Denton Bible Church Congregational Letter May 1 22

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4 DENTON BIBLE CHURCH Elders Jerry Barton Cony Brinkman Gary Calmes Rod Curho Curtis Elder Jimmy Haveis Jody LeBlanc Tom Nelson Wes Pakebusch Blake Pyle Kyle Roberts Byron Serna Tommy Teague Emmest Vigil Isaac White May1, 2022 Congregational Update from ‘The Denton Bible Church Elder Board Last May, the Denton Bible Church Elder Boaed shared our heartache for victims of Former Denton Bible youth minister Rob Shiflet and ous sincere desite to understand the full picture of how he abused the sacred authority vested in him to harm those under his cate, as well xs how the church responded, For this reason, the Elder Board hired independent investigators in 2019 to help us determine (1) the scope of Shider’s abuse in our chusch, (2) what was known about his conduct and when that was known, and (3) how the church responded. Ultimately, we wanted to learn from ous fulures as a clutch and do all we can to serve and protect the children in our care as we move forwaed. ‘We granted full authority for the investigators to conduct theie inquiry and analysis without any interference from Denton Bible, They were granted freedom to speak with anyone they fle they needed 10 interview and to keep all witness identities private unless given theit permission. ‘Now that thie process has concluded, first and foremost we want to acknowledge the vitims' experiences and thank all who participated in the investigation. We recognize that we will never fully know of ‘understand the effect of this abuse on these young women, We are grieved by the pain they have endured and continue to pray for them and their fumilies, specifically that they will experience peace and some measure of healing. How We Got Here In Apfil 2019, church leaders were approached by the patents of one of the victims who made us aware of hhow thei daughter was sil steuggling because of Shiflet’s abuse and the inaction of Denton Bible. We hired Scott Fredricks, an experienced third-party investigator and lawyer with Cantey Hanger LLP, and tepozted the infozmation about which we were aware to local law enforcement. A few months later, Denton Bible was informed that an FBI investigation was underway and began ‘working with them. On June 2, 2020, a criminal indictment was handed down and Shiflet was arrested. shortly thereafter. On November 30, 2020, Shiflet pled guilty to two counts of transporting « minor across state lines to engage in criminal sexual activity. On June 22, 2021, he was sentenced to 33 months in federal prison following which he will be subject to registration as sex offender and other lifelong restrictions designed to limit is access to childsca. Investigation Process After receiving clearance from the prosecutor in November 2020, Mr. Fredsicks and his team begin their extensive and comprehensive investigative process, which lasted 10 months. They interviewed 40 individuals, inclading vietims and family members, as well as current and former church staff and elders, ‘The investigators reviewed hundreds of pages of documents, including historical church records, contemporaneous emails and notes, along with court records and transcripts. Mr. Fredricks also attended Shifle’s sentencing hearing in Arkansas last simmer and listened to the first hand accounts of the devastating harm caused by Shiflet on several of his victims. Shiflet and his wife, through counsel, declined to partiipate Investigative Findings: Timeline of Abuse ‘As you read the following timeline, you will recognize an overarching theme of manipulation and rooming by Shiflet in all aspects of these young girls lives. The women interviewed, 13-16 years old at the time ofthe abuse, described that his treatment of them created a sense of fear, shame, teror, embarrassment, confusion, and guilt. He aso influenced the victims to believe that they had done something wrong, rather than being innocent targets. ‘The investigation found that Shflet began volunteering in youth ministry at Denton Bible in 1993 and was ‘employed by the church to work with middle school students from 1996 to 2001. Dusing this time, and despite his own policies to the conteary, Shiflet was observed regulatly spending time alone with gils in his ministry, including before and afterschool, in his office, in his vehicle in his home, and in a hotel room, 2300 E, UNIVERSITY « DENTON # TX #76209 « 940/297-6700 940/565:9380 +FAX (On at least one known occasion 1wo youth workers confronted Shifle about his being alone with girls, which he dismissed. They also raised 2 concern with church leadership, inchuding Pastor Nelson, about Shifle’s being one-on-one with gids. Shifet’s supervisor was told by Pastor Nelson that Shifler Should not be meeting alone with girls. ‘There was no evidence that any other corrective or disciplinary action was taken. (Other adults also witnessed Shiflet interacting with girls in inappropriate ways, including wresting with a itl, counseling a gil sitting on his lap, pulling gies over his body while caving in a small cunnel, and otherwise interacting with middle school gas in ways that made the observers fee] uncomfortable. While some of the adults confronted Shiflet about their discomfort, the investigation did not find any indication that these incidents were teported to Shifle’s supesioss at the chusch or the Elder Board. Rather, the investigation found evidence that Shifler groomed the gatekeepers. ‘That is, Shiflet cultivated a high degree fof trust with parents, volunteers, and other leaders such that they were convinced he eared for the students and that there was nothing questionable about his actions. He was so successful in his grooming behavi that the investigators were told that on muldple occasions Shiflet sought, and was given, parents’ permission fo spend time alone with their daughters. "The investigators also spoke with women who were former members of Shifle's middle school youth ‘group, These women recalled tat Shiflet engaged in inappropriate emotional and physical conduct toward them and others, For example, they recounted how he would shower special attention on “favorites,” play ‘with their baie and back of their neck, give them prolonged hugs, tckle them repeatedly, rub his feet up and down their legs under the table, hold their faces and body while whispering in theit ears, wnite them personal leters, give them gifts, and otherwise teat them like his giliriend ~ even giving some “per” ‘names and telling one he wished he could be murtied to her. Several also reported that he would cuddle “with them alone on the couch in his home after his wife went to bed, ay down with his arms and legs around them, lay their head in his lap while driving them somewhere, and secretly ouch them in public or ‘when he thought che gel was asleep. Several stated that if they did not accept his touch, he would shut them out emotionally and selationally. He also planted seeds of distrust in the girls toward other church leaders by talking negatively about other pastors co them. Te was dosing his time at Denton Bible that one of the sexual assaults for which Shiflet pled guilty occurred. Specifically, he admitted to kissing and sexually touching a git] over and under her clothing and felling her ‘not to tell sayone about what he had done. This occurred on a school tep to Atkansas, where Shifler was serving as « chaperone. The gil was in his youth group and 14 yeats old atthe time of this molestation, Shifle’s misconduct was not limited to middle school girls, .\ college inteen for Shifle in 1998, recalled ‘that during her internship Shiflet engaged in conduct toward her that was inappropriate and even, at times, she was mistaken for his wife because of hie treatment of her. In 1999, the giel went to the wife of another youth pastor and reported her discomfort and the red flags she saw in Shiflet’s leadership style and, ‘eatment of girs. Church leadership confronted Shiflet who was told to write the gira letter of apology, ‘hich he never delivered. ‘The investigation found no other preventative or disciplinary action taken. Also, after her report, no one from Denton Bible followed up with the young woman to offer eare or even an update, leading her to conclude that she had not been believed. In 2001, Shifler sought, but was not given, the position of high school pastor at Denton Bible because of his pattern of being alone with girls and not focusing enough on ministering tothe boys in his youth group. “That summer, Shifler left Denton Bible to become the youth pastor at Fellowship Bible Chuch in Linle Rock, Arkansas. These was no evidence that any information about Shifle's tenure at Denton Bible, or the reasons he did not get the high school postion, was sought by, or shared with, anyone at Fellowship Bible. (On atleast theee occasions in Arkansas, Shiflet was seen alone with gids, reportedly touched one gis thigh, and kissed another. When the last incident was reposted to the chusch in 2003, Shiflet was fired. However, it was in Little Rock that the second ceime for which Shifler pled guilty occurred. Specifically, Shiller admitted that he sexually assaulted, by sexual touch and intercourse, 4 16-year-old git in his youth ‘group on multiple occasions ever several years, including during a chusch trip to Florida ‘After being fired in Lite Rock, Shiflet moved back to Denton, On one occasion after he setured, Shiflet ‘was invited to teach youth at Denton Bible. However, after learaing he had been fired fom Fellowship Bible Church for violating policies pertaining to being alone with gils, Denton Bible no longer allowed Shiflet to volunteer or teach in any capacity atthe church. Nevertheless, te investigators heard credible accounts that while in Denton, Shiflet continued the sexual sbuse of at least one giel from Arkansas 2300 E. UNIVERSITY « DENTON # TX #76209 ¢ 940/2976700 940/5859380 «FAX Tn 2005, 2 19-year-old gel who had heen in Shifler’s youth group at Denton Bible began seeing a counselor at our Counseling Center and disclosed Shifle’s grooming behavior of her that occurred several years prior, ‘when she was 13- 10 14-years-old. The girl connected the counselor with another girl who had been in Shifle’s youth group in Arkansas. ‘That gil disclosed the sexual abuse Shiflet had committed against her lover the course of years. The ftiend to whom the counselor was introduced was afraid and embarrassed and expressed her desire that the information she shared in that meeting not be discussed with anyone. At that time, Texas law did not mandate a report of the abuse thete giels had suffered when they were under 18, Both girls were 19 years old when they bravely made these reports to counselors and elders at Deaton Bible. Upon learning ofthis abuse, Denton Bible leaders confronted Shiflet, who admitted to the sexual ‘misconduct, and the Hilder Board voted to revoke his ordination in September 2005, In the months and years following, Denton Bible leaders alerted several other organizations of Shifle’s known actions including the atea church his family was attending and the school where Shiflet had begun working. However, Denton Bible made no effort to shepherd or care forthe girls after they came forward, In 2015, another of Shifler’s former middle school students at Denton Bible reported his sexual abuse of her to authorities and Denton Bible. Chusch leaders at Denton Bible again confronted Shifle, who was no longer attending Denton Bible, but didnot offer cate tothe viet, Parents of the first victim to come forward in 2005 approached leadership in 2019 and asked chat the church care for their daughter, now