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(Q Match. There are two options in some cases. Maths a) Complete the timetable with your information. , y MONDAY TvEsDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY b) Now, correct the wrong statements. 1 We have Natura Sciences on Mondays. 5. We dontt have ICT on Fridays 2. We don't have Maths on Tuesdays. 6 We don't have Portuguese at school 3 We have Social Studies at 1030. 7 We have Language on Thursdays in the afternoon. 4 We don't have Music in the morning, 8 We don't have PE on Fridays at 2in the afternoon. 56 xy-Gauu “spuaiy asta 40 qn am ey hus pue sake aniq iq ah iau ‘1 | £0q Bunos & 61 24d Wh) ayy 0108 am shepung wi / uo , pue Kep Kw est Aepunyes spuayz0M Je SBulya 40 0] Op aX jpuayBaM ayy aA0} a9 spuats yay Keyd 30 AL season \pten am pue 3somauoy 10} sasioiaxo op am ‘Suluana ayp U| im— — rent ya9q9—— site “39009 y0ads poas , pue Apnas axA HWY 2M] UP /30U, ws pue x2") ————, ey A “a8BeW wy JOH/aH any sunsig pue €a} 380140219 / y>UN 5 aney om pul g uo / 30, dn 328 ayy uoowayye ayy JO / Ul , |OOYDS 03 08 aK, “yynow 8ig e pue asou |jews eR, [SUING alam ‘PJO s1eaA axjamy anoy / 210 ¢ BNA ‘wp Pue Hous red sau i iH “svatfioug s]2tued / J2}UDC ¢ WO] pue XeYY 210 244 / WHO |, yews sao hu pue sey Buo] | us | 2a Vs ur suapms “pon 3391109 ay Yam aga}dwIOD (q Bumow ayy (Aepuy 04 kepuoyy) shepyaam {oct 21) depp 51 /3w / ne 50M / any spuayeam aay uanaya sfepung pue stepimes Sunok —pjo-sieak-uay ye sieayews jews Hoys- plo aey Bu0) woowiaye ay sokausel8 — asou8iq iq. rynneaq Ay uaras Bay s0u9 yy aM >) “uuunjo> 3221202 943 us spaom ays apiaya (2 (Q) Complete the fact file with your information. BPN eee cee ROUTINES: FAVOURITE SUBJECT: (Qa) Write three more sentences about your routin music books computer Ve io 3 b) Now, write the sentences in Exercise 7 and your new sentences in the correct sequence. (Gp Correct the wrong statements. 1 Ido my homework in the kitchen 2 I don't walk to school. 3. don't watch TV in my bedroom 4 goto bed at ten 5 | visit friends in the afternoon, 6 My friends and I have lunch at school, 7 On weekdays, | get up atten 8 We have dinner at nine, () Match. There is one extra ending. 1. Wehave lunch at 2 Idon't 3. My brothers and| listen 4 My friends don't wear 5 We don't use. 6 We watch TV a auniform, b computers at school. € school. d seven thirty @ in the living room. f to musicin the garden, 8 walk to school, 16 v2res-hautu Quomauoy snok pi nok djay spualij nok og g *— 0m) - alalp — ul — spaq — ale - wooipaq Aw 9 jawoy eee yevaynduion easn nokog — uapie8 jews e~ sareip~ asnoy ku § qusoyun e1e2K nokog 9 uusow ‘ju! ooyps 03 08 nok og 2245/04 81 PIO MOH eureu spuaty 3s9q nox st ey, {nok ate pjo moy gaueu nok s3eyM ~ pue ~ saa — stey ~ | -81q - aney—uoys + {0p ~ nok - woospaq snok - op = = pomauioy snok ¢ “= ye n15 - yop ~ spuaypam - am — dnz2B— 38 Z — “suoysanb “= U}— Ypun] aaey — skepuns — uapreS ays — spuaty AW — Uo | 4 ays somsuy (ID ‘nog! ‘Sumojpoy ays ojquseiosun jgeos8 sy wapie8 Aus 240} | uapsed ayy ut omauioy Aw ——, apse {Tews e——,, aay pu ‘asnoy hw ul swoospag om), avayy, ooy>s a4) 0} 3x0U asnoy jews eu ———, ap "003 124014 2 | ‘varas ——y 515 Ky plo s1294 uanaja———g inynougip 4 quay yy ————— 1309 ‘ystf8ug —— | J00y2s 3 ypuary pue ysy)8ug—————, »m, sraypesy aay ——, Kau siay803 5a ———, a) jo0ups A1eyuauwalg so}unfoy—————, | ue”g——--—, | tH yom —Apms— aay amy (ex) ex)aney 0B guop op yoo): (exe = (ax)ue “spiom e1yx@ Om3 a1e B19Y KOq 243 UI SPuoM ays yIIM aya}dUIOD —— f opis, 8 | joypeor 15) 04951 oy 9 / ‘shepuowuo | | woowsse 24p useanduton aneynok og ¢ [ wopamon 2 | | ‘ayeqiooy hyd yg ul quapmas.og i qwop fain ON P| juoowsaye | ‘SWIENIAA SI > | ‘ayy UL 10 SuJWOW ayy UL dISMYA S| Eg | Sumow ayy ul q | ISM SIIUR IY ZT ( ‘oreav & eskepuoyy uo 21snyy aneynokog 1 | ‘veMSUe B1YX9 BUO SI Bay “SABMSUE PUR SUOHsaNb Y>}eW) ® (@ Cross the odd one out. 1 condor armadillo chinchilla 2 planet star river 3 PE cr Language 4 chair bed cupboard 5 thin yellow beautiful 6 bus teacher bike T desert jungle pampa 8 gil boy teacher O Gircle. In the desert... ‘we can / can't see trees. ‘we can / can't see camels. we can / can't see rats. we can / can't see cactuses. we can / can't see lamas we can / con't see waterfalls. we can / can't see chinchillas. we can / can't see parrots. (© Write about the jungle. In the jungle.. 1 wecan see. 2 we can't see. 3 wecan see 4 wecan't see 5 we can see. 6 we can't see @ Correct the wrong statements with your information. 