4E Narrative - Wong Hei Tung Hailey

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4E26 Wong Hei Tung, Hailey

The worst thing I could do, is nothing

“Will you marry me?" he asked, kneeling on the ground and pulling out the fancy, sparkly diamond
ring. I got tears in my eyes, nodded and said a “Yes” without hesitation. Then he hugged me close to
him, and kissed me on my forehead.
The moment when Matthew proposed to me kept running through my head. I was extremely naïve,
once believed that this hug would be the biggest, warmest, sweetest one ever. But all we had after all
these had happened, were just dishonesty, suspicion, and hatred......
Last week, I started chatting with a stranger on a website that my friend recommended to me. I
intended to make new friends, or to be more specific, learn from people I didn't know and had never
met. We talked a lot about our interests, what we do, new trends, our families and backgrounds also.
We shared similar interests and we became friends soon after we had chitter-chattered for three days.
It was flabbergasting that we got along well as if we had known each other before in real life, and I
was even more taken aback when I knew his hobbies, stuff he liked, stuff he hated, are all exactly the
same as my husband Matthew. All about them were so similar that I couldn’t stop suspecting that he
was actually Matthew. What made me to believe that the “stranger” was my husband was his
username “Giooie”, which was my husband’s childhood nickname and the name was quite rarely
used. Matthew told me that he didn’t even tell some of his friends about the nickname. I was then kind
of certain that he was a fake stranger. He was actually my husband. Perhaps this was the reason why
we got so much stuff to talk about that my eyes were always droopy and I even struggled to keep
them open every time our conversation ended.
Believe it or not, a few days ago he started to flirt with me even though I told him that I was married.
He insisted on hanging out with me when we were free, and I insisted not going. I couldn't believe my
eyes when I read those messages. I felt that it was my husband who was cheating on me. It happened
out of the blue. I pulled a long face. My face turned red. My veins popped out. I probably can't accept
the fact that my dearest husband was flirting with someone he thought he didn't know. It was merely
so disgusting. Why would Matthew do such a thing? How could he forget the wedding vow he said?
Such a liar!
Yesterday night was freezing cold. Matthew was sitting on the couch, rubbing hands together and
blowing on them, while I was tidying up the table after having our dinner.
I decided to implement my flawless plan.
“Babe, you want a cup of warm milk?” I asked Matthew, pretending to be calm and not to show that I
was asking deliberately. “Yeah sure! Thanks honey, you’re so sweet.” he answered. I heated up a cup
of milk and gently opened the package of the toxicant with my trembling hands. “Gosh, am I really
able to do this?” I murmured to myself, biting my bottom lip. I had a bad case of butterflies in my
stomach. I took a deep breath. I thought I couldn't do this, but when I saw his face, when the messages
popped up in my head, I had no fear and immediately wore a warm yet creepy smile on my face and
gave the cup of milk to him. I sincerely hope that Matthew didn't notice the creepiness in my smile
and how weird I was being.
As I wish, Matthew never saw me or talked to me after that, not because he didn't want to. He
Tonight, I heard my phone’s notification bell rings when I was about to drift into sleep. A message
from Giooie popped out. I cover my mouth with my hands. My heart pounds so fast. Isn’t he dead?
Yes, I‘m so sure that he is, as I even thrusted a knife into his heart after he is dead...... How
come...how come he can still text me? Oh, I misunderstood Matthew. Oh no......my dearest
I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I could do.

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