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SIEMENS Low-Voltage Three-Phase Motors Project Manual Catalog M10 - 1992 Refer to the folowing catalogs for details of our complete range of pracucts: 5 Fy En ero ‘General Catalog - Drive Systems Low-Voltage Three-Phase Motors ‘Squirrel-Cage Motors High-Voltage Three-Phase Motors Project Manual DC Motors {or Variable-Speed Drives ‘SIMOREG Chassis Converters for DC Variabie-Speed Drives ‘SIMOVERT A Current-Source DC Link Converters {or AC Variable-Speed Drives ‘SIMOVERT P Voltage-Source DC Link Converters for AC Variable-Speed Drives Digital Control System SIMADYN D for Variable-Speed Drives, ‘SIMODRIVE Drives for Machine Tool, ‘Manipulator Units and Robots SIEMENS Low-Voltage Three-Phase Motors Project Manual Catalog M10 - 1992 (Supersedes Catalog M10- 1985) (MOVER Se re ce Sys stem - Based Brive Technology General Thesystom The driven machine hemor Thetoue Calcuiaingthe staringtme Braking and reversing Duty types 10 DIN VDE 0530 ‘Speed contro! The converter-fed three-phase squirel-cage motor Types of construction toDIN IEC 34, Part 7 Degrees of protection to DIN VDE 0530, Part S Cooling methods toDINIEC 34, Part 6 Noise Vibration Three-phase motors for special applications Explosion proof Power factor correction with three-phase motors Mechanical transmission ‘components. ‘Appendix ” All product designations are trade-marks or product names of Siemens AG or other companies. © Siemens AG 1992 Stamens M 10. 1982 j Contents Gonerat Si Unis 4 The System Conductor identficaton, Operating vatage, Connecting three-phase metor, 5 Direction of rotation of twee phase moto 6 Connections for polo-changing motors, 8 Connections for multsvotage rato, 8 Connecting single-phase metre, Eahing and PE terminals, 8 “Kpparent power ratings, Voltage fuctvatone, Feder voltage drop 8 ‘The Driven Machine Calulating the power and torque, Load torque characteristics, 10 Calculating the moment of inertia " ‘Tho Motor Selecting motors, Motor power output, Changes in supply system votage and frequoncy, 12 Notor protecton, Temperature rae and venation, Insuating matonaisand classes, 13, Coolant temperaiue and ste aituce, Frame temperature, Room temperature aa, 14 Eflency and power factor 8 ‘The Torque Torque characteris, Torque characteristic for special crives 6 Calculating the Starting Time Calcuating the stating time for 0.0. staring, "7 Mathods of staring squire-cage motors, 8 Heatiosees curing starting, subdivided stating, ® Starting siping motors 2 Braking and Reversing ‘Theory and methods of braking a1 Duty Types Duty types S1 to $9, 23 Mean power, 2% Grouping othe duy types a ‘Speed Control General, power losses 28 The Converter-Fed AC GGoneralinformation on converted metors 2 ‘Squlrel-Cege Motor ‘Types of Construction: ‘The most popular types of construction for AC motors 0 Degrees of Protection ‘The most popular degrees of protection for AC motors, Special degrees of protection 31 Cooling Methods Cooing methods for AC motors according tthe IEC Code 3 Noise Definitons and units, Sound pressure level, Measuring surtace sound pressure eve, 39 Seund power love), Noe level te fo eleeical machines 33 Vibration Vibration severity, Vibration displacement ampitude 3 ‘AC Motors tor Special Geared motors, Brake motors, Torque motors, Applications, 8 ‘Applications Asyrervenous generators, Three-phase mtors used as sngle-phase motors, 3 Single-phase induction motors, Spring motors 3 Explosion protection Designations and terms for explosion protection. 38 azarcovs locations for flarnmable gases, vapours and mist, 2 lpniton Nazards, Temperature classes, Danger clasees, r ‘Types of protection, ameproot explosion poo! motors, Certificates of conformity, 4 Selecton oftemperature class anc explosion group, Selection of ype ot protecton, 42 ‘Teristorsype metor protection. Belt sves, 4 fandards and specifeatons, European standards, a Explosion hazards duo o combustible dust a Power Factor Correction General, Methods ofp, correction, 4 wth AG Motore Capacitor ratngs for iniidusl pi correction 8 Mechanical Tranemission Components General, Drive couplings, Starting covntings, 49 Acessories for nstaling motors, 4 Inaaling machine ets on basepiates, #8 Bal crives, Gear ctves iting ensmssion components = ‘Appendix Subjactindex, Af ana Aro Siemens Companies and Representatives, ‘Ni and AS Gonditons of Sale and Delivery xB Somers M 10-1992 3 ‘Technical information ] General $1 Units S1Units Old units Conversion Name Symbol Name ‘Symbo! Pressure pascal Pa 1Pa= 1 Nov? bar ber 1 bar = 10° Pa metre water gauge mWG imWG=10'Pa milletre mercury mmHg 1mmHg= 1333 Pa Cor) Torr» 133.3 Pa mrlimetre water gauge mmWG = immWG= 10Pa physical atmosphere atm aim = 101.825 Pa technical atmosphere at Jat= 10° Pal Eneray Joule J 0 9 Force: Tewion Cy on an gramme-force Uilogrammeforce) _aftka!)__1.gf= 107N 1kgf= 10N Power watt w horsepower (metric) hp. Thp.= 736W (Quantity ofeat Joule 4 alone cal Teal= 4.167 J Torque newion metre Nm klogramme-forcemete — kofm ‘Tkgim=981Nm 11Nm = 0.102 kgf m ‘Temperature ference kelvin K degree eo. deg. = 1K ovating mass Moment of inertia (i), kom? = Fiywhee! effect (G4) - kof m? ‘$1 Units (Systeme international d Unités) have been the only acceptable system ‘of nits fo official and commercial deal- ings and correspondence within Ger- many and the European Community since January 1, 1978. Slomons M 10 1982 Technical Information ‘The System Conductor Identification - Operating voltage Conductor identification A lowvoltage three-phase AC system Comprises three phase conductors Lt, (and L and a neutral conductor N. ‘The neutral conductor is connected to the star point of the generator or ofthe transformer an the secondary sida, A single-phase AC system comprises teither two phase conductors alone or one Tree phase AC ys [phase conductor and the neutral ‘The standard votage ratings of iow-vltage Operating vottage three phase AC systems 223 flows Thevvotage between two ofthe phase py A conductors (L1, L2 andL3) is the phase- woaagelgGat™ Gomasesraurt {o-phase voltage (or system voltage) agate ‘Thevollage between one phase conduc-—¥ y v torand the neuttalisthe phase-o-neu 0 = 0 Tralvtage (orprase volage) inne 8” Bao avo! cota connection, tho phase-o- 33 = pas phase votage the phase valage = 5 aes Ua8-U Public power ulities and industrial 1, Prasosophasevolage [power networks in Germany use a sys- tem frequency of 50 Hz, 1 Phateso haa vonage (anese votage) ‘Terminal and running connections of three-phase motors Connecting three-phase motors Motors wth windings rated for 220 Ay ‘Three-phase motors must be connected 380 VY can be operated from a 220 V tothe three phase conductors L1,L2_or 380V supply with crect-on-ine start- ‘and L3. The rated voltage of the motor ining by making suitable connections on the running connection must correspond the terminal board. to the phase-to-phase vollage of the sup- ply system (operating voltage), Motors for star-deta stating intendes {or operation from supply systems with The running connection ofthe motor different operating voltages (220, 380, for ditect-o-line starting may be 500 V) are equipped with non-standard citer star or delta For star-deta windings (mul-voltage design. e.g. starting of squire-cage motors it _-—_-220 Va/380 VA). In this case the output ‘must be delta Fating is only about 90% ofthe standard figure. Running connections for three-phase motors waa opiig Sainie ye e000 twvia Sago sin soe Smet zzoasaw0Y 220 28 2204 Winding hase Es joy tomedire wy 30 me ma my oe wy Eo SDA Sava ‘eoy «0 ‘oy co ova Tebaitow ‘oy soy comect sm Soa ko. ‘0 AREY 360 wo 2608 Ed eS cy oat ey ay ee fe Sremens M 10: 1982 *) Extract from DIN IEC 38: The system voltage of existing 220/380 V and 240/415 V systems must eventually’ bbe standardized on 230/400 V. The tan- sition period should be as short as. possible and on no account more than 20 years from the date of publication of this IEC Standard. As an intial step dur ing the transiton period, the power utes of those countries which have 2201380 V systems should mocily their voltage tolerances to 230/400 V + fh % and the power utities of those coun- tries which have 240/400 V systems should modify, their tolerances to 290/400 V= |? % At the end of te tran- Sitio period the final voltage tolerance must be established at 230/400 V + 10%. Subsequently, consideration wll be given to reducing the tolerance to a lower figure. The approach described above will aiso be applied tothe exist- Ing value of 380/660 V in changing to the recommended value of 400/880 V. ‘Therefore, the terminal board connec- tions inthe terrvnal box should be made according to the operating vot- ‘age, the method of starting and the type ‘of winding. For example, the connec tions fora three-phase motor with 220 Va/380 V ¥ windings (for one speed ‘only) are as follows: 220 \4000¥¥ wing s 201. sara wt epost aia Yat th : Sears mv mov By ® a Thala 3 weg vaplae ue Basse wee Peer) aap IF F ung | vig] ony ww oy vy on neni re tab 3 eee Pomoc ‘tenweten ran Technical information ] The System Direction of rotation of three-phase motors. The terminals of three-phase motors are identified so thatthe alphabetic sequence U1. V1, Wi corresponds to the phase sequence for clockwise rotation looking from the drive end of the machine, This rule applies to all motor, respective oftheir output and voltage rating, and regardless ofthe fact that they might not be sut- {able for clockwise rotation Connections for pole-changing motors. Standard pole-changing motors as listed inthe catalog are only suitable for diect-on-line starting at any of the speeds, The torque classification of pole-chang ing motors is only applicable provided the lowest speed is energized first and ‘changeover to the next higher speed is ‘ot effected unt the rated speed of the first winding has been reached. Pole-changing motors with PAM-con- nected windings By connecting the winding of a pole-changing motor in a PAM circuit it Is possible to provide two set speeds ‘fom a single winding that are notin the ratio of 2:1. The PAM ciccult is based on the principle of pole-amplitude modula- tion. The number of poles is changed by madulating the original fle excitation ‘curves dus to current reversal in the ingi- vidual multiple cols. Motors witn PAM connected wind- ings can achieve higher outputs than motors of the same size with two separate windings. In terms of switching devices and connections, the PAM winding must be treated in the same way a5 a Dahlander wind- ing (a third contactor is required} Pole-changing motors with PAM-con- nected windings ere supplied fer normal ‘output ratings (approximately the same torque at both speeds) and for drives with a squarelaw torque characteristic. Motors that ae only suitable for one par- ticular direction of rotation are identiied 28 such by an arrow on the rating plate and the word "only". The proper se- ‘uence of phase-terminal connections is given underneath the arrow. The direction of rotation can be reversed by interchanging two of the phase connections. ‘The proper phase sequence for the e- uired Girection of rotation must be Checked before the sar-up ofthe motor takes place soon = remains Fortran Sey ao Ete Wy i 3 ee ie . wy a Tonia Se a chr as Go | ie a) i tat deat ‘Typical connections for pole-changing motors Slomene M 10 1962 Technical information J ‘The System Connections for pole-changing motors. Sermon tor 2 pene wecnos, tmBateneor PAM crecee, Stora eared) nag sara spaeenes Ferme wh wa = " Wadia ‘eran Sine Terral dager iba Sepa etooe Saco oo he Ow ope ‘Weaing or aandars oupuatnge coauepe Toranal sega Connections fr 2 spend irom eoparnte wncinge Wind er andar Dianne — a a we a C0 2 fo) wah cobs JERE Fox maor wes Notee | ors rom raz 180 Terral ranger ene} oa toe al 2 Technical information ] ‘The System Connections for multiwvoltage motors ‘The circuit diagrams below are applicable to motors with a terminal box having 9 terminals fr the following voltages: For er wih ete baw _— sow Weng Terral dara ‘The circuit iagrams below are applicable to motors with a larger terminal box having 12 terminals forthe folowing voltages: Formats wih ied votages, 9 zovs ‘mow ae wee 8 ® & a gee owe ‘ : 5 Ws v8 a \ 5 “8 w% a " V5, 8 2 SEE Trl dean = = a jee [ae] en» flan funenpe [ankan |oacops He rackets Howl | lo ps Connecting single-phase motors + Earthing and PE terminals, Connecting single-phase motors feet foecncete Earthing and connecting PE terminals I Single-phase motors must be con- firgepioe oon The machines usualy have a protective nected to two of the phase conduc- earth terminal inthe terminal box. How tors or to one phase conductor and te een fever, lager machines have an external the neutral prawes eae earthing terminal on the frame or Toadies pee v v v flanged endshiels, depending onthe correspond to one of these votages. 