBLUE has set the
success and is working to build a sustainable
future. NAVBLUE itself is committed to minimising encouraging air transport operators to go digital
goal to disrupt its industry through a quest for its carbon footprint both in terms of work helps to reduce paper usage and save trees.
03 Environmental trends digital innovation for the benefit of the end-users. organization and across all of its processes.
In this regard, NAVBLUE is constantly improving
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
Concrete examples of digital connected solutions to nearly eliminate operational inefficiencies and sources
of risks rely on a global ecosystem based on four pillars:
NAVBLUE can also provide an internal
›› T
 ail centric: Each aircraft is unique, we go ›› Pilot centric: Let the pilot focus on flying. "educational" course on fuel and flight efficiency
beyond one-size-fits-all model to a tailored to increase awareness across the entire airline
performance monitoring to allow each aircraft organization. This course will help airlines initiate,
operation to reach its maximum. ›› A
 utomated process: Using the latest promote and maintain a fuel & flight efficiency
technologies to alleviate tedious workload for mind-set whilst offering benchmarks, quick wins
our users and allow them to focus on what’s and return on experience.
›› M
 ission centric: In a world now overwhelmed important.
by data, it is crucial to smartly filter these to The course content covers operational
provide key information to perform your mission, procedures from engine start to engine shut
seamlessly from gate to gate. down, the importance of robust flight planning,
communication and concrete examples of fuel &
flight efficiency initiatives at the airline level.
NAVBLUE can further leverage aircraft capabilities
NAVBLUE products are then defined and designed to provide a full end-to-end solution for the airlines. through the design of innovative airspace and
Encompassing data and ground applications, feeding the cockpit, and sent to the ground for post-flight ground optimization consultancy. Whether
analysis. The post flight analysis is then circled back into the data and ground applications for the best tackling a difficult to access runway end in a
optimization of each mission. terrain-rich environment or increasing capacity to
This optimization is mainly done through the Optimize suite of applications that provide from a one-factor meet growing demand in a busy terminal area,
monitoring and optimization to a full performance model optimization feeding consistently the Flight Planning Airspace by NAVBLUE combines consultancy
and the FMS. It also includes a fully automated fuel saving and fuel monitoring solution powered by SkyBreathe with the latest in airspace design techniques to
01 Scope that offers superior analysis based on performance models, actual flight conditions and modelling of each
airline’s operating procedures and constraints.
release the potential of both the aircraft and
airport in partnership with all stakeholders

02 Context Included in the Optimize solution is a fuel & flight efficiency service which is aimed at assisting operators in
establishing and/or verifying existing fuel related programmes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This
03 Environmental trends solution is backed by a robust data analysis which provides a snap-shot of operations and allows identification
for areas of improvement and quantification of savings potential. This fuel efficiency consultancy expertise
can be also proposed as a stand-alone solution for operators whatever their level of experience in the fuel
04 Fuel saving opportunities saving subject.

05 Summary & Conclusions


Like many human activities, aviation and the air A further source of concern is the use, handling Focus on CO2: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a product
transport industry have an impact on environment. and disposal of certain substances that are of the chemical reaction that takes place when
The consequences of aircraft operations that are encountered when maintaining aircraft (e.g. burning any mixture of air and a petroleum-based
of public concern are engine emissions and asbestos, chromates). product. Jet turbine engines produce around
aircraft noise. Engine emissions are related to Like aircraft noise, these aspects are not directly 3.15 kg of CO2 for every kg of jet fuel burnt.
Climate Change (GHG emissions - mainly CO2) related to fuel efficiency but they are mentioned According to IPCC 1999 report, aviation as a
or Air Quality (Particulate matters, NOx, SOx). in this section to give a more complete picture of whole, accounts for 2% of man-made CO2
Engine emissions and aircraft external noise are environmental issues (the document and web emissions (a forecast to reach 3% to 10% is the
regulated through the certification process of sites referenced below offer further reading on range of the contribution to CO2 emissions by the
aircraft. Those regulations are continuously these aspects). middle of this century according to the 1999 IPCC
updated to keep pace with protecting the special report on aviation).


When any fossil fuel (gas, coal, oil) is burnt in air, 50%

the chemical reaction that takes place produces

heat (that an engine will convert into power) and 40%
gaseous bi-products. These gases are principally
water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and
01 Scope various other oxides such as. While these gases
are naturally present in the earth’s atmosphere, it

02 Context
is the additional man-made contribution that is
widely believed to have an impact on climate;
known as Greenhouse Gases (GHG), they are 10%

03 Environmental trends indicated as being the principal cause of Global

Warming. 0%

04 Fuel saving opportunities Energy Industry

Variation between studies

Road traffic Aviation Other means of transport Other sources

05 Summary & Conclusions Figure 3.1: Human activities’ contribution to CO2 emissions. Sources: IPCC, UNFCCC, IEA and DLR
Focus on NOx: NOx, or nitrogen oxides, are another bi-product of burning fuel in an engine. Like CO2, they are believed to have a detrimental effect on environment.
In recognition of this, the airports of some nations adjust their landing charges according to the amount of NOx produced by the aircraft (as defined in the certification
datasheet). Airbus aircraft have always been equipped with state-of-the-art engines offering among the lowest NOx levels in their class.

The Focus on CO2 text box with Figure 3-1 There are many references to aviation having a However other emissions such as NOx, particulate
illustrates that the aviation industry’s consumption greater effect than other industries because of matters or water vapour are believed to have an
of fossil fuel and the consequent production of the higher altitude at which the emissions are altitude-dependent effect.
CO2 is relatively low. Notwithstanding this fact, released. Even though the most prevalent
Airbus did and will continue to improve its current greenhouse gas, CO2, spreads quickly in the
and future products to reduce environmental atmosphere, it does not matter where or at what
impact. altitude it is emitted (sea level or 39 000 ft), the
impact is the same.
 Airbus  ICAO  Cleansky

Market-based measures to reduce CO 2

emissions: The European Union (EU), in its
Directive (2003/87) on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has developed a global market-based mechanism
Emissions Trading Schemes defines a "cap and addressing international aviation CO2 emissions with a target of application by 2020. This mechanism is
trade" system for CO2 emissions. The chargeable
01 Scope proportion of emissions is determined by an
called CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation). It is comes in addition
to a broader basket of measures (technology, operations/infrastructure, sustainable fuels) to achieve the
assessment of fuel efficiency. For the period ICAO global aspirational goal (of carbon-neutral growth from 2020 onwards).CORSIA aims to address
02 Context 2013-2016 only emissions from flights within the
EEA fall under the EU ETS. Exemptions for
any annual increase in total CO2 emissions from international civil aviation (I.E. civil aviation flights that
depart in one country and arrive in a different country) above the 2020 levels, taking into account special
03 Environmental trends operators with low emissions have also been
circumstances and respective capabilities of States.
For further information on EU-ETS and CORSIA visit the website of ICAO.
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

Until recently aircraft fuel consisted only of refined hydrocarbons derived from conventional fossil sources partnerships is key. Airbus is acting to find the
such as crude oil, coal or natural gas. However, fuel can be produced from other alternative renewable best solutions for the development of sustainable
materials including biomass, wastes or residues. Alternative sources of fuel are mixed with conventional fuels projects all around the world. Airbus has
fuel to produce ASTM certified ‘drop-in’ jet fuels which can be used without any modifications on the developed an ambitious programme called the
Aircraft or Airport infrastructure and ensuring all conditions of compatibility and safety like conventional "sustainable Aviation Engagement Programme"
kerosene. aiming to partner with Airlines emissions reduction
Jet fuels produced from alternative sources Sustainable fuels can also reduce emissions of objectives and the development of best practices
produce the same amount of CO2 when they are particles due to their low content of sulphurs and for eco-efficiency. Sustainable fuels are a key pillar
burnt as their "traditional" equivalents. However, aromatics. This leads to improved local air quality of this strategy. Airbus collaborates with external
the production of ‘sustainable’ biofuels (those at airports. organizations to set-up with the adequate
produced from ‘sustainable’ biomass sources, framework for sustainability. For instance, Airbus
Airbus’ objective for the short to mid-term is to
see next paragraph) contributes to CO2 reduction. is supporting the Round table on Sustainable
support the development of sustainable fuels
All plants absorb CO2 as they grow. The CO2 Biomaterials (RSB) to guarantee sustainability
being a key pillar to de-carbonize civil aviation in
absorbed by plants used to produce sustainable (economic, social and environment) principles on
the long-term.
fuels is significant to compensate the total amount each initiative.
In 2018, 5 pathways have been certified by ASTM
of CO2 produced when the fuel is burnt – (Up to
and around 3 new pathways per year are
80% of CO2 reduction based on conventional jet
candidate for clearance & certification.
fuel CO2 footprint (89gCO2eq/MegaJoule).
Technologies for the production of sustainable
Sustainable fuels are those created from fuels are today mature. The main challenges are
renewable materials (i.e. biomass) that comply availability and commercialization. We need to
with strict sustainability criteria and standards. continue to improve pathways conversion
Such fuels should not have a negative impact on efficiency (from feedstock to fuel). Airbus is
land-use, compete with food production, use
01 Scope fresh water, cause deforestation or reduce
strongly involved in supporting the emergence
and ramp-up of Sustainable Fuels for the aviation
biodiversity. Hence a huge variety of feedstocks industry. In addition to activities on fuel clearance
02 Context can be eligible and used to produce sustainable
and certification, the support to Airlines through

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON
 Industry  ICAO
 ATAG  Airbus
 IATA Airbus point of contact

3.3.1 Single Aisle A220

Unbeatable fuel efficiency Airbus offers full coverage of the single-aisle

Achieving new levels of efficiency in its class, and market, from 100 to 244 passengers and flying up
with 20% lower fuel burn per seat than previous to 4,000 nm.
generation aircraft, the A220 is a radical innovator. The A220 is part of the Airbus aircraft family but is
A clean-sheet design, the A220 incorporates the not covered in this document as it joined the family
latest generation flight deck, fly-by-wire and too recently for the performance data to be
geared turbofan engines while offering the perfect available. For questions related to this aircraft,
cabin space for passenger comfort and airline please contact your Airbus representative.
performance. A320neo

The A320neo (new engine option) is the new -efficient option offered by Airbus for the A320 Family that The extra performance of the neo aircraft means
offers significant benefits for fuel consumption and environmental performance. These benefits are derived that over 1100 tons of fuel saved per year per
01 Scope from the introduction of the latest engine and aerodynamic technologies. Together they deliver around aircraft, (equivalent to the consumption of 1000
20% fuel burn per seat reductions in both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions compared with the mid-size cars). The neo also reduces CO 2
02 Context previous generation of A320 Family aircraft. The neo’s main aerodynamic improvement is derived from
the introduction of new wingtip devices called Sharklets. These devices can be retrofitted to most in-service
emissions by more than 3600 tons a year. Neo’s
NOx emissions are 50% below CAEP/6, and neo
03 Environmental trends A320 Family aircraft - see section for further details. is an airport-friendly aircraft: very quiet, up to 15
dB below ICAO chapter 4 limit.

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
Airspace by Airbus been optimised to make doing their job as efficient
as possible with state-of-the-art galleys allowing
3.3.2 A330neo Equipped with an Airspace cabin, this aircraft easy preparation and service of in-flight meals,
delivers up to 10 extra seats whilst still considering creating the best possible surroundings to look
A330neo: a true new generation aircraft and optimising passenger experience continuing after passengers.
Airbus’ commitment to creating the most The A330 Family Lower Deck Cargo
The A330neo is a true example of a highly- comfortable cabin for passengers and crew. Compartments enable loading of a wide variety
innovative aircraft that delivers superior quality Everyone flying on an A330neo will be able to of freight using all industry-standard lower deck
and efficiency. As a member of Airbus’ family of enjoy the extra personal space thanks to the ULDs, including side-by-side LD3s. The lower
wide-body jetliners, the A330neo benefits from wide-body cabin and 18-inch-wide seats. deck characteristics provide a unique cargo
continuous investment of over 150 million euro Personalised in-flight entertainment options offer configuration flexibility. A removable LDMCR is
every year – integrating the latest developments an array of choices and now full cabin connectivity also available as an option.
from the A350 XWB and A380 Families to allows passengers to stay in touch with the world
maintain its position as the best in its class, well below – whether it’s catching up on important Popular and profitable
ahead of its competition. emails or simply keeping social networks up to
The A330neo is powered by high-bypass ratio, date. The A330neo is also the launch model for Capable of flying routes from 20mins to over 17

01 Scope new generation engines and designed with an

advanced high-span wing vastly improving the
Airbus’ new customisable Airspace cabin
interiors, taking comfort to the next level. The new
hours, the A330neo is a highly-efficient and
versatile aircraft – flying the most frequencies of
aerodynamics. New materials have also been cabin design gives passengers a totally unique any wide-body. As Airbus’ entry-level wide-body
02 Context used across the wing including titanium pylon and welcoming experience. From patterned it offers the lowest financial risk with the lowest
and composite nacelle. All these features ceiling light panels to innumerable colour-bursting seat mile cost of any wide-body in its category. It
03 Environmental trends combined, ensures that the A330neo has the
lowest seat-mile cost of any mid-size wide-body
LED mood effects, the options are endless. seamlessly complements the A350XWB, offering
a similar passenger experience and – thanks to
It’s not only just passengers who benefit from
a Common Type Rating – pilots can fly both
04 Fuel saving opportunities and burns 25% less fuel burn than the previous
generation A330.
Airbus’ innovations in comfort and design.
Besides comfortable crew rest areas ensuring aircraft interchangeably. Boasting an Operational
staff are refreshed during flight, cabin crew can Reliability of 99.5%, this is an aircraft that
05 Summary & Conclusions also enjoy their work in an environment that has consistently delivers.
The vortex drag component for transport aircraft around 900 tonnes per aircraft per year. In addition
flying at transonic speeds represents around 50% to the economic and environmental advantages
3.3.3 Focus on sharklets: of the total aircraft drag. Since engine thrust is of reduced fuel burn there are several operational
required to overcome this drag, it is clearly essential benefits including an increased payload/range of
In December 2012, Airbus launched its new to achieve the lowest drag level possible in order up to 100 nm or 1.8 tonnes additional payload.
"Sharklet" large wingtip devices, specially designed to minimise its fuel burn. Sharklets are an Sharklets can also improve TOW limited by
to enhance the efficiency and payload-range enhancement of wing tip fences and further reduce performance at many airports, especially those at
performance of A320 Family aircraft. the vortex drag by significantly changing the loading high altitude or with obstacles. For these airports
The aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft wing of the wing and effective span. They can dramatically where the TOW is restricted by the second
depends on its drag, which is made up of: reduce the fuel burn during cruise and offer segment, Sharklets can improve the payload by
significant improvements in climb performance. up to 3 tonnes. The improved lift also has a positive
›› P
 rofile drag-driven by surface area of the total impact on direct engine maintenance cost, offering
01 Scope airframe,
Due to the reduced overall aircraft drag, a retrofitted
aircraft needs lower engine thrust in cruise and in a saving of approximately 2% due to the reduced
some cases, at take-off and during climb which thrust at take-off.
02 Context ›› W
 ave drag-driven by transonic shocks, mostly
reduces engine direct maintenance costs by As of today all A320 family aircraft delivered after
extending the time between maintenance visits. MSN5514 are eligible for "Production" retrofit.
on the wing,
03 Environmental trends Offered as a line fit option since 2012, Sharklets
have exceeded expectations and are already
These aircraft were delivered with the wing structure
provisions for Sharklets and the retrofit is a
straightforward task which can be managed by the
04 Fuel saving opportunities ›› Vortex drag-driven by lift creation. reducing fuel burn by 4% on longer sectors,
corresponding to an annual CO2 reduction of airline or operator in around one day.

05 Summary & Conclusions

Electrification of Propulsion at Airbus Since today’s batteries would be far too heavy to feasibly fly a large passenger aircraft and the power-
to-weight ratios of battery technology available in the near- and mid-term future are also still a long way
Electric propulsion has the potential to revolutionise short of what is required, hybrid-electric propulsion systems are an attractive option before going fully
flight. From cleaner, quieter travel to completely new electric.
types of vehicles and operations, the benefits could Airbus is currently developing the E-Fan X, a near-term flight demonstrator on the scale of a commuter
be huge. jet. The test aircraft will have one of its four engines replaced by a 2MW electric motor driving a Rolls-
The use of electric and hybrid-electric aircraft engines Royce shrouded fan, with power supplied by an integrated Rolls-Royce gas turbine driving a Rolls-Royce
significantly reduces both CO2 emissions, NOx generator. This "Power Generation System" will be installed in the fuselage — in a serial hybrid propulsion
emissions and could provide opportunities for noise system architecture. The E-Fan X will also incorporate a battery system capable of producing 2MW of
reduction in flight and on the ground, and enables power. This allows us to test all hybrid-electric operating modes, from the Power Generation System
new and efficient aircraft concepts. Electrification of powering the fan directly, to the batteries providing power alone, to a combination of Power Generation
air vehicle propulsion is therefore part of the Airbus’ System and batteries, including recharging.
blueprint for the future, together with urban air mobility, The E-Fan X demonstrator will explore the challenges of high-power propulsion systems, such as high-
autonomous design and digital manufacturing, voltage power distribution, high capacity thermal management systems, overall safety cases,
connectivity and data analytics, as well as new electromagnetic interference effects, arcing and partial discharge, and radiation effects on high-power
business models. electrical systems at altitude. The objective is to push and mature the technology, performance, safety
and reliability enabling quick progress on the hybrid electric technology.
Any future hybrid-electric aircraft would need to minimize disruption to line operations; a flying demonstrator
01 Scope helps us to identify and solve operational questions, such as SOP development, ground operations,
line and base maintenance.

