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Theoretical Foundation in Nursing families, groups, and communities, sick or well

Chapter 1 and in all settings.

What is Theory?
● Theory- An organized system of accepted What is Nursing Theory?
knowledge that is composed of concepts, ● Group of interrelated concepts that are
propositions, definitions and assumptions developed from various studies of discipline
intended to explain a set of fact, event or and related experiences.
phenomena. (Chinn and Kramer, 1991).
● Concept- The idea formulated by the mind or an
experience perceived and observed such as
justice, love, war, and disease.
● Proposition- explains the relationships of
different concepts.
● Assumption- A statement that specifies the
relationship or connection of factual concepts
or phenomena.
● Definition- Composed of various descriptions
which may convey the general meaning and
reduces the vagueness in understanding a set of
Types of Theory
★ Descriptive Theories also known as
Factor Isolating Theories- The primary
level of theory development, it identify
and describe major concept of
What is Nursing?
★ Predictive Theory or Situation- relating
● American Nursing Association theories are achieved when the
- The diagnosis and treatment of human relationships of concepts under a certain
responses to actual or potential health condition are able to describe future
problems. outcomes consistently.
● Association of Deans in the Philippines ★ Explanatory Theory or Factor- relating
- Is a dynamic discipline. It is an art and a theories presents relationship among
science of caring for individuals, families, concepts and propositions. It aims to
groups, and communities geared towards provide information on how and why
promotion and restoration of health, concepts are related.
prevention of illness, alleviation of ★ Prescriptive Theories or Situation-
suffering, assisting clients to face death Producing theories deal with nursing
with dignity and peace. actions and test the validity and
● International Council of Nurses certainty of a specific nursing
- Nursing encompasses “autonomous and intervention.
collaborative care of individuals of all ages,

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