2. @ : ‘ypect oonetructon When several single-phase motors are 2z080 (380 zo MI Machines of the VIk and hazardous- connected othe same supply system — $egy xo duty type always have the addtional they should be distibuted-eventybe- Sous = * ‘ema earthing terminal ‘ween the three phases, 8 Siemens M 10. 1952 Technical information J ‘The System ‘Apparent power ratings « Voltage supply fluctuations Apparent power ratings ‘The low-voltage distribution system is ‘ther supplied directly by a generator or from a high-voltage system via a transfor. mer. The KVA rating ofthe generator or transformer must atleast be equal tothe ‘sum ofthe apparent power ralings ofall the motors which, in the worst case, wil ‘be operating together. Feeder voltage drop ‘The voltage drop along the feader cable can be calculated trom the total imped: ance (feeder circuit plus moto. = Uy U2 Ws 5 The total impedance is calculated thus: Za=VR ROLL where Fy Zu 008 9; Ly = Zi sin @ sin 9= 1-008" @ and Za = In calculating the voltage drop at the ine stant a motor is started, a value which ‘often needs to be known, the rated cur- ant ofthe motor must be replaced by the locked-rotor current i and the power {actor cos @ replaced by the lacked-otor power factor (Cos ga). All the motor data needed for the caleulations is listed in the tables, with the exception of cos ga, Not: A stable supply system is assumed for ‘these calculations. Siemens M10: 1992 ‘The apparent power rating is calculated Voltage supply fluctuations thus: ‘According to DIN VDE 0530, motors. for three-phase motors must stil be capable of delivering their UT fated output, at rated frequency, when p= te the supply voltage varies between 95% ‘and 105% of the rated value, and also for single-phase motors ‘aking into account any voltage drop U. along the feeder cable, The maximum temperature alowed by the appropriate epee ah Class of insulation may be exceeded by Retervoage nv Upto 10K in the process, Rate coven. AU Feeder vonage on th Stopy sym atage Feeae- brent Ftd mtr vsaoe Fated motor cnet Feeoanaucsnce (Canberegeced eu Sow 35a) Moser nducance Foecarrertance Woseresstonce Feccerimpedarce Guava Mer moetancs Genre td | Ue Pree a a 8b NBRE 95) — basis od? Gsaeds tS SW ar el é KT ‘ pH! Bos: SS = enor} i, Seer: cH cr pe eat . nw Ow cs Powe fact 698 Qa maton Technical Information ‘The Driven Machine Calculating the power and torque « Load torque characteristics Calculating the power and torque itis essential to have accurate know!- ledge of the crive power [W}, the drive torque [Nm] and the operating speed {(rewimin} required by the driven ma- ‘chine when operating under rated conci- tions, Men 955.P 955) Mn ‘The power required to move a mass m verteally upwards at velocity vs: Pamgev For a body moved in a straight line against an opposing force Fe equival- ent torque is w=955- FE" ma Fomor in ‘Toran hn Frcein Bezoeraton due to gravity 981 ms? (ety nis Ener Staramision wasn 55 seocengy Converting power from kW to metric 1. p. and vice versa: 44-0798. mation. ‘movienp = 738° bw Converting imperial hersepower: BOSE we Load torque characteristics In order to check the starting and brak ing procedures of the drive, iis necess- ary to have a diagram ofthe torque of the ckiven machine (the load torque) plotted against the speed. Some typical basic load torque/speed and owerlspeed curves are shown below, Should there be a transmission sys tem empioying betts or gears, the torque must be converted in order to refer to the motor speed. a Toxaue, potd charscterte Poway feted charsctoste ‘Typical data of several gears ‘once Terni "ae — al gets Sethe 7 eo os a Mya Meme Te My Terqu atone sat Me Tere ven machine shat my Speedal meser im Speedo Green machine te Ehouney al gearne ‘The breakaway torque or static torque must be known as accurately as possible Terai stvost constant: poet propria to Speke Typenly apices Neg peat. ep: bing puros and compressors dete ogaras ‘eyerbste mle wincutenaclon mathe tn seh cons eutng iv Panog maces: ome Tiras losers, punches and wood ger. Tras inrats oporenaly hb pes ‘ower operons ee sare re pene SSRs eroting ater poe So ‘nosy wigan ae clone Torque increases proportional wen he sare oh Ses oes bona ih a eet eertvgal panps. tne and rego {hing machines delve fe a coer pba oye {tal vabe abou Sox ce vane wth neve ‘open Machines wit a carga schon aa ‘Tare opus. sere conffuges end sigh Sovomeesss ne Oana ‘age somerset reer een {argu i) louse rom ergs Upon co piston olen ) en lows Mute 3) Moats 2ikin= tee) Ney=catemine gracnicaly Tranamissnoflency Ssiiesar Gasi0095 7010080 wo pees 094097 Slemere M 10-1982 Technical Information ‘The Driven Machine Caloulating the moment of Inertia» Determining the moment of Inertia by retardation test Calculating the moment of inertia WE Apar from the torque/speed curve for checking the sarting and brak- ing procedures, itis also necessary tokrow the moment of inertia of the ‘machine and coupling in kgm con- verted to refer to the speed of the ‘rotor sha ‘The moments of inertia of a number of o- lating masses atlached fo the same shaft can be added together to give a single combined moment of inertia. ‘Simlarly, a single complex rotating mass ‘can be divided into sections of easly cal ‘culated moments of inertia which are ‘subsequently added together to give the total moment of inertia, Inthe case of complex bodies, espe cially complete driven machines, tis best to determine the moment of inertia, ‘of the rolaing part by means ofa retar- dation test. ‘iemane M 10: 1982 For a cylinder of constant length ! and lameter a, the moment of inertia Is: Determining the moment of inertia by retardation test 1. Normal retardation test 9,55 to: Mon J Tolerant ot rare incu reg 4 Besroator bans Ny Brake eeueD it Grange speed dung tre ream Moment of inertia «lan be determined very simply when Mcis known, 2. Retardation test with known juxliany mass For a hollow cylinder of constant length / coe and diameters dund di, the moment of Jaw * inertia is: Tae Moment of inertia Amea%eaty “arian mete rbs maar 8 i Rt gt lwnere m= (a a) Momentat neta mt tue Maman feria of aun mass Beacon Ina ameter Uongeinm ~pawg ‘The folowing formulas are for converting the moment of inertia ofa rotating body for any particular value of speedto a specific value of motor shatt speed or for converting the value for a mass ‘moved ina straight line to an equivalent moment of inertia: Jats FF0T20 10 Pet = {Pe tamer] ree cece (Dn = den + han al gle dp Inthe case of a mass moved in a straight line, ©. 9. a table or carriage mo- tion, he equivalent moment of inertia ‘elerred to the motor shaftis calculated trom: J Momer cine (ecuogs and refered 6 eas epeesi tart Peco nme Ih Matar Sosa evn Technical information ] ‘The Motor ‘Selecting motors « Motor power output Selecting motors I The various factors that need to be taken into account in selecting @ suit- able motor are: the power demand of the driven ma- chine, the type of duty, the startin, braking and reversing procedures, the external moment of inertia the torque characteristics of te dtiven ‘machine, speed control, power sup- ply conditions, coolant temperature ‘and ste altitude Motor power output ‘The rated power output of a motor isthe ‘amount of mechanical power available atthe shaft For totally-enclosed fan-cooled squirel- ‘cage induction motors with between 2 ‘and 8 poles, the power output ratings are laid down in DIN 42673. Continuous overload is not provided for in DIN VOE 0530, However, 2 single overload to 1.5 times the rated current for 2minutes is allowed. The time must be reduced accordingly i the overload is higher, 8.9, during starting. The rated output ofthe motor should be matched to the power demand of the driven machine, An oversized motor has disadvantages as follows: The starting currents higher, requiring larger fuses and larger cross-section cable, and an uneconomical operation, because the power factor, and also the efficiency sometimes, are not 86 good at pat load as at ful load. The motor requires the folowing opera- ting values from the supply system Pe: 100 Active power: Pe es a P2100 Apparent power: Py = PP oy Reactive power: Input current on Ps: 1000 100 Changes in supply system voltage and frequency ‘The operating values of AC motors with standard vandings vary in response to ‘changes in the voltage and frequency of the supply system: ‘A change n voltage with the frequency remaining constant I The torque characteristics (locked- rotor, pull-up and breakdown tor ques) vary in approximate propor- tion othe square ofthe voltage. The current characteristic (locked-otor ‘current varies in approximate pro- Portion tothe voltage. ve tothe changed torque charac- torisics, a different speed is established fora constant load torque and the cur- rent varies in approximate inverse pro- potton to the voliage. I The motors are able to continue de- livering ther rated output during vor- age deviations of up to 5% of the fated value. The 10K temperature rise permitted by DIN VDE 0530 is rot exceeded. The same value is maintained during deviations of 10% from the rated value with EC standard voltages, 2 ‘A change in frequency with the voltage remaining constant, The motors are able to continue de. lvering thee rated output during fe- quency deviations of up to 25% from the rated value ‘The speed varies in approximate proportion tothe frequency. ‘The operating characteristics ofthe ‘motor vary inversely with those for a change in voltage. A simultaneous change in voltage and frequency, A simuttaneous change in the vott- ‘age and frequency in the same ‘sense, and in approximate propor- tion, gives rise ta no changes in the magnetic characteristics. The motor ‘continues developing approximately the normal torque. Special factors need to be taken into ac- Count in te case of variable-speed drives controled in proportion tothe tr quency, especially when fed with a non- sinusoidal voltage (from a static conver- te): for further details see page 29 Converter-fed motors" U.n- 008 9-¥5 ——t 5 os & haw @ Power at PsP —= parang valves of meter ‘ated the oad Fe Pte power absebes Fowar ouput at tha sat Face actve poner rout kW A oparnt power nna FL eacie power in hat GO Opwrangvowgo'nv serena os» Poworlacior se ea vatage U Opertng wae of 9 meer uncer ‘ne oa rlaed he otage a. peony fos ¢ Power laor re ies err Siemens M 10-1952 Technical Information ] The Motor Motor protection « Temperature rise and ventilation Motor protection Fuses only provide short-circuit protec- tion for the feeder cable, not fo the ‘motor sat Overheating of the motor due to over load or phase failure in the supply sys- tem can be prevented by a motor-protec- tion circuit-breaker. The value of rated current to which the thermal overioad re- lease should be sets given on the rating plat, AC motors can also be equipped with Siemens thermistor-lype tem- perature sensors which respond to excessive overheating of the wind- ings They are recommended in cases of intermittent duty. heavy starting and when there is a danger of obstruc- tion to the coating. ‘Temperature rise and ventilation ‘The Service Ife expectancy of a motor is, infact, the life expectancy of is wind- ing insulation. The normal wear ofthe bearings, brushigear and sliprings can 'be nagiected because they can be e- placed at relatively litte cost. Conse ‘quently, itis essential to pay particular altention to any operating conditions \which have an effect on the temperature tise, and therefore also on the insulation. “Tne temperature rise isa result ofthe losses which are incurred during any process involving the conversion of en- ergy, ©. g electrical energy to mechan ical energy in the case of a motor: PaP-Pe ‘The resulting losses, depending