02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
phases of flight, or a regional-aircraft concept
with 2-4 megawatts of power.
Following a comprehensive ground test In terms of air vehicles, Airbus is currently also
campaign, the E-Fan X demonstrator is expected developing the small, short-range VTOL urban
to fly in 2021. air mobility demonstrator projects Vahana and
The ultimate goal is to make it technically feasible CityAirbus. These are fully electric aircraft for one
to develop a hybrid electric 100 to 150-seat and four passengers respectively.
aircraft by 2030 for Airbus to remain in a leadership These programmes also aim at establishing the
position on hybrid-electric propulsion. To power requirements for future certification of electrically
a single aisle aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion powered aircraft while training a new generation
would require between around 20 megawatts of designers and engineers to bring hybrid-
power, an order of magnitude higher as compared electric commercial aircraft closer to reality.
to the E-Fan X. Other hybrid-electric architectures
could include "micro-hybridization", where an
electric motor is coupled to a geared turbofan or
turboprop, providing an electric boost during key
01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
04 Fuel saving opportunities

Efficient aircraft operations require the careful Careful operation and maintenance can limit this Finally, proposals for reducing aircraft weight can
integration of many factors including regulatory degradation and thus reduce operational cost and be found. It is important to note that the
restrictions, en-route and airport traffic control safety risks. implementation of a given proposal may affect
requirements, maintenance, crew scheduling and This section is the largest section of the document costs elsewhere in the operation: these aspects
fuel costs. and provides advice on aircraft operations, are also highlighted within the discussion of each
Systematic, effective flight planning and careful operational procedures and aircraft maintenance. fuel saving initiative.
operation and maintenance of the aircraft and its Initially, fundamental operational principles are Charts provide an insight into the potential fuel
engines are essential to ensure that all requirements reviewed. This is followed by discussions of savings a given initiative will bring. The savings are
are properly addressed and that the aircraft is specific procedures, applicable at various flight presented in terms of kilograms of fuel per sector.
01 Scope consistently being used in the most efficient way
possible. Like all complex machines, the aircraft,
phases, which can be used to optimize efficiency.
The maintenance sections discuss timely
all the performance calculations are based on the
standard missions shown in the ‘Context’ section.
02 Context as it progresses through its operational life, will
experience performance degradation.
resolution of specific defects that have a notable
impact on fuel consumption.

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
Focus on Airline Fuel Efficiency Teams

As mentioned in the introduction, this document deployment and maintenance of initiatives. This
offers a starting point for airlines wishing to approach allows achievable objectives to be first
optimise their fuel consumption, emissions and established and then implemented while assuring
operating costs. that all consequences are understood across the
Fuel saving initiatives are often trade-offs. The fuel airline’s organisation. This team must also be in
saved through the implementation of a given charge of monitoring the proper operational
initiative usually needs to be assessed in the implementation and application of fuel initiatives.
context of global airline cost breakdown and This feedback loop enables to reinforce the
business model. maturity of the operational efficiency and improve
the communication through teams. Equally, given
For example, the choice of flying at a non-
the challenges that will be faced by the airline’s
optimum speed (e.g. flying faster to reduce crew
fuel efficiency team, it is essential that their
costs or recover a delay) must balance fuel
activities are followed and supported by the
consumption against both crew cost and the
airline’s senior management.
cost of reduced aircraft availability (either for flights
or maintenance).
01 Scope These examples serve to illustrate the value of a
multifunction team of airline personnel whose role
02 Context is to weigh the relative costs and other pros and
cons of a given initiative before it is implemented.
03 Environmental trends The same team should also co-ordinate the

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
Airbus performance engineer’s program (PEP) software package

Several references to this software package are TLO computes take-off and landing performance Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM):
made throughout this document. Similar software on dry, wet and contaminated runways (except evaluates the aircraft performance level with
packages are available from other aircraft A300 B2/B2K/B4), taking into account runway respect to the manufacturer’s book level. Based
manufacturers but the proprietary nature of the characteristics (Runway and obstacle data are on a statistical approach, it allows the operator
data makes the package applicable to the not provided by Airbus), atmospheric conditions, to follow performance degradation over time and
supplier’s products only. As such, Airbus PEP aircraft configuration (flap setting) and some trigger maintenance actions when required to
software provides unrivalled degree of precision inoperative systems. recover in-flight performance. This tool enables
in the optimization of efficient operations of its Flight Planning (FLIP): produces fuel predictions to determine a monitored fuel factor which is
aircraft. This is an engineer oriented tool. for a given air distance under simplified used to update the aircraft FMS "PERF FACTOR"
The Airbus PEP is composed of several modules: meteorological conditions. The fuel prediction as well as the fuel consumption factor for the
accounts for operational fuel rules (diversion fuel, computerized flight plan.
Flight Manual (FM): the FM module of PEP
represents the performance section of the Flight fuel contingency, etc.), for airline fuel policy for Operational Flight Path (OFP): this module is
Manual in a digital format for all aircraft (not reserves and for the aircraft performance level. designed to compute the aircraft operational
available for A300). Typical fields of application are technical and performance. It provides details on all engine
economic feasibility studies before opening performance and also on engine out performance.
Take-off and Landing Optimization (TLO):
operations on a route. This engineering tool gives the actual aircraft
take-off (landing) calculation gives the maximum
In Flight Performance (IFP): computes general behaviour from brake release point or from any
take-off (landing) weight and associated speeds
aircraft in-flight performance for specific flight point in flight. It allows the operations department
for a given aircraft, runway and atmospheric
phases: climb, cruise, descent and holding. The to check the aircraft capabilities for flying from or
conditions. The performance computation is
01 Scope specific to one airframe/engine/brakes IFP works from the aircraft performance database
for the appropriate airframe/engine combination.
to a given airport, based on operational constraints
(Noise abatement procedures, standard
instrument departure, etc.) (Not available for
02 Context A300).

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

4.2.1 Aircraft operations Carefully produced CFPs need to be executed Two simple ways of reducing fuel consumption
with equal care. Following a CFP and setting the during flight are given by the optimization of
Efficient flight planning that accurately and appropriate parameters in the Flight Management airspeed and altitude. However, these two
systematically predicts and optimizes overall and Guidance System (FMGS), will contribute to: conditions may be difficult to achieve in an
performance for all flights, is a key contributor to operational environment.
minimizing costs. The flight planning process ›› Minimizing direct operating costs, Usually a trade-off must be made between fuel
produces Computerized Flight Plans (CFP). CFPs burn and flight time on one hand and ATC
are produced, as the name suggests, using ›› B
 uilding Flight Crew confidence that fuel constraints on the other.
commercially available software or they may be reserves will be intact on arrival thus reducing In any case, these aspects must be considered
obtained directly from a specialist sub-contractor. tendencies to load extra fuel whilst not from the start and kept in mind throughout.
compromising the safety of the flight.

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
4.2.2 Cost index ›› F
 inally the fuel cost, which depends on the From these two inputs, a ratio is calculated: the
fuel price and the fuel consumption of the Cost Index.
Introduction to the basics, the golden rules of the aircraft. Flying at low speed reduces the trip At this stage, no speed or fuel burn has been
operational use of the Cost Index, the management fuel and lowers the fuel cost. introduced. The calculation of the Cost Index is
of delays. a purely financial indicator.
Two of these costs depend on the aircraft speed: The calculation of the flight management The basics the time dependent costs (the faster the cheaper), parameters is done by:
and the fuel cost (the slower the cheaper).
3 parameters have an effect on the cost of the How can we reconcile these two requirements? ›› The Flight Management System (FMS).
flight, and consequently on its profit margin:
By calculating an optimum speed that will
›› A
 ll fixed costs. For example, the administration optimize both the time costs and the fuel costs:
›› From the performance tables in its memory,
of the airline or the fixed salaries of the crews. this is the "ECON MACH". When flying at this
They do not depend on the duration of the ECON MACH, the overall cost of the flight is
flight. minimized. ›› A
 nd as a function of winds, temperatures,
How is the ECON MACH calculated? aircraft weight.
Two inputs are essential:
›› T
 he time-related costs. For example, the The FMS is able to calculate the ECON MACH
variable pay of the crews, or the maintenance ›› The cost of time: in $ per minute of flight. and the vertical profile at which the cost is
01 Scope that depends on the flight duration. The longer minimized.
the flight, the more expensive they become. This concept is usually well understood.
02 Context So the faster the speed, the cheaper these
costs are.
›› The cost of fuel: in $ per kg of fuel
Nevertheless, some "misinterpretations" remain
present around the cost index. Here is a selection
03 Environmental trends of 3 common misconceptions.

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
The cost index is expressed in kg/min: When we change the cost index, it just changes the speed of the aircraft.
it seems like a fuel flow So if we need to control our speed, for example due to Air Traffic Control (ATC) speed constraints, it seems
Actually the cost index is a ratio of a cost of time that we just have to change the value of the Cost Index.
over a cost of fuel, so it is indeed in kg/min. But Actually as we explained earlier, the cost index comes from the financial structure of the airline and enables
it is absolutely not a fuel flow. to compute an Optimum Speed and an Optimum flight Profile. This is not a means to control the speed
The cost index represents the cost of 1 min of of the aircraft.
aircraft operations in kg of fuel. For example, if the For this, the airline has to use selected speeds on the Flight Control Unit (FCU), speed constraints or
cost index is 100kg/min, it means that the cost constant Mach segments.
of 1 minute of aircraft operation is equal to the
price of 100kg of fuel.

The “default Cost Index” is good enough.

If we open the QRH to the In-Flight performance If the specific range is reduced by 1% below the The Specific Range curve ends at the Maximum
section, it says: "for a quick determination of the maximum, a faster Mach corresponds to this Operating Mach (MMO). The ECON Mach can
Cost Index, use CI = 25kg/min." It seems there new specific range. This Mach is called the Long be in a range between the Mach of Maximum
is no need to calculate the cost index. Range Cruise (LRC) Mach. Range (MMR) and MMO reduced by a small
This is not true. The cost index provided in the Of course, as the specific range curve depends margin, usually 0.02 or 0.015, which ensures that
Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) approximates on the weight of the aircraft or the flight level, the MMO is not exceeded in managed mode when
flight at long range cruise speed. What is the LRC Mach moves accordingly. It is not a fixed wind varies.
01 Scope Long Range Cruise speed?
When we represent the specific range of an
The cost index provided in the QRH emulates
02 Context aircraft versus the Mach number, the specific
range is the distance that can be covered with a
flight at long range cruise speed. This means that
the specific range will be 99% of the maximum
given amount of fuel. specific range. This does not mean that the
03 Environmental trends In given conditions of aircraft weight, altitude and overall cost of the flight will be optimized.
temperature, there is one Mach for which the To optimize the cost, the Cost Index must be
04 Fuel saving opportunities specific range is maximum: it is the Mach of adapted to the airline and the route.
maximum range.
05 Summary & Conclusions
Concrete example

›› An airline is operating a fleet of A330s. What are the costs? But let’s have a look at the flight time. At Long
We assume that we fly at Long Range Cruise Range Cruise speed, the time related costs for
speed. For this flight the cost of fuel will be around this flight amount to $61 000.
›› Its cost of time, without fixed costs and fuel
$73000. At ECON Mach, the flight is shorter, because we
costs, is 80$/min. This means that 1 min of
If the flight is now at ECON Mach, by respecting fly faster. This means that the time related costs
aircraft operation costs 80$.
the ECON profile: are lower: $60 000.
As we fly faster, the specific range is lower: the Now, if we compare what really matters: the total
›› The fuel cost is 1$/kg. aircraft burns more fuel for the same route which cost of the flights, the best is to fly at ECON Mach.
amounts to $74000. The gain on this example is $164 per flight.
This means that the cost index is 80 divided So if we just look at fuel costs, it seems better to It does not seem a lot, but if we consider
by 1: 80 kg/min. fly at Long Range Cruise speed. a 14 aircraft fleet for 1 year we get an economy
This airline is flying from Paris to Kuala Lumpur. of $1 000 000, which is far from being negligible,
The route is 5805 NM long. it becomes an important asset for cost reduction,
and thus an improvement of the profit margin. Operational use - golden rules

01 Scope After the theory here is how the Cost Index is recommended to be used in operations. The Operational
Use of the Cost Index starts with Flight Planning and Dispatch. As the cost index represents the cost
02 Context structure of the flight in the airline, the flight planning has to be based on the Cost index. Reducing or increasing the speed may improve
This will ensure that the route and flight levels selected during the planning phase are the most optimized. the fuel burn but will always increase the cost.
03 Environmental trends As the flight planning was based on cost index, it is essential that the flight is performed with the planned Increasing the speed may lead to reduced fuel
reserves. For this reason, the flight crew should
cost index. Flying the planned cost index will ensure that the optimal route is flown regarding overall cost.
enter the cost index that is usually provided on
04 Fuel saving opportunities the computerized flight plan in the Flight
Management System.
05 Summary & Conclusions
In addition, and not being specific to the cost depend on the wind. And adjust the aircraft flight ›› A
 t dispatch, flight planning is based on the cost
index, if the flight is performed with the same level to fly closer to the new optimum. index
assumptions as the fuel planning, then the fuel It is a common belief that if an airline wants to fly
planning accuracy will be high. This will improve at minimum cost, then it needs to burn as little
the flight crew’s confidence, and they will request ›› T
 herefore, in flight, the flight should be
fuel as possible. That is not true. Minimum fuel is
less extra fuel, which enables to reduce even performed with the planned cost index.
not minimum cost. If an airline really want to fly at
more the fuel consumption minimum cost, then it needs to fly with the
Once in flight, the flight crews may wonder: what planned cost index taking into account time costs
should I do in case of wind changes? In these appropriately.
cases, the rule is simple: keep the same cost Following those two guidelines will ensure the
index. The cost index of the airline does not best cost for the flights: Management of delays

Various constraints, technical or not, in airline operations may lead to flight delays. It may be appropriate We need to convert those two values into a cost.
in some particular cases to adjust the cost index. For this matter, decision tools exist such as ones
First example used by the Airline Operational Control Centre.
It shows that the cost increases in function of the
Back on the Paris Charles De Gaulle to Kuala How should the flight crew make this choice? fuel burn increase and the time gain. In our
Lumpur flight. The first step is to assess the cost of each strategy. example, we have a fuel burn increase of 4500kg.
Let’s start by the acceleration. As we accelerate, And a time gain of 21min, that we round down
›› O
 n this flight, the scheduled arrival time is we will gain 21min. But we will also increase the to 20min. This gives a cost increase of $2900 for
22:10. fuel burn. To assess the increase in fuel burn, the the acceleration.
best is to use the on-board tool which is the Flight If we accelerate, the fuel increase will cost $2900,
01 Scope ›› B
 ecause the flight departed late, the Estimated
Time of Arrival (ETA) is 22:31.
Management System. taking into account the time gain. But as we do
so, the passengers will get their connections.
If we look at the Estimated Fuel On Board (EFOB)
02 Context What are the options?
for an ETA of 22:31, we get 12.9 tons. If we
change the ETA, and we will see later how, we
If we choose not to accelerate, the fuel burn will
not increase. But some connections may be
missed. The decision must be taken based on
03 Environmental trends ›› T
 he first one is not to change anything, and
stick with the ETA. In this case, the flight is
get a new EFOB of 8.4 tons. The difference is the
increase in fuel burn, in this case 4.5 tons. the balance between the costs of these two
04 Fuel saving opportunities
›› T
 he second one is to accelerate. This will
05 Summary & Conclusions ensure an on-time arrival.
Second example

Same conditions, but this time we assume that As a summary, two choices are offered to the In any case, this decision should be based on a
7 connections are missed, for a cost of $3500. crews. clear airline policy, and assisted by decision aids
By making the same comparison, it is clear that we or direct support by the Operational Control
should accelerate, provided that we have enough fuel ›› N
 ot changing anything, and therefore Centre (OCC).
on board. potentially missing some connections;

›› Or accelerating, but with a fuel cost increase.

Specific case of the acceleration

Two detailed methods that can be used for the most ›› O

 r by successive iterations by the flight crews This method is not usable after the top of descent,
cost efficient acceleration. on the Multipurpose Control Display Unit as the cost index is frozen in this phase.
Airline can either: (MCDU), until a satisfactory ETA is achieved. The second method is the use of the RTA function.
The use of the RTA function is easier than
›› Modify the cost index in flight Whatever the method used, some rules must be iterations on the cost index: the flight crew only
observed: has to enter the RTA on the MCDU. For more
information about how to use the RTA, please
›› Or use the Required Time of Arrival (RTA) function ›› A
 lways check that the new Estimated Fuel on refer to FCOM.
Board at destination is compatible with the
01 Scope  his first method consists in modifying the cost index
T required reserves.
Compared to successive manual iterations on
the cost index, this method has two main
in order to get the appropriate arrival time. The new
02 Context cost index can be obtained:
›› C
 heck that the money gained by enhancing
›› O
 nly one input is required from the flight crews,
›› E
 ither by a flight planning recomputation done by the arrival time compensates the money lost
03 Environmental trends the Operational Control Centre. by flying at a non-optimal speed with regard to
the cost structure of the airline.
which reduces the workload

04 Fuel saving opportunities ›› T

 he RTA function enables to fly speeds lower
than for cost index 0, and consequently to

05 Summary & Conclusions respect more challenging time constraints.


However, when using this function, the rules remain The Cost Index is a pure financial indicator that takes into account the cost of time and cost of fuel.
the same:
The airline has to keep in mind that:
›› Check the EFOB at destination
›› Flight planning should be based on the cost index

›› Study the costs ›› T

 he flight should be performed with the planned However, some cases can be identified for which
cost index Airbus has no objection to a change of cost index:
›› Use the function before starting the descent. ›› B
 efore departure, to take into account
It ensures that the overall cost of the flight is
optimized. expected delays, constraints,
The delays should be managed always keeping
in mind that a proper assessment should be ›› In flight, to adjust the arrival or end-route times
made by using the available tools, direct support when specific constraints exist.
of the OCC or tools used directly on-board.
Airbus has communicated a lot in the past about In these two cases, make sure that rules are
not to change the cost index in flight. This policy followed.
remains valid:
›› M
 ake the flight preparation with the cost index,
01 Scope ›› For speed control. or cost indexes, expected for the flight
›› B
 ecause of wind changes. Indeed, the FMS
02 Context already takes into account the winds to ›› A
 ssess the gain brought by changing the cost
calculate the ECON MACH. index, and make sure it is not offset by its cost,
03 Environmental trends ›› T
 o get lower fuel burn, unless extensive studies
before any change is made in flight.
have shown that there can be a gain specifically
04 Fuel saving opportunities for the airline’s operations.

