AdvisoryBLGD20220805 GuidanceOnTheFormulationOfExecutive LegislativeAgendaForFY2022 2024 PDF

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CR: BLGD-2022-07-26-022


08/08/2022 4:49:37 pm

Republic of the Philippines

DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City





DATE AU0 05 ?022

The Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) is a unifying document corresponding to

the term of localelective officials that is developed and mutually agreed upon by both
the executive and legislative departments of a localgovernment unit (LGU). lt supports
existing LGU planning systems and adds greater value to the LGU mandated plans
(i.e., Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan, Comprehensive Land
Use Plan, and Comprehensive Development Plan) by moving them fonryard to getting
implemented and monitored.

ln line with the implementation of the Newly Elected Officials (NEO) Program this year,
formulation of the ELA for the period FY 2022 b
2A24 to include the prescribed
content, format, and process shall still be guided by DILG Memorandum Circular ([/C)
No. 201 9-114: Claificatory Guidelines on the Formulation of the Executive-Legislative
Agenda (ELA), issued on 18 July 2019. As such, the ELA is still to be considered as a
tool to implement the priority agenda of both the executive and legislative departments
based on the CDP process and aligned with national priorities and thrusts.

Moreover, and in light of the full devolution effort as triggered by the Supreme Court
(SC) Ruling on the Mandanas and Garcia petitions, LGUs shall commit to
operationatize their Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs)l through the ELA. As such,
DTPs of the respective LGUs shall be considered and prioritized in the ELA
formulation utilizing the following LGU DTP components:

1. State and phasing of assumption of devolved functions, services, and facilities

(Attachment 1-A: lnventory af LGU Funetions, Seryices and Facilities for
PravinceslCities/Municipalities and Attachment 2-A: Phasing Futl af
Assumptian of Devolved Functions, Servr'ces and Facilities for
P rov i n c e s/C iti e s/M u n i ci p a I iti e s\

1 As prescribed under DBM-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-1 Guidelines on the
Preparation of Devolution Transition Plans of Local Government Units in Support of Full Devolution
under Executive Order No. 138, Dated 01 June 2021, issued on 12 August 2021

"Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan"

Trunkline No.: 8876-34-54
2. Capacity development requirements {Attachment 3-A: Capacity Development
Ag e n d a fo r P rov i n ce s/C iti e s/M u n i ci p a I iti e s)
3. Changes in the Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern (OSSP) and
manpower complemenl {Attachment 4: Proposed Modification to the LGU
Organizational Structure and Aftachment 5: Proposed Additional Positions fo
the Plantilla of LGU Personnel|
4. Local resource mobilization program (Attachment 6: Local revenue Forecast
and Resou rce Mobilization Strategy)

To ensure that priority thrusts and strategies included in the ELA are considered in the
FY 2423 budgets of the LGU concerned, the ELA is expected to be formulated within
the first 100 days upon the assumption of new set of local officials. Attached are the
following for further information and reference relative to ELA formulation:

Annex Particulars
Prescribed Content and Format of the Executive-
Annex A
Legislative Agenda
Annex B Guide on the Executive-Legislative Agenda Formulation

For this purpose, the DILG Regional and Field Offices shall still continue to perform
the roles and responsibilities provided under DILG MC No.2019-114 along with the
additional consideration provided under this advisory relative to LGU DTPs.

Copies of approved ELA shall be submitted to concerned DILG Provincial Offices on

or before 11 October2022 for reference purposes. ln addition, the DILG Regional
Offices are requested to submit to the DILG Bureau of Local Government
Development (BLGD), through email at, a summary report on
the status of ELA formulation of LGUs within their jurisdiction by 31 October 2022lor
BLGD's consolidation and reporting to the Office of the Secretary (OSEC).

All DILG Regional Directors are hereby directed to cause the immediate and widest
dissemination of this Advisory to DILG Field Offices and LGUs within their respective
area of responsibility.

For guidance and compliance



Encl: 1. Annex A: Prescribed Content and trormat of the Executive-Legislative Agenda

2. Annex B: Guide on the Executive-t-egislative Agenda Formulation

Page 2 of 2
1 0S€ C 0805 202 2-!121
Prescribed Content and Format of the Executive-Legislative Agenda


Province of _________________
Name of City/Municipality: ____________________

I. Message from the Local Chief Executive

II. Sanggunian Resolution adopting the ELA

III. LGU Vision Statement

IV. Development Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

V. Platform of Governance/Priority Thrusts of the Incumbent

This should contain the priorities of the incumbent that may be broadly stated.
This should also highlight those that would support: (i) the identified development
goals, objectives, and strategies derived from the CDP process, (ii) those
supporting National Government priorities, and (iii) those devolved functions,
services, and facilities (FSFs) and NGA programs, activities, and projects
(PAPs) when applicable, that will be assumed by the concerned LGU as
indicated in the LGU Devolution Transition Plan (DTP).