on the heat storage capacity and the tompera- ture se, are stored in the motor and the (greater part of tem are dissipated to the surroundings by the ventlation 5ys~ tem, Under constant load, steady-state ‘conditions are achieved when the heat input is equal to the heat output. In con- tinuous duty, steady-state is reached after about 0 5 hours. The resulting Insulating materials and classes « DURIGNIT 2000 insulation Insulating materials and classes InDIN VDE 0530, the insulating mater als and impregnating compounds are classified according o precise values of temperature, TRL Max, permissible temperature tise in K (mean value from resistance method) CT Coolant temperature in °C MST Maximum steady-state temperature in °C (for he hottest spot inthe winging) Max. permissible temperature rise in K for autores BF Ieeuatedwieings 6010528 Smee oot ‘As the adjacent diagram shows, the maximum steady-state temperature of fan ingulating material is made up from the coolant temperature and the tem. perature-rise mit of the winding. A Safety factor must also be allowed for the temperature rise because measuring the winding temperature by means of the resistance identifies only a mean value of temperature rise and not the ac- tual temperature ofthe hottest spot in the winging, The output rating data for the motors is based, unifrly forall Classes of insulation, on a coolant tom. perature of 40 °C. temperature rise of the windings and ‘other parts ofthe motor isthe diference between the temperature of the particu. lar part and the temperature of the coo- ant. The temperature rise ofthe winding ‘can be calculated trom the increase in the resistance of the winding, Bu~ Re Re Yn enor eer a Fix Wining renetance of motor at operating eae (225 + 8) + O4~ Bae ‘Thelile expectancy of the winding insula- tion decreases as the temperature in- ‘creases (by about 50% for each 10K). Depending on the type of insulating ma- terial being used, the limits for wincing temperature aid down in DIN VDE 0530 ‘must be strictly adhered to. The values, ‘are related to the heat resistance of the Classified insulating materials, Durignit 2000 insulation “The Durignit 2000 insulation system e ploys high-quality enamelled wire and in- Sulation sheeting combined with solvent-ree impregnating resin. I pro vides high mechanical and electrical strength and ensures excellent service abilty and long Ite forthe moter. ‘The insulation protects the windings against most ofthe negative effects of corrosive gases, vapours, dust, oil and high humidity and is also able to resist the normal sreeses of vibration. IE The motor insulation is tropicaized Enquiries should be made for more infor. ‘mation when extreme operating condi tions are involves! Semen M 10 1992 Technical Information J ‘The Motor Coolant temperature and site altitude « Frame temperature « Room temperature rise Coolant temperature and, site altitude ‘The output ratings are referred to con- tinuous duty in accordance with DIN ‘VDE 0830 at a frequency of 50 Hz, a coolant temperature of 40°C and an alt- tude of up to 1000 m above sea level For conditions other than those above, the permitted ratings can be determined according to the adjacent table. Frame temperature The temperature of the motor frame is useless as an indicator of motor qualty or temperature rise in the room in which itis installed. Intact, a motor whose ‘tame feels cool can sometimes have higher losses or higher winding tempera tures than one whose frame feels hot on the outs. 4 1900 3 100 098 ome 1903 ie cer fa as 0 i Ss 89 om By 0% 090 Ose ae a0 om a Om ae 0 Os ae Ore as 00 om 07 Om an Factors or aguting he uta ating fo iron ‘esol caso onerstre ona se ase Room temperature rise ‘The rise in temperature in the room in which a motors installed depends sole- ly onthe losses dissipated by the motor ‘and not on the temperature of is frame. Moreover, the driven machine is often ‘more responsible for the temperature rise than the motor, Inthe case of machines which process ‘amaterial in some form, practically all the drive power is converted into heat; in the case of machines which convey a ‘material a considerable part ofthe drive power is converted into heat. The heat losses must be removed fram the room Via the ambient air of the room itself un- less the motor and driven machine are Ventlated through a separate duct sys- tem discharging directly fo atmosphere aa ee 8 ee ee ee The ae of colt rears ad te atte we rrunded upto erearan's and soo speci or 8 Cocina ar ow eauredin me ‘gate {Giterence betwoen ar ie tomperate Snamaumum pemaed om temperate) a ‘A good supply of fresh airs essential for ‘cooling the motors while they are run- ning. A totaly-enciosed fan-cooled motor rated for 110 KW at 1500 rev/min ‘needs a cooling air supply of about 22200 mm, ‘There must be no recirculation of dis- charge ar tothe inet side ofthe motor. Siemens M 10-1092 Technical information ] The Motor Efficiency and power factor Figures for efficiency n and power factor £08 « relevant fo rated output are indi- Caaed in the selection tables inthe inci vidual sections ofthis catalog, The following tolerances according to DIN VDE 0530 are permites: ficiency FysSOKW — -0,15(1-m) Fu>S0KW —-0,1 (1=n) substitute a decimal figure form Power factor ‘minimum 0.02, maximum 0.07 ‘The following figures for part load are average values; exact figures are avail able on request egg sams 2 « gs gf BB: gE e 8 gg gE gE gE g 3 2 3 ae a8 fo $3 $8 eg $3 $8 oe ® : 8 B88 88S e g 888 288 ad BEE gms sae 8 gz BB? BBL awe BES lKE ERE S 2282 LAR ABS FIN ALA FAT JST RAL ARS BEE VRB ERS S wag 3: gge sae age sea 2a ber BREE BEE 288 & Somene M 10-1992 BBE BSE S88 888 Technical Information ] The Torque ‘Torque characteristic + Torque characteristic for special drives Torque characteristic ‘The torque produced by an AC motor at its shaft varies greatly in magnitude over the range from zero to synchronous speed, ‘The diagram shows the characteristic variation in torque in relation to speed fora squirel-cage motor. Me ni Whe Race Me Locket torque fi Neereie MC Steakouneraue, Me Ueadtergwe Map tree Mh decewrtng Rata pees reve mM Seton eed ‘The values for locked-rotor torque, breakdown torque and locked-rolor cur- rent fora particular motor are given in the appropriate catalog, When necess- 2 faily accurate speedltorque char- acteristic Gan be drawn on he basis of the speednorque curves given in the ‘motor catalogs. ‘The limit of mechanical overload capac- ityis indicated by the breakdown torque. ‘According to DIN VDE 0530, induction motors must be able to tolerate an over- load of 1.6 imes the rated torque fo: 15 seconds at rated voltage and frequency. Unless agreed otherwise, the values of pull-up torque of induction motors at of the stated locked-otor current, with No lower lit For the breakdown torque up to -10% of, the stated breakdown torque. For the pull-up torque ~15% ofthe guar- antoed values. Under consideration ofthese toler- ances, the locked-rotor torque must be adequately in excess ofthe break- fated votage mustbe atleast as‘olows: aytoleue of cen machine, 'Non pole-changing three-phase motors: ‘) Rated output less than 100 kW (5 times the rated torque and at least {5 times the locked-rotor torque b) Rated output 100 kW or larger (.3times the rated torque and at least {5 times the locked-rotor torque. Pole-changing single-phase and three pphase motors ‘0.3 times the rate torque, ‘The following tolerances are permitted according to DIN VDE 0530: For the locked-otor torque from ~15 to +25% of the stated locked-rolor torque, For the locked-otor current up to +20% & et * IE Sarat | 0 ese i q ee 3a Sorina Bool fm y 3 i whoop a o> 0 wx Sued traus class KL 10 armed oad ore Sarmgsanne The rated torque is calculated as follows: +1000 My=955. A T0O he Rates erucin Nn AL Rats aupua 16 ° 2 a % wm Spoed—— tere Sass KL 13 ermied ee true ‘dng sting ‘The rated speed ofthe motor ditfers from the synchronous speed by the ‘amount of the rated slip §, which is cal- ulated as follows: =H. 09 a a ated ip in Syren Speedin ena pee and the motor torque during runup to working speed must always be larger than the load torque, Inthe case of squire-cage motors, the locked-rotor torque and breakdown torque are larger as multiples of the rated torque inthe selection tables: in the case o sipring motors onty the breakdown torque is larger in this way. Squirrel-cage motors are usvally started direct-on-ine, The torque classiication indicates that itis possible, with directon-ine starting, and also with a 8% under- ‘voltage, to start against specific, values of load torque as follows: Class KL 16 ~ 160% of rated value Glass KL 13 ~ 130% of rated valus Class KL 10 100% of rated value Class KL7— 70% of rated value. ® {2 —— 18, = le Bo i* oe i ae bao * eat ++ oe vows ethan Torque characters fr special oie For special drives itis possible to em- ploy a special design ot rotor af higher resistance (slip rotors or high~esistance rotors at extra price) n order to shift the ‘breakdown torque, and therefore also the rated torque, lower down the speed range. It will be necessary to reduce the rated output at the same time because Othe larger rotor losses. Some typical applications are squirel-cage motors for hoisting equipment, press drives and torque motors Slamene M 10. 1982 Technical information J Calculating the Starting Time Calculating the starting time for D.0.L. starting From the mean value of accelerating torque itis possibie to calculate the ap- ‘broximate starting time form zoro to nor- ‘mal operating speed as follows: Jem, 55: Mex 4 Satngimeins 3 Tomimomant of erin kor? ‘% Opeming soeedin ev ‘es Men orcaraing oun Nm AA simple and relatively accurate method (of determining the mean value of ac Colerating torque is ilustrated in tho at ‘gram of the right. The mean values of the motor-torque and load-torque char- acteristics are ascertained graphically, ®.g. by counting the number of squares (on milimetre graph paper. The total moment of inertia is the sum of the motor inertia and the inertia ofthe ‘riven machine and the coupling oF belt pulley converted to the speed of the ‘motor shaft her * Me Mott eque me Me asters hos Non coating re Gobet sees Datong th mat Scooeaig ue ‘The limit values forthe staring charac: teristics of squirrel cage motors for volt. ‘ages up fo and including 690 V are laid {down in DIN VDE 0530, Part 12. If high inertia andor load torque make satistactory stating difficult, the options are ether fo soloct a Type 1LAS motor With a special high-resistance rotor or a larger motor, though inthe later case the tlzation under normal operating ‘conditions wil be poor. Other altern- atives are t0 use a slipring motor with @ startet or a static frequency converter (e.g. SMOVERT P}, these might be spe- Cfied by the power supply utility anyway {due tothe circumstances. ‘A mechanical method of overcoming heavy starting conditions is to use a cen- trfugal clutch. The thermal performance of such devices restricts their use, 7 ‘Technical Information Calculating the Starting Time Methods of sterting squlrrel-cage motors sexi cage eters should avays be sstcidncioninastenerpone, | MF Pemember thatthe txaue and cu | rent curves fora particular motor are Z fixed and in no way related to the se- = very orang ‘ Star dota staring shoud be employed 5 ‘orsquere-cage metore when ow sat er \ ing currents are stipulated, e. g. by the 7 m Power upp uty or except) tow a+ wee ates of mot touo are requ. Sotsitng. he vas cocweastr ‘crue breakdown togue, he oer lraueatngs and alsolecheg oor cur fentarebetreenSandS0% ofTase” forcrectonine tain. M1 Tremetorecue must be adequate Tyivorcess fe oad torque le thernotris sarsomested una starting and changeover from star to a Gat st otoe stctu utthe moter roa ached normal poatng speed ‘The diagram on the left above illustrates When making enquiries on matters con- if Eeunigoubere sardeha siriagie cetting starting, elvays give the flow ‘ot appropriate because, due to the ing information: very high load torque, premature WE 1. The power demand and rated changeover woud cause 2 severe surge ‘speed of the driven machine, forque and current, which would ‘mean that there was no point in star- 2. The required motor speed, dotta starting ‘3. The load torque of the driven ma- chine referred tots speed or the In ths situation, muti-step star-delia cect rce Slarting is recommended for larger mo- {ors over frame size 180, whereby wind 4. The total external moment of iner- ing tappings are employed to insert 2 tia and the rated speed of the ‘extra stops between star and delta (to {riven machine or referred tothe ‘order at extra price), ‘motor speed. By reducing the motor terminal voltage ‘5. The numberof stats per unit time wih a starting transformer of starting *e= and the cyclic duration factor. sistors, the torque curve can be reduced cree ane eee ‘approximately with the square ofthe vot- ‘age and the current curve approximately in proportion with the voltage ‘ycles per unit time (type of de Cceleration), ‘With pole-changing motors this in- ‘Starting with rated currents possible forration must be given when a converter is used. separately for each speed. Soft starting of squirrel-cage motors can A detailed Enquiry Form that covers all also be achieved by means of a stator. the necessary points relating to the cor- resistance starting Cicuitin which are rect selection of motors can be found in sistance is switched into one of the Catalog M11. [phases during startup so thatthe locked- fotor torque can be reduced to any re- {quired value. The lockeo-rotor current in the two phases without the resistors or reactors is slighty higher than in the case of direct onine starting This ype of starting is best effected with the SIKOSTART solid-state motor starter which limits the torque and current dur- ing run-up (see Catalog NS2, Section 4). 