05 Summary & Conclusions

4.2.3 Fuel economy ›› A
 ircraft performance degradation - see section One important objective that is worth repeating
for further details. is the building of pilot confidence in the
The following factors affect fuel consumption: Computerized Flight Planning (CFP). The
production of an accurate flight plan that precisely
›› Cruise speed - see section for further details. ›› Fuel reserves - see section for further details. predicts actual fuel usage will help to remove a
pilot’s tendency, which is driven by accumulated
experience, to add some extra fuel reserves on
›› Flight level - see section for further details. Accurate tuning of the flight planning system to
top of those already calculated - see section for
the aircraft’s performance and, wherever possible,
further details.
accurately flying the aircraft in accordance with
›› F
 light Plan accuracy - see section for further the Flight Plan may only bring a small gain on Realistic fuel consumption predictions can be
details. each flight, but these small gains can add up to obtained using Airbus’ Performance Engineering
a measurable and valuable gain at the end of the Program.
year. (PEP) software (refer to the following text below),
for speeds and flight-levels as a function of a
given cost index, aircraft weight, and wind

They can be found in the supplementary As it is the case with all flight crew documentation
procedures sections of the Flight Crew Operating the GOPs will evolve as new technologies,
Operational procedures Manuals (FCOM PRO-SUP-93) for A300/A310 environmental changes, regulation evolutions,
01 Scope Focus on Flight Crew Documentation for Fuel
and Flight Crew Techniques Manuals (FCTM PR-
NP-SP) for other aircraft types.
new fuel saving opportunities, etc. are introduced.

02 Context A clear airline demand for procedural
The GOPs provide detailed guidance to flight
crews for procedures that can contribute to cost
documentation to support the deployment in savings. The guidance includes advice on the
03 Environmental trends daily operations of the fuel saving techniques factors that should be considered before using a
outlined in this document has now been met with specific procedure but it remains the responsibility
04 Fuel saving opportunities the introduction of the "Green Operating
Procedures" (GOPs).
of each airline to adapt these procedures to their

05 Summary & Conclusions Cruise speed

The speed must be optimized for the flight conditions NOTE: Most of the time, airlines use cost index MISSION 1 MISSION 2 MISSION 3
to minimize the overall operating cost. instead of fixed speed in order to optimize the Aircraft
overall cost of the flight. The cost index selected kg kg kg
Figure provides an indication of how much
for a given flight will determine the speeds and
additional fuel per flight would be consumed if there A320ceo 159 66 33
hence the time needed to cover the journey’s
was a deviation from optimum cruise speed of Mach
distance. For more information see Cost Index
0.01. A320neo 199 89 36
paragraph above.
A330-300 334 225 149

A340-300 3596 2419 1345

A380 4450 2930 1638

Table Increase of 0.01 Mach number Flight Level


Modern commercial jet engines, including those fitted to Airbus aircraft are most efficient at high altitude. MISSION 1 MISSION 2 MISSION 3
The Optimum Flight Level is the altitude that will enable the aircraft, at a given weight, to burn the lowest Aircraft
kg kg kg
amount of fuel over a given distance. It can be accurately computed for given flight conditions using the In-
Flight Performance (IFP) module of the Airbus Performance Engineering Program A320ceo 170 99 54
(PEP) software package - see section for further details. This information should systematically be incorporated
01 Scope into the Flight Plan. A320neo 183 85 54

ATC constraints may prevent flight at this optimum altitude, but the principle should be accurately followed
02 Context whenever possible. Nonetheless, the Flight Plan should always be an accurate representation of the actual
A330-300 539 390 248

flight being undertaken and include all known ATC constraints. A340-300 1137 864 518

03 Environmental trends The table on the right shows the fuel penalty generated by flying 2000ft below the optimum flight level. A380 1491 989 500
Ref. FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP- 02-00010151.0001001
04 Fuel saving opportunities Table 2000 ft below optimum flight level

05 Summary & Conclusions Air data system accuracy Flight Plan accuracy

Air data system measures the aircraft’s altitude and In terms of aircraft operation, an accurate, Computerized Flight Plan (CFP) is one of the most important
speed through the air. In sections and, means of reducing fuel burn.
the importance of accurately flying to calculated As is the case with most computer systems, the accuracy of the data provided to a CFP system will
speeds and altitudes was discussed. Clearly, if the air influence the accuracy of the CFPs it produces. However, the nature of some of the parameters can
data system is miscalibrated, it will not allow this bring a certain degree of inaccuracy.
objective to be achieved. The air data system of
Airbus aircraft does not require or benefit from any
sort of calibration.
Any system fault will result in a warning to the crew. For example:
However, regular cleaning of the air data system’s
sensors (on the exterior of the aircraft) and the network ›› W
 eather conditions: particularly temperatures ›› Inclusion of actual ATC constraints.
of piping that relays the air to the avionics system for and wind strengths/directions.
processing is part of the aircraft’s scheduled
›› U
 p-to-date aircraft weight: aircraft weighing
maintenance program.
›› F
 uel specification (lower heating value FLHV): is a scheduled maintenance action and the
defines the heat capacity of the fuel. Fuel flow latest data should be systematically transferred
depends on the amount of heat energy to the CFP system.
coming from the fuel it is burning. The
performance data is established on the
01 Scope assumption of a standard or average value ›› P
 ayload estimation: assessment of passenger
baggage and cargo variations with route and
that may not correspond to the actual fuel
02 Context used. A fuel analysis or data from the fuel
provider can provide the necessary

03 Environmental trends clarification. Airlines should be aware of the

FLHV assumption used in CFP and APM in
›› A
 ircraft performance degradation: refer to
following section.
order to properly adjust the fuel correction.
04 Fuel saving opportunities
›› Fuel reserves - see section for further details.
05 Summary & Conclusions It is good practice to crosscheck the CFP with real flight in order to adjust CFP to real operations. Aircraft performance degradation

With time the airframe and the engine deteriorate such that the aircraft requires more fuel for a given mission. These deteriorations can be partially or fully recovered
through scheduled maintenance actions. Deterioration will begin from the moment the aircraft enters service and the rate will be influenced by the utilization and
operation of the aircraft. The degradation of any aircraft depends on how the aircraft (airframe+engine) is operated (average stage length, outside air temperature
at take-off conditions, take-off thrust derate, cycles accumulation,...) and maintained (nature of the repair/overhaul works conducted on the engines...) and this is
of course airline dependent.

The Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM) module The performance degradation for each individual NAVBLUE offers, within its Analytics Optimize
of the Airbus Performance Engineering Program aircraft is an important parameter for flight planning solution, a dedicated aircraft performance
(PEP) software package - see section for further and flight execution. Accurate interpretation of monitoring tool. This web-based application
details - allows calculation of aircraft degradation over this factor will enable the fuel usage predictions of computes automatically the DSR (Delta Specific
time. It can also be used as a means of triggering the Flight Management System (FMS) to better Range) and the associated performance factor
maintenance actions to recover some of the match those of the CFP system. used in the FMS and flight planning with an
degradation. Knowledge of actual individual aircraft automatic aircraft performance database pairing.
The implementation of an Aircraft Performance performance levels is a prerequisite for an A digital assistant eases any investigation on
Monitoring program requires the processing of data operator’s discussions with their local abnormal behaviour detected on DSR trend over
through the APM software. The required data, known Airworthiness Authority regarding the decrease time.
as "cruise points" (or "ACMS Cruise Reports"), are of fuel reserves from a general 5% of the trip fuel
01 Scope automatically recorded by the aircraft. Depending on
the aircraft’s configuration, the transfer of these data
to 3% - see section for further details..

02 Context can be achieved via either printouts from the cockpit

printer, a PCMCIA card or via the ACARS system.

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
Using the power of flight data (QAR, DAR, SAR)
for an increased number of analysed points
results in a better flight domain coverage and
This application offers more accurate results and
allows continuous monitoring with reduced

Watchlist & assistant Charts Export

The digital assistant helps The application automatically You can export data from
you focus only on the computes the factors, and gives analyzed aircraft at once by using
aircraft requiring analysis access to more details if needed « export button » in the header

01 Scope Figure Analytics Optimize offers features allowing efficient workflow

02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
If the flight planning can use them, additional
factors are computed adjusting fuel consumption
in all flight phases (climb, cruise and descent) for
a more accurate fuel planning.
A complete tail centric solution assessing each
aircraft performance and generating a tail centric
performance database is currently in development.
It will support Flight Operations and Fuel Efficiency
Managers with the necessary decision-making
tool to update the performance model of each
Linked with Navblue’s tail-centric capable
N-Flight Planning and route optimization
engines, it will increase optimum use of fleet
Complementary solution with real-time
environment data will allow in-flight trajectory
optimization and additional fuel and flight

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions Figure Embedding the IDLE factor and performance factors within the same solution
Aircraft performance in descent

NAVBLUE offers, within its Analytics Optimize A digital assistant helps making correct decisions The Getting to Grips with Performance monitoring,
solution, an IDLE Factor Optimizer tool. on when it should be updated on the aircraft. This available on Airbus World, can be a useful tool on
The IDLE Factor Optimizer provides every aircraft application monitors also the descent efficiency this topic.
with an optimized IDLE Factor through its lifetime of the fleet by displaying the fuel overconsumption
and allows monitoring of the descent performance. avoided during descent and approach and other
key descent parameters.

4.2.4 Fuel reserves & Extra fuel

Part of any extra fuel transported to a destination is just burnt off in carrying itself. It is not uncommon for ADDITIONAL FUEL PER SECTOR
flight crew to uplift additional "discretionary" fuel beyond that called for by the Flight Plan.
These discretionary reserves represent additional weight that must be transported to the destination. The MISSION 1 MISSION 2 MISSION 3
practice of adding discretionary reserves may be the result of accumulated experience that produces a Aircraft
kg kg kg
lack of faith in the fuel usage predictions made by the flight planning system (sources of inaccuracy in flight
plans were listed in the previous page). Of course, when reserves beyond those calculated in the flight A320ceo 220 105 45
plan are added, the flight plan predictions automatically become optimistic.
A320neo 195 101 40
Equally if the flight plan is not or cannot be precisely followed its predictions will also be no longer valid.
Consequently all fuel reserves including discretionary reserves, should be included in the Flight Plan as A330-300 339 246 154
should all expected flight restrictions (flight level, holding time, etc.).
Reserve requirements vary between aviation authorities. Some Aviation Authorities allow a procedure A340-300 516 355 226
known as "Reclearance in Flight" on some routes. This procedure can reduce the reserves required for a
A380 575 389 236
given route and should be considered when appropriate.
01 Scope Reclearance designates a flight planning option in which contingency fuel can be reduced by provisioning Table 4.2.4: Additional 1000 kg per fuel reserve
for an en-route refuelling alternate (EASA AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.150(b) – Predetermined Point Procedure,
02 Context FAA 121.631 - Redispatch). This procedure can be used by the operator to extend the range or the
payload of a flight, or just to reduce the fuel uplift. It requires that the flight plan includes a point along the
03 Environmental trends route at which the flight crew will check that the minimum fuel required to proceed to destination is available.
Otherwise, a diversion to the en-route alternate is required.

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions Fuel tankering

Usually the message is, to minimize fuel burn it is most economical to carry the minimum required for the The PEP FLIP module assist in determining the
sector. On the other hand, there are occasions when it is, in fact, more cost effective to carry more fuel. This optimum fuel quantity to be carried as a function
can occur when the price of fuel at the destination is significantly higher than the price at the point of of initial take-off weight (without additional fuel),
departure. However, since the extra fuel on board leads to an increase in fuel consumption the breakeven stage length, cruise flight level and fuel price ratio.
point must be carefully determined in terms of fuel price difference between origin and destination and some When airlines perform tankering, although they
margin applied to ensure that theoretical benefits can be translated into reality. Indeed effects on reduced may save money if the fuel price at destination is
engine derate at take-off, impact on flight profile and increased wear and tear on wheels and brakes are high, they have to take into account the fact that
often neglected in determining the economics of fuel tankering. burning more fuel means that they will emit more
Another reason why airlines may decide to take more fuel than needed on board is the quality of kerosene CO 2 . With the CORSIA regulation being
in some countries. In order to avoid contamination of the tanks and remaining fuel, airlines can choose to implemented from 2019, the cost of additional
take all the fuel needed for several trips in a place where they are sure of the quality on the fuel. It will mean CO2 also has to be envisaged.
that the aircraft will be heavier so will burn more fuel than planned but it may be safer for the fuel circuit and
potentially increase flight safety. APU use


Ground power and air are usually significantly The availability and use of ground equipment for PACKS ON AND
cheaper per hour than the APU (when considering the provision of both air and electrical power Aircraft
both fuel and maintenance costs). Consequently should be re-evaluated at all destinations and the kg/flight hour kg/flight hour
01 Scope the moment of APU and engine start should be possibility of obtaining and operating additional
A320neo 130 130
carefully optimized with neither being switched ground equipment where necessary should not
02 Context on prematurely. be dismissed without evaluation. A330-200 140 215
During ground operations, APU Fuel Consumption
03 Environmental trends is about 130kg/h (Packs ON, 90 KVA load on
A340-300 140 215

A380 470 515

04 Fuel saving opportunities Table APU fuel burn/hour

05 Summary & Conclusions Engine warm-up and cool-down periods

An engine needs time for all components to reach Minimum warm-up and cool-down periods have Such rubbing would increase running clearance
their operating temperature. Furthermore the been determined to minimize heavy or that in turn would lead to losses in efficiency and
various components will expand and contract asymmetrical rubbing at take-off or rotor seizure increased fuel consumption.
with temperature at different rates. after shutdown. Sustainable taxiing solutions Number of airports

Reduced/Single Engine Taxiing 180

At large or busy airports where the taxi time to

and from the runway can often exceed 15 minutes 160
single (twin-engines aircraft) or reduced (4-engine
aircraft) engine taxi can bring considerable
benefits. This procedure would also be beneficial
to brake units consumption costs (brake wear
and brake oxidation). 100



01 Scope

02 Context

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

05 Summary & Conclusions

Mean Taxi in minutes Mean Taxi out minutes

Figure Average taxi in and out time for A320 Family on top 550 airports
For single engine taxi airlines must consider two different cases with different constraints: taxi in and taxi In any case, various factors need to be considered
out. before such a policy is implemented:
• Taxi out: the aircraft is heavy and it may be more difficult to taxi and perform turns. In addition, in case
of frequents stops, the required thrust to make the aircraft move again may be excessive with associated ›› E
 ngine start-up, warm up and cool down times
possible FOD or jet blast damage. must be respected.
• Taxi in: Single engine taxi in is easier to perform (lighter aircraft). There is no issue with engine start, no
failure to be detected late. Only controllability (turns on running engine side), operation on contaminated ›› N
 ot suitable for crowded ramps: due to
taxiway, situation requiring excessive thrust (uphill slope) or in case of probable FOD (taxiway and shoulders reduction in aircraft manœuvrability.
in bad condition) may impact rather than prevent single engine taxi-in.

›› Increased thrust setting on operational engine

may increase ingestion of dust particles (refer
to following section).

FUEL SAVED PER 10 As is the case with reduced APU use, this initiative Reference:
MINUTES can also contribute to reduce CO2 emissions in
and around the airport terminal area. ›› FCOM/PRO-SUP-70-10 & 70-20 (A330/A340)
Aircraft For A320 Family aircraft, taxiing with 2 engines
kg burns 11.5kg of fuel per minute while taxiing on ›› F
 COM/PRO-SUP-ENG – One engine taxi
one engine burns 7.3kg/minute. (A320 Family)
A300-600 100
The single engine taxi without APU allows to save
A320ceo 42 2.2 kg of fuel per minute on top of the single
01 Scope A330-200 100
engine taxi operation. ›› F
 COM/PRO-NOR-SUP-ENG One Engine Taxi
(At departure A380)

02 Context A340-300 50
›› FCOM/PRO-SUP – One engine taxi - Arrival
03 Environmental trends Table Reduced / Single engine taxiing for 10 minutes per flight

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
Taxibot allows single aisle aircraft to be carried by a semi-robotic pilot-controlled vehicle, without using
any engine.
It reduces the fuel burn during taxi phase by 85% compared to 2-engine taxiing, the additional weight
is negligible and it is already certified for the A320 Family. Another important advantage is the significant
reduction of noise levels. The pilot remains fully in control during taxiing.
 More information

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions Increased power operation at low aircraft speeds

Operating an engine at increased power whilst the aircraft is stationary or taxiing at low speed increases suction and the likelihood of ingesting:

›› Particles that will erode aerofoil or block High Pressure Turbine (HPT) blade cooling holes,

›› Foreign objects that could cause aerofoil damage.