VI. Priority Legislative Agenda of the Sanggunian to carry out the platform of
governance and development goals, objectives, and strategies

This should contain the agreed legislative agenda, that may be broadly stated
that would support the (i) priorities of the incumbent; (ii) identified development
goals, objectives, and priorities; and (iii) those devolved functions, services,
and facilities (FSFs) and NGA programs, activities, and projects (PAPs)
when applicable, that will be assumed by the concerned LGU as indicated
in the LGU Devolution Transition Plan (DTP).
Guide on the Executive-Legislative Agenda Formulation

Guide on the Executive-Legislative Agenda Formulation

What is Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA)?

The ELA is a term-based unifying plan or document that is developed and mutually
agreed upon by both the executive and legislative departments of a local government
unit (LGU), in consultation with the various stakeholders. It contains the major
development thrusts and priorities of both the executive and the legislative branches
for the three-year term of office. The ELA supports existing LGU planning systems and
adds greater value to the LGU mandated plans (i.e., Provincial Development and
Physical Framework Plan [PDPFP], Comprehensive Land Use Plan [CLUP], and
Comprehensive Development Plan [CDP]) by moving them forward to getting
implemented and monitored.

Who should lead/facilitate the formulation of ELA in the LGUs?

The formulation process shall be led by the Provincial/City/Municipal Planning and

Development Coordinator (P/C/MPDC).

Contents of an ELA

I. Message from the Local Chief Executive

II. Sanggunian Resolution adopting the ELA

III. LGU Vision Statement

IV. Development Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

V. Platform of Governance/Priority Thrusts of the Incumbent

This should contain the priorities of the incumbent that may be broadly
stated. This should also highlight those that would support: (i) the identified
development goals, objectives, and strategies derived from the CDP
process, (ii) those supporting National Government priorities, and (iii) those
devolved functions, services, and facilities (FSFs) and NGA programs,
activities, and projects (PAPs) when applicable, that will be assumed by the
concerned LGU as indicated in the LGU Devolution Transition Plan (DTP).

VI. Priority Legislative Agenda of the Sanggunian to carry out the platform of
governance and development goals, objectives, and strategies
This should contain the agreed legislative agenda, that may be broadly
stated that would support the (i) priorities of the incumbent; (ii) identified
development goals, objectives, and priorities; and (iii) those devolved
functions, services, and facilities (FSFs) and NGA programs, activities, and
projects (PAPs) when applicable, that will be assumed by the concerned
LGU as indicated in the LGU Devolution Transition Plan (DTP).
Guide on the Executive-Legislative Agenda Formulation

ELA Formulation Process

The process in formulating the ELA should initially emanate from the CDP Process,
using the Guidelines on CDP Preparation and the CDP Illustrative Guide. From the
Vision Reality Gap Analysis (based on the CDP Process), the goals, objectives, and
strategies that will address the identified gaps are derived. These shall provide the
basis for ELA formulation.

The ELA can thus be derived following the steps as shown in the matrix below.

Steps Participants Remarks
1. Present the P/C/MPDC Local Chief The Local Chief
Vision, Vision- Executive, Executive and
Reality Gaps, Sanggunian, and Sanggunian should be
Goals, Objectives, Planning Team informed of the LGU
and Strategies in situation and the
plenary formulated vision,
goals, and objectives
in which they should
anchor their priorities.
2. Present the P/C/MPDC Local Chief To highlight the
LGU DTP Executive, devolved functions
Sanggunian, and and services that are
Planning Team partially and not yet
assumed; phasing of
and strategy for the
assumption of
devolved functions
and services; capacity
requirements and
modifications in the
LGU’s Organizational
Structure and Staffing
Pattern (OSSP); and
strategies to increase
LGU resources
3. Present in Mayor Sanggunian and
plenary the priority Planning Team
thrusts/platform of
governance of the
4. Present in Vice Mayor Local Chief
plenary the priority Executive,
legislative agenda Sanggunian, and
of the Sanggunian Planning Team
Guide on the Executive-Legislative Agenda Formulation

Steps Participants Remarks
5. Present the P/C/MPDC, Local Chief To better facilitate the
synthesis of the Secretary to the Executive, process, C/MPDC and
executive and Sanggunian Sanggunian, and the Sanggunian
legislative priorities Planning Team Secretary, prior to the
vis-à-vis the goals, session proper should
objective and already have captured
strategies priorities of the LCE
(identified during and the Sanggunian,
the CDP process) and situated priority
thrusts/platform of
governance and
legislative priorities
with the goals,
objectives, and
strategies identified
within the CDP
process and National
6. Agree and Provincial Local Chief For the Local Chief
finalize the ELA Director or City Executive, Executive and
Director or Sanggunian, and Sanggunian to sign
C/MLGOO (to Planning Team the ELA
7. Prepare and Sanggunian
approve the
adopting the ELA

Prior to the ELA formulation process, concerned LGU functionaries are expected to
undertake preparatory workshops/sessions/activities to come-up with the proposed
priorities based on Steps 1 to 4. The aim of the preparatory work is to harmonize the
priorities of the incumbent vis-a-vis the priorities as embodied in the LGU’s CDP and

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