1 Iar't climb trees. 2 My mother can cook 3. My English teacher can't speak Italian, 4 My baby brother can walk 5. I can't swim. 6 My father cant ride a bike 7 Ican't see the sun in the morning 8 Ican see Mars. 66 suu-hiouly = sawouonse oT ue sti0yow 3/3 OL mw spied aug ut youn ———— ays nar ‘Suney ave uaspyN 2YL 6 ‘Aroyeasasqo yp UI] JayoU SAA 9 ) SNOLLY anaai seq qua op sit ur AL qpiem use0p ueug 8 aes -9yq sj a ped arp st yas as ] SaLVLS: ap OIE LZ ant pag son Ananvndad >ponauioy iMuuys wooupeg siy us! Rpuy Yauno1g SANS - sly Sujop s} jue 9 pomawioy 104 || sanuunoa yey oe 4 HOY EYE § pur sand a vo il san qua 3ue> PINS AN syooge aug oospaq oy uisi aa ¢ a tuoi alee ayeo ays waypany aur st aie 7 i ALMAY -aysis ® aaey quseop Aja 7 ie — “Jam Aion Buss ueo ueug Sen pue AL ia fou ‘wou ze 218 flue pue ueUE L ypo1ios ays Ya saouayuas Sumojjoy 249 y>seW Kaypang! ue USL eo fay ang’ wea sojipewry g «ura fay. ang’ ura siasu€ eo fatp nq’ eo soo. ue -s30q 10) ydo010* yea Kay nq’ ue suinBuag 9 {jue> heyy 3ng anu ayy ui ue sjewusey 7 : 4 : 4 wes Aayy ang‘ 3,ueo sein § "saa ———— ye Kay nq’ ue spa “(e's asyosong un squon aya Yai aaayduod (q ti... a. aes wi ost oe uu (opop)zem | oo ae (eya) 2pu ALYReM pea iV oo . ae dun( (pumpin 2 = an | say att —<£o° 1 5 hy 4 —— 3 Apmis = | yup doays 7 yoo Sus ‘TidOad ONY STYWINY meo3d STVWINY quip -uuinjo> 3201409 a4p ut santanoe ays asim (© (ED ol (Gp 2)Read and match. There is one extra picture. "This animal is small. Ifs brown. It has four short legs and a small head. It doesn't have big eyes. It can't ly. It can't hear or see well. can run, but it cant climb trees. I lives in the desert. teats insects. This animal isn't very big but it isnt small. t's brown or grey. It has ‘wo big legs and two small arms. It doesn't have a big head. It lives in ‘Australia, It can jump and swim, but it can’t run or climb trees. It eats leaves and fruit. 3 This animal is not very small, but it isn't very big. It lives in Africa. It has a small head with a small nose and big ears. It doesn't have a small ‘mouth, Its brown, It can jump, run and climb trees, but it cant ly. It cats fruit. t loves bananas! “This animal is black. It isnt beautiful. ithas a small body and a small head. It doesn't have four legs. It eats insects I lives in a cave. ft can fly, but it can't run. It can't see, but it can hear very well. b) Use the ¢) Now, write your riddle! fact files. : : Animals. i ie i i) ie J ane 4 Descripion Description, i Sea Anima eee Diet j ie a co. Habit i Abilities a lites: eectoton: | i Diet Abilities: Animal: ce Habitat - Desctiption, Pec eeeeeget ee... Animal: ‘ jo Diy : : Habitat i a Abilis ee LC———————E Diet = Abllities: LOL 240 pue parpuny auo (~~ ajjam eid Ko ue 9 GHONAASY | won>auig aug 2 ‘Buiheld {saNay3aM) S3NUNOY | ‘uapued ayy uy fay ae aay § {sava)gaM) SINUNOY | tue Kayy'so,, 2 | Aajeqio9y (sipatans TOOHOS! sayNsid / Sa | nour ON B Surkeyd sou saunigy | -ssempoig ons Ay 2 jo 2uuasy, AW me, | nok ate eum ¢ NOIdI4DS30 TWOISAHA j senill Buyop nok axe rey 7 ei 30¥ on Sunaysiy wi) Quomawoy WYN snok Bujop nok asy | “B01q yeuosied “romsue exyx@ auo s} 2104, 4 anok a3uum pue ail 243 ar2}duso> “suamsue pue suonsanb yarewy (MM) eH req 21M, ISLIOGS fiE|d {409 / UI” BYS “Id 34) {US2OP / JUST, 2YS INq ‘AydosBoID pur AUOISIH SOM / fe, AUS "JOOUDS Fuepuddas 01 5906 / 06, YS “UALS AH /$2YSe "CUNT SAWOUJ2Y / Sify, “J2ISIS © aADY | 2ued aut oF aig Fas Burpy Wwe / aptly | 'uoOUIaYe 24.0 / Uf Z.1¥ OO4Ds O1:YEM | BURNET WE, | PUD OF'9UO / 10, dn 196 | "GS UI UBPNIS © HO J / 21 Ae “NOW SH / Wwe /, ‘alueg = eae a fuesrdstoniouopmmnanw OW De > apa syewue snoge 4009 y "AL 4>}eM pue yromawoy hu op | Surpeas ays | ———— {Bujuana aun ui op nok op ———— 5 Supear says sm ‘Buop ays 1 —————- ¢, {juaypeay nok si ————— ¢ apie ay) ut ual, _Us24515 nok | ———— oka z MP ap UL ew {U}eq100} kejd nok op ————— {aureu snok sj ————— , “2124M 10.3e4M ‘O¥M ‘P]O MOH asf) ‘suoKsanb ays ax2)dWo> (fF) @ Look and write the shop. QD circle. 1 Wecan / con't buy butter atthe butcher’. 2 Wecan / can't buy carrots at the greengrocer’s, 3. Wecan / can't buy cereals atthe bakers 4 We can / can't buy sugar atthe grocer’, 5. We can / cant buy bread atthe baker’ 6 Wecan / can't buy lettuce atthe grocer’. 7 Wecan / cant buy cheese atthe greengrocers, 8 Wecan / cant buy cheese atthe butchers (@ Write the words in the correct column, meat biscuits bread butter chicken croissants peaches _—_ sausages. strawberries sugar_—_-yoghurt BUTCHER'S | GREENGROCER'S | | | GROCER’S BAKER'S | | 1 © Write about shopping. 