Once again these effects will lead to losses in engine efficiency and increase in fuel consumption. To minimize these effects , the flight crew should avoid as much
as possible high thrust excursions during taxi or when stationary, except if aircraft operation dictates (e.g. cross bleed engine start, on-ground ice shedding). Bleed Air Use

Use of the Environmental Control System (ECS) will For a take off with TOGA thrust, performance can
increase engine or APU fuel consumption. Air for the be improved with packs OFF or APU bleed ON.
ECS packs is taken, or bled, directly from the engine Aircraft kg For a FLEX take off, selecting packs OFF or APU
or APU compressors. bleed ON with reduce take off EGT and thus
A320ceo 3 reduce maintenance costs. The use of APU bleed
Generation of this additional hot, compressed air
requires more work to be done by the engines or APU is not authorised if wing anti-ice is to be used.
01 Scope
A320neo 1
and to achieve this, more fuel must be burnt. Ref. FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-Before Takeoff, valid
The main benefit of such configuration will be obtained A330-200 4 for all aircraft types.
02 Context on the engine maintenance aspect. Potentially higher
FLEX temperature and/or lower EGT can be obtained.
A340-300 8

03 Environmental trends The decision to take off without bleed is driven by

performance improvement and not fuel saving.
A380 9

04 Fuel saving opportunities

Table Take-off without bleed

05 Summary & Conclusions Use of Electrical Power

Electrical power is generated by the IDGs, driven However, this increase in fuel consumption is of passengers comfort for interior lighting, or of
by the engines. It seems then obvious that the negligible, approximately 0.1% per 10 kW, not safety for exterior lighting.
use of electrical power increases the fuel worth trying to implement any measure in this
consumption. area, which moreover would be at the expense Take-Off Flap Setting

The lowest flap setting for a given departure will FUEL SAVED PER SECTOR The most appropriate flap setting should be
produce the least drag and so give the lowest fuel selected for each departure rather than systematic
burn, lowest aircraft generated noise and best Aircraft kg use of the same configuration.
flight profile. However other priorities such as The Take-off configuration is optimized
A320ceo 10
maximizing take-off weight, maximizing flex during take-off for maximizing the take-off
temperature, maximizing passenger comfort, A320neo 6 weight and/or the FLEX temperature and
minimizing take-off speeds, minimizing ground tackle potential noise constraints. The
noise, etc. will often require higher flap settings. A330-200 26 choice of take-off conf is driven by
A340-300 35
performance consideration and not fuel
A380 160
Table Take-off with CONF 1F compared with CONF 3

01 Scope Aircraft kg Departure direction
02 Context A320ceo 10

Ideally departure should be in direction of the flight. Most airports have Standard Instrument Departure (SID) A320neo 6
03 Environmental trends routes that ensure terrain clearance or noise abatement requirements are met. The main departure route
will usually be the least demanding in terms of aircraft performance. Certain combinations of destination/ A330-200 26
wind direction/departure direction can lead to a departure route that adds several miles to the flight distance.
04 Fuel saving opportunities At many airports, alternate departure routes are available for use when conditions allow. However, their use A340-300 35
may require a greater climb performance.
05 Summary & Conclusions
A380 160

Table Take-off without bleed Take-off Acceleration Altitude

The aircraft’s climb to its cruising altitude is typically A low acceleration altitude will minimize fuel burn
achieved in three basic steps. Following take-off, the because arrival at the acceleration altitude also
aircraft will climb to what is known as the "acceleration Aircraft kg implies that the flaps and slats are retracted.
altitude". Once at acceleration altitude, the aircraft’s These devices are used to optimize the initial
climb rate is temporarily reduced while its speed is A320ceo 16 climb but they have the effect of increasing drag,
increased to the normal climb speed. so, the earlier they are retracted the sooner the
A320neo 10
Once this speed is reached, the climb rate is increased aircraft enters a more efficient aerodynamic
so that the chosen cruising altitude can be achieved A330-200 34 configuration. However, ATC constraints or noise
quickly and efficiently. abatement requirements may often preclude the
A340-300 59 use of a lower acceleration altitude.
A380 110

Table Using 800 ft acceleration altitude instead of 1500 ft Approach Procedures ›› A

 irbus aircraft include equipment providing a For more detailed information about approach
high navigation accuracy. Specific procedures, procedures please refer to Navblue description
A number of fuel saving measures should be called RNP (Required Navigation Performance) at the beginning of this document and on
considered for the aircraft’s approach: can be developed and implemented, allowing
to reduce the distance flown during take-off
›› T
 he aircraft should be kept in an aero­ and/or approach. A RNP approach procedure
01 Scope dynamically clean configuration as long as
possible with landing gear and flaps only being
can save up to 300 kg fuel per approach
compared with the traditionally published

02 Context deployed at the required moment. instrument approach.

03 Environmental trends ›› A
 continuous descent will minimize the time
the aircraft spends at a non-optimum altitude
›› V
 isual approaches should also be considered,
as airport instrument approach paths do not
and projects to study how this can be achieved
04 Fuel saving opportunities with increased regularity within a congested air
always offer the most direct route to the runway.

traffic environment are underway - see section

05 Summary & Conclusions for further details. Landing Flap Configuration

Where conditions enable its use, "CONF 3" flap ›› T

 ailwinds (effect on landing ground speed and distance). CONF3 will increase energy absorbed by
configuration will allow fuel to be saved because the brakes, as a consequence the following should be monitored:
it is more aerodynamically efficient than the "CONF - Additional brake cooling time (increase in Turn-Around-Time),
FULL" flap configuration which allows lower - Potential increase in brake and tyre wear,
approach and landing speeds, thus shorter landing - Potential risk of damage to brakes due to high brakes temperatures.
distances. It is to be noted however that low
visibility landings of categories CAT II and CAT III
nominally require "CONF FULL" flap configuration.
Furthermore, the following operational and Brake oxidation is an important phenomenon to ›› R
 elease parking brake at the gate when chocks
economic constraints should be considered when take into consideration. It happens when the are in place
adopting a policy to use "CONF 3" flap configuration brake repeatedly reaches high temperatures and
at landing: as a large amount of energy is dissipated by the Fuel savings at landing with Conf 3 and reverse
wheel brakes due to high approach speed, low idle are annihilated by brake ruptures and
›› Aircraft landing weight, drag configuration and idle reverse thrust use. oxidation costs.
This can lead to the degradation of the carbon Moreover, brake oxidation can lead to unexpected
material, inducing a loss of strength and potential brake rupture and then to airworthiness and
›› Available runway length,
ruptures. Brake ruptures affect braking safety matters.
performance, up to loss of braking on ruptured
Refer to ISI Carbon brakes thermal oxidation ref
›› S
 uitability of "LOW" automatic braking (reduced disks. The oxidation phenomenon affects brake
deceleration, increased landing distance), life and thus brake cost per landing.
For the brake disk rupture prevention, AUTO BRK
In order to prevent this phenomenon we
LOW type 2 is available as forward fit. For retrofits,
recommend to:
01 Scope ›› P
 referred runway exit point (potential increase
in runway occupancy and block times), ›› Use autobrake at landing
see SB 32-1464 (A320CEO),32-1465
(A320NEO), SB 32-1476 (A321CEO), SB32-
02 Context ›› D
 o not override the autobrake to shorten the Important Note
›› R
 unway surface conditions (effect on brake landing distance, except in case of emergency
03 Environmental trends efficiency),
›› Use brake cooling fans
In order to maximize safety margins the Airbus
FCOM (Flight Crew Operating Manual)
04 Fuel saving opportunities ›› S
 elect the best exit on the runway after landing
recommends the use of the FULL configuration
for all landings. Nonetheless, where runway
and find a good compromise to limit energy in
length and conditions are favourable configuration
05 Summary & Conclusions the brakes
3 may be considered.
Focus on Balancing Costs:

The fuel consumption is calculated by PEP-OFP. Sections and (Landing Flap An increased brake temperature may lead to
The comparison has been done between 4000ft Configuration and Reverse Thrust) both discuss departure delays (brakes must be allowed to
and 50ft. initiatives that can bring worthwhile fuel savings. cool down to acceptable levels before departure)
However, the potential cost of achieving these and/ or increased thermal oxidation of the brake
FUEL SAVED PER SECTOR savings must not be overlooked. carbon (leading to possible unscheduled,
A normal consequence of applying either of the premature brake removal and even brake disc
Aircraft kg rupture).
referenced initiatives will be an increase in landing
A320ceo 9.1 distance. An increase in landing distance could Increased brake and tyre wear would be
mean that the normal runway exit cannot be expected to increase the "per landing" cost of
A320neo 10.4 used and possibly increase the block time for these components and, once again, the
the flight. For many airlines an increase in block additional cost must be weighed against the
A330-200 17.8
time will mean an increase in flight crew pay for saving made in fuel cost.
A340-300 12.8 the flight in question. This additional cost must
be weighed against the saving made in fuel cost.
A350-900 22 Use of conf 3 and idle reverse will lead to an
A380 9.2
increase of the brake temperature and wear.

Table Landing in Conf 3 instead of Conf FULL

01 Scope Reverse Thrust achieve this over a longer landing distance and
thereby limit any increases in brake and tire wear
Important Note

this procedure implies but, in any case, the

02 Context Using idle reverse on landing instead of full
reverse will reduce fuel consumption and may operational and economic aspects highlighted
See revised SOP for approach preparation.
Nonetheless, where runway length and
benefit the engine. in the previous section (Landing Flap conditions are favourable reverse idle may be
03 Environmental trends However, the aircraft’s kinetic energy at landing Configuration) should be considered for each
landing (refer to Focus on Balancing Costs
must still be dissipated. It may be possible to
04 Fuel saving opportunities above for further details).

05 Summary & Conclusions Centre of Gravity Take-off thrust reduction

4.2.5 Landing Lights All commercial aircraft must have their centre of Take-off thrust reduction (flexible or de-rate thrust)
gravity (CG) forward of their centre of lift in order is a technique to optimize the thrust used at take-
The effect of landing lights on the fuel consumption to remain stable in flight. Fuel and payload off based on the aircraft weight, runway and
during approach is negligible: distribution determines the CG position and the ambient conditions which operators use
allowable range of CG positions is defined in the systematically for all but the most demanding
›› T
 heir drag is negligible with regard to the drag Flight Manual. On many aircraft a CG position take-off cases (for example, aircraft at maximum
of the aircraft with slats/flaps extended and towards the rear of the allowable range will allow take-off weight operating from a short runway).
landing gear down. a more aerodynamic configuration. The use of a lower thrust at take-off, has a
tendency to marginally increase the fuel
›› A
 ircraft of the A330/A340 family and A380 are consumption for the take-off phase, however the
›› T
 heir electrical consumption during the few equipped with an automatic CG control system
minutes of the approach is also negligible. benefit of operating the engines at a lower thrust
that tends to maintain the aircraft’s CG in its compared to full power is an extension in engine
optimum position throughout the flight. life and reduced maintenance costs (refer to
To conclude this section we review a couple of However the loading may impact the
items that may be erroneously associated with section 4.3.2, Propulsion Systems Maintenance).
achievement of the target C.G. on these
fuel efficiency. aircraft. It is then worth trying to load the aircraft
as aft as possible.
01 Scope
›› F
 or aircraft of the A320 Family CG position has
02 Context a negligible effect on fuel consumption.

03 Environmental trends For further information refer to ISI 00.00.00018.

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
Similar to the thrust reduction at take-off, the benefits gained in terms of the reduction in
derated climb, increases the time and distance engine wear outweigh these fuel increases. Derated climb to the initial cruise altitude (which is unchanged
as the derated climb thrust meets the maximum
A330, A340-500/600, A380 & A350 aircraft climb thrust at high altitude). As a result, the use
may be equipped with the derated climb of derated climb will increase overall fuel
function. consumption to a given cruise altitude however

Aircraft operations fuel optimization action overview OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES

The following actions have been described in the preceding sections and should be implemented to PROCEDURE
ensure a systematic reduction in fuel consumption on each flight: Rank
›› Calculate Computerized Flight Plan (CFP) with Cost Index of flight,
1 1000kg fuel reserve
›› Accurately follow the speed and altitude schedules defined by the CFP,
2 Optimal flight level
›› R
 egularly monitor aircraft performance to determine performance factors to be used by Flight
3 Take-off conf 1F vs Conf 3
Management System (FMS) and CFP system and to identify aircraft performance trends,
4 Variation 0.01 Mach Number
01 Scope ›› Use Airbus PEP software to validate optimum speeds and altitudes used in CFP,
5 Single Engine taxi

02 Context ›› Optimize and regularly validate all other CFP system parameters,
Table Top 5
›› Review fuel reserve requirements with local authorities and optimize for each flight,
03 Environmental trends ›› Minimize discretionary fuel reserves and include all reserves in CFP.

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
Applicable fuel burn procedures by flight phase Aircraft procedure fuel optimization action overview

›› On the ground: lower fuel reserves The following actions for operational cost reduction have been described
in the preceding sections:
›› Engine start
›› Fuel tankering,
›› Taxi out: single engine taxi, taxibot
›› Use of the APU on ground,
›› Take-off: flap configuration
›› Adherence to minimum engine warm-up and cool-down periods,
›› Climb
›› Single engine taxi,
›› Cruise: optimal flight level; best Mach number
›› Reduced engine power operations on ground,
›› Descent: DPO, IDLE factor
›› Reduction of bleed air use,
›› Approach: flap configuration; RNP

01 Scope ›› Landing
›› Take-off flap setting,

›› Departure route assessment,

02 Context ›› Taxi in: single engine taxi
›› Reduced take-off acceleration altitude,
›› Engine shut down.
03 Environmental trends ›› Review of approach procedures,

04 Fuel saving opportunities ›› Landing flap configuration,

›› Reduction of thrust reverse use on landing,

05 Summary & Conclusions
›› Reduced take-off thrust.

In this section, the value of careful aircraft maintenance is considered. Proactive measures include regular The tables on the following page indicate the
inspections and repair, when necessary. Before that is reviewed, the following section covers a document MMEL and CDL items that will have a noticeable
that allows aircraft operations when specified components have failed. Its content is usually considered negative impact on fuel cost. They indicate the
as being the responsibility of both the operational and maintenance domains. penalty for typical sector lengths that would be
burnt during the nominal period allowed for
4.3.1 Implications of dispatching under MEL and CDL repairs (10 days for MMEL item and 1 week for
a CDL item).
Operators are provided with a Master Minimum The Configuration Deviation List (CDL) in the A selection of penalties for A320 Family and A330
Equipment List (MMEL) that is the basis for their Flight Manual (FM) also allows the aircraft to be is shown below. The complete list is available in
MEL (Minimum Equipment List). The MEL is a dispatched with specified components not fitted. the annexes of this document. This information
valuable tool for optimizing dispatch reliability All components must be reinstalled at the earliest is valid for A320neo Family as well.
because it defines the conditions under which maintenance opportunity (nominally within 1 No synthetic data is available for the A340 and
the aircraft may be dispatched with specified week, subject to local airworthiness authority A380, however they can be found in the MMEL
equipment inoperative. The conditions include approval). itself, as percentage increase in fuel burn.
the period during which the aircraft can be For items whose loss or failure will bring a fuel
01 Scope operated with the system inoperative and, in
some cases, requirements for additional fuel load.
consumption penalty, it is beneficial to make
special efforts to replace them as soon as
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
This subject is handled by dedicated ISI article “Overview of Fuel Penalties
when Flying under MMEL/MCDL Items” available on AirbusWorld.