18 Siemens M 10 1952 ‘Technical Information Calculating the Starting Time Heat losses during starting + Subdivided starting Heat losses during starting When starting a motor against a load torque, the heat losses incurred inthe motor are greater withthe stardeta method of starting than with direct-on- Tine staring, \With pure inertia starting (when there is ‘no load torque) the rotor losses are prac- tically identical to the work of accelera- tion which, in turn, isthe same as the kinetic energy of the moment of inertia ‘upon completion of starting $-14(S) wes W Kate oragy 6 We J) Moar cca tor? fa voociy le Serengeti rovin ‘Subdivided starting Ifthe synchronous speed is changed, the losses vary as the square of the ‘specs. ‘This fac offers the chance of reducing the stating losses by dividing he start- ing process for instance into two halves ~ inital runup to a lower synchronous speed ne and subsequent runup from ie ton, (made possible in actual practice by frequency changing or pole chang- ing) Minimum losses are incurred at: m= Yom (980 diagram) ‘The methods utlized by high‘nertia drives such as sugar centituges. ‘The stator losses are calculated thus Ar=Ae a Ay Star osses ‘a Rotor eases Sir vesstance A Specie ror esnce Siemens M 10-1992 ‘The rotor losses with pure inertia starting are indepondnt of the type of rotor, ‘method of stating, accelerating torque and starting time. They depend solely on the total moment of inertia and the square of the final speed, and cannot be influenced by any changes inthe torque characteristic of the motor. The diagram below ilustrates the spe- cial case of constant accelerating torque oF motor torque when: My= Ma= const. ‘The proportions of useful work or work ‘of acceleration (44) and rotor losses. (Aa) are shown as areas determined by output Pand time f ‘sang heat 1 Heo teus 6 nor sang | lereiedha| spe mae Presossyea song] atmos wih conan acearsng Sue rae rpracring uot work and to: (bees cer congart aocobrairg ue Erearingasnpe-speed meter Pe Fete poner nut Fe Aecalraing power 19 Technical information Calculating the Start ‘Starting slpring motors, Inthe case of slipring motors which use The highest figure of motor torque wiich starters, tre starting load factor accord- _can be set isthe breakdown torque. ' 'ng to DIN VDE 0660, Section 301 and When this ishigh enough, the mean PReaeverserrctancee Grmareesaieeneesees cee Sctten se ea tis oe reed tres, wii be eon speined osha sa seas Staring aa taco eee Ieanataring core reaniore — Sraaeuhegcyred an coy maeccuen “raed care, heoann The sate shel be operate stat Yataasaing 07 Teer an dant ben xe cepto (pot defined in DIN VDE 0660) cola aoe FullJoad starting 1.4 ‘The rotor current during starting is ap- rececsee 38 PMO poReRSneNeeG —— Tpweammangrenatnce ponmay porerers resis Toeyette ‘28 of the staring resistor. 20 Slemens M 10 1900 Technical Information Braking and Reversing | ‘Theory and methods of braking During braking, the decelerating torque 's equal to the moter torque plus the load torque. Assuming a mean value of decelerating torque, the approximate ‘braking time from operating speed to zero can be calculated trom: JM O55 i Braking ire ng Momartt area ign? (Gperaing speed in evinin eer eccobraing rn fe Roce “The magnitude and variation of the ‘motor torque depend on the method of braking. ‘There are several diferent methods: Mechanical braking: this places no stresses at all on the motor. Braking by plugging, Le. by rovers ing two of the supply system phases. The suoply system must be Isolated when zero speed is reacted, preferably automaticaly by means of a zero-speed switch. The mean braking torque of a squirel- ‘cage motor is usually greater than its starting torque; see diagram, ‘The thermal load on the motor is twice as great as during stating. Soitis es- serial to check whether the motor is ermeating tne braking lasts longer than 5s. In the case of slipring motors the resis tors that are switched into the rotor cir cuit alter the torque curve, and therefore also the braking time. When there is an external resistance of 15 in the rotor circuit (kis the characteristic rotor reist- ance), the braking torque is approxi- mately equal tothe rated torque. ae 1 Ree SiresPind it soeonein a ‘Tho slip at rated torque and the break- ‘down slip increase proportionally with the total resistance ofthe rotor and the ‘external resistor. The external resistor must absorb a heat loss proportional to the rato ofits resistance to the total re- sistance, |W For the DC injection braking of sau rel-cage or sipring motors, the sta- {ors isolated trom the supply sys- tem and then energized with low-voltage DC curtent. The braking torque curve is approximately the ‘same as the motor torque curve with the braking speed ne = ry ~ nsub- siiluted forthe speed 7 on the ab, scissa, Semone M 10- 1982 & m sar +r ¢ t oh 0 ot Hacer M —_-++__ 7H / ] | —— Pop Reversing Ststng ogerersive Beating fees IM, Meortrque M, Loedtrcue My Reeling kava M, Decdeatng rue Staring. brag and reversing of equretcage mame Mn Mtr ecu 1 Rated que Me Breaown tau Tere cues sexing mot wh ret eso tr ct The states baking, reve Erataring nec we cbse evsues ol beakcown aio ook 47, O6eanaoss i i cron ‘Standard cuts or DC inject braking ‘The DC current required for braking squirel-cage motors is calculated thus: hao= kb acbaieacrrtna Se eoee Peco Sivan EERE oan #2 Me ' ae Bato motor sped inrevinn jerunibe 10 because {reveal arenes Texge ornate tobe trated (ited str tre a Fistor for mean oto rag org FE 16te; mowsup wrameoze 100 (ennune raze oor 150) at Technical Information J Braking and Reversing ‘Theory and methods of braking ‘th the same number of ampere-tuns (the same braking effect) the conversion factor kfor calculating the DC current forthe varous stander cout i fr lows: Get 2 2 ee Facirk 4205 ai «B22 The DC braking current fr stipring mo: tors can be calculated approximately as follows: ko Sk hy 18 fee DCbvaking cuter A F Brammgeneat nce Rated ator cursrt in AGoase vate) Inthis case, series resistors must be in- setted into the rotor circuit. The existing starter can stile used but the precise value of braking torque produced can only be given on request, and ful infor ‘mation on the motor and starter willbe needed, The folowing equations are applicable to the DC braking vollage Us with he ‘motor at operating temperature: a Penna OF BC tag Pen tt Ube OC baking age nv CY Brot eet tater (eo (ye 2torcecuta) ee Scoring curontin A Fvsa Phage rnance at pean Rn Ube Ube hues westnce 20°C ‘The factor C for the various standard braking circuttsis the ratio of total resist ‘ance to phase resistance: Gut 2 be Fur 2 18 06s? OS 1 Oversynchronous regenerative) braking is employed on pole-chang- ing motors by svening te motor to 2 vor speed. Brakng to 2970 Speed is ot possibio. The break- lw torque fs considerably higher than dutng staring, Te toma stresing of he motor wih a 2 Speed ato i about the same as @ Stato the lower speed The folowing information must be ciiven when making enquiries con- Cerning braking and reversing 1. The type of driven machine and intended motor duty 2. The power demand and rated speed ofthe driven machine, 3, The motor speed envisaged. 4. The load torque ofthe driven ma- chine, referred toits speed or the speed of the motor 5. The moment of inertia and rated speed of the driven macnine, of referred to the speed of the motor. 6. The number and type of braking or reversing operations per unit time. 7. The cyclic duration factor. In the case of pole-changing motors the relevant information must be ‘ven for each speed AA delailed Enquiry Form that covers all the necessary points relating to the correct selection of motors will 'be found in Catalog M 11 Siemens M 10-1082 Technical Information ] Duty Types to DIN VDE 0530 Duty types S1 10.59 All the motors listed in our catalogs are designed for continuous cuty type S1 un- less stated otherwise, However, itis not unusual for many of the motors io be Used for types of duty other than continu ous. Since the power output that can be ‘achieved under such circumstances can sometimes be very different from the Continuous output, a precise description ‘ofthe actual type of duly is essential for planning purposes, The number of possible duty types is almost infinite so, in order ofacitate better understanding between user and manufacture, DIN ‘VDE 0520 has divided the majority of the Bossibe types of dt none main uty ype $3: tomer perece dy swag tee we without starting Operation comprising a sequence of Identical duty cycles each of wich con: sists ofa period of constant ioad fol lowed by an interval. The starting current hhas no matked effect on the temperature rise ofthe machine Characterized by: Figures for operating time, cycie dura- ton and power output, @. 9. $3: 15 ‘in/60 min, 20 KW. Alternatively, figures for cyclic duration factor in percent and cycle duration, e.g. $3: 25%, 60 min, 20, KW. The figure for cycle duration can be ‘omitted if tis 10 minutes, Semene M 10-1982 aay ype St: Consaveus ning ety 81: Continuous running duty Operation under constant load of sutt- cient duration for thermal equilrium to be established. Characterized by: figure for power output — uy ype Sa tte parade ay etn eee wee ‘$4: Intermittent periodic duty with starting Operation comprising @ sequence of identical duty cycles each of which con- sists of a significant period of staring, a Period of constant load and an interval Characterized by: Figures for cyclic duration factor in per- cent, number of starts per hour and ower output, e.g. S4: 40%, 520 stars, SOKW. Additional data on moment of inertia and toad torque during starting, ther ; = *___ | uty ype $2: Shr se Sty ‘$2: Short-time duty Operation under constant load of insut Cent duration for thermal equilibrium to be established and folowed by an inter- val f sufficient duration for the tempera- {ure of the machine to fal within 2K of the temperature of the coolant. Characterized by: Figures for operating time and power output. e.g, $2: 20 min, 15 KW. oncesarmmceme ates wares 5: Intermittent periodic duty with starting and electric braking Operation comprising a sequence of Identical duty cycles each of which con- sists ofa significant period of starting, a period of constant load, a period of rapid electric braking and an interval Characterized by. Figures as for $4 duty, but also includ- ing the type of braking, e.g. $5: 30%, 250 cycies per hour, plug braking, 50 kW. AAdcitional data on moment of inertia {and load torque during starting and braking, 23 Technical Information J Duty Types to DIN VDE 0530 Duty Types $6, $7, $8 ary TA \L ay ype. Conieucu option ye ST Care cpenten prt cy rata Si Sieg and woe Sg tee it wt $6: Continuous-operation ‘57: Continuous-operaton periodic duty perlodte duty with starting and electric braking Speration comprising a sequence ot -_‘Operaton comprising a sequence of identeal duty cycles each af wich con- identical duly eyles each of which con- sists ofa period of constant load fol sists ofa sighicant period of stating, @ Towed by'@ period of operation at period of operation at constant oad and Igad, There are no de-onargized inter- period of rapid electric Braking, There vals, are no deenergized intervals Charactorizeaby: Characterized by. Figures a8 for S3 duy,€.9. $6: 30%, Figures as for SS, but without i, 0.9, S7 a0 mia, BS HW. “2k, SOD reversals per hour AC tional data on moment of inertia and toad torque during starting and braking ! wy ey i a i Ae fF ; bleh in} be} “IN ul HH :ontinuous-operation periodic duty a with related load/epeed changes. Operation comprisinga sequence of Le identical duty eyeies each of which con- —— z ie ‘sts ofa period of operational constant ty ape 8 Conn pean parks oer load and predetermined speed folowed ow 7 nee SORT Fon Fhe Fa by one or more periods of operation at tent iferentioads corresponding te citfr- corr ent speeds. Characterized'by Figures and adltonal data as for SS, bulfor each speed 24 Serene M 10 1902 Technical information J Duty Types to DIN VDE 0530 Duty Type $9 - Mean power, co ‘ype 58: Coninvout operation cut win nan ericson and peed varatons ‘89: Continuous-operation duty with rnon-perlodic load and speed varl- ations Operation generally involving non-per- dic changes in load and speed within the permited range. This type of duty often involves peak loads which can be far in excess of the rated load. Note: This ype of duty must be based on a suitable value of continuous load asthe reference value for the duty cycles. |B Symbols used in the diagrams for Duty types $1 to $9 Speedin revi Temowraize nC = Matera inec Shag tire sori iad period mer min Brora pero inaormin yee sraton nie {eee quoteen x) Ersetraten ns ot min ostparoe maormin eee Siemens M 10-1952 Duty types St to $9 cover many of the applications encountered in practice, Should the loading in a particular ‘case difer from those given, full de- tails ofthe actual duty cycle must be given or, alternatively, a duty ype be spectied which represents a leacing at east s severe as the 2c- | # wal ny TV Taxe Ccaleing re mean power p= VRE co Tritt Mean power ‘One of the most common deviations from the duty types specified in DIN ‘VDE 0530 is that the required power out- puts not constant during the load peri- ‘ods. Under these circumstances the fig: ure of power P (current J torque M) can be replaced by a figure of mean power Pay (Cutrent In, tOFQUE Mp) calculated as the mean square value o the individual Joads. The maximum torque must not ex: ‘coed 80% of the breakdown torque. If the figure of maximum required power dlflers from the figure of minimum power bby more than a factor of 2, the mean cur- rent must be used for the calculation be- ‘cause the figure of mean power ‘becomes 100 imprecise. Itis impossible to calculate the moan value for duty type ‘$2 in this way soit ill be necessary fo enquire for assistance 25 ‘Technical information | Grouping of the Duty Types Grouping of the Duty Types A close study of Duly Types $2 to $3 wil show that they can be conveniently ‘divided into two groups: Duty Types which require an in- crease in power compared with con- tinuous duty $1, ie. $2, $3, $6 |NL_Duty Types which require a decrease in power compared wih continuous duty S116. $4, $5, S7, $8, $9 Duty Types S2, $3, $6 ‘$2: Short-time duty ‘Since the continuous-cuty temperature fie related tothe required motor output is nol reached during shoriime duty (le <3 7)and the temperature rise fol- lows an exponential function, the attain- ‘able thermal mit rating accerding to the ‘operating time & (in minutes) is given by the following equation: If equation (2) allows a higher rating fig- Ure than equation (1), itis possible to ‘employ @ non-standard winding in Type ‘LAS motors to increase the breakdown torque so that equation (1) is rendered ‘inoperative UP tO Phar = = 1-5 Fe (for CCass 8 insulation), with equation (2) bbeing unaffected. Class F insulation in- ‘eases the rated output in equation (2) for Type 1LAS mators By 15% and for Type ILA motors by 10%; although it has no effect at all on equation (1). Te ppetiod of time unt the motor may be re Started (cooling to @ 2 K tempereture rise) is approxmmately eleven times the temperature-ise time constant (j= 11 T) when Pa. ubized ful. 26 Duty Types to DIN VDE 0530 ‘Mechanical limit rating Pree, In the case of the three Duly Types 2, ‘$8 and S6, the power rating is limited by DIN VDE 050 as follows: “Regardless of their Duty Type and de- sign, polyphase induction motors must be able to tolerate an overload of 1.8. times the rated torque at rated voltage land frequency for 18 seconds." Since the catalog data allows for a tolerance of “10%, the breakdown torque Mk must be sufficient far removed from the new, in- ‘eased value of torque Ma by an ‘amount De wee 176 ‘This condition, expressed in catalog ata, can be formulated as follows: Me Fi Ps Sg 76 a ‘83: Intermittent periodic duty without starting IW amotor designed for continuous duty Is used for intermittent duty, itcan de- liver a higher output during the opera ting period fy <3 T. For the thermal limit ating the higher losses during oper- ation and the heat dissipation during the est period fay must be taken into ac ‘count Pos ai De ° if equation (3) allows a higher rating fig- Ure than equation (1), itis possible to employ @ non-standard winding in Type ‘LAS motors to inrease the breakdown torque 80 that equation (1) is rendered inoperative up 10 Py = 1.45 Fr, with equation (8) being Unaffected, Class F insulation increases the rated ‘Output in equation (3) for Type 1LA5 mo- tors by 15% and for Type 1LA6 motors by 10%: although thas no effect on equa- tion (1) Since equation (3) only takes into account the average temperature fise and not the maximum winding tem- perature a the end of tne operating per (ds, an enquiry should be made for as- sistance in the case of a cycle duration > 1Ominutes. ‘Syroae ured ne enters 1 Oparatngparaain mn A, Terral braing ne Tie” Breakdown orque aN 1h, Rated ernie Ne 1 Themalie ortatin in 3: Continuous-operation perlodie duty Unlike Duty Type $3, ventiation of the ‘moto is continued during the no-load period of operation with Duty Type $8. However, the no-ioad current prevents the motor actualy cooling down tothe temperature of the coolant, which re- sults in the following simple equation: asayt “ Since, with Duty Type $6, the no-load Temperature rise will already have in- creased the temperature of the motor to a level above the coolant temperature, i is only possible to employ f < 2 Tin this, case. Equation (1) cannot be avoided by Lusing motors with non-standard wind: ings because increasing the breakdown torque would entail an increase in the novoad currant and, therefore, an ex cessive temperature rsa. Class Finsula- tion increases the rated output in equa- tion (4) for Type 1LAS motors by 15% and for Type ILA motors by 10%. As with Duty Type $3, an enquiry should be made for assistance in the case of & ‘eycle duration > 10 minutes, fe Ratioot equvalent ees ‘olaaa boa 5 Cyaieatraten actor ”Senaeg/umentiea Semens M 10-1962 Technical information J Duty Types to DIN VDE 0530 Duty Types S4, $5, $7, $8, $9 The calculations for hese duty types are based on he no-load reversing tre- quency 2» The permitted stating fre- quency z can then be ascertained by means ofthe reduction factors: inertia factor, Counter-orque factor and load factor Inertia factor FI External moments of inertia are taken into account by means of the inertia fac tor Fr nat dna Se It the speeds of the motor and the driven machine are diferent, the moments of inertia ofthe driven machine must be Converted to refer to the speed of the motor adem dene FI ss Counter-torque factor ky ‘The countertorque factor takes into acy count any load torque MA, during run-up: It the speeds of the motor and the driven machine are cfferent, the values of ioad torque forthe driven machine must be ‘converted to refer to the speed of the motor: Ruin Memes eM Te counter torque factor ky ony has Detaten i account or tang ope atone. Wn reversing. he ad torauein- teases thera fosses Gunn te sta- ing period but reduces tnem dung the braking pttd. The wo almost cancel tach ober out 0, in hs cas, k can be Sssumnod to bounty: Iii ets than 08 lan engqury should be made for asi dance because, then, even be tempera tureise of singe Startcan be gn tant Load factor k ‘The loads during the periods of opera- thon are taken into account as folows: (ey tot a (ay Wed-oh When there are load curves avaiable t ‘sponsible to mako a mare accurate ca- aiaten dy sutang Lr fe case of alternating loads in particular it Ps Fe preamp nes lrocastn $4: Intormitent periodic duty veh starting Sine the braking ofthe motor does not contribute to the temperature rise wih this type of duty e.g. a mechanical Draka used), he notoad reversing fe- quency 2's replaced by the no-load fourly staring frequency 2« nko kis 25 for Type 1LAS motors and 2.3 fr Type 1LA6 motrs. For brake motors, the value of z should be taken directly rom Catalog M 12. cannot be obtained from tho value of 25 for Type TLA motors because ofthe oxra neria ofthe brake ‘The maximum staring frequency for Duy type $4 then becomes zaleck A Intermittent periodic duty with starting and electric braking ‘The maximum stating requency can be calculated trom: ar I1the electric braking is the plugging ‘ype, then f= 1. For DC braking with ‘Type 1LAS motors, f= 1.6 and with Type 1LAG motors f= 1.2 ‘Semana M10 1992 'S7: Continuous-operation periodic dduty with starting and electric braking Duty Type S 7 is calculated in the same manner as 5: zektin 7 When reduces to a +E ‘$8: Continuous-operation periodic duty with related loadispeed changes Prior enquiry must be made in order to perform the calculation for this duty type. ‘89: Continuous-operation duty with rnon-periodic load and speed vari- ations Prior enquiry must be made in order to however, the load factor h he perform the calculation for this duty type. Symooe vaed nine uations Fritz Worm nea hae? perert ern Netrnorert of newaia kot Scioto ernie airerta nha aan tos tt eg ‘ort moar an up equa Nn ‘Gearing eftceney ower emand Fated ouput Fored evrang Heaney invesalsh Noes haut uring every weapren a ppp TSre: Nizam nosry stung Pea.arey ‘Spectal measures to increase the ‘starting frequency a) By using Class F insulation it's possible to increase the no-load revers- ing frequency 2:10 120% with Type TLAS motors (up to frame size 160) and t0 110% with Type 1LA6 motors (rom ‘ame size 180). The rated output Fh (S08 k,) of Type 1LA5 motors is in- creased to 115% and of Type 1LAG mo- tors to 110%. 'b) By using high-resistance squirrel ‘cage rotors in Type TLAS motors: No.of poles ee wo wom Since using a siumin rotor necesstetes Breducton nthe raed ouput Fo 85% (ue to the enancoin fy), is ourae of acon only senate or ap- Dteationsinvowing equent staring ot Fighvineriamasses ¢) By using highresistance squire Sage rotors and Class Finalation in ‘ype TLAS motes see 6 ‘The load factor remains unchanged be- cause the Class F insulation offsets the reduction in rated output due to the silumin rotor. 