1 At the supermarket, I can see but I can't peed 2 Atthe baker’, I can’t see. , but I can see 3 At the butcher's, | can see but I can't see 4 Atthe grocer’s, | can't see , but I can see 5 Atthe greengrocers, I can see but I eant ‘e143 pue paypuny au £01 {seueveg By % pur Jaq 357 ‘syoues 3% unyBOk | 51 yon MOH geonane] 8y Y pur peaig 84% ‘asoayp 8} y‘saypead By 11 yoru MOH uaring 84% pue sym | “uaypiy> 8y 7 'saBesnes By St ypMW MOH, 7 nu) 7 pue sojdde By 4 ‘9500p 847 5) yon MoH 9F 1 ranybor Ftd 1 yen sedinim Ze by rary Otd by s2140g 58 by queaq Ozg by sabusnvs spoau ays “suonsenb ays zomsue pure 4007 (&) “$uayog / Ssayaing / §sa20sBua—ls §4a20/3 aay ehpag si aay, “ayaa (4 a BY] sayang jo 84 % pue aoin! a8uei0 7] Jo 2109 e paou | syueys‘auLy { -arenok ary (ee F aystypnu moy speousH | P >|, jnok aie Mo} | ase nok aiay | pag ‘uoowseyye poo Cr a (apy a , — ‘uoousaiye poo | 08253 mu vexed vanBojerp ayp ajquresosun (e A GQ) Complete with the correct verb. 1 Daniel’ brothers like tomusic. 2 Maggie likes______cakes. 3. Emily likes blue pants and T-shirts 4 She doesnt ke _____TV. 5 Emily’ brother doesnt like football, but he likes board games. 6 Mr Smith likes __ his grtfriend, and she likes ___te the elub. 7 Emily's mother loves. at the planets 8 Daniel and Brian don't like. ‘Maths, but they like books about astronomy. Q Write the following sentences in the correct category. 1 Maggie is cooking. 2 She loves cooking 3 She cooks at weekends. 4 She doesn't cook in the morning, 5 She likes PE and Natural Sciences. 6 She doesnt like studying. 7 Maggie and her friends are playing in the park. 8 They don't like playing with dolls. 9 They hate playing football, but they like playing hockey. 10 The PE teacher plays football with the boys and hockey with the girls ___ Routines Actions now QO circle. 1 Do/ Does your sister like reading? Yes, she does. 2 What / Where does she like reading? In the garden, 3. What / Where does she like reading? Romantic novels. 4 When / Where does she do her homework? Inthe afternoon. 5 What / When does she like doing in the evening? She likes watching TV or listening to music, Likes and dislikes (actions) | | (things) SOL SE apy aio se 948/04 199 ‘8 ,us@0p ays/eu sna > at uso J24}0U 12410) AA sexy 2us/04 194 ‘24 4useop puety AN 5831 J04OW/19UI0) AN ‘4 juseop @ys/24 nq¢ som uu, A Emm L ANG at 009 1 Baan ou uy seop ays g ays L saysts fu pue vanes 531 9 apes Keys § eney AOL are saygoig AW ¢ pur siayjoug ony aney | 7 saueu AW 1 |e 419, woo Sua ayy uu say1qm2u —splomautoy s9y BuI0p st Jajsise — lOM@WIOY Joy proM@WOY NOK saop Suara ayy urpomauoy iy suse fg “Suipua exo uo 5 2104, x09 ayp ut saseiyd ypu ayejdwion (ET) 2H 4,40 | 2 | SPUByESN Ay jakg spomauoy, ‘a 10) 2s YPOP VBABSS / 53h, HO ‘fayooy kejd you wo / U0, | “WLI juods ayanoney ay / Kus, $31 Faypoy Burkoyd / Ao}, ano} | siuuay Buihejd ay) Uo / 24! 190g ‘stuuay BUNpHOM / YPM, 2 | isuiods ay] nok 0 je Aur Supls ano} | LAIIEOU ‘y Supe / apis, ay uop 13g / PUP, “2G ® 2424 | gnok gnoge 324M T]045 / 319, ‘Aran you st ayq AW JOU WO / 3,40P; | ‘ON janig Big e aney nok og ‘woos Buia) ayy ul Uy {nok puy woospag Au ul S2,, dausoy ye nok og / 24¥;, /EPUTTIH EW IH aw ae epury sew epuly aw pun (@ Match questions and answers. There is one extra answer. 1 Why is Brian wearing a jacket? 2. Why is Daniel wearing shorts? 3 Why does Emily have a ball in her hands? 4 Why does Maggle have a book in her hands? 5 Why does Mrs Davies have an egg in her hand? 6 Why does Mr Smith have an apple in his hand? Because he eating b Because he's playing football. ¢ Because it's cold. Because she's making a cake. e Because she’ playing tennis. F Because she’ writing. g Because she's reading @ aircle. 1 Brian walks to the park because he has / doesnt have abike, Matt rides his bike to the park because he likes / doesn't ike walking Dariel has four books on astronomy because he likes / doesn't lke Natural Sciences, Emily ha a blue T-shirt, blue pants and a blue dress because blue is/ isnt her favourite colour Emily's mother can speak Quechua because she is /is't from Peru. Daniel’ brothers get up early because they go to school in the morning/ afternoon. Mr Smith’ sister goes to secondary school because she's seventeen / eleven. Brian i at the grocer’s because he needs rut / butter. @ Unscramble the following. 