A320 – ref. ISI 28.00.00143 A320 – ref. ISI 28.00.00143


Thrust reverser blocker
Mach number
doors 0.36% 10 kg
indication on the PFD FL250 180 kg
CDL 78-03
MMEL 34-05-02C
Ram air inlet or outlet
Avionic blower fan
FL270 120 kg flaps 0.47% 10 kg
MMEL 21-26-01A/B/C/
CDL 21-02
Wing anti-ice control
Wing tip fence
valve 3.5% 80 kg 1.69% 40 kg
CDL 57-01
MMEL 30-11-01A
Nose landing gear
Air oil cooler valve tank
main door (713, 714) 2% 40 kg
temperature above -10
2% 45 kg CDL 52-09
MMEL 79-20-03B Flap track fairing
3.54% 75 kg
01 Scope Table Performance Related MMEL items Additional fuel used when operating under specific MMEL– A320 Family * As per
the JAR-MMEL/MEL (subject to the approval of the National Aviation Authority
CDL 27-01

Table Additional fuel used when operating under specific CDL conditions – A320 Family

02 Context For A350 XWB information on fuel penalties for flights with MMEL/MCDL
items please refer to ISI 28.00.00147.
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
A330 – ref. ISI 28.00.00154


Pack flow Control
Valve FL100 2825 kg Flap track Fairing
3.42% 209 kg
MMEL 21-51-01B CDL 57-04
Wing Anti-ice control Winglet
1.2% 73 kg
Valve 5.5% 336 kg CDL 57-02
MMEL 30-11-01B Ram Air Outlet Flap
0.72% 44 kg
Auto control of MASK CDL 21-02
MAN ON problem FL300 132 kg Ram Air Inlet Flap
MMEL 35-01-32 0.5% 31 kg
CDL 21-01
Trim tank high level Thrust reverser hinge
detection 1% 61 kg access cover 0.8% 49 kg
MMEL 28-46-04A CDL 78-12
Avionics extract fan (C
repair interval) FL295 134 kg Table Examples of A330 CDL items with performance impact Additional fuel used when operating under specific CDL per

01 Scope MMEL 21-26-01B sector

Table Examples of A330 MMEL items with performance impact Additional fuel used when operating under specific MMEL

02 Context per sector ** As per the JAR-MMEL/MEL (subject to the approval of local Aviation Authority)

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
4.3.2 Propulsion Systems Maintenance EGT margin degradation Specific fuel consumption degradation
Margin Consumption

During normal operations all engines will experience

rubbing, thermal stress, mechanical stress, dirt
accumulation, foreign object ingestion and so on.
These effects will eventually result in a measurable
decrease in performance. Typical indicators of engine
performance are:

›› E
 xhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) increase: as Years Years
engine efficiency decreases, more fuel is required Figure 4.3.2
to achieve a given thrust. An increase in fuel required
will produce an increase in EGT. Monitoring EGT
Margin* (see note below) at take-off is a good will be incurred when the engine is eventually be carefully assessed and regularly reviewed
indicator of engine deterioration. This can easily be removed from the aircraft for overhaul. The with the engine manufacturer, engine overhaul
done using data recorded during the flight that is moment of the engine’s overhaul may be shop and, or by using the services of one of the
subsequently processed on the ground by engine postponed through careful maintenance of the many third party engine support companies.
health monitoring software. engine while it remains on wing. * EGT Margin: the difference between actual
When the time to remove the engine arrives, the EGT and the maximum EGT that can be
extent and cost of the overhaul and refurbishment tolerated by the engine. Once this maximum
›› S
 pecific Fuel Consumption (SFC) also increases as must be carefully balanced against the temperature is reached the engine must be
engine efficiency falls (again, due to the need for improvements in EGT margin and fuel removed for maintenance and consequent
more fuel to achieve a given thrust). This SFC consumption it will bring. These aspects should restoration of EGT margin.
degradation has a direct impact on aircraft
performance in terms of Specific Range and thus Trend monitoring
01 Scope on the fuel burn for a given mission.
Routine monitoring of engine and aircraft performance using the software tool provided by the engine

02 Context The rate of degradation of these parameters is highly

dependent on the rate at which the aircraft
manufacturer and Airbus’ Aircraft Performance Monitoring software - see section for further details - will
allow long-term performance degradation discussed above to be assessed and permit detection of
accumulates flight hours and cycles and the unexpected shifts in engine/aircraft performance. Timely detection can provide early warning of a
03 Environmental trends environments in which it operates. possible failure. The identification and launching of appropriate maintenance actions will reduce the risk
The progressive increase in both fuel consumption of an operational event and minimize any additional fuel consumption associated with the problem.
04 Fuel saving opportunities and CO2 production - see section for further details
- must be balanced against the significant costs that

05 Summary & Conclusions Routine Engine Maintenance Ranking of engine wash procedures by engine type, 1 being the most effective, 3 the lowest.
Single Aisle Family
The following maintenance initiatives should be
considered for all operations.
Engine wash
With time, dirt will accumulate on the engine’s fan RANKING
and compressor airfoils and consequently reduce 1 72-00-00-100-005-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Cleaning Agent
engine efficiency. Water washes of the engine fan
and core are recommended to remove this and CFM56-5A 2 72-00-00-100-009-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Pure Water
can often reduce fuel flow. The engine compressor
water wash procedures (regardless of the process 3 72-00-00-100-004-A Hand Cleaning of the Fan Gas Path and Fan Blades
or equipment used) will allow to recover some of 1 72-00-00-100-028-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Cleaning Agent
the EGT margin lost due to compressor
degradation and consequently have a positive CFM56-5B 2 72-00-00-100-026-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Pure Water
effect on engine overhaul intervals (extension of
on-wing life). 3 72-00-00-100-025-A Hand Cleaning of the Fan Gas Path and Fan Blades

As the engine specific fuel consumption (SFC) 1 72-00-00-100-803-A Gas Path Cleaning with Cleaning Solution
will degrade with the reduction of EGT margin,
compressor wash may have a beneficial effect CFM LEAP 2 72-00-00-100-804-A Gas Path Cleaning with Water (Non Detergent)
on SFC.
3 72-00-00-100-806-A Cleaning of the Engine External Surfaces
However, the relation between the EGT margin
recovery and the SFC may be quite complex and EcoPower Engine Gas Path Clean for Performance
1 72-00-00-100-808-A
Improvement (Water Only)
depend on several parameters, in addition to the
01 Scope specific engine model. For this reason, Airbus is 2 72-00-00-100-010-A01
Clean the Engine Gas Path for Performance
Improvement (Cleaner only)
unable to provide specific values and each Engine IAE V2500

02 Context
Clean the Engine Gas Path for Performance
Manufacturer should be contacted to obtain 3 72-00-00-100-010-A
Improvement (Water only)
more specific data, keeping in mind that figures
4 72-31-11-100-010-A Cleaning of the LP Compressor Blades
03 Environmental trends may greatly vary with parameters such as ageing
and turbomachinery state. PW1100G 1 72-00-00-100-802-A Cleaning of the Engine Gas Path

04 Fuel saving opportunities Table Examples of A320 MMEL items with performance impact Additional fuel used when operating under specific MMEL per sector ** As per the JAR-MMEL/MEL
(subject to the approval of local Aviation Authority)

05 Summary & Conclusions



1 72-00-00-100-818-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water and Compressor Washing Fluid (Hand-Held Lance Method)
1 72-00-00-100-819-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water, Anti-freeze and Compressor Washing Fluid (Hand-Held Lance Method)
Clean the IP and the HP Compressor with Water and Compressor Washing Fluid (detergent) (Core Mounted Long Probe
1 72-00-00-100-825-A
Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water, Anti-freeze and Compressor Washing Fluid (detergent) (Core Mounted
1 72-00-00-100-826-A
Long Probe Method)
Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water, Glycol Anti-Freeze and Compressor Wash Fluid (Core Mounted Short
1 72-00-00-100-835-A
Probe Method)
1 72-00-00-100-836-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water and Compressor Wash Fluid (Core Mounted Short Probe Method)
2 72-00-00-100-820-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water Only (Hand-Held Lance Method)
A330 RR T700
2 72-00-00-100-821-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water and Anti-freeze (Hand-Held Lance Method)
2 72-00-00-100-822-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water Only (Core Mounted Long Probe Method)
2 72-00-00-100-823-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water Only (Core Mounted Short Probe Method)
2 72-00-00-100-824-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water and Anti-Freeze (Core Mounted Long Probe Method)
2 72-00-00-100-827-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water Only (Cyclean Wash Rig)
2 72-00-00-100-837-A Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water and Glycol Anti-Freeze (Core Mounted Short Probe Method)

01 Scope 2
Clean the IP and the HP Compressors with Water and Glycol Anti-Freeze (Cyclean Wash Rig)
Cleaning the LP Compressor and the Engine By-Pass Duct Surface

02 Context N/A 72-00-00-120-801-A Coke Ingestion Cleaning of Engine Airfoils

1 72-00-00-160-802-A Gas Path (Core) Water Wash Procedure

03 Environmental trends A330 CF6

1 72-00-00-160-806-A Gas Path (Core) Water Wash Procedure Using Juniper Water Wash Equipment
2 72-00-00-160-801-A Fan Blade Cleaning Procedure
04 Fuel saving opportunities 1 72-00-00-100-817-A Engine Gas Path Cleaning for Performance Improvement, EcoPower (R) (Alternate to Water Wash)
A330 PW4000

05 Summary & Conclusions

2 72-00-00-100-806-A Cleaning of the Engine Gas Path - Water Wash Method (Alternate to Eco Power(R)).

Table Additional Fuel per sector - A330




1 72-00-00-100-809-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Cleaning Agent

CFM56-5C 2 72-00-00-100-804-A Washing of the Engine Gas Path with Pure Water

3 72-00-00-100-803-A Hand Cleaning of the Fan Gas Path and Fan Blades

1 72-00-00-100-814-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water and Compressor Wash Fluid (Hand-held Lance Method)

Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water, Compressor Washing Fluid and Glycol Anti-freeze (Hand-held Lance
1 72-00-00-100-834-A

1 72-00-00-100-829-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water and Compressor Wash Fluid (Core Mounted Probe Method)

Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water, Compressor Wash Fluid and Glycol Anti-freeze (Core Mounted Probe
1 72-00-00-100-830-A

2 72-00-00-100-813-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water Only (Hand-held Lance Method)

T500 2 72-00-00-100-812-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water and Glycol Method (Hand-held Lance Method)

01 Scope 2 72-00-00-100-828-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water Only (Core Mounted Probe Method)

02 Context 2 72-00-00-100-833-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water and Glycol Anti-freeze (Core Mounted Probe Method)

2 72-00-00-100-831-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water Only (Core Mounted Short Probe Method)
03 Environmental trends 2 72-00-00-100-832-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with Water Only (Cyclean Wash Rig Method)

04 Fuel saving opportunities 3 72-00-00-100-811-A Cleaning of the LP Compressor and the Engine By-Pass Duct Services

05 Summary & Conclusions Table Additional Fuel per sector - A340



1 72-00-00-100-804-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors - Detergent Method

1 72-00-00-100-808-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors - Detergent Method (Core mounted wash probes method)

2 72-00-00-100-802-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors - Water Method

2 72-00-00-100-806-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors - Water Method (Core Mounted Wash Probes Method)

RR T900 2 72-00-00-100-803-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors with Anti-Freeze

2 72-00-00-100-807-A Cleaning of the IP and HP Compressors with Anti-Freeze (Core mounted wash probes method)

2 72-00-00-100-809-A Clean the IP and HP Compressors with the Cyclean Equipment - Water Method

Clean the Intermediate Pressure (IP) and High Pressure (HP) Compressors with Water and Glycol Anti-freeze (Cyclean
2 72-00-00-100-810-A
Wash Unit)

3 72-00-00-100-801-A Clean the LP Compressor and the Engine By-Pass Duct Surfaces

1 72-00-00-110-801-A Cleaning of the Full Engine Gas Path (Water Wash) for Performance Improvement Using EcoPower(R)
2 72-00-00-100-805-A Cleaning of the Engine Gas Path (Water Wash) for Performance Improvement

01 Scope Table Additional Fuel per sector - A380

02 Context Reference document: AMM procedure: 72.00.00 PB701

03 Environmental trends Contamination levels depend on the aircraft’s

operation and environment, so each operator
is overhauled. As a starting point, operators are
advised to carry out engine washes once a year,
Operators wishing to optimize wash frequency
may do so by monitoring the effects against and
must optimize their wash frequency. The business as figures may vary greatly with parameters such appropriate control data set (e.g. previously
04 Fuel saving opportunities case for engine wash should be principally built as ageing and turbomachinery state. accumulated data or a partial fleet at the previous
on reduced EGT and on the consequent effect wash frequency). Refer to manufacturer guidance.
05 Summary & Conclusions of increased time-on-wing for a given operation
and/or reduced shop visit costs when the engine
Check of thrust reverser seal condition 4.3.3 Thrust Reverser Seals

The clean passage of air through the engine nacelles The importance of these seals to the clean passage of air inside the nacelle has already been mentioned.
(known as the by-pass air) is essential to overall The nacelle exterior surface is another aerodynamically sensitive area so the turbulence resulting from
engine efficiency. Seals around the thrust reversers the gap made by a missing seal will have a significant impact.
play a crucial role in ensuring that this occurs and that
TR Blocker door 78-32-41-06- 78-32-41-210-
CFM56-A/B 78 30.00/03-C5 783000-C2-1 GVI
seals CONF 06 042-A
TR Blocker door 78-32-41-06- 78-32-41-210-
CFM56-A/B n/a n/a DET
seals CONF 06 003-A
78-11-11-06 78-11-11-200-
Outer duct seals n/a n/a GVI
CONF 13 010-A
Inner annulus 78-11-11-06 78-11-11-200-
n/a n/a
seals CONF 13 011-A
IAE V2500
Pressure seal 78-32-79-06 78-32-79-200-
RH duct CONF 13 012-A
Pressure seal 78-32-49-06 78-32-49-200-
n/a n/a GVI
LH duct CONF 13 013-A
Common nozzle 78-11-44-06 78-11-44-210-
PW6000 78.11.44-02-P6 781144-P2-1 GVI
cross flow seals CONF 20 803-A
78-32-48-06 78-32-48-210-
CFM LEAP Pressure seal 78.32.00/07-CL 783200-L7-1 GVI
CONF 03 801-A
78-32-00-06 78-32-00-210-
PW1100G Pressure seal n/a n/a GVI
CONF 06 809-A

01 Scope GE CF6-
78.31.00/05-G6 783100-G5-2

RR T700 Pressure seal n/a ZL-417-02-3 n/a 052410-200-814 GVI

02 Context LR FAMILY
PW4000 TR IFS seals n/a n/a

78-32-41-06 78-32-41-210-
CFM56-5C Pivot door seals 78.32.00/06-C5 783200-C6-1 GVI
03 Environmental trends RR T500
pressure seals
n/a n/a

04 Fuel saving opportunities A380

EA GP72 Pressure seal

RR T900 Pressure seal GVI

05 Summary & Conclusions

01M 01 CONF 00 803-A

Table 4.3.3: Thrust Reverser Seals

4.3.4 Airframe Maintenance Flight Controls

The airframe is a complex shape and includes many panels, doors and flight control surfaces. In order for The correct rigging of all flight control surfaces is
the aircraft to perform at its optimum efficiency (i.e. to create the lowest amount of drag), the airframe must important to aerodynamic efficiency; with a
be as free from irregularities as possible. This means that surfaces should be as smooth as possible, panels particular importance set on the wing leading
and doors should be flush with surrounding structure and all control surfaces should be rigged to their edge and the spoilers on the upper surface.
specified positions. These flight controls are only occasionally
Deterioration of the aircraft’s external surface is a normal consequence of its use. Like all modern commercial deployed during the flight, but are fitted to areas
aircraft, Airbus aircraft must be maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance schedule. of the wing that are particularly sensitive to
imperfections. Such imperfections occur when
One objective of the maintenance schedule is to preserve aircraft’s operational efficiency by the most
a slat or spoiler is not flush with the wing profile.
economic means possible. This is achieved through inspection, and subsequent repair as necessary, in
The effect on aircraft performance varies with the
specified areas at specified intervals. These intervals are the minimum allowable and the industry is constantly
size of the gap or "mis-rig". Additional control
seeking to extend all task intervals. Carrying out any maintenance task more regularly will inevitably increase
surfaces such as ailerons, rudder and elevators
maintenance costs. However, in this section we consider tasks that can bring considerable reductions in
may also contribute to increased fuel consumption
fuel consumption whilst maintaining safe operation when the need for repair is discovered.
when not correctly adjusted. The associated
In terms of overall airframe condition (dents, panel gaps, under or over filled panel joints, etc…) particular maintenance tasks are presented here to quantify
attention should be paid to areas of the airframe that air impinges on first (e.g. forward portion of the fuselage, the workload.
the nacelles, the wings, the fin, etc.). These areas are identified more clearly in the document referenced in
Flaps mis-rig tasks are covered by wing zonal
the right margin. The document also contains a detailed assessment of all areas where aerodynamic
inspection tasks, ZL-500-02 and ZL-500-03.
deterioration may occur.
01 Scope The following sections highlight airframe problems that are both typical in-service and have a particularly
negative impact on aerodynamic performance.
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

A320 A330 A340 A380

A340-200/300: ZL-500-01-1
MPD Task Reference ZL-500-02-1 ZL-500-01-1 ZL-500-00001-01
A340-500/600: ZL-500-01-2
MPD Task Interval
Every 24 months or 8800 flight hours Every 24 months Every 24 months Every 24 months
C-Estimated inspection
40 minutes plus access time 1 hour 10 minutes plus access time 1 hour plus access time 1 hour plus access time
time (all slats)
Estimated rigging time
4 man-hours 4 man-hours 4 man-hours 4 man-hours
for one slat

AMM reference 05-25-00-200-002-A 05-25-00-200-802 05-25-00-200-002 05-25-00-210-801

Table References Slat Mis-rig


A320 A330 A340 A380

Estimated inspection 12 man hours 40 minutes plus 12 man hours 40 minutes plus 16 man hours 40 minutes plus
10 man hours 40 plus access time
time (all spoilers) access time access time access time
Estimated rigging time
0.5 man-hour 0.5 man-hour 0.5 man-hour 0.5 man-hour
for one spoiler
27-64-00-820-801-A 27-64-00-820-801-A
AMM reference 27-64-00-820-001-A 27-64-00-820-801-A
27-64-00-820-802-A 27-64-00-820-802-A

01 Scope Table References spoiler Mis-rig


A320 A330 A340 A380

03 Environmental trends Estimated inspection
1 man hour 40 plus access time
1 man hour 40 minutes plus access 1 man hour 40 minutes plus access 2 man hours 40 minutes plus access
time (all rudders) time time time

04 Fuel saving opportunities Estimated rigging time

for one rudder
0.5 man-hour 0.5 man-hour 0.5 man-hour 1 man-hour

05 Summary & Conclusions

27-24-00-820-801-B 27-24-00-820-801-B
AMM reference 27-24-00-820-001-A 27-24-00-820-802-A
27-21-00-820-804-A 27-21-00-820-804-A