7 Technical information J Speed Control General ‘There are several dtforont ways of achieving speed control - by means of pole-changing motors, slipring motors, ‘AC commutator motors, cascade con- ‘nection, phase control and a converter fed supply of variable frequency and voltage ‘The choice ofthe most economic ‘method depends on the range of speed Control required, the duration of contra the load torque characteristics ofthe driven machine, the nature ofthe duty land the energy balance. Coarse adjustment to fixed values ot speed s possi with squirel-cage pole-changing motors, although they are ‘ot built with more than four speed steps. Power losses ‘The losses incurred by he staring resis tor and the rheosta, referred to the power input, correspond to the drop in ‘speed, referred to the synchronous speed (ie. the sip). With constant torque, for example, they amount to 50% tf the power input at 50% of the rated speed. With a torque that decreases ac Coding 1 a square-law function, onthe ‘other hand, they only amount to 12.5% ‘of te power input ‘Since the cooling eect of the fan drops off as the speed decreases, the torque ‘and power of the motor must be derated ‘according tothe adjacent table, ora sut- ‘ably larger motor be chosen, ifa perma- nertly reduced speed is employed 28 Fine adjustment of the speed is possible with siring motors by inserting different Values of resistance into the rotor circuit itaigo changes the torque cnarac- teristics, The slp increases in proportion to the sum of the rotor resistance and the starting rheostat resistance. The lower the speed setting, te closer the match between the torque/speed curve anda series characteristic, ie. the speed becomes heavily dependent on the load and varies automaticaly when the load changes. Below 50% rated ‘speed itis almost impossible to ob- tain satisfactory operating condl- tions, even with a constant load torque. Inorder to size the starting resistor and the theastat correctly, itis essential to have accurate knowledge of the torque curve of the driven machine, ‘The value of theostat resistance rin ‘ohms can be calculated as follows: mM 4 Wlwrdret open otage nV 1 Reeintinie ondborn A x Sychvncus speed revere (Reduces apeogintevna Ur Torqeeattecveed| fpetainim Rete oie t is is Ie | a) Speed = 2 Bootie capt fom {Eases n strong nactt o spoes Lopesin satin hoot de to speed con (aro wih conan og or teluin Squwe ae oad oe Speed 0 0 = 6 0 wo Toqe ee Power cru St ty te te sy Ifthe load torque decreases at least proportionally with the speed, e. g asin the case of fans, centrifugal pumps, etc, the speed may be re- ‘duced io 20% ofthe rated value without any change inthe rated power output Ifthe motors separately ventilated it can, under certain circumstances, de- liver the ful ated torque at any speed, provided the ventilation is sufficiently generous (enquire for details, stating the range of speed conto). Siemens M 10 1952 Technical Information J ‘The Converter-Fed AC Squirrel-Cage Motor General information on converter-ted motors ‘The AC squirrel-cage motor can be upgraded to a fll variable-speed drive by providing it with a power supply of variable requency and voltage. The SIMOVERT converters used for this purpose are electronic actuators witch ‘enable the speed of the motors to be varied steplessly from rest up to max- imum. They are connected between the AC supply system and the motor. This type of duty gives rise to operating conditions and stresses which, accord- ing to the Min characteristic ofthe driven machine, can sometimes necessi- late a reduction in the maximum per- mitted torque. The special features ofthe variable- speed induction motor areas follows: 1 2 Varying the speed of the motor also changes the cooling effect of the fan ‘mounted on the motor shaft. fhe ‘speed is reduced to below the rated Value of speed for the type, the diss: ‘pation of heat from the rotors poorer and is only party offset by the decrease in iron losses. At speeds above the rated value for the {ype, the iron losses increase more than the cooling effect ofthe fan. The converter output voltages and ‘currents are affected by harmonic ‘components which cause extra losses in the motor. The magnitude of these extra losses depends on the type rating of the motor and on the type of converter being used Running a motor from a converter power supply can sometimes cause Into be noisier than when operated from a normal mains supply \Wnen motors are operated at speeds above the rated value for their type itis important to remember that the maximum speed is limited by mechanical stress arising from crtical speeds, ball Dearing pertor- mance, et. ‘The folowing information is needed for project planning purposes (see Catalog Series DAB.) Nominal AC voltage No. of pole pairs in he squirel-cage motor Torque(speed characteristic ofthe driven machine Speed control range Power demand of the driven machine Class B or F capability ofthe squirre- age moter Siemens 10- 1952 29 Technical information J Types of Construction to DIN IEC 34, Part 7 ‘The most popular types of construction for AC motors: 1 ‘Apart trom the basic type of construc: tion IM B 3, the motors can also be sup- pled in various other types of construc tion, The aifferent versions in which each type of motor available are listed in the selection tables for "Types of con- struction’ ‘A comparison of the codes for types of Construction o DIN IEC 34, Part 7 and, the old standard DIN 42 950, Note: ‘A.canopy must be fitted to EEx @ and EExd motors when they are installed vertcally mvs mvs mes mae mer mee T “ aie a4 Pan ose me3 ys ve mee a7 Be waa mess wes iwi mys wen mw wie mve mee mye bai ‘code 4001 iors oat M08 088 iors mero ‘01 mon most sor Ed Tw o1or moat 41) ‘Siemens M 10-1982 Technical information ] Degrees of Protection to DIN VDE 0530, Part 5 ‘The most popular degrees of protection for AC motors Depending on the operating conditions and the environment the most suitable degree of protection must be chosen to prevent any damage due to water, foreign objects or dust, and to prevent ‘accidental contact wih internal rotating parts or with Ive parts. The degrees of protection for electrical machines are designated by a code ‘comprising two letters and two numerals ‘and, in some cases, an extra letter IP (Intemational Protection) Letters designating the degree of protection against contact with live oF moving paris and the ingress of foreign bodies and water, ‘The 1st numeral denotes the degree of protection ‘against contact with ve or moving parts and against the ingress of foreign bodies ‘The 2nd pumeral denotes the degree of protection against the ingress of water (60 protection against oi) ‘An extra letter for denating special degrees (of protection 0106 ots w,SandM Special degrees of protection \W for weather-protected machines: ‘The extra letter W is inserted between the letters IP and the figures denoting the degree of protection, e. g. IP W 23. tis applicable to machines suitable for “use under specified weather conditions and with addtional protective measures. or equipment" Siemens M 10° 1982 ‘The motors are supplied with one ofthe following degrees of protection: Motor agg ot Ithaca Ing charocer Peoctan Potctin spanst —Priecon againt_Practon aga! water Scart conact Sold foogr bodes cris with ‘agent oid re eran wat at otngere Shcee aoerhan plo rom nwvertcal Senna ‘aise wi ‘aganeeota ‘gat aplaning wae fener ages larger ‘tamot doctors thc Ban tema ‘ample proecion apaetharnhl spans water tom Spareteccdenal” —istaeposts sPorechone rss Pos pans heavy soe Sera 6 we) cmp Seater wen Zena! Bengrss cou Sorat Season: apart submersion tr space Sa ond pressure agaist coninsouseuirrson ‘Réerconanan soochosby +), No-standar version nseded foc hey sea (i ¢ temporary submersen) 2) Forttang eecieal mechnos campy wih DN WDE C50, Pr EN O00, tre re oy cogrostrincton pian oe ewe and sopioiets ite Acneace However ogee ‘ prtecbos 6 willbe oad BN ab cao wisn { genralyappicaie ear eee! equipment S.and M for protection against water: For special applications (such as open- Cireultaircooted machines on ships" decks having the air inlets and outlets ‘covered when notin use) an extra etter ‘can be inserted after the figures denot- ing the degree of protection to indicate whether the protection against harmful ‘water ingress with the machine stalion- ary (later S) or running (letter M) nas been certificated or tested. In this case the degree of protection must be specified for both operating Concitions of the machine, ¢.g.IP 65S / IP23M. If there are no extra letters it means that the same degree of protection is main- tained in both cases, |e, when station ary and running In accordance with international agree- ment, the exra letter F referring to pipe- vontiatod machines specified in the old standard has been omitted from DIN EC 94, Pants. Pipe-ventlated machines must now be identified by means of a combination of degree of protection and cooling method, e.g. old IP R44; new IP 44 IC 97 or IP 44 /1C 31 31 Technical information Cooling Methods to DIN IEC 34 Part 6 Cooling methods for AC motors according to the IEC Code DINIEC 34, Pat provides womety nthe Geman cat standard ware Example: osc onic aschtwtcneen- —" Gumermenceetsersy sem. moron wan atone {Gldentcalonnmrtowee (HAMS: ICO! {raiGooing)For‘ullserictar' ihe enywoigueratonretatomic™ — (Amaers: «IGA lus TC allowed by to charoser ors no Bocks.cach comprising aleterandwo SN URenananatesesons, mmm (CAS ‘figures, @. 9. 1C W37 471. figure the means by which the cool- weiscrecses 5 egeoon te rnce 0 Tamaremnd i eaaenaien one rier ouet 1 ‘Sel-venbiated 5 eeamaman d_| Sai = — 3 Pipe-ventilated machine, ia recaeatass 0 eae === Ft a eae ee Tee ceaaemcine “wachne with bul-on heat exchanger Poy é Sh) ee op: | SEowER potas oa eae eee ees cornet eee: Seorerammnea rae aaa eaceacemee serene {non ambient a conten) (Or by loced 8 kom he supply system Rear ooreere 7 SSSR MST ieaeee d-], a 32 Siorens M 10-1982 Technical information ] Noise Definitions and Units ‘Sound, as perceived by the human ear Is composed of a series of fluctuations in air pressure of different frequency and intensity. Those variations in pressure are referred to as the "sound pressure” ‘and li in the audibie range between the threshold of audibilty at 2. 10° Nin? ‘and the thrashold of pain at 2. 10" Nim® (ath referred to 10002) inthe fre- {quency range from 16 10 20 000 Hz. So that this very wide range of sound pressure can be expressed in easily- managed figures, the large absolute figures are replaced by the exponent of ‘arnumerical series to a base of 2.10.10". The exponent is desig: nated as a “Bel” in order to identity it Clearly and, for greater accuracy, one Balls cidod ito 10 pars called "sec- bets" 1 Bel = 10.48 (dectbel) os eae I err 0 a Distance —= 8 Witouteteson 8 Wana eeion 1 Decrease in sound pressure level Loxwith distance Sound pressure level Lp Awelghted sound pressure level La Measuring-eurface sound preseure level [ya Sound pressure level L, The strength ofa “sonic event” is in cated by the rms value of the sound pressure. In the remainder of this de- ‘scription, any reference to “sound pres- ‘suro" refers tothe rms value of sound pressure. ‘The sound pressure levels 2 20192 Tp where p= 2x 10" Nin (threshold of audibly) le _ Sound precsuro eval inc8 San pressure ne I Aditference of 1 4B in sound pres- sure level is barely perceptible, Whereas a difference of 10 dB corre- ‘sponds approximately to a doubling (or halving of the loudness, ‘A-weighted sound pressure level Lyx In dB(A) ‘The human ear does not perceive sounds of diferent frequency with the same sound pressure level as having equal loudness. Therefore, he measured values are weighted by means ofa filer curve according to DIN 45.633, Measuring-surface sound pressure level Zs in dB (A) This is the mean value of the Axweighted sound pressure level measured in Sev- eral places on a measuring surface Sat distance of 1m. ‘Sound power level Lxa + Noise level mits for electrical machines ‘Sound power level Lax ‘The sound power W, which Is inde- pendent ofthe distance from the sound ‘Source, is also used for rating the noise levels of machines of diferent size and design WS Ee epee ni HEY cr eenstae Sere cena, aa oe of SSemene Mt 10- 1992 ‘The sound power is also standardized to reference value of power Ma tis the power ofthe sound pressure atthe thre- ‘hold of audility a, with a measuring surface of S, = 11? 