1 at the greengrocer’ ~ because ~ Daniel —he~is— lettuce - needs 2. Matt at the butchers meat ~ because - he ~ needs ~s 3. because ~ at the grocer ~ sugar ~ he ~is ~ needs ~ Max needs ~ at the baker's ~ because ~ croissants ~he milk ~ at the grocer’ ~ because ~ is ~ Mrs Davies ~ needs ~ she is~ at the baker's ~ because ~ bread ~ he ~ Mr Smith = needs he ~ at the greengrocers — because - Emily father -is~ needs - peaches at the butcher's — because ~ needs - chicken — Daniels sister ~ is ~ she © complete. Use the verbs in the box. There is one extra verb. daw eat play sleep work watch 1 Matt has a pencil in his hand because 2 Maggie is next to the television because 3. Tom and Max are in the kitchen because 4. Brian and Daniel are in the garden because 5. Emily’s parents are in the bedroom because ‘LOL ¥aAas pue paipuny uo ‘woy say asnenaq asouciue9 yeads ue> nes 9 eeeaca rarer tle arfaip asne2eq ypuady yeads ue> anaueay pue auew ¢ oy $24 asne2aq asanBnyiog yeads UeD opjeuoy wo says asnedaq ue] YeadsueD esUO ¢ ‘wou ‘ray asne2aq ysiueds yeods ued 2y59]25 pue o8upoy Z wou, Says asneaaq yst/2ug yeeds ued atue|ayy | ejanzausn eu YINOS EW Ae 3dK8q eu reg “piom ennxa duo soy 109 949 ur spion ays ya azajlon QE) uy og e519 S| se seeevebartact “se eprauseg unions 220m | of eae ————— joy | sera Ma woy soyog Aurel S104 © | qusory Kusog 29151 224M T | wou ssayy yeU0T 512104 L | | gio Aayy ae 2s04NQ °2190) shepof, | 0———— rt ansue pu peou {xteasny 10 e>nyy woy seju0B ay 9 eeensny 10 euyy Woy sejeoy auy ¢ e2uawy 40 adoung wey ssopuos auy (eaUyY 40 e2HaWY wos see) ay ¢ JUYY 10 eDueUy Woy seule ary 7 (adoing 10 esy woy S128 aay. “suonsonb ays sonsuy (©) 18 e pue hog e ‘uaupyyp omg sey ays unoy-Ky10) says “telg woy Says e>1eW saUreU JO} 9h e | Ja\OW 32H) “#8 e pue skog omy ‘waipjyp aawia sey at ‘om-Ai104 59H "eJanzaU9A wou Sa} "21A SOUIEU SIH YayDe— e s] Jaye SUELIG “xpuy ue Aj ‘uaspyy> oma sey 24s ‘uanas-Kulua 524s ueIAnsog S18ys suog Saueu Jo} seWOUOLSe Les) a4 OU §fyUFy “Se]y, 320} 249 242]dui0> pue peoy (FE) ©) Read and complete. Q Write for the Wildlife magazine. Use the following words. Brian and his family live in a small house. Brian's Bie small favourite place is the garden - he loves doing his homework there. His sister's name is Natalie, -terg | Blckand ite She has a pet: a dog. Brian doesn’t like dogs very much. Brian’s parents are in the living room, now. They're watching TV. They love watching TV and reading in the livi ; short thin 4 house is small favourite place isthe garden. My parents love the living room, its\_____favouriteroom. Lookat Natalie. That’s“______dog. | *Basset hounds ae nice dogs. legs | ?Camels are mammals. Look! This s*_____dog, legs f_Redky.He sleeps inmy bedroom my > Penguins arent mammals / favourite room, My brother doesnt like playing in his bedroom, *_____ | bodies favourite place is the garden, He and ' friends love playing in “Crocodiles are green, the garden, a Koalas are from Australia, eyes “Lions are beautiful animals. GOL Ulu pue paipuny auo a seioutina ‘4U8| O10UL ‘ayayy’B0q jooUDS Aw UL ~4Us] 104} IN" iAeuiny a183ew "00} jus ayL|ODO4> AuD / aWOs,, (Ang pue ‘spualyy snok ypim o5 jeapl Ue aney | -wny ‘spuaty Kus yim Buuhod wo / Loyd j3ng {aseald ‘ssayping / $2208, 242.01 08 nos woo / op, ‘ai8BeW) “003 sens Au0 / auios, Spa0u ays aU0Y ye B89 Au / wos, 4UaID / JUS ‘uayp ang ‘a9 Supjew says "weajqoud e soy / andy, ‘aus Buyjooo si saysow sai8oyy / alSBoyy, ‘mou Uuaypy ayy ut 21Aoys / 242)Mq Spuatysoyp / nok, BUM Surkejd axe sa3s's uno / sey, pue alSBey ‘apa <2jgewunodun 40 ajqeruno> saipop auy 9 @2iqequnosun 410 2}qequn09 {pog ay yo syed aly dayqequnooun 40 ajqeunod s3>81G0 Jooy>s ay {2ygevumooun 10 ajqeyunod sjeutue ary ¢ {alqequno2un 0 2}qexuno> pooy 5) Z {aigeyunooun so ajqewuno> syuup auy ~—Aipwe > 40 119 aaUM amsue ‘RON (q “pul 2164 1g, ~ j.uai0 ezeuy 3nq* 9210 = BWOS 31D 1 80s $| e104} e809 OUSd AL UL STVWINY | “SLDI80 TOOHDS BK UNS] B=} Jayeans —seBns—suosss ypupues jays vad = squed = asou ewe sey aa ea Bop sang ajdde - ‘wun saute ays uy pu0n agp anne @ Read and complete. Here's the Addams Family. Gomez Addams is Morticia’s husband. He's tall and has short brown, hair. His mother's name is Grandmama. She's ashort woman. Mort ind Gomez have two children: a daughter, Wednesday, and a son, Pugsley. They are terrible children. The children’s uncle is Fester. He’s a short, fat man with no hair. He's strange! The children have an aunt, too, Morticia’s sister. Her name's Ophelia. She’s Morticia’s twin sister. (© Read and write v (true) or x (false). Correct the false statements. My brother's mother is my aunt. My father’ wife is my mother My aunt's son