Table References rudder Mis-rig


A320 A330 A340 A380

Estimated inspection 4 man hours 40 minutes plus access 4 man hours 40 minutes plus access 6 man hours 40 minutes plus access
2 man hours 40 plus access time
time (all ailerons) time time time
Estimated rigging time
1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour
for one aileron

AMM reference 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-801-A 27-14-00-820-801-A 27-14-00-820-801-A

Table References Ailerons Mis-rig


02 Context A320 A330 A340 A380

Estimated inspection 2 man hours 40 minutes plus access 2 man hours 40 minutes plus access 4 man hours 40 minutes plus access
03 Environmental trends
2 man hours 40 plus access time
time (all elevators) time time time
Estimated rigging time
1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour
for one elevator
04 Fuel saving opportunities AMM reference
27-34-00-820-802-A 27-34-00-820-802-A 27-34-00-820-804-A

05 Summary & Conclusions Table References Elevators Mis-rig

REFERENCES : WING ROOT FAIRING SEALS (KARMAN) Wing root fairing panel seals A320 A330 A340 A380

Fairing panels ensure aircraft exterior transitions ZL-100-01-1 (A340-

MPD Task 200/300)
between the wing root and the fuselage. These panels ZL-100-02-1 ZL-100-01-2 ZL-100-00001-01
Reference ZL-100-01-2 (A340-
are not part of the aircraft’s primary structure but they 500/600
perform an important role in managing the airflow in MPD Task Interval
4 months every 24 months every 24 months every 24 months
this aerodynamically critical area. Flexible seals, which C-check
are sometimes referred to as "Karman seals", cover 1 hour plus access
gaps between the panels and the adjacent wing or time (A340-200/300)
Estimated 1 hour plus access 1 hour 10 minutes
15 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes
fuselage structure. The following quantifies the effect inspection time time
plus access time
plus access time
of the loss of any seal above (upper) or below (lower) (A340-500/600)
the wing. General visual inspection of wing root fairing Estimated time to
2 man-hours 2 man-hours 2 man-hours 2 man-hours
panel seals is addressed by zonal programmes. replace one seal

AMM reference 05-21-00-200-002 05-21-00-200-802 05-21-00-200-802 05-21-00-210-801

Table Missing Wing Root Fairing Seals Upper and Lower Seals


A320 A330 A340 A380 Moving surface seals

A340-200/300 Gaps between the various sections of the aircraft’s

MPD Task ZL-500-01-1
ZL-500-02-1 ZL-500-01-1 ZL-500-00001-01 structure can disrupt local airflow and this will generate
01 Scope Reference A340-500/600
ZL-500-01-2 unnecessary drag, and have a consequent impact
MPD Task Interval every 24 months or on fuel consumption. Flexible seals are often used to
02 Context C-check
8800 flight hours
every 24 months every 24 months

1 hour plus access

every 24 months

1 hour plus access

fill external gaps between moving surfaces and
access panels and their surrounding structure. The
20 minutes every 24 months
03 Environmental trends
inspection time time time effect on fuel consumption of moving surface seals
Estimated time to
3 man-hours
1 hour 10 minutes
3 man-hours 3 man-hours that are often found missing or damaged in-service
replace one seal plus access time
and have a particularly negative impact on
04 Fuel saving opportunities AMM reference 05-25-00-200-002-A 05-21-00-200-802 05-25-00-200-002 05-25-00-210-801 aerodynamic performance are highlighted here.
General visual inspection of slats, flaps, ailerons and
05 Summary & Conclusions Table Missing seal: flap (chordwise and damaged passenger or cargo door seal) elevators is addressed by zonal programmes.

A320 A330 A340 A380

MPD Task Reference ZL-500-02-1 ZL-500-01-1 ZL-500-00001-01
MPD Task Interval
every 24 months or 8800 flight hours every 24 months every 24 months every 24 months
Estimated inspection
15 minutes 30 minutes plus access time 30 minutes plus access time 30 minutes plus access time
time (all spoilers)
Estimated repair time
2 man-hours 2 man-hours 2 man-hours 2 man-hours
for one spoiler seal

AMM reference 05-25-00-200-002-A 05-25-00-200-802 05-25-00-200-002 05-25-00-210-801

Estimated inspection
15 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes plus access time 1 hour plus access time 1 hour plus access time
time (all flap seals)
Estimated repair time
1,5 man-hours 1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour
per flap chordwise seal

AMM reference 05-25-00-200-002-A 05-25-00-200-802 05-25-00-200-002 05-25-00-210-801

Table Missing seal: flap (chordwise and damaged passenger or cargo door seal)


01 Scope Estimated inspection

A320 A330 A340 A380

Both ailerons: 10 minutes 8 hours plus access time 8 hours plus access time 8 hours plus access time
02 Context time
Estimated repair time
1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour 1 man-hour
for one chordwise seal
03 Environmental trends AMM reference 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-801-A

04 Fuel saving opportunities

Estimated repair time
1.5 man-hours 1.5 man-hours 1.5 man-hours 1.5 man-hours
for one spanwise seal

AMM Reference 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-001-A 27-14-00-820-801-A

05 Summary & Conclusions
Table Missing seal: flap (chordwise and damaged passenger or cargo door seal)

Misalignment or mis-rigging on any main or nose A340-200/300

ZL-713-01-1 &
landing gear door will lead to unnecessary drag. MPD Task ZL-713-01-1 & ZL- ZL-715-01-1 ZL-713-00001 & ZL-
The aerodynamic penalty and consequently the fuel Reference 715-01-1 A340-500/600 715-00001
ZL-713-01-2 & ZL-
burn penalty of a nose landing gear door mis-rig of 715-01-2
10 millimetres is similar to that for a missing aileron
MPD Task Interval 1A – check (every 1A – check (every
seal. A similar mis-rig (10 mm) on a main landing gear every 4 months Every 12 MO
C-check 750FH) 750FH)
door has a slightly lower aerodynamic penalty Estimated 15 minutes (plus
because the aircraft is less sensitive to such problems 25 minutes plus 10 minutes plus
inspection time (all aircraft jacking for aft
access time access time
at more aft positions. doors) doors)

While inspecting the alignment of the landing gear Estimated re-rig

24 man-hours 24 man-hours 24 man-hours 24 man-hours
doors, the opportunity to check the condition and
effectiveness of their seals should also be taken. AMM reference 05-27-10-200-001
05-27-10-200-807 & 05-27-10-200-807 &
& 05-27-10-210-803-
05-27-10-200-808 05-27-10-200-808

Table References Nose Landing Gear Door mis-rig


A320 A330 A340 A380

A340-200/300 Every 12 MO
01 Scope MPD Task
ZL-734-01-1 ZL-734-01-1
10 minutes plus
access time
ZL-734-01-2 20 man-hours

02 Context MPD Task Interval

15 minutes
1A – check (every
every 24 months Every 12 MO

03 Environmental trends Estimated

inspection time (all
(plus aircraft jacking
for fairings)
10 minutes plus
access time
10 minutes plus
access time
10 minutes plus
access time

04 Fuel saving opportunities Estimated re-rig

20 man-hours 20 man-hours 20 man-hours 20 man-hours

05 Summary & Conclusions AMM reference 05-27-30-200-004 05-27-30-200-812 05-27-30-200-811

Table References Main Landing Gear Door mis-rig


ZL-800-01-1 (A340-
The seals of the passenger and service doors, the MPD Task Reference 200/300)
ZL-831-01-1 ZL-800-01-1 ZL-800-00002-01
cargo bay doors, the emergency exit and the cockpit Passenger doors ZL-800-01-2 (A340-500)
sliding windows have dual function. These seals not ZL-800-01-3 (A340-600)

only fill the gap between the door and its surrounding MPD Task Interval
every 4 months every 24 months every 24 months every 72 months
structure but they also render the door airtight. This
Estimated inspection 1 hour 10 minutes plus 1 hour 10 minutes plus 1 hour 10 minutes plus
allows the aircraft to be pressurized efficiently. A time (passenger doors) access time access time access time
damaged, leaking seal allows pressurized cabin air A340-200/300
to escape in a direction perpendicular to the fuselage ZL-821-01-1 & ZL-822-
ZL-821-00001-01 ZL-
MPD Task Reference ZL-825-01-1 & ZL-826- ZL-821-01-1 & ZL-822- 01-1
skin. The effect on the local airflow can be quite Cargo doors 01-1 & ZL-827-01- 01-1 A340-500/600
significant. The actual resulting aerodynamic ZL-821-01-2 & ZL-822-
deterioration is similar to that seen when a flap or 01-2

spoiler seal is missing. MPD Task Interval

every 4 months
1A - check (every 1A - check (every
every 12 months
C-check 750FH) 750FH)
The references are shown beside. ZL-800-01-1 ( A340-
MPD Task Reference ZL-833-02 & ZL-834- ZL-800-01-2 (A340-
ZL-800-01-1 ZL-800-00002-01
(emergency exit) 06-1 500)
ZL-800-01-3 (A340-
MPD Task Interval every 72 months every 24 months every 24 months every 72 months
Estimated inspection 25 minutes plus access 25 minutes plus access 25 minutes plus access
time (cargo doors) time time time
replacement time 4 man-hours 4 man-hours 4 man-hours

01 Scope (passenger door seal)

AMM reference 05-28-30-200-001 05-28-00-200-802 05-28-00-200-802 05-28-00-210-802

02 Context
replacement time 8 man-hours 8 man-hours 8 man-hours
(cargo door seal)

03 Environmental trends
Fwd 05-28-20-200-001 05-28-20-200-802
AMM reference 05-28-00-200-802 05-28-20-210-802
& Aft 05-28-20-200-002 05-28-20-200-804

04 Fuel saving opportunities

MPD Task Reference
56-12-00-01 Refer to ISI 56.10.00009 Refer to ISI 56.10.00009 Refer to ISI 56.10.00009
(window seals)
AMM reference 56-12-00-220-001 56-12-00-200-801-A 56-12-00-200-801-A
05 Summary & Conclusions

Table Reference leaking passenger, cargo bay door or window seal

Deterioration of the aircraft’s exterior surface is to be A340-200/300

MPD Task ZL-100-01-1
expected on any aircraft in service. The rate of Lower ZL-100-02 ZL-100-01-2 ZL-100-00001-01
Reference A340-500/600
deterioration can vary with the intensity of the utilization half of ZL-100-01-2
and environmental conditions. Although the thickness MPD Task
every 4 months every 24 months every 24 months every 36 months
of paint is typically around 1/3 millimetre, its loss in Interval
critical areas of the airframe will upset the local airflow A340-200/300
to an extent that overall drag can be increased. ZL-200-01-1
Upper C-check ZL-200-02 ZL-200-01-1 ZL-200-00001-01
Particular attention should be paid to the nose and half of ZL-200-01-2
cockpit area and the wing upper and lower surfaces. fuselage
MPD Task
every 48 months every 36 months every 36 months every 72 months
1 hour plus access
Estimated Nose and Wings 1 hour plus access time 1 hour plus access
inspection time 30 minutes time A340-500/600 time
1 hour 15 minutes
plus access time
Estimated repair Depends on extent of Depends on extent of Depends on extent of Depends on extent of
time damage damage damage damage
05-21-00-200-002 05-22-00-200-802 05-22-00-200-802 05-22-00-210-801
(lower) (upper) (upper) (upper)
AMM reference
05-22-00-200-002 05-21-00-200-802 05-21-00-200-802 05-21-00-210-801
01 Scope (upper) (lower) (lower) (lower)

SRM Reference 51-75-12 51-75-12 51-75-12 51-75-12

02 Context Table References Typical Paint Peeling on Fuselage

03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions

A320 A330 A340 A380

MPD Task ZL-500-02-1
ZL-500-03-1 ZL-500-02-1 ZL-500-00002-01
Reference A340-500/600
Upper ZL-500-02-2
wings MPD Task
every 48 months every 42 months every 24 months every 24 months

Estimated inspection
1 hour 50 minutes plus access time 1 hour & 10 minutes plus access time 1 hour & 10 minutes plus access time

Estimated repair time Depends on extent of damage Depends on extent of damage Depends on extent of damage

AMM reference 05-25-00-200-003 05-25-00-200-803 05-25-00-200-803 05-25-00-210-803

SRM Reference 51-75-12 51-75-12 51-75-12

MPD Task ZL-500-01-1
ZL-500-02-1 ZL-500-01-1 ZL-500-00001-01
Reference A340-500/600
Lower ZL-500-01-2
MPD Task
Interval 24 months OR 8800 FH every 24 months every 24 months every 24 months
01 Scope C-check
Estimated inspection
1 hour 10 minutes plus access time 1 hour plus access time 1 hour plus access time
02 Context

Estimated repair time Depends on extent of damage Depends on extent of damage Depends on extent of damage

03 Environmental trends AMM reference 05-25-00-200-002 05-25-00-200-802 05-25-00-200-802 05-25-00-210-801

04 Fuel saving opportunities

SRM Reference 51-75-12 51-75-12 51-75-12

Table References Typical Paint Peeling on Wings

05 Summary & Conclusions

REFERENCES AIRCRAFT EXTERIOR CLEANING Aircraft exterior cleaning A320 A330 A340 A380

The natural accumulation of dirt on the aircraft’s AMM reference 12-21-11-615-002 12-21-11-615-802 12-21-11-615-802 12-21-11-615-801
external surface will introduce a slight roughness that,
overall, can induce significant additional drag. Table References aircraft exterior cleaning

There is no standard definition of how dirty is a “dirty

aircraft” and so this assessment can only give an
indication for the potential fuel penalty.


MISSION 1 MISSION 2 MISSION 3 4.3.5 Weight reduction

kg kg kg Reducing aircraft weight has an immediate effect on the fuel burn, hence the importance to closely
monitor the weight and make efforts to limit it.
A320ceo 20 10 5
The table beside shows the reduction of fuel burn for all aircraft types based on a 100kg weight
A320neo 19 11 3 reduction.
This section of the document highlights initiatives and aircraft modifications that can reduce the aircraft’s
A330-300 33 24 16
01 Scope A340-300 52 36 23

02 Context A380 57 38 24

03 Environmental trends
Table 4.3.5: Delta Trip Fuel in kg - Aircraft operating weight reduced by 100kg (for details
of missions refer to table 2.7: Reference mission profiles)

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions Aircraft interior cleaning Several operators have reported additional, by for example reducing the Power Drive Unit
unnecessary weight of several dozen kilogrammes (PDU) roller rubber wear/damage.
Section discussed the aerodynamic that can be removed by performing a thorough The cleanliness of other areas such as APU,
consequences of exterior contamination. There interior cleaning. On long-range aircraft hydraulic and avionic bays should also be
is also a secondary consideration of the weight transporting hundreds of passengers, the weight considered. Maintenance teams should be
of this contamination and this leads to considering accumulation over time is not negligible and briefed on appropriate procedures for dealing
the general cleanliness of the interior of the aircraft. needs to be taken into consideration. with dust or fluid contamination and encouraged
Most operators recognize the importance of Regular cleaning of cargo compartments should to apply them whenever it is found during the
cabin cleanliness from a passenger comfort also be considered. Apart from helping to course of their work.
perspective but keeping the passenger and crew minimize weight this can allow help to reduce
areas clean will have the added benefit of maintenance costs. Foreign objects such as
minimizing weight increase through dirt broken suitcase handles or wheels can cause
accumulation. cargo compartment panel damage. Cleaning can
also minimize maintenance costs associated with
the Cargo Loading System (CLS – when installed) Condensation Careful maintenance of insulation blankets, particularly in the upper fuselage area will minimize un-insulated
cold sinks and reduce condensation. The correct functioning of the piston type drain valves on lower
Airbus aircraft are designed to minimize fuselage shell should also be periodically checked.
condensation formation and drain condensation
that may form wherever possible. Nonetheless,
studies suggest that an aircraft of the A320 Family A320 A330 A340 A380
can accumulate and retain in excess of 200
kilograms of water. Reference
01 Scope Condensation and associated moisture issues
ISI 21.72.00001 – Cabin Condensation Activities

References Operational Check of Piston Type Drain Valves in Lower Fuselage

are greatly affected by seating density, load factor
02 Context and utilization. A high utilization brings with it an MPD Task Reference 531900-03 531900-03 531900-03 531900-03
increase in the time the structure is exposed to
03 Environmental trends the lower temperatures that cause condensation.
Furthermore, short turnaround times may not
MPD Task Interval
Every 36 months or
8000 flight cycles
every 6 years or 5000 every 6 years or 5000 every 6 years or 5000
flight cycles flight cycles flight cycles
04 Fuel saving opportunities allow full evaporation or drainage of the
condensed water to take place.
inspection time
40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes

AMM Reference 53-19-00-710-003 53-19-00-710-003 53-19-00-710-003 53-19-00-710-003

05 Summary & Conclusions Table Condensation Cabin Equipment In addition to the mentioned manufacturing and
material technologies, additive manufacturing
High strength and high comfort lightweight seats combined with novel optimization strategies offers
made of composite material, light toilet modules a significant potential on weight reduction for
and catering units , as well as light cargo containers commercial airliner.
made from aluminium or carbon fibre allow to This strategy can be applied for additively
significantly reduce the Operating Empty Weight manufactured titanium and aluminum parts but as
of the aircraft. well for traditional processes like casting to print
Airbus has developed a technique enabling to advanced casting molds.
reduce cabin equipment weight by using 3D The result are components that are very stable
printing for partitions. This enables to reduce the and light as they only use material in areas where
cabin weight by 30kg for an A320 or a 50% weight it is required.
reduction compared to similar traditional