2S 10% ee ‘This enables the sound power level Lax tobe calculated from the sound pres- sure lovel thus: =1019= La = Toa + Le where Le= 1010S y= Maasuing-wotice vue ‘Nose level limits for electrical ‘machines “These are laid down in DIN VDE 0530, Pat No.of sund sources of aualovel™= Increase in evel are Increase intel —= v6 1 Increase in the sound pressure level ga with two sound sources of citfer- entievel 33 Technical Information ] Vibration ‘Vibration severity + Recommended limits for vibration velocity Vibration severity Recommended limits tor vibration velocity ‘The vibration severity is the rms value of to DINISO 2373 (as @ guide only) the vibration velocity (in the frequency range form 10 10 1000 Hz). itis raton Speed Lats ol ms vale ol viratin voy for shalt eight in rn measured with electrical measuring in- _Sevtty rade hocuens tesmcns saecncis i 4 Hs He He: stuments fo DIN 45 666, . wos is " eoowsm 18 28 45 (roma) R ow mors 18 (ocvces) pisooioseoo Me 8 s wow O46 1 (pecan simiese ON te Notes: 4, The rotors are dynamically balanced with afl key ited. Consequenty, the transmission device must be bal- anced with its keyway already cut 1. Manufacturers and operators must remem that the measured values (paydevatetor he tevalosby been heh wih amey een arenseee Styne 2 Uessageedatemie,terecon- _ satennycrasara anes mrendea Wrinivareapphcssew” aunt tata ooeaan, Sardar loctied nachos Sil aaetesed Gene 150 4, Despite being wel-balanced with a should be balanced with half key in value of vibration severity 2s stated the future. in the table, itis stil possiole fora ‘motor to suffer considerable vibra 5, The use of precision-balanced ma- tion in normal service due to @ num- chines (vibration severity grades F Der of reasons, such as unsuitable ‘and 8) is recommended when there foundations, reaction from the driven fare special demands an mechanical ‘machine, eta Vibration can also be smoothness of running, @ g for ma- ‘caused by driven components if chine tools. The user must ensure their natural frequency Is close to the thatthe driven machine has a similar frequency ofthe residual unbalance vibration severity to that af the motor. ofthe rotating parts of the motor, In order to satisty these special de- ‘mands it might be necessary to bal- ance the motor complete with the transmission device, In such cases, each eloment of the ‘whole instalation will have to Be ‘examined as well as the motor itsel. Vibration displacement amplitude ‘A value of vibration displacement armpl- Vow Vibration ‘ude is only of any significance when I rive bp fm fl ‘quoted together withthe frequency, For sinusoidal vibration and known fre- ‘quency, the wibration displacement am- 4 ou = 204g eT a ae) renin forint vis sei en ee 1 Sameera / #2 BE Be Sane ee eee cto 34 Siemens M 10 1002 Technical information J ‘AC Motors for Special Applications Geared motors ‘Squirrel cage AC motors are often un Sutable forthe direct drive of slow ‘Speed criven machines because they are confined to certain specific speeds ‘Gepending on the number of poles ang the frequency. Also, motors of low and. ‘medium output are uneconomical at ‘speeds less than 500 rev/min. For such applications, geared motors offer a sut- able alternative. A goared motor unit ‘comprises a high-speed AC motor and ‘Spur gears combined into a single, closed unit. Brake motors « AC motors with spring-operated brakes » Selection of brake motors: Brake motors Inaddtion o electrical methods of brak- ing itis also common practice to employ ‘mechanical brakes, which often take the ‘orm of brake motors. A brake moto is Usually a squirrel-cage AC motor with a bitin or built-on beake. The main ad: vantage of brake motors is that the brak- ing action doos not piace any thermal sess on the motor winding The actual functions ofthe brakes are as follows: 1. For restricting the slowing down of a ‘motor ater itis switched of 2. For stopping a drive ata specific po- sition 3, For increasing tne operating tre. ‘quency of a motor. Torque motor Torque motors Torque motors are a non-standard de- sign of squirel-cage AC induction ‘motor. Their electrical design allows them to remain permanently energized alrated voltage withthe rotor locked while producing thei highest torque, ice, the stall torque. ‘Applications Torque motors are particularly suitable for use as drives in machine tools So that they can be adapted to specific duties, they are available from the cata log in two different versions, Type A for St duty ‘These torque motors, when star-con ‘nected, can remain energized for any Jength of time at rated voltage while pro- ducing their rated torque at standtil ‘They can also be operated in delta con- nection for short periods, when their torque output is almost trebled and they are ideal for releasing jammed gears of Siemens mt 10+ 1952 ‘The hardened teeth of he gears are able 1o withstand high stresses and toads and, together with the robust squir rer-cage design of motor, offer along service lite. Geared motors are used widely on ind. vidual machines, such as lits, construc. tion machines and agricultural ma- chines, as well asin large industrial plants, foundries, cement works and ood-processing plants where they are often used for driving conveyors and elevators ofall kinds. ‘AC motors with spring-operated brakes ‘The features of these motors are: Safe braking, even after power failure, thanks fo the mechanical spring (closed circuit principle) ‘The motor shaft retains is axial position during braking: ‘The braking torque can be adapted to suit the working conditions, Robust construction to ensure high relia- billy The power supply forthe brakesis taken from a single-phase AC sys- tom of normal voltage and fed through a bullt-in rectfer. Application: For actuators and feed drives in ma- chine tools and for crane drives and con- ‘veyor bells in the hossting equipment industry, + Applications - Selection of switchgear machine parts. With delta connection, however, itis essential fr the motor to be switched off after the prescribed time otherwise the windings might overheat (thermistor protection useful) Type B for S2 duty up to 25% cyclic dur- aon factor t ‘These torque motors are primary n- tended for intermittent periodic duty with a cyclic Guration factor not exceeding 25%, Therefore, this type of motor can- not remain permanently energized at ‘ated voltage while al standstil. Com- pared with the Type A motor, however, it ‘can produce 3 or 4 times the torque Itis essential to state which of the two |ypes of motor is requited when ordering, Selection of switchgear itis convenient to select the switchgear required according to the maximum cur rent, However, this current only flows. when the motor is switched on from cold ‘and gradually decreases by about 1510 ‘The motors must be selected in accord- ance with the information given inthe ex- planatory notes. If there are especialy Severe operating conditions involved, €.9g, high operating frequency, revers- ing duty and heavy shock loads, care must b@ taken to ensure thatthe gearing is adequately rated. An enquiry should bbe mace for advice itnecessary. Selection of brake motors. The following information is needed for selecting brake motors: 2) Type of driven machine and in- tended use ofthe brake mator b) Required number of braking cycles per hour ©) Duly oycle 4) Total moment of inertia (motor+brake+criven machine) referred to the motor speed ©) Load torque versus speed, refered to the motor shaft 1) Whether the load torque has an ac- colerating or decelerating effect, 4) Braking time and braking torque re- quired 25% as the temperature rises (after 1 0° 2 hours running) When torque motors ofthe type suitable for permanent energizing are operated for short periods in delta connection, fuse selection should be based on ap- ‘proximataly three times the rated cur- ‘ent thermistor protection can be pro- vided if required, In order to avoid excessive switch ing overvoltages to VDE 0580, § 26, there are tree voltage-sensitive re- sistors (varistors) in the terminal box ‘connected in parallel withthe stator winding 38 Technical information J AC Motors for Special Applications ‘Asynchronous generators Hanasynchronous machines driven M_The power output of an asynchron- ‘versynchrenously inthe same recon ous machine operating as @ goror~ rt a te oatng fel, the sip wilbe ega- stor 8 approximately equal othe ‘0 2 tive. This means that the fow of active Power outputof the same machine fs power i the machine reverses, ie. the Operating as @ moter. Stalris able to delve acve Bowe! With pn gevngnronous gener ATLAT {4 the machine working as a generator. Aenea ear nein ik ' However, the reac current needed ean : for magnetization must sil be supplied 1nd System has the following advantages: from an external source as in thecase No DC excitation is needed as with syn- A _streyonous aguetoage generator Vnevopeingasamei Theeate chonavsmachnes.Theralavey cooty | Saamst a ‘two methods: equipment for voltage regulation is un- a Hememic mec necessay. AnesugrerSage Teche onic cna aegunela cout 1.Oporatingn parla withanexet- Deessary. Asa sree ave reat aon acnsmeace Ing system trom which theresctve — Ydimainunanco.fe0,sistupiodso magnetizing power i taken and to Liepae pica a magnetizing pow endto —Smplerine cSyaconOWs Tannnw ® Th eacorsc end dare usualy ie supplied. eaaa ‘motored up to speed and paralleled wih pensed wih in order to reduce costs ‘supply system when synchronous ‘The power output is then determined by For paralel operation wih anexising _speedisveached thecarentsurge pro- te Powel outputs hen determine byline poweriacer ie goromedoy — theadoneonnecionwine systonisap.Menermelzaing. he votage (le Tereactwe poner ofthe machine and” proximate equal othe sor eeut cu its leakage reactance, as in the case of ‘ent ({,) and subsides to the normal In each case the catalog rating of operation as a motor, and cannot be var- _rated value within a fraction of a second. el oes being used must be re- fedunenthemachneiscaryngamed S waemndentaenatunatitccene 3 lead 2 Independent operation of he 887°- snc phase versions ae also posible ‘ited weynchronove generator, Deals ae avaliable on request ‘The capacitorexcited asynchronous ‘generator driven by an internal combus- tion engine has achieved some signit- cance of late, ‘Three-phase motors used as single-phase motors In special cases itis possible for three Three-phase motors in a220V system —‘M_With Circuit $ the size of capacitor ‘phase motors to be used as single- Used as capacitor-un single-phase mo. required, forthe same motor rated ‘phase motors - ofthe capacitor-run ype, tors ‘output and same line voltage, is only half that for Circuits 1 and 2. The ca ppacitor must be rated for a continu uta aero mote wnnos (ous operating vollage of 1.35 x ine a hi voltage, i.e. for 320 V in a 220 V sys- ‘creat Great tem a =D Uangcepctrun tvs pase tors for single-phase applications is — eo only sensible for single-phase “he doned create orrever rib open Yorouk Power ratings up to 2 KW because ‘oan (of the cost ofthe capacitor. Tne capacitor arrangements are For other line voltages. the size of the ca- g shown inthe diagram above. The Power output as a single-phase ‘motor is approximately 70 to 60% of that as a three-phase motor, and the locked:-rotor torque approximately 25 10 35% of the vated torque, The capacitance required for the run ce- pacito at 220 V can be ascertained from the adjacent diagram for Circuits 1 and 2 al ‘The capacitors must be rated for a per- manent operating voltage of 1.18 x ine paacitor varies in inverse proportion to the square ofthe line vollage. _Dusto tne low locked-rotor torque {and the poor runup characteristics, these motors are only suitable for diving fans and other mactines em- ploying no-load starting 2 Cnctance = 2 voltage (for at least 250 V in a 220 V sys- caw ces tem Power cutie —e y ee power ouputin angle phase pean (7 0K of ee PRase operator) 36 Siemens M 10-1952 Technical Information J AC Motors for Special Applications ‘Single-phase Induction motors « Designs of single-phase motors Single-phase Induction motors The single-phase rotors mainly used when there is no three-phase supply available, e.g. in the domestic situation lis principal applications are for DIY {ois and household equipment, office ‘machines, heaters and refrigerator, ower tools and as servomotors, “The maximum ratings are usualy - stricted by the 10 A and 16 A m.c. b's ‘normally used in single-phase supply systems, They allow a maximum con- nected load of 1.5 RW or 2.2 KW with a maximum staring current of approx. SBA 0r 54.8 ‘ther types of single-phase motors are deatt with elsewhere. Designs of single-phase motors ‘The use of diferent phase shifing ele- ments produces different characteristics {or single-phase motors in terms of runup and running behaviour, ‘The table below ists these charac: teristics of single-phase motors in all the different versions currenty available Single pasa mete Swicting ot Characins Typce! ppicatons = Rangeo | een ne foie Mae we 1 run +0 025-085 fan, rnaing maenines fare Cn oeene 2 G.chorressenes = ca asia aa ups, cmpgstr wn reduostoad ear ‘oe Scubtie choewers 7 3 Cs na we 1% 145-18 SES __cempreesr,recipecasng pumps cre wih sector) onbeaiarey tres “Sarina eapcior i = ze-32 a7 rian pues, asng wed a eonsnenng es Eetpnin end desis botarcesin lpn oun ‘eet ly eee ope cos te © a ea ve o oes 8 ‘orowsatogeeavement (ence = Fe. vn pt he Sunes snd writpe Bares ees gone ut Feterto Catalog M 12 forthe circuits ies eunaerees ‘and performance curves of the various St aed dure individual versions ofthe motors. 