is my cousin. My uncle's daughter is my aunt. My mother’ sister is my cousin, My mother’s brother is my uncle. My aunt’ husband is my uncle. CjCotit jt itt jt} My fathers brother is my cousin ©} draw your family tree and complete the My uncle’sname is. His wife name is My cousins are My mothers aunt is My father’ uncle is My grandmother's husband is My grandfathers daughter is My grandmother's son is. LL ¥2%=) pu paupuny su0 Jokes aur Daigar 4flan Sd chow Taper Sate 9pettoes 1papyat pjoo>3.u0d :0-1 Poop 9-1 “WPM: POOB Al9A 8-6 ~poo8 0S JON 'b-§ jauayja0x3 01 “282 & u sofodod / soBosnos ind 3,ue> nOA OL ‘aana} / seojoiod Jo sodky asap 09g ae aroyp ns2g UL 6 -voomaye ayy uu ayous yuup pue opese 320 ajdoad Jo 30) yg “sepeuediua sayy u aon / 08s asn ajdoad auios “nsjuseun 40} yo / assayp paauam 9 “s@oyBul03 pu suo1uo ‘sjoueo ‘sama yum pops / ojjand e ayeus ueD NOK ‘88a uaz0p © sey yawn Sujppnd aot / uoy axew ue> no, Suippnd aou 404 108s / sa.0m paauam ¢ aye & 10) suoIUO / 08s peau aM Z ‘SayD|MpURS JNO Ul YU / sanypo and WED BAA L {Yoo nod uvZ {Assun09 snk ur ysip eater #9244 {pu2ssap aynoneyss9%sis / 5J04p019 NOK sey 2qUUp aynone $2492) nok seyAA 2qUUp ayMoAey IMO 524) {skepung uo yassap 10} ax2y nok op yey {sfepung uo youn} 103 2x24 nok Op 2A ‘guassap ayunoney nok s3eyM, {ysip 2uunoaey nok seu) -suonssanb Supmoyjoy ays samsue MON (q “2}2u19 pue peau “ysp e264 e st 1ysns oL “USIP. Jeaid est uoy moyD 6 “poo eoidhs es! jowooong g saupmmpues ead are souanyy 1 ‘poy qeridhre aie sodiy 9 ojuup pedGesiaioy ¢ -juup edhe oyuudion “ysip yeidAy est sdiyp puo ysiy ¢ “uassop yoidh estnswomy 7 “ysip yeo1dQ es oa04 Uuefenfini, —ysjueds —ueaniag —_uekenereg eon asauedey —ueyjen) —_yst/8u3 asoun uray —_uerzeg aunusdiy pjioa aly pimoip poo, “Spiom ea3xe omy ‘ae 21044, X09 ay UI sp1oM a4p YIM axajdui0y (ED “yassap / ysip awunoney us a4fays jsepeuedwra 2/0) 1 g “Uassep / ysp ueouawy nos jeoidAy est opesy / “y2loM / 2um YUUp 4UOP UaIPIYD 9 “Hassep / Ysip 40} 49] ap a2|np aney euUaBry UW aidoay ¢ “sepeuedire Bupjew wy asneseq saBosnos / yoow paau| sepeuedwa seu / aayfo pue uayPIYD axe aayL ¢ “suniy / sojqosaBoa are eum pue ehedeg 7 ‘yassap / ysip aunuady yeaidAi es ued | ‘apap (e © @ Look and complete. (Q)p Unscramble the following. i" 1 any ~ inthe cupboard — is - sugar ~ there ~? 2 olives are ~in the kitchen ~ some - there ~ 3 there ~ any - at home - isn't = wine ~ 4 are~ any — in the kitchen ~ olives ~ there -? 5 in the cupboard — any ~ there ~ sugar ~ isn't ~ 6 abottle of — in the fridge - is - there - water ~? @ Write the words in the correct column. biscuits flan peaches suger bread juice rice tea butter oil sandwiches tunas chocolate olives sausages water HOW MUCH..? HOW MANY..? (G Match. Then, write three examples for each one. LL v2euIyy pue paspuny au0 snojojjep e192 A 499 "e19} jnOK 40} U0 PUD @UL 10} GUO “eIey SoyoDed ‘ona, ony |g + aI No og SUILION Jo 4010 exoy 4 Bun ‘poo8 Asan an 7 seBubIO PUD seyoDed ‘seco Suyoe 9x | Jem je84 |, UOP | UAU¥} esNEA |. UOP | na 'e40]000U9 40 40} 0 Buyos snoj ————e 981 PUD Od Oy 0} 08 Om PUD seXIA nou AOU 8h9} | |4Dei6 @10 SPUdYY AN se TT -wayy 10 hays 4 asp) ayeyduioy ® {]29M e UL 9 NO op aye}oDo4 YoU MOH {224 nok op siaysis pue siaypoig Auew MOH, {10 alp Ut 298 no veo spno}> Auew MoH ‘asn8ny ul uolBa1 inof ul yay) s1 Mous YD MOH, {82q Jo0y2s snok ut axey nox op syo0g KueW MOH {2880 pued nok ul aney nos op s}>¥ed Kuew MOH .8eq jo0ups sno uy asaup 51 an}8 yon MoH {uoiZe1 nok ul avaip 51 uonnyjod ypnus MoH {sep snok uy axayp axe sp Kuew MoH, Zssep nok ut arayy axe shoq Kuew MoH | -suowssanb Zuymoyoy ayy sansuy 2) “busorjam aynoy, inoA yueys O14 ¥ paw nok op se8ns Auow Mop} / Youu MOH, se8ins Au / aus, kn pur ssarcu8uaai8 / $1200/%4 a4) 0) 08 ued | ‘Op |'S8A eins paau nok og jains'se, -a/8BeW {2seo)d 88a uaz0p e fng pue 5120018 / 5 J0}0qu 94} 04.08 NOK ueD eap Puy “aiqes ay uo ways / Aays, Ind WO eyeBy “uno aie asauy, 2188eW “ys paau | (210) ane 889 yoru MoH / KuDW MOH NO. eyseBY joo} eueueq e sary “Yo seBuero Aun / awos, yuare aiayy nq ‘soypeod gous pue sajdde oma ave aioy,, -a1Sey wsaypeed pur seBuevo ‘sajdde fue asaip ay yO. reyeBy sau] om, “uunuyy 228BeW, areyy st yw Auow Moy / ypnus MoH, seyReBy ‘S| nays / S11, ‘Sa, 2218BeW pin awos / Au, axaup 5] ‘aseaid ‘pupogdna / aSpiy, aur uado seyveSy asin02 jo S34 :a188eW, {2se9/d ‘au djay nok vey -uey any BYsip / asap, snojatjap e Suyfew Wi) eyyedy Buryoos nok are areyma / JOYA, 288 “Bupjoo> a1Aoys / 24244, UO4DAD a4p Ul are Ya3s)s SJo4poU Jay '2)2un / uno, 194 pue aiBBey) apa (D> @ Complete with the words in the box. There are ‘two extra words. Use a- some- an. biscuits butter hamburger _—_oranges sausage tea tomato water Fd like Vd like (Q Write the words in the correct column. Then, add five words to each category. biscuits coffee chips-—milk corangejuice salad soda—itea ‘Acup of. Would you == a gap oF tea / some water) | Would you like a cup of tea / a hamburger? 