Figure 4-3-5-3: Bionic partition Removal of galley components COMPONENT WEIGHT NUMBER FITTED TO TOTAL WEIGHT (TYPICAL
For certain types of short haul operations it can be Water Heater up to 12 kg 2 up to 24 kg
appropriate to remove some or all water heaters/
coffee makers and ovens from the aircraft’s galleys. Coffee Maker up to 18 kg 2 up to 36 kg
01 Scope Hot water or beverages can be carried in insulated
portable dispensers. Oven up to 22 kg 4 up to 88 kg

02 Context Deletion of galley components is achieved through

the application of the appropriate galley vendor
TOTAL up to 148 kg

03 Environmental trends service bulletin. Galley components may also be

removed temporarily once approval from the galley
Table impact of removal of galley components

manufacturer and the local aviation authority has

04 Fuel saving opportunities been granted. Removal of these components allows
aircraft weight to be reduced and also removes the
05 Summary & Conclusions need to, and cost of, maintaining them. Safety Equipment

Safety equipment requirements are agreed between COMPONENT COMPONENT WEIGHT TOTAL WEIGHT
the aircraft operator and the local aviation authority.
Typically, aircraft that are to be employed in overwater Slide Raft 57 kg Saving converting slides
operations will be equipped with emergency slide (4 per aircraft) from raft 128 kg
Basic Slide 25 kg to basic slide
rafts. However, for overland routes it may be possible
to justify swapping slide rafts for basic slides.
Table Weight saving when converting slides
Conversely, the installation of over water equipment
can allow more direct routes to be flown, thus reducing
trip fuel.
Note: Overwing exits are equipped with basic slides
only. Potable water upload reduction Aircraft of the A380 Family are equipped with six Some aircraft are equipped with a system that
potable water tanks (up to height in option) that allows the tank to be refilled to a preselected level
Aircraft of the A320 Family are equipped with a can hold up to 2200 litres (8x283L), i.e. 2200kg. (25%, 50% or 75% full, i.e. 50, 100 and 150 litres
potable water tank that can hold up to 200 litres The tanks are refilled via the servicing panel at for A320 family A/C). For aircraft not equipped
(gross volume), i.e. 200kg. The tank is refilled via the lower right-hand side of the rear fuselage and with the pre-selection system a simple alternative
servicing panel at lower left-hand side of the rear tank contents are indicated on a screen at the can be developed if the flow rate of the refill
fuselage and tank contents are indicated on a gauge Potable Water Instrument Panel (PWIP) and on system is known (e.g. if the refill rate is 10 litres
01 Scope on the servicing panel and on the Forward Attendants
Panel (FAP).
the Forward Attendants Panel (FAP). every 20 seconds, and 50 litres is required, then
a "100 second replenishment" will be needed).
More and more airlines provide their passengers
02 Context Aircraft of the A330/A340 Family are equipped with
a potable water tanks that can hold between 700 and
with bottled drinking water and so the potable
water is actually only used in the toilets for washing
Some operators put measures in place aimed at
reducing their potable water uplift by studying
1 050 liters, i.e. 700 to 1 050kg. The tanks are refilled hands and flushing the lavatory (which nominally carefully the actual quantity of potable water used
03 Environmental trends via the servicing panel at lower left-hand side of the consumes about 0.2 litres of water per flush). during flights. Then they can adapt to the quantity
rear fuselage and tank contents are indicated on a of water loaded in the aircraft to the real need for
04 Fuel saving opportunities gauge on the servicing panel and on the Forward
Attendants Panel (FAP).
the flight, saving several hundred kilogrammes
on long range flights.
05 Summary & Conclusions Waste Tank Emptying A320 Family initiatives

Water from toilet wash basins is sent directly overboard OTHER REFERENCE
via heated drain masts. All toilet waste is stored in Initiative Title BENEFIT APPLICABILITY
tanks. Clearly, increasing the frequency of tank Weight reduction of up Cost per tire increase
emptying offers a potential for weight saving. to 136 KGs (all tires) – a (cost per landing may
few bias tires are lighter be unchanged)
Waste tank quantity per aircraft is defined as below: All aircraft fitted
Use of radial tires than their radial • Weight saving varies SB A320-32-1007
with bias tires
equivalent • Average with tire manufacturer
›› A320 Family: 200 Litres (gross volume) landings per tire • Limited availability
increased (during 2006 to 2008)
Increased brake cooling
on configuration
›› A330/340: 338 Litres basic (up to 4 x 338L option) time and minimum
SB A320-32-1151
aircraft turnaround time
Weight reduction of SB A320-32-1264
(up to 3 times longer) All aircraft fitted
Removal of brake fans between 12.6 and 25.0 SB A320-32-1275
• Reduced maintenance with brake fans
›› A380: 2 x 675 Litres (MD) + 2 x373 (UD) Litres KGs SB A320-32-1280
costs through system
SB A320-32-1322
MMEL item 32-47-
• SB and kit cost
01 cooling tables
• MPD Tire pressure
check must be carried Other initiatives Removal of Tire Weight reduction of out manually (additional
All aircraft fitted
Pressure Indicating between 6.6 and 12.5 time). • Reduced SB A320-32-1202
with TPIS
System (TPIS) KGs maintenance costs
The following tables highlight a number of other through system deletion
initiatives that can reduce the aircraft’s weight or drag. • SB and kit cost
Their application, as with all recommendations in this • 0.3% reduction in
document should be carefully evaluated in terms of cruise drag. • Equals All pre-mod aircraft
Reshaped fuel tank SB and kit cost (RFC/
saving of between 10 Production std from SB A320-28-1158
both benefits and costs. NACA inlet
and 20 KGs of fuel per
RMO process)

01 Scope Removal of brake

Weight reduction of 5.5 All A/C fitted
SB A320-32-1217
bands KGs with brake bands
02 Context Use of “S-glass”
Panels nominally
replaced on attrition
Embodiment points
Weight reduction of vary with type and
cargo bay lining basis IPC (S-glass panels
03 Environmental trends panels (roof and
between 15 KGs (A318)
and 32 KGs (A321)
• Improved damage
tolerance and reduced
cargo bay standard.
First delivery end Sept.
listed as preferred parts)

maintenance costs

04 Fuel saving opportunities • Requires revised floor

panels and some
Removal of cargo Weight reduction of 180 Aircraft equipped Contact Airbus
structural modifications.
05 Summary & Conclusions loading system (CLS) KGs on A320
• SB and kit cost (RFC/
RMO process)
with CLS Upgrade Services
A320 Family initiatives

Weight reduction of
between 15 KGs (A318) All operators producing
Reduction of in-flight Reduced reproduction
and 25 KGs (A321) if in-flight magazines
magazines costs
number or weight in paper format
reduced by one third
Takeoff performance
Fuel saving: 2% (short improvement by up to 3
A319 and A320ceo Contact Airbus
Sharklets retrofit sector) to 4% (long tons (when second
above MSN 1200 Upgrade Services
sector) segment or obstacle

Table A320 Family initiatives



A340-300 (MSNs between 0117 Airbus Upgrade Services

Fuel Expansion Tank removal 232 KGs weight reduction RFC / RMO process
and 0528) e-Catalogue (Airbus World)
1% drag reduction above Mach
Enhanced upper belly fairing RFC / RMO process A340-500/-600 Airbus Upgrade Services
01 Scope Single Chamber Life Vests Around 55 KGs weight reduction
Weight and maintenance
requirements vary between
All aircraft with dual chamber life
BFE catalogue
02 Context Water Tank Removal
43 KGs weight reduction
(equipment only)
Reduced potable water capacity A340-200/-300 SB A340-38-4054

03 Environmental trends Lightweight Portable Oxygen

15 KGs weight reduction RFC / RMO process A330 A340 All versions Mod 55559

04 Fuel saving opportunities SATCOM provision removal

Remove Air Conditioning Pack

3 KGs weight reduction RFC / RMO process

Reduced maintenance cost

A330 A340 All versions Mod 48808

SB A330-21-3126 SB A340-21-
2.8 KGs weight reduction Aircraft with By-pass valve
05 Summary & Conclusions
By-pass valve (through component deletion) 4134

Table A330/A340 initiatives

Ranking of maintenance tasks

The following tasks have an influence on fuel burn, ranked by importance from 2 having the highest importance to 3 the lowest, 1 was used for other tables in
the document. Some tasks have an impact on fuel burn but it is small and can’t be measured, so they are listed with N/A.

A320 Family


2 27-64-00-820-001-C Adjust spoilers Ranking REF. AMM DESCRIPTION

2 27-64-00-820-001-A Adjust spoilers N/A 05-27-30-200-003-A GVI MLG secondary door (EWIS)

2 27-64-00-820-001-E Adjust spoilers GVI from ground of lower fuselage (as far as
N/A 05-21-00-200-001-A
3 52-21-18-960-003-A Replace hatch seal N/A 05-27-30-200-004-A GVI MLG main doors (EWIS)

3 27-34-00-820-001-A Adjust elevator and hydraulic actuator N/A 05-21-00-200-002-A GVI of lower half of fuselage
Adjust elevator and hydraulic actuator after GVI of aft cargo compartment door incl. seal
3 27-34-00-820-002-A N/A 05-28-20-200-002-A
removal/install servo-control & lock (EWIS)
3 27-41-00-820-001-A Adjust THS zero position N/A 05-27-10-200-001-A GVI nose gear and doors (EWIS)

3 27-14-00-820-001-A Adjust aileron GVI fwd cargo door incl sill seal & lock ext.
N/A 05-28-20-200-001-A
Check of nose gear door gaps and
3 32-22-00-220-001-A N/A 05-25-00-200-002-A GVI wing lower surface & slats & flaps
01 Scope 3 27-24-00-820-001-A Adjust rudder neutral position N/A 05-25-00-200-003-A
GVI wing upper surface incl. slats, flaps &

02 Context 3 32-22-00-820-001-A Adjust NLG doors

N/A 05-24-50-210-801-A GVI of core compartment
27-14-00-PB501CONF Aileron and hydraulic actuation - Adjustment
03 Environmental trends 00 test N/A 05-25-00-200-002-A GVI of hot section (EWIS)

N/A 05-24-50-200-001-A GVI TRU

04 Fuel saving opportunities N/A 56-12-00-220-001-A Detailed inspection of window seals

05 Summary & Conclusions N/A

05-28-30 PB 601
Zonal inspection: pax/crew doors and
emergency exits - inspection/check

Table Ranking of maintenance tasks - A320 Family



2 27-64-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the spoiler 1 Ranking REF. AMM DESCRIPTION

2 27-64-00-820-802-A Adjustment of the spoiler 2 thru 6 GVI as far as visible from the ground of the L
N/A 05-25-00-200-801-A
and R wings
Inspection of the wing-to-fuselage fairings GVI as far as visible from the ground of the
3 53-35-00-200-801-A and belly fairing access panels for missing N/A 05-21-00-200-801-A
lower half of the fuselage
N/A 05-28-00-200-802-A GVI of doors
3 27-14-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the aileron

Adjustment of the rudder position transducer N/A 05-21-00-200-802-A Zonal inspection of lower half of fuselage
3 27-24-00-820-803-A
- units
N/A 05-27-10-200-807-A GVI of NLG main doors (EWIS)
Adjustment of the elevator and hydraulic
3 27-34-00-820-803-A actuation with the elevator neutral-setting GVI of forward avionics compartment door
tool N/A 05-28-10-200-801-A
3 27-41-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the THS zero position N/A 05-25-30-200-809-A GVI of wing tip (EWIS)

3 32-12-11-820-801-A Adjustment of the main door assy N/A 05-25-30-200-801-A GVI of flap track and fairings (EWIS)
Adjustment of the rudder servocontrol
3 27-24-00-820-801-B N/A 05-25-00-200-802-A GVI of wing lower surface, incl. flaps & slats
(Enhanced aircraft)
Adjustment of the rudder neutral position
01 Scope 3 27-21-00-820-804-A N/A 05-25-00-200-803-A GVI of wing upper surface, incl. flaps & slats
with the reference triangle (Basic aircraft)
N/A 05-25-30-200-802-A GVI of flap tracks & flap tracks fairings (EWIS)

02 Context N/A 51-10-00-200-801-A

Visual inspection of the aircraft external
surfaces for cleanup and aerodynamic
03 Environmental trends N/A 56-12-00-220-001-A Detailed inspection of window seals

04 Fuel saving opportunities N/A

05-28-30 PB 601
Zonal inspection: pax/crew doors and
emergency exits - inspection/check

05 Summary & Conclusions Table Ranking of maintenance tasks - A330



2 27-64-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the spoiler 1 Ranking REF. AMM DESCRIPTION

2 27-64-00-820-802-A Adjustment of the spoiler 2 thru 6 GVI as far as visible from the ground of the L
N/A 05-25-00-200-801-A
and R wings
3 27-14-00-820-801-B Adjustment of the aileron GVI as far as visible from the ground of the
N/A 05-21-00-200-801-A
lower half of the fuselage
Adjustment of the rudder position transducer
3 27-24-00-820-803-A
- units N/A 05-28-00-200-802-A GVI of doors
Adjustment of the elevator and hydraulic Visual inspection of the aircraft external
3 27-34-00-820-803-B actuation with the elevator neutral-setting N/A 51-10-00-200-801-A surfaces for cleanup and aerodynamic
tool smoothness
3 27-41-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the THS zero position N/A 05-25-30-200-802-A GVI of flap tracks & flap tracks fairings (EWIS)

3 32-12-11-820-801-A Adjustment of the main door assy Repair of paint damage on a steel
N/A 51-75-12-300-802-A
component (more than the topcoat)
Adjustment of the rudder servocontrol
3 27-24-00-820-801-B
(Enhanced aircraft) N/A 05-21-00-200-802-A Zonal inspection of lower half of fuselage
Adjustment of the rudder neutral position
3 27-21-00-820-804-A N/A 05-27-10-200-808-A GVI of NLG aft doors (EWIS)
with the reference triangle (Basic aircraft)
01 Scope 3 27-34-00-820-802-A Adjustment of the elevator servo control N/A 05-27-10-200-807-A GVI of NLG main doors (EWIS)

02 Context
GVI of forward avionics compartment door
N/A 05-28-10-210-801-A

N/A 05-25-30-200-809-A GVI of wing tip (EWIS)

03 Environmental trends N/A 05-25-00-200-802-B
GVI of wing lower surface (including slats and
flaps) (EWIS)
04 Fuel saving opportunities N/A 05-25-00-200-803-A
GVI of wing upper surface (including slats,
spoilers & flaps)

05 Summary & Conclusions Table Ranking of maintenance tasks - A340



2 27-64-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the spoilers Ranking REF. AMM DESCRIPTION

3 27-14-00-820-801-A Adjustment of the aileron servo control N/A 05-27-10-210-802-A GVI of NLG front doors (EWIS)

Adjustment of the elevator and hydraulic N/A 05-27-10-210-803-A GVI of NLG rear doors (EWIS)
3 27-34-00-820-804-A actuation with the elevator neutral-setting
tool GVI of forward avionics compartment door
N/A 05-28-10-210-801-A
3 32-18-00-220-801-A Adjustment of the main body door assy
N/A 05-25-30-210-814-A GVI of wing tip (EWIS)
3 32-18-00-220-802-A Adjustment of the main body door assy
GVI of flap tracks 2 and fairing as far as
N/A 05-25-30-210-802-A
3 32-18-00-220-803-A Adjustment of the main body door assy visible (EWIS)
GVI of flap tracks 3 and fairing as far as
Dimensional check and adjustment of the N/A 05-25-30-210-805-A
3 32-12-00-220-802-A visible (EWIS)
main wing-gear door
GVI of flap tracks 4 and fairing as far as
Dimensional check and adjustment of the N/A 05-25-30-210-807-A
3 32-12-00-220-801-A visible (EWIS)
main wing-gear door
GVI of flap tracks 5 and fairing as far as
N/A 05-25-30-210-809-A
3 32-22-11-820-801-A Adjustment of the NLG main-door assy visible (EWIS)
GVI of flap tracks 6 and fairing as far as
SUPPLEMENTARY TASKS N/A 05-25-30-210-812-A
visible (EWIS)
GVI of area beneath engine feed and transfer
Ranking REF. AMM DESCRIPTION N/A 05-25-00-210-802-A
fuel pump fairings (EWIS)

01 Scope N/A 05-25-00-210-801-A

GVI of wing lower surface (including slats 2
to 7, spoilers 1 to 8, flaps 1 to 3 and interflap
N/A 05-25-10-210-801-A GVI of slat 1 inboard (droop nose) (EWIS)
sealing kinks)
N/A 05-25-10-210-802-A GVI of slat 1 outboard (droop nose) (EWIS)
02 Context N/A 05-21-00-210-801-A
GVI of the lower third of the fuselage (below
main deck cabin floor) below radome and
N/A 05-24-00-210-802-A
GVI of powerplant nacelles and pylons
FR95 (external surface only) (external surface only)
03 Environmental trends N/A 05-25-00-210-803-A
GVI of wing upper surface (including slats 2
to 7, spoilers 1 to 8, flaps 1 to 3 and interflap N/A 51-10-00-210-801-A
Visual inspection of the aircraft external
surfaces for cleanup and aerodynamic
sealing kinks) smoothness
04 Fuel saving opportunities N/A 05-28-00-200-802-A GVI of doors N/A 28-11-00-210-801-A
Visual check from the ground for fuel leaks in
the wing area

05 Summary & Conclusions Table Ranking of maintenance tasks - A380

05 Summary & Conclusions
In the process of discussing factors that can suggestion schemes both have the potential
influence fuel consumption, this document has to benefit the operation as does the
Expenditure on fuel usually represents the single also illustrated that many groups within an development of briefing materials, either for
largest operational cost for any aircraft operator. aircraft operator’s organization have a role to individual use or in a more structured forum.
This document has been written to highlight the play in reducing fuel consumption. As such, For those on the «front line», such as
basic principles of, and main contributors to, fuel optimizing fuel consumption should not be dispatchers, pilots and maintenance crews, a
efficiency for in-service aircraft. References have considered as the responsibility of any single more formal reinforcement of the selected
been provided throughout for those wishing to individual or function. initiatives may be appropriate through training
explore any item more fully. Operators are also and revised procedures. Operators that have
invited to contact Airbus to discuss the application implemented fuel efficiency programs often
Many airlines have created multifunction teams
of, or trade-off between, any of the initiatives implement a means of monitoring fuel
or committees to drive their fuel efficiency
mentioned. Discussion of any further initiatives is consumption, either globally or at fleet or even
initiatives. However, responsibility for
also welcomed. This may be initiated either aircraft level. In general such a tool will not be
coordinating fuel consumption optimization
01 Scope through the points of contact referenced
throughout the document, via your local Airbus
measures should be with senior management.
able to determine the effectiveness of an
individual initiative but it will provide a baseline
Ensuring awareness of issues and initiatives
and an indication of global progress.
02 Context resident support office, or via your Customer
Support Director (CSD).
throughout the organization should be included
in the coordination activity. The distribution of

03 Environmental trends fuel usage data outside the traditional operations

environment and the introduction of employee

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions
The following table provides a summary of the initiatives mentioned in this document.