in her 308. Recognizing the change in the law and finding no record that a report to authorities had been made, church leaders reported what they knew to authorities and hited the independeat investigators. However, Denton Bible did not consistently follow-up with the family or offer care to the victim. As a result, the family left Denton Bible. ‘Unbeknownst 10 the church, several of the vietims had reported their abuse by Shiflet easier in 2019 10, federal authorities in Arkansas. As soon as Denton Bible became aware of the federal investigation, they ‘worked with those authorities. Only afte receiving clearance from the federal prosecutor in the fll of| 2020, dd the independent investigators begin theit work. In total, the investigators found cxedible accounts that at least 14 gitls were victims of Shifler’s abuse: 11 at ‘Denton Bible and 3 at Fellowship Bible. The misconduct descsibed in these accounts was characterized by everything from grooming behavior and sexual harassment to criminal sexual abuse, abuse of power, and spiritual abuse, Equally troubling, was the consistent accouats that Denton Bible did nor shepherd and care for the victims after they showed great courage in coming forward [Investigation Findings: Denton Bible Failures “The investigation revealed three broud areas where serious mistakes were made by Denton Bible leadership (D) we didnot peotet these chien from thei youth pastor, (2) we did not have a vietin- centered response, nd (3) cultural dynamics at Denton Bible conteibuted to or exacerbated these flues. First, we did not protect these children from their youth pastor. Uwenty years ago, we were n0t prepared fo recognize the waming signs of grooming behavior. Even though reports were made of inappropriate behavior by Shifles, we did not understand the way predators groom theit vicims and gatekeepers. We did not comprehend how the favoritism he showed some gils or the physical touch that came to characterize his middle school ministry were warning signs, and for some girls had already led 10 sexual misconduct, that deserved much greater inspection and alarm. We also did not have chusch-wide child-protection policies at that time. While Shflet created his own ‘ministry policies for his team and depatment, including a prohibition agsinst being alone with childsen, he did not personaly follow those protocols himself, nor was he held accountable for violating ther. Furthermore, we did not have a system in place to appropriately investigae allegations into Shift’ misconduct when victims came forward, While we attempted to internally examine what happened yeass later, our Elder Board and counseling department were ill equipped to lead an investigation into any sexual ‘misconduct allegations during Shifle’s time at Deaton Bible. Secondly, we did not have a vietim-centered response. Put simply, we did not prioritize care for the vietims when they came forward, and many subsequently expressed feeling unheard, not believed, and dismissed. Rather than ensoaing the vietims received the cate they needed, we focused our attention on ‘pastoring Shifler and his wife. Fuedhermote, our sesponse to the allegations addressed the conduct in almost exclusively spiritual terms related to Shifle’s sin and repentance instead of the fact that he violated 2300 E. UNIVERSITY # DENTON # TX #76209 + 940/297-6700 940/565.9380 «FAX criminal laws. We priostized grace and forgiveness toward Shiflet over cate for his victims and fled to call ‘out his crimes of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of power, and spiritual abuse. Adkltionally, the findings revealed that we did not provide access to professional counseling and failed to follow through on pastoral care and communication with victims and theit families. Ultimately, we did not honor, sespect, or protect vieims in a way that was congruent with out calling asa church. We recognize that ths left many of them feeling not believed and abandoned in atime of great need. In addition, our actions left them with the impression that we were supporting Shifle instead of believing and validating ‘them. ‘That was unacceptable, and each one of them deserved much greater care than. we gave, Thirdly, there were (and are) cultural dynamics in our church that allowed misconduct to occur and not be responded to appropriately. Specifically, the cultural dynamics at Denton Bible 20 years ago allowed Shilet an opportunity to conduct grooming behavior. The youth group was characterized by a high dogtee of physical ouch coupled with the normalization of inappropriately intimate conversations with idle school gitls about marriage and sex. Ous lack of child protection policies and siloed ministies also ‘contributed to an envitonment that allowed Shiflet ro conduct himself with litle ro no oversight or accountability In addition, our church culeute lacked involvement of women in decision-making processes related to the abuse of these girls. Further, in slmost all meetings with the vietims, no women were preseat, which was inappropriate, Finally, the investigators talked to many who described an “us vs. them" mentality toward those outside of ‘our active church membership. This mindset caused us t0 not really see or provide care for victims and families that were no longer part of our church community. The investigators also found that people within ‘our chutch were afiaid to raise concerns, or even participate in the investigation, because of feeling that it ‘would be seen and treated as disloyalty ‘Our Apology and Lament ‘As Elders, hearing this report shook us as we are sure it does you. Moreover, we unequivocally accept these Findings. We were and continue to be overwhelmed with grief for the haem our church allowed to happen to young women entrusted to our care, We were taken aback by ous faluses to not only prevent