3 t 4 Would you like some Would you like some butter / sugar? mill / butte SLL ¥20yy pue pespuny au0 6. uenere8on ew) / maori “sdiyp pup ysyy / sia8inquioy saBinquiey & ay!] Nok pinoy, ‘yew 0} squeM a} "ys!]8U3 5] Pay]y dip / sovayp jew 0) siuem ays ferBeveg wou st ewnEY. ‘UUs MoYD / 1YSns BUN 0} SIUEM AYE aS—UYD SIUM 9 ‘Suippnd aay / sdiy> puo ysy ayew 0) squeM ays ‘eunuaBy WOH}! EWIY ¢ P “sopouodwa / vrzd ayeus ox squeM a} UEIEY|SIONA b ‘sylo} / nsiutosry axews 0} sjueM apy ‘UeDIKAYY SI JORIEY E ai SP. # “opooljay / 21ou ayew 03 swueEM ay /Ze1q WoL S| OBO, 7 garde ue 341] NOK prom, ‘oposo / oyjaod ayeus 03 SweM aH leds Woy s|asof | sola [DuoHpUADUG “appar pue peo (@) (yp annoney Ku say > -daojsopsiuem ays y) em . ‘hed oy syuem ays 8 * (scup pur yy 24 noK pron wooupaq seit 424.151 AON 9 04 vast] oy SyueM ays a os 219) MLypiem 03 WUem aM P Pans SEM | ‘yg maue aneyam >| © yrapuon quem ayy > | “eq maue aneyan ¢ oi i ers / ir os - 7 [ “5355 2!) .UOF i Aejd on eM ang, ‘uapued au Ul st ANOW 7 ‘Suass9P 241] 4UOP | | -auioy oB a3 quem ayy & Tope sey AoW 1 : | Fuels e 2 nok pinom, “saouaquas e1axo omg axe 2194 “y>reW (ED suonessaauo> ayp axajduio> ff) (@ Look at the calendar and complete, Today is Sunday 2. 1. On Tuesday 9, it was ————* 2 On Friday 12, it was 4 Last Friday, it was ————" 4 On Saturday Bit was —_—————" 5, On Monday 15, it was 6 Last Wednesday, it was" (© Complete with last week’s weather. 1 On Monday 2 On Tuesday 3. On Wednesday i 4 On Thursday 5 OnFriday 6 On Saturday 7 On Sunday Favourites... Tools, eg Complete with the countries in the box. There is ‘one extra country. Agel Vi Fayourites Tools... Hel i itp: // 1. Colombus was from Geecce ce ceaeeae Argentina 2 Ofigginswas rom ________. Gite 3 Isabella Catolicawas__ France 4 Bolivarwas Italy [Stier Spain Le Artis, “Urguny Venezuela 6:Anexpert! 2: Not so good. || 4S:Very good. OE: Study! | 3 Good | | ferdnn 9 204s Maman PES 9D ZRH SOY | ‘LIL uaequaas pue paspuny auo ~-puni6 Aw 036 Ul Ao ue ayeoe Wun $20f ‘uoowaye saan 1 Pue sopouadusa 10 i die + A@U. @sn0Y $90/ uy youn} OR OFTL ay ‘spuany sty yam "Pur y3ed ayp 0 24 Shepames ud yooyss jeans 0} 4 2H Plo steak way. 1 20f/0561 UL cweyyeypuesd s)elueg ‘20 ynoge 3x23 243 232]dWO0D 7 a. jou e218 2 ua / poy, 2M sjavejd pue sieys ao / os, am pue Kuoyensasqo ue 0} JuaM / apouy, | pue spualy Kul “Aepsony UO, "quip / 21D, am pue ax8> ® apow / 310, | uoousaye ayp ul epos yuoup / 210, pue youn} 40} ezzd yup / poy, 244 "00% Kep aniue sem, | Aepung 3se7 }}¢q1004 apow / paxjd, pue ied ayy 01.uom 08 | Rep 210 poy / som, hepa, apn (MD jsepeueduie 7 ‘am Aepiaysay, “suouping atp ae yeows ay heprersay 8 “Kepuy ey AenBexeg wo spuay3y———— fay. “Repiaysak epos —— fay “Aepung 350] 3429 ayejordy> e saypoug Av p ‘npueW Sem auseu sy awoy ye 32> e——— > ‘Repu ae] ooyas 0; ———— q “Kepung 3se) ]eq}00) ———— a} Asva aH. ‘yeuuiedns axp ye yeau shnq ajaun AW g “shepinges uo spuauyysiayp 22s appun pue une Avy 7 ‘WOY 3e Saxe> axew UaIPIIYD awlog 9 ‘awoy 38 Sop e aney ajdoad awios ¢ 00000 -euquaBiy Ul sepevedua 320 aM 5 “Pag 0} Sui aroyaq sayeM yo ssei8e }up syuared Ay ¢ ‘jequooy seid Aqgog puary AW Z “Rep Kiana jooy>s 03 08 uaspyiy> | OO SaNULNOW “sqiaA ayp Jo uu0y 3sed ‘yp YM saouaquas ays ax2jduso> ‘uayy “y>IeW) @ Look and complete the sentences. (©) a)Read Melanie's descri and complete the table. lnmy school area there's a hospital, and 1 She went tothe post office next to the hospital, there's a library. There’ a park and a museum, too. There are two cinemas and two banks, but there isn't a train station ora hotel. There’ a small theatre, and there are two restaurants (a fast food restaurant and a regular restaurant), but there isnt a bus station. 2 it to. — In Melanie school area_| Not in Melanie school aes 'b) Now, complete the table for your school area. Inmy school area Not in my school area 4 He went to. ¢] Write about your school area. 5 She went to __ OQ) circle. 1 Some people lke having lunch ina park / bank. 2. Melanie's going to the museum / library because she needs two maths books. 3. She went to the cinema / theatre yesterday and saw a fantastic concert. 4 Do youneed money? Go to the bank / bus station. 5 Brian’ uncle i in South Africa now. He living ina hotel / bus station, LL v29yeulU pue pespuny au S}PNGPH sogeeswe gis BFOOIOY 01g}