Elementary forces on an airframe 2.1

Monthly Fuel Price Trend 2.2
Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 A320 2.3
Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 A320neo 2.4
Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 A330-300 2.5
Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 A340 2.6
CONTEXT Cost of Operation Breakdown 2018 A80 2.7
Reference mission profiles for this document 2.8
Fuel consumption per flight phase - A320 Family 2.9
Fuel consumption per flight phase - A330 2.10
Fuel consumption per flight phase - A340 2.11
Fuel consumption per flight phase - A380 2.12
Other “Getting to grips with…” brochures 2.13

ENVIRONMENTAL TRENDS Human activities’ contribution to CO2 emissions 3.1

Increase of 0.01 Mach number

2000 ft below optimum flight level
Analytics Optimize offers features allowing efficient workflow
Embedding the IDLE factor and performance factors within the same solution
Additional 1000 kg per fuel reserve 4.2.4 We hope that you have found this document
APU fuel burn/hour
Average taxi in and out time for A320 Family on top 550 airports interesting and indeed helpful. Airbus will continue
Reduced / Single engine taxiing for 10 minutes per flight
Take-off without bleed to optimize its support in this domain, for all of its
Take-off with CONF 1F compared with CONF 3
Using 800 ft acceleration altitude instead of 1500 ft products. We encourage you to support us in this
Landing in Conf 3 instead of Conf FULL
Top 5
by sharing with us your view on the value of this
Performance Related MMEL items
Additional fuel used when operating under specific CDL conditions
document and the shape future developments
Examples of A330 MMEL items with performance impact should take.
Examples of A330 CDL items with performance impact
EGT margin degradation
Examples of A320 MMEL items with performance impact
Airbus organizes an annual seminar on fuel
Additional Fuel per sector - A330 efficiency and emissions reduction as well as
Additional Fuel per sector - A340
Additional Fuel per sector - A380 several webinars in-between. You are more than
Thrust Reverser Seals 4.3.3
FUEL SAVING References Slat Mis-rig welcome to participate to these events in order to
OPPORTUNITIES References spoiler Mis-rig
References rudder Mis-rig get information from Airbus and exchange with
References Ailerons Mis-rig
industry experts and other airlines.
01 Scope
References Elevators Mis-rig
Missing Wing Root Fairing Seals Upper and Lower Seals
Missing seal: flap Questions or comments on the generic content of
Missing seal: flap
this brochure or the subject of fuel efficiency:
02 Context
Missing seal: flap
References Nose Landing Gear Door mis-rig
References Main Landing Gear Door mis-rig
Reference leaking passenger, cargo bay door or window seal
References Typical Paint Peeling on Fuselage POINTS OF CONTACT:
03 Environmental trends References Typical Paint Peeling on Wings
References aircraft exterior cleaning
Delta Trip Fuel in kg
04 Fuel saving opportunities
Bionic partition
Impact of removal of galley components
Weight saving when converting slides
A320 Family initiatives
A330/A340 initiatives

05 Summary & Conclusions Ranking of maintenance tasks - A320 Family

Ranking of maintenance tasks - A330
Ranking of maintenance tasks - A340
Ranking of maintenance tasks - A380


42 US Gallons per US Barrel 3.78 Liters per US Gallon 2.98 Kilograms Fuel per US Gallon (standard
fuel density)

42 Imperial Gallons per Imperial Barrel 4.55 Liters per Imperial Gallon 3.58 Kilograms Fuel per Imperial Gallon
(standard fuel density)

0.833 Imperial Gallons per US Gallon 0.787 Kilograms Fuel per Liter (standard fuel


GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS CLS Cargo Loading System GOP Green Operating Procedures

CO2 Carbon Dioxide DAR Data Acquisition Recorder GVI General Visual Inspection

NOx Nitrogen Oxides ECS Environmental Control System HPT High Pressure Turbine

HC Hydro Carbon EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature IDG Integrated Drive Generator

TECHNICAL ABBREVIATIONS EWIS Electrical Wiring Interconnection System IFP In-Flight Performance (PEP module)

ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and FAP Flight Attendants Panel ILS Instrument Landing System
Reporting System

01 Scope
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual MEL Minimum Equipment List
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
FCTM Flight Crew Techniques Manual MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
APM Aircraft performance Monitoring
02 Context APU Auxiliary Power Unit

Flight Planning (PEP module)

Flight Manual

Maintenance Planning Document

Maintenance Review Board Report

03 Environmental trends
CDL Configuration Deviation List
FMGS Flight Management and guidance sys- OFP Operational Flight Path
CFP Computerized Flight Plan tem
PDU Power Drive Unit

04 Fuel saving opportunities CG

Centre of Gravity

Cost Index

Flight Management System

Ground Control Unit

PEP Performance Engineer’s Program

PFR Post Flight Report

05 Summary & Conclusions GLS Global Navigation Landing System

QAR Quick Access Recorder INDUSTRY ABBREVIATIONS GHG Greenhouse Gases

RNP Required Navigation Performance CNS Communication Navigation Surveillance FAA Federal Aviation Administration

SAR Smart Airborne Recorder ATM Air Traffic Management CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
Scheme for International Aviation
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption A4A Airlines for America
EU-ETS European Union - Emission Trading
SID Standard Instrument Departure ATC Air Traffic Control Scheme
SLS Satellite Landing System CSD Customer Support Director COC Cash Operating Costs
SRM Structure Repair Manual IATA International Air Transport Association ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
TPIS Tire Pressure Indicating System ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit ATAG Air Transport Action Group

01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions
01 Scope
02 Context
03 Environmental trends
04 Fuel saving opportunities
05 Summary & Conclusions APPENDIX

A320 Family

CFM56-5A/B 78.30.00/03-C5 783241-210-042 TR blocker door seals

V2500 ZL 400-02-2 78-11-11-200-010-A pressure seal

GVI of the pressure seals of

V2500 78-32-79-200-012-A
the RH TRU duct
GVI of the pressure seals of
V2500 78-32-49-200-013-A
the LH TRU duct

PW6000 78.11.44/02-P6 781144-P2-1 78-11-44-210-803-A

CFMI LEAP 78.32.00/07-CL 783200-L7-1 78-32-48-210-801-A

(78-32-48-06 CONF 03)

PW 1100G ZL-451-01-4 78-32-00-06 CONF 06


78-11-41 -06 CONF 11 inspection of the exhaust

(78-11-41-200-801-A) nozzle

01 Scope CF6-80E2 78.31.00/05-G6 783100-G5-2

78-31-00-00 CONF 11
(task 78-31-00-210-801-A)
Aerodynamic seals

02 Context
CF6-80E2 78-32-00-06 CONF 11 bulb aerodynamic seal

RR T700 78.32.00/01-RR 783201-R5-1 78-32-00-200-801-A TRU

03 Environmental trends PW 4000 78-11-00-210-804-A

GVI on the exhaust nozzle
and plug

04 Fuel saving opportunities PW 4000 ZL-417-02-2 78-30-00-210-807-A TR fixed structure seals

(78-32-48-06 CONF 03)

05 Summary & Conclusions PW 1100G ZL-451-01-4 78-32-00-06 CONF 06

CFM56-5C 78.10.00/01-C5 781100-C1-1 78-11-10-210-801-A Exhaust nozzle

CFM56-5C 8.32.00/06-C5 8.32.00/06-C5 78-32-41-210-802-A pivot door seals



RR T500 78.11.00/01-R5 781100-R4-1 78-11-41-200-804-A Exhaust

RR T500 78.11.00/02-R5 781100-R5-1 78-11-41-200-806-A Exhaust

RR T500 ZL-417-04-1 78-32-48-06 CONF 05 surfaces and pressure seal


Exhaust nozzle inspection

01 Scope EA GP7200 ZL-400-E7001-01Z
for damage

EA GP7200 783200-E7008-01M 783200-E7008-01 78-32-00-06 CONF 07 Inner engines 2&3

02 Context inspection of the condition
EA GP7200 MRB 782000-E7005-01M MRB 782000-E7005-01 78-20-00-06 CONF 07 of the duct, outer engines

03 Environmental trends RR T900 ZL-400-R9001-01Z


GVI of nozzle

04 Fuel saving opportunities RR T900 783200-R9003-01M MRB 783200-R9003-01 78-32-00-06 CONF 00

05 Summary & Conclusions RR T900 782000-R9005-01M 782000-R9005-01 78-20-00-06 CONF 00

MMEL items. The values given in this table are for information only
and may vary.
Reference ISI 28.00.00143



Reference Title FLIGHT HOUR (KG) Reference Title FLIGHT HOUR (KG)
Avionics Blower REGUL SYS 1(2)
21-26-01A/B/C/E FL270 120 35-01-02-03A FL250 180
Fan Light
Air Conditioning Passenger
21-52-01A/B/D/E FL315 35 35-20-01B FL250 180
Pack Oxygen Unit
AC Main Cabin Attendant
Generation (IDG, 35-20-02B FL250 180
24-22-01A FL335 and APU running 90 Oxygen Unit
GCU, Line
Contactor) Passenger
35-20-06A Gaseous Oxygen FL250 180
30-11-01A CONTROL 3.5 % 80
VALVE Bleed Monitoring
36-11-08B/C FL315 30
Computer (BMC)
30-21-01B/C 2% 45 Engine Bleed Air
ICE VALVE 36-11-01C/D/E/F FL315 30
Supply System
Landing Light
Extension/ Pylon Leak

01 Scope 33-40-04A
1% 20 36-22-01B/C Detection
FL315 30

Mach Number 75-24-01A TCC VALVE 1.10 % 25

02 Context 34-05-02C Indication on the

FL250 180
79-20-03A 2% 45
03 Environmental trends 35-01-01-31B of the MASK
FL250 180 ABOVE -20 °C)
04 Fuel saving opportunities
AUTO Control of
79-20-03B 2% 45
35-01-01-32A the MASK MAN FL300 50 TEMPERATURE
ON pb ABOVE -10 °C)

05 Summary & Conclusions



The values given in this table are for information only and may vary. MMEL ITEM
Reference ISI 28.00.00154 ALTITUDE
Reference Title LIMITATION kg lb

28-09-01A FUEL EXCESS AFT CG Alert 1% 61 135

28-21-01A/B Inner Tank Main Pump 1% 61 135
FUEL ADDITIONAL FUEL 28-25-04A Inner Tank Inlet Valve 1% 61 135
ALTITUDE 28-25-06A Trim Tank Inlet Valve 1% 61 135
Reference Title LIMITATION kg lb
28-27-01A Trim Tank Isolation Valve 1% 61 135
21-26-01B Avionics Extract Fan (C repair interval) FL295 134 295
28-27-02A Aft Transfer Valve 1% 61 135
21-26-01C Avionics Extract Fan (B repair interval) FL335 48 106
Trim Pipe Isolation Valve (manual
Avionics Overboard Extract Valve 28-27-03A 1% 61 135
21-26-02B FL295 134 295 fxd transfer)
(C repair interval)
Trim Pipe Isolation Valve (trim tank
Avionics Overboard Extract Valve 28-27-03B 1% 61 135
21-26-02C FL335 48 106 isolated)
(B repair interval)
Auxiliary Forward Transfer Valve
Avionics Underfloor Extract Valve 28-27-04A 1% 61 135
21-26-03B FL295 134 295 (manual fwd transfer)
(C repair interval)
28-27-08A Trim/APU Fuel Line 1% 61 135
Avionics Underfloor Extract Valve
21-26-03C FL335 48 106
(B repair interval) 28-46-04A Trim Tank High Level Detection 1% 61 135
Automatic Cabin Pressure Control
21-31-01E FL100 2825 6228 28-51-03B FCMC Initialization (manual fwd transfer) 1% 61 135
System (both inoperative)
Pressure Safety Valve 28-51-03C FCMC Initialization (trim tank isolated) 1% 61 135
21-31-03B FL100 2825 6228
(Non pressurized flight)
30-11-01B Wing Anti-Ice Control Valve 5.5% 336 741
21-31-06 Negative Relief Valve FL100 2825 6228
30-21-01B Engine Anti-Ice Valve 0.5% 31 67

01 Scope
Pack Flow Control Valve
21-51-01B FL100 2825 6228
(Non pressurized flight) Mach Number Indication on the PFD
34-05-02C (both inoperative - No Operations FL300 132 291
Air Conditioning Pack
21-52-01E FL100 2825 6228 in MNPS airspace)

02 Context
(Non pressurized flight)
Pack Controller Channel 35-01-32 AUTO Control of MASK MAN ON pb FL300 132 291
21-53-01C FL100 2825 6228
(Non pressurized flight) Cabin Exit Stop Fitting (Non

03 Environmental trends
52-10-03A FL100 2825 6228
Pack Temperature Control Valve pressurized flight)
21-53-03B FL100 2825 6228
(Non pressurized flight) Lower Deck Cargo Door Hinge Arm
52-30-04 FL100 2825 6228
Inner Tank Fuel Quantity Indication or Hinge Bolt

04 Fuel saving opportunities 28-07-02-05A

on the FUEL SD page
Outer Tank Fuel Quantity Indication
1% 61 135
Lower Deck Cargo Door Latching
Hook, Spool and Bolt
FL100 2825 6228
28-07-02-06A 1% 61 135
on the FUEL SD page
05 Summary & Conclusions 28-07-02-07A
Trim Tank Fuel Quantity Indication
on the FUEL SD page
1% 61 135

Proximity Switch Control Unit (PSCU)

Cabin Window




The values given in this table are for information only and may vary.



Reference Title LIMITATION kg lb

21-01 Ram Air Inlet Flap 0.50% 31 67

21-02 Ram Air Outlet Flap 0.72% 44 97

27-06 Slat End Blade Seal 0.13% 8 18

Flap Blade Seal and Triangular
27-07 0.17% 10 23
Cushion Seal
27-08 Slat End Filling 0.26% 16 35

27-10 Inner Aileron Seal (Upper and Lower) 0.20% 12 27

Forward Cargo Door Access Cover
52-12 0.29% 18 39
52-13 Aft Cargo Door Access Cover Panel 0.22% 13 30

53-02 Belly Fairing Sliding Panel 0.26% 16 35

54-03 Spring Plate 0.20% 12 27

01 Scope 57-02 Winglet 1.20% 73 162
Flap Track Fairing (aft or aft
02 Context 57-04
and forward fairing missing)
Flap Track Fairing (one set of rear
3.42% 209 461

57-04 1.60% 98 216

03 Environmental trends
cover and tail cone missing)
78-12 Thrust Reverser Hinge Access Cover 0.80% 49 108

04 Fuel saving opportunities

Thrust Reverser Rectangular
78-16 0.28% 17 38
Movable Panel
Thrust Reverser Triangular
78-17 0.28% 17 38

05 Summary & Conclusions

Movable Panel

The values given in this table are for information only and may vary.
Reference ISI 28.00.00143



52-14 (732, 742) (FLIGHT WITH GEAR 1 20
21-02 RAM AIR OUTLET FLAP 0.47 10 DOWN) - Fixed Fairing Door-


52-15 (733, 743) (FLIGHT WITH GEAR 0.3 5
FLAP TRACK FAIRING 1A DOWN) -Hinged Fairing Door-
27-02 0.26 5
27-17 FLAP TAB FAIRING 0.32 5 52-16 (734, 744) (FLIGHT WITH GEAR 1.5 30
© AIRBUS S.A.S. 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France. All rights reserved. Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. October 2019, concept design by Airbus Multi Media Support 20193012.

DOWN) -Main Door-

52-19 0.23 5


52-09 2 40 52-22 0.64 15


52-10 0.25 5 52-23 0.53 10
DOOR (715, 716) COVER PANEL 826 AR

01 Scope 52-12
(732, 742) (FLIGHT WITH GEAR 1.22 25
57-01 WING TIP FENCE 1.69 40

UP) - Fixed Fairing Door- 57-02 BELLY FAIRING SLIDING PANEL 0.28 5

02 Context 52-13
(733, 743) (FLIGHT WITH GEAR 0.32 10
0.36 10

03 Environmental trends
UP) -Hinged Fairing Door-

04 Fuel saving opportunities

05 Summary & Conclusions

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