the harm Ibut to also assis victimes in the healing process, While no amount of words can bring true healing to the victims, we feel a responsibility before the Lord to say to them and their families, “We are exceedingly sorry.” These things should not have happened on out ‘watch. By not being educated on the grooming behavior of child predators, we allowed them to happen. ‘And even after we were made aware of the abuse, we did not respond in the victim-centered manner Defitting of a church led by Jesus. For that, we lament. We weep that these young women came to a place of protection and were violated. We are sorry that a house of healing generated a source of deep pain for each of them, and that we did not protect them from 4 predator who disguised himself both to them and us asa spiritual mentor. We must confess to these ‘women and their families that we not only did not protect them, but we also did not xespond to them with the compassion, care, and understanding they deserved. We now realize and take responsibilty for the ways ‘we compounded their suffering, We also recognize there may be additional victims of whom we ate not aware who experienced abuse from Shiflet or other perpeteators. Ifyou of anyone you know has expericaced something similar, we urge you first and foremost to report the abuse to appropriate authorities. We are available to assist you with that important priority and to help you find healing, Ox, i you prefer, you may teach out directly to the team that conducted this investigation at We also understand that heating this information is likely to be painful for other vietims of abuse unrelated ‘0 this situation. If you ate a victim of any abuse, we want you to know that you are not alone as we have sesoutces avaiable to assist you both within and outside our church, As your Elders, we are committed to ensuring this does not happen again within our church. We are approaching the future of Denton Bible with eyes wide open a8 the Lord reveals more opportunities for us to change and improve policy conceming the protection of those entrusted into our cate. 2300 E. UNIVERSITY * DENTON # TX * 762096 940/297-6700 940/5659380 #FAX Moving Forward First and foremost, we hope this investigation provides a step forward in the healing process for the ‘women that suffered this abuse. To that end, when the investigation fist began, we asked the investigators to offer to any victims to pay for counseling with a counselor of their choice. We understand some individuals have accepted this offer. We desperately wont to see healing for each of them and to make sure that they have access to resources to aid in their recovery. ‘We also gave permission to Me, Fredricks to present the complete investigative findings directly to the victims. Some have already chosen to meet with him in-person to hear the report he delivered (0 us. We hope and pray that an honest recounting of our shortcomings will help prevent future failures at Denton Bible and at other churches. ‘Our secondary concern for this report was uncovering the ways in which we did not protect these women. 0 that we can prevent something lke this {rom happening again. Even before this investigation began, we nad established strong child protection policies and training, However, with the specific findings ofthis investigation, we ate re-evaluating all our protocols to casure we are doing all we can to protect children and care for victims of abuse. We are conducting enhanced ongoing sexual abuse awareness taining forall elders, deacons, staff, and volunteers and providing education around abuse secognition and reporting through MinisteySafe ~ most recently to a group of more than 300 in late March, By regulatly educating our leaders and ministry workers, we believe these efforts will enhance early identification of predatory behavior among individuals who work with our youth and put those that may seek to harm our children on notice that we are watching. We are also working to develop a plan to care for victims with centralized responsibility and accountability for follow-through Finally, we have implemented inereased involvement of women staff and leadership with decision-making capacity regarding the handling of abuse cases with women. This is one reason we asked Me, Predicks 0 give a confidential presentation ofthe full eeport to a group that included female staff and congregational leaders. The Elder Boatd wanted to receive the input of wise and experienced women as we digest and respond to these investigative findings. All tat said, we recognize there ate still many things yet to be determined. We continue to process the depth aoxl magnitude of the information from the investigation. Our sincere desire is for Denton Bible to bea safe place to provide and care for individuals and families inside and outside our church community Conclusion “This is a grievously sad chapter in the history of Denton Bible. These women and their fimilies came to four chutch and placed theit trust in us when they attended youth group, youth events, and youth mission ‘sips. Their trust was met by a predator, and we did not protect them from him, We are truly sorry, apologize, heg their forgiveness, and pray they wil find the Lord's healing grace in theie lives as they ‘continue to walk with Flim, We grieve that all you just heard is now a part of our chusch story. We own these failures, knowing the Tessons will not eave us. We believe that we can only fulfill our mission if we serve our people better. Our most earnest prayer is that as we change, we will better reflect the love of God and that our church will bea sousce of grace and peace and healing forall who come. In Chiist, Tommy Neu Soni 2300 E, UNIVERSITY * DENTON # TX #762096 940/297-6700 940/5659380 #FAX

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