n>ueuyy ul sony 3! pue ARYA pute 92e]9 531 104s axe sa} omy say gq Avan yOu st yeutue Sy * sa-1ayem ayy yusaop 9] e>1py UL Sn 3 Ieuss axe SHED 53) 00) 31 ase 8a) 1 pue iq Avon 5 peay sy 81q 5] jewue sy, ise 4 eo4y WOH $3) ‘2Bny axe siea sy iq pue Aad8 st jeune sy Soo SaNeEcLaCeutt -ayoydutoo pue peau (e sit ssa > ans xe4y4 ny 10 sopouodwe {yea 3ue> Kay] ‘2ye]0D04> 10 wioddod yea ajdoad ‘awos ‘ajdoad jo 30) 2 ave a1ay.'sajgen Aue 3,uase ‘31943 3ng ‘suleyp Jo 30) e axe aay ‘a2ejd si UL S parece ays aay veinp put acood ae 8 La sioop 10 swopu fue uae S04 yop rsp ue yang ay NEST Y 151 ey)4 Weune3s94 e pue 289 € saiayy ‘swooipag are aiayy ‘aed sya uy ¢ ee car seyw speomppeg fue 3u008 2H E -syo0q Jo 30] 22 21043 PU ‘sage pueseip-spepare amy ee so © ALsueu us ‘aoeyd sy UL Lb “rey pur s2ged Jo 20} 2 aze 222% ‘zonsue pue peoy @ Argo on rons yuo 170k an eoyew (° &D Jd (@ Look at Paul and Sharon's week and complete. i @ © (Q) Complete with the languages in the box. File Edit... View Favourites Tos ©. [Foi wven.arezesondmore com? Jorge Lue Borges wrote in Spanish. What about th rest? Be carefull There’ one extra language! Chinese English French Italian Japanese Portuguese Spanish 1 Cervantes wrote in 2 Shakespeare wrote in 3 Balzac wrote 4 Confucius wrote, 5 Alighieri = 6 Machado de Assis 6:Anexpert! _3:Good 0-1 Study! 5-4:Very good 2: Not so good ‘sontoy 9 Uae eM pun pl NS Tay +. On Monday at 1PM, they were 2. On Tuesday — >" 3 on Wednesday —— LS ES A | «0 Thre &# @m@& 5, On Friday — $$ (© Match. Then, complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs. ROUTINES, 1 My brother likes birthday parties. 2. My parents visit their friends on Saturday. 3. Children are happy inthe park. 4. ride my bike inthe park. 5. We read about history at school. 6 Some children write stories at school. 7 8 I watch TV every day. OOOOOOO lH We listen to the radio in the morning THE PAST Last Sunday, the children at the park very happy because it was sunny. Yesterday, my bike in the club, ¢ He___his birthday party four days ago. d Last week, we about Columbus. My brother anincredible story last month. F Yesterday, we to the radio at school. Last Saturday, they Paul and Linda h Yesterday, | 1 programme about animals in Africa. ‘u0-Ajuamy pue paspuny a0 1a Vo6p shop Om eT “hep anok snoge anu “aniq sty apy a 2}1‘auoyd 2}igou sty uo uisno> sig yum 1 pue aurreBeu @ 4.94 wooupeq siy ul AL ———; 2H ‘edu siy “s 1UpIp ay asnedaq 2Isnu = 3 uagsy) 1 28 ep ‘ures pue pjooe ————— 3 awoy ea 10 300 74 asnevaq jo0y3s.01 aupip veg ‘o8e sep om “hep suelag 2y2}duioo pue peay (7) “Wa €3® Aepiaysok awoyse30U & uysns apew sa4poug hu J -yesrauiw parejd an Xepuns 2 unwelfoud Al Mau a1p 24!) P Bunsaiow > “Aepiaysek ssaBinqurey aye q “oapinaquoy 01 3u9M swuared fw ‘o8e wer9 [appa aimsquardky ¢ ff) sutakomL 7 yusen suwedoday y —[Kepiaasa, 1 “Bujpua e1yxs auo sy av0ys “y>seW FD ‘uapie8 ayg ul paXojd / shojd, ays uatp pue 2x19 404 2p01 / apts upp, sa\sis AW aye> @ axow / apous, Aauy S88 pue yyw se8ns saying aySh0q / Ang, pue sayping / yeyioussedhs, ayy or 3uEM / 08, Kay “ayow Au yyy BUIOY 3 210M / SOM, ays KepsaNsDA (90 1 ¥8 Kepuow vo auioy -anoy s1 ays vansis Au Jo ovoud e st sy app (> =puaypan 3s] 21s eDksse/> OF PAUIST|| ~fepiaysak aneatp ayy or uam | L | ~fepiaysok yj Jo S255e)2 OM TURIP | 9 “ypun} 40} UayPIy> PEY THeSTE. s| ~=Repuoyy vo sjoog sysew a peall > | 2 eo ¢| . “fepiaysak jeu Ue ayo1M spony | INT squaned AW | -nok 40 anuy saaua3uae Suyoqoy ayp aye TD) a) 6) a) Read and write the number. There are two extra pictures. Number _) is tall gk she has long hair and big eyes. Her nose and eas are small, She's wearing a T-shirt and a jacket because it’ cold, She isn't wearing gloves, but shes wearing a scarf She's wearing pants and shoes. Her socks are white. he isn't wearing a sweater. She doesnt have a cap, but she has an umbrella and a bag, Number _}is tall Her hairs long and her eyes are big. She doesn't have a big nose or big ears. Look at her clothes: a lovely skirt, boots and socks. Shes wearing ance belt and a scarf Her jacket is beautiful, perfect for cold weather. She doesn't have an umbrella, but she has a bag. Number _} isnot tall. He has brown short hair and small yes. His ears arent big. He's wearing pants, shoes and socks. His bet is new. He's also wearing a raincoat, a scarf and a shir. He has an umbrella b) Now, describe the other children. (© Write the words in the correct column. bag belt boots. cap_—dress_—_ gloves, jacket pants raincoat «scarf shirt shoes skirt socks sweater trainers Tshirt umbrella Ihave I don’t have | | like wearing Idon’t like wearing \ © complete the sentences. 