1 Siena covert Siipring motors Compared with squirtl-cage motor, slipring motors have the advantage that itis possible to gain access to the ror Circuit through the sliprings. This means thal they are particulary suitable for heavy starting duty whan, dus toa high moment of inertia, for example, there is ‘high tamparature rise in the rotor which a squirel-cage machine could not orate When a spring motors used with stat- ing resistor, a large proportion of the hngat losses are disposed of in the start- ing resistors. With the resistors correctly rated itis possible to employ relatively tong starting times. However, because slipring motors must have brushgear they are not mainten- ance-free (For the selection of Type 11.83 and ALS6 slipring motors, see Catalog M 12), Somene M 10+ 1092 37 Technical Information ] Explosion Protection Hazardous-duty AC motors In chemical plants and ol refineries itis common place forthe ambient atmos- [here to contain chemicaly-aggressive (gases, vapours and moisture, a high fevel of humicity and, in some cases, to bbe ata relatively high temperature. In ad- dition, the atmosphere can sometimes. become explosive. Most of the drives Used in such places employ individual ‘motors and are running continuousiy Consequently, the motors are required {o possess maximum safety and relia- bility as well as tong life expectancy be- ‘cause ofthe danger to ie, mb an property which can be caused by mal- functions, ‘The types of driven machines foundin ‘chemical plants (e. g. pumps, fans, com: pressors, crushers, mixers, centrifuges, tc.) do not present any great problems as far as the motors are concerned Designations and terms for explosion protection ‘The hazardous-duty motors ofthis cata- log conform tothe requirements ofthe following European standards and speci- fications: DINEN 60 014, DIN VDE 0171, Part 1, General Requirements DIN EN 50.018, DIN VDE0171, Par 5, Flameproof (explosion proof) Enclosure DIN EN 50 019, Din VDE 0171, Part 6 Increased Safely ‘The meanings ofthe designations ac- cording to the European standards com- ‘pared with those ofthe former, but sil Valid, VDE 0171/2 61 are explained in the table opposite, ther important standards and specifica. tions pertaining to expiosion protection willbe found on Page 47. Compara designators ad oN eNsoow zh Fomopeotencceue Prsairase enone ‘nena ety the msaning of EE ao IC T a to: Motor European Sands since, except for a few factors such as speed constancy and speed conti there are no severe demands made on them. Therefore, the squirel-cage AC induc- tion motor is very popular for these appli cations, ‘pon yoe oan: apse ‘oiranuecare Gis eben ‘itr operon Prteton aga ecamy (Sh) Epoeenpeecsonte posting acprte verelion ignion Group aeeee|~ 28 a fehssroe e Ext Expsin rlecton for reas potently endangered by faBonverralerals except mines suscestbs ear) ¢_ Rereproa exponen pcr encore © creed sean werana box decorcng EN es uc Gilsson Srp. vaio gas v4 Tempore Css 38 ‘lament M 10 1982 Technical Information J Explosion Protection Hazardous locations for flammable gases, vapours and mist « Ignition hazards Hazardous locations for flammable ‘gases, vapours and mist Hazardous locations are places where it is possible fora dangerous concentra tions of explosive atmosphere to occur. In Germany, the actual locations to be regarded as hazardous are defined in “Files for Provention of Dangerous Ex- plosion Atmospheres wih Examples ~ Rules for Protection against Explosion (RL HI Tho decision as to whether an out- door location or an enclosed space is tobe regarded as subject to ex- plosion hazard as defined in the Fegulations rests entirely with the ‘operator or, in cases of doubt, with the competentinspecting auth- orites, e.g. the Trade Supervisory Board or the Technical Inspection Associaton, Depending on the local conditions and ‘operating circumstances, the inspecting authorities decide what protective measures are needed in a hazardous atea in order to prevent an explosion, They also take into account the fact that ‘mixtures of air and flammable gas or va- pour only become an explosion hazard ‘al certain concentrations. ‘According tothe frequency and duration of aprobable dangerous concertvation, DIN VDE 0165 specifies tree areas of danger denoted as Zones 0, 1 and 2 These zones also have aninfvence on the ype of protection for te moors (soe Page a2). Zone 0 An area in which an explosive atmo- spherois present pormanertl of for tong periods of ime (e.g. the interior of vestels containing flartenable liquids or 92ses). Zone 1 ‘an area where an explosive almosphere occurs occasionally. Zone2 ‘an rea where exceptionally good local conaltons and operating cumstances dive rise to only limited (remote) canger, te. an explosive almosphore occurs only rarely and, even then, only fora Short periog of time. This zone does not {attwitin the scope of Ex V No motors at ll may be used in Zone 0 Any hazardous-duty type electrical fequipmont used in Zone t must have been type-tested by the German PTB or BVS organizations or by another Euro- pean inspection authorty in accordance With Article 4 of EC Rule No, 76/177EWG. ‘The certiication provided by these in spection authorities, including PTB, must 'be recognized throughout the EC. See also the foreword to EN 50.014 (EN ELEC). ‘Normal squirrel-cage motors can be used in Zone 2 provided the surface temperature (also in the Interior) curing ‘operation is Below the temperature limit forthe particular temperature class. Ifthe maximum surface temperature ex ‘ceeds 80 °C, the manufacturer must pro- Vide the relevant data, e.g. in the cata- tog, Ignition hazards Mirtures of air and gas or vapour can be ignited by various means to cause an ex- Plosion 1. By electric sparks (rom sliprings, ‘commutators, switchgear, etc) or by ‘lectrostatic discharge. 2, Bymechanically-generated sparks (from accidental rubbing of fan in- pellers) 3. Byoverheating Slomene M 10: 1982 39 Technical information Explosion Protection ‘Temperature Classes - Explosion Groups Inoxdey to facitate the design and plan- ring o installations, flammable gases ‘and vapours are assigned according 10 their ignition temperature to 6 Tempera ture Classes T1 to T6 and, according to thelr Spark ignition capacity, 10 3 Explo- sion Groups Il, IIB and IG. ‘The ignition temperature isthe lowest temperature at which Ignition is able to occur ‘The ranges of ignition temperature for the different Temperature Classes are as follows: meen ten a Elan a ao 5 Bis a aS g SB ‘The Explosion Groups are based on ex. perimental values of safe gap width Using a standard gap. ‘The classifications of some of the most ‘common flammable materiais are shown Inthe adjacent table. Other examples wil be found inthe pub- ication “Sicherheitstechnische Kenn zahien brennbarer Gase und Dampfe* ‘by Nabert and Schon, PTB (Safety values for lammable gases and va- pours) Values for previously untested explosive ‘mixtures can be ascertained by the PTE, ifnecessary The appropriate Temperature Class and Explosion Group for a particular motor‘ ‘governed by the most critical gas or va- Pour presenta the place of installation. fone Tpmtc em “ tere tact ef ena but ‘Oto cea oem pat oe. tore Ein os ont sc BEE roa soca _. — oe, en he 7 Etnenol Hydrogen Eyl - ar Be coe ae we Hycrogen I Higher Temperature Classes and x- plosion Groups also covers lower ones. eg EExe I 73 convers EEx e 12 EEx de lIC Té convers EEx de IB T3 ‘The appropriate Temperature Class oF the maximum surface temperature must 'be marked on the motors forall the di ferent types of protection. The Explosion Group need only be ajven in the case of the "Flameproot (Explosion-proct) encios- ure type of protection Siemens M 10-1952 Technical Information J Explosion Protection ‘Types of protection « Increased: safety “e" « Flameproot (Explosion proof) enclosure “d” « Pressurized enclosure “p” ‘Types of protection ‘Annumber of diferent types of protection against explosion hazards are employed for electical equipment. Ex lis the general symbol for explo- sion proof protection and the specific type is then indicated by a lower case letter insertad in the middle, e.g. EExe | The meanings ofthe letters according lo DINEN 80014 are as follows: "e"_ Increased Safety "a Flameproot (Explosion proof) Enclosure "p" Pressurized Enclosure Inaddition, there are the Type of Pro- tection according to DIN IEC 34, Part §/ DIN VDE 0530, Part 5, provided their use isnot restricted by DIN EN 0.014 to 50.020. Increased Safety “es” This type of protection is suitable for electrical equipment which is non-spark- ing in normal use (e. g. transformers, mo- tors without siprings or commutators, luminaires, etc) In order to avoid the danger of ignition in the event of a faut, suitable monitoring devices must be provided (2g. circut- breakers with an appropriate vipping characteristic) to protect the equipment Against short-circuit and overheating, Flameproot (Explosion proof) Enclosure “d” All parts of an item of electrical equip- ment which can act as a source of ign- tion, or the whole item sel, must be ‘contained in a lameproot (Explosion root) enclosure whose sealing aces, CCortiticates of Conformity for types of protection “e” and “d” Certificate of Conformity, type of protection “e" Certeaes of Contry fue by the Gorman PTS organization are avaiable tormost of te Standard machines Any deviations trom the cori de- sigh (in power or reausney raings, oolent emperatres, ec) must be retested apd 8 new cert cate issued ‘This can involve extra costs in addon tolonger delivery times. FazarGous-duty motors are aso ident fied bythe EEx symbol and adenal letters forthe types) of protection and Temperature Class as wel a the num- ber othe certicat. Every motors subjecod tothe routine ‘est specie by tho reevant DIN and OE regulations betors leaves the ac- vor Simone M 10: 1002 Cortificate of Contormity, type of protection “a” ‘Type 1MJ5 motors have been cerifies by the German PTB organization as con- forming to EEx de lB + H,, T4 and Type ‘MJB/INU2-motors as conforming to EEx de IC, T4. The certificates no longer contain detalied technical data This ‘alin’ Certificate of Conformity covers the following deviations as well asthe normal catalog versions: coolant temperatures up to 60°C ste altitude frequency rated duty types ppole changing temperature sensors converier-ed voltage tolerance cable entries, glands for moving parts, fc. have relatively wide but narrow {gaps in order to prevent the trans- mission of internat ignition to the sur- rounding atmosphere. An explosive atmosphere will only rarely penetrate into the enclosure while the equipment is operating and, should it be ignited, the explosion wil not be trans- mitted tothe outsice Pressurized Enclosure “p" ‘The parts of an item of electrical equip- iment which might act as a source of igni- tion, or the whole item itself, are housed in enclosures through which fresh air or inert gas is circulated under pressure so thatthe explosive atmosphere outside ‘cannot penetrate to the source of igni- ton (6.6; mos, ewicngea eves etc. ‘There are no extra PTE costs for certifi. cation of these deviations ‘The motor manufacturers responsible for ensuring thatthe EN standard, the VDE specifications and the PTS regula- tions ~ the core ofthe “altin® Certticate (of Conformity - are complied with in feach ncividual case. t means that type- tests have to be performed and do- ‘cumented atthe factory, which can ‘sometimes involve considerable cost. Therefore, because ofthese costs, a prior enquiry should be made for advice if any of the deviations trom the normal Catalog versions mentioned above are required at

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