1 2 3 At school, we wear. At school, we don’t wear. At the club, | wear At the club, don't wear Ata birthday party, | wear ‘Ata birthday party, I don't wear ‘Atan important, elegant ceremony, I can wear ‘At an important, elegant ceremony, I can't wear ZL 22149-(GveMs pue paspuny avo jsre8anqusey aro} suemeysa1 pooy 350} ® 38 si@Binquiey 3 ‘Suuono ayy uy “tUUa- “que jood Sump aap en faa gn 24.09 squared Ay Med aig ut x19 Au | -fuuns sem 3 ‘uoousaye ayp UY Y>Un] 104 peyes E «ep fui pue y2eloid Awouonse mau Jey uo ‘a 2220U AW J009 8s | 4 Lue spuass Au 03 spews ie Hisno.tiep Haye | Pue ts ;paq ui asepjeaiq pur 63e hep furese Kepsaise, ‘vaUL AL ‘ayejor04> *q9A 30140 ayy YrIM a3a)dWOD © => - = Ss r C # fas r OC uen payyem pasn peas wins: and palpmas feoid ueys pavaasy, 3y8n0q -[aejnBaaui) | 20 (2epnBau) y 294m “uoyL “uuunjo> 3381409 a4) Ut SqueA 243 231A Sujuana ayy ul ————— ay Kepuaase,, ‘epiaasak ‘Suuana lp ul yzomauuoy ray ————— ys sjaon yse| J24peypueld Aus Woy jewaue————~| ae | Kepung 387 jayquiay sem saypean ‘uy yeodures yews e pue eyjaiquun ue ays p uoowiaye atp Ut fayy 90m 801 > “Aepyyig us 204 ulys-L © pue sayeo20yp aw ———— ays “furessem ‘am ‘Repung ase] Asvd 3HL 2y.psnenag vay>ip) aif Ut -Beq say ut ejaiquin ue sind wins AW g “shepyuiig say 203 123815 ‘Aqeq Aut 0} sayejon0y> sani Kuvel8 AW Sumow arp Upon squased KW 9 -uoowaye 24) ul womauoy 204 s20p 123818 KN) § 4sepyeaiq aney pue uapie8 ayy ul ys 2M ‘sKepung UO -oowaye ayy u saipms iayporq AW ¢ ‘ep Arana spuaty Kus wos soBessau 328 |Z esaneee ae ‘ep Kiana 1 ye dn 388) | SaNLLNO’ “squan ays 30 uniog ased aun yy saouaques ayp x2] duiod ‘uayL Y>seW. od (@ Look at Tom and Max’s week and complete. 1 On Monday at 5 PM, Tom: and Max. 2 On Tuesday 3 On Wednesday ———______——— 5, On Friday 6 On Saturday 7 On Sunday (Q) Make the text true for you. Myrname’s Hugh. Last week,I wentto the | CTR theatre and |ate chicken ata very nice restaurant. At night, n bed, | read two books. Were you at school last Monday? I swam inthe river. It was very cold! used thene computer at school andl didmy | Was your best fiend at school on Tuesday? homework every dy. visited two friends ) and played basketball with them. | bought i chocolate and I helped my dad in the | Did you have English on Wednesday morning? kitchen. After school, | rode my bike inthe ey | wrote a composition for my teacher. | street and | gave my brother a Tshirt for his oe Did your brother or sister go to school last week? irthday. And you? = —_— Did you have milk for breakfast yesterday? ee, Did you ride your bike last weekend? Did you do your homework last Friday? ee Did you visit frends last weekend? ZL 2My-Qwuana pue paipuny 240 pis 38 paniooas aessau 6) jaing - shes 1] ‘yO WHE 1°93 BUDD DHsEIUES - 2 jsepeveduia 8up09 7 102, 240} jpooD — shes EAE] “sa8osn0s / S2A!}0, pue sB2 aney |O}D| SIH — aw spaeunok op yeaut Auow MoH / Yam MOH, [23RS ~ “sfes Bie _geaw aos ‘ng pure §1240q / $48424Ng,, a4p 04 08 NOK UED "HO ~ jwiayy 240} -sepeuedie apewrawoy snof 329 UeD aA js2K YO ~ : ssfes ee] “Jo09 ued | pUE “euoy atop eap! ue aney | "PIP / Pet IA — LAMY NOK PID / Gy — ‘shes te] ‘Bey Yalm pusyaeMt 3Se] 25 / MDS, |'YO — an -uowog 087 ays 995 02 UM | WY Y — shes 21] Quy 40 saUUIp a4] NOK PINON / OCs 225 1'4O — -djay Auo / auos, ancy 3.us0m 7 supp pue om Jo 30] ® PRY Lang / 25N022G5 ~ sshes Be] egy iAepanaes som / 513 222440 24 OL — “daly ayp 04 30m / 148M | LUPIP / 24S0Me|'ON — hes 2) {fepiaysak awoy ye Nok a1aMA / SPM, BETH — wor jauided@ouiiAions Hos Hh 4 2UID rere] ‘puatay nok yay Buygzeyo exe no, ‘fepsany 4382) Jooyos ye J0ysIs nok y juoouiaiye Kepia3sak ausoy ae swased nok 8 “hepseny Wo 2940104 Ul JOM J *hepiaysak jooyps ye 3,useM sem aus. £ ‘{fepsaysek Iq sty app jupip uinw fy 9 ehepsaysak pated saysis AWS yuomawioy soy op > aan “puayjam 3se] spuatyy say yum soured oapin q was BIN Z puaypam yse} awoy ee Jaysis nok pig | “Suypus enxe auo s axays yew (PD CT eenraip ayn of ay pia ¢ re) rrr ox uarsy ay pia | gsruasaid Ang 24 pia 9 Coen EMupaIg NYDEW SIA BY PI ¢ ere pisup + Cee) BuO ayia ¢ Cane {s|RUD BIN 24 PIa_Z ces QwINS stOg pid L “skepijoy

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