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Henrik Larsen Toft Follow

Jun 5 · 3 min read · Listen


20 JavaScript snippets that will make you a

better developer
Almost all problems we developers face every day can be solved by solving a set of lesser
problems — Small solutions to single well-defined problems. These solutions can best be
described as «pure functions».
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Photo by Blake Connally on Unsplash

Although most of these functions are implemented in different libraries — it’s important
to understand how and when to break difficult problems into smaller ones. This way of
thinking about problem solving will increase your productivity and make you a better

Below is a unordered collection of 20 useful «pure functions» I use on a regular basis to

solve all kinds of problems.

Get value
Given an object or array — the function will return the value at specified path,
otherwise null.

1 const getValue = (obj, path) => path

2 .replace(/\[([^[\]]*)]/g, '.$1.')
3 .split('.')
4 .filter(prop => prop !== '')
5 .reduce((prev, next) => (
6 prev instanceof Object ? prev[next] : undefined
7 ), obj);
9 getValue({ a: { b: { c: 'd' } } }, 'a.b.c'); // = d
10 getValue({ a: { b: { c: [1, 2] } } }, 'a.b.c[1]'); // = 2

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Clamp Open in app Get started

Ensure a value is within a specified range, otherwise “clamp” to the closest of the minimum

and maximum value.

1 const clamp = (min, max, value) => {

2 if (min > max) throw new Error('min cannot be greater than max');
3 return value < min
4 ? min
5 : value > max
6 ? max
7 : value;
8 }
10 clamp(0, 10, -5); // = 0
11 clamp(0, 10, 20); // = 10

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Wait the specified duration in milliseconds before performing the next operation.

1 const sleep = async (duration) => (

2 new Promise(resolve =>
3 setTimeout(resolve, duration)
4 )
5 );
7 await sleep(1000); // waits 1 sec
7 await sleep(1000); // waits 1 sec

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Group by
Group and index related items in an object according to the keying-function.

1 const groupBy = (fn, list) => (

2 list.reduce((prev, next) => ({
3 ...prev,
4 [fn(next)]: [...(prev[fn(next)] || []), next]
5 }), {})
6 );
8 groupBy(vehicle => vehicle.make, [
9 { make: 'tesla', model: '3' },
10 { make: 'tesla', model: 'y' },
11 { make: 'ford', model: 'mach-e' },
12 ]);
14 // {
15 // tesla: [ { make: 'tesla', ... }, { make: 'tesla', ... } ],
16 // ford: [ { make: 'ford', ... } ],
17 // }

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Collect By
Create sub-lists containing related items according to the keying-function.

1 import groupBy from './groupBy';

3 const collectBy = (fn, list) =>
4 Object.values(groupBy(fn, list));
6 collectBy(vehicle => vehicle.make, [
7 { make: 'tesla', model: '3' },
8 { make: 'tesla', model: 'y' },
9 { make: 'ford', model: 'mach-e' },
10 ]);
12 // [
13 // [ { make: 'tesla', ... }, { make: 'tesla', ... } ],
14 // [ { make: 'ford', ... } ],
15 // ]

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Get the first element of a list. This function is useful for writing clean and readable code.

1 const head = list => list[0];

3 head([1, 2, 3]); // = 1
4 head([]); // = undefined

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Get all but the first element of a list. This function is useful for writing clean and readable

1 const tail = list => list.slice(1);

3 tail([1, 2, 3]); // = [2, 3]
4 tail([]); // = []

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288 3

Create a flat list by pulling all items from nested sub-lists recursively.
1 const flatten = list => list.reduce((prev, next) => ([ Open in app Get started
2 ...prev,
3 ...(Array.isArray(next) ? flatten(next) : [next])
4 ]), []);
6 flatten([[1, 2, [3, 4], 5, [6, [7, 8]]]]); // = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

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Intersection By
Find all values that are present in both lists as defined by a keying-function.

1 const intersectionBy = (fn, listA, listB) => {

2 const b = new Set(;
3 return listA.filter(val => b.has(fn(val)));
4 };
6 intersectionBy(v => v, [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]); // = [2, 3]
7 intersectionBy(v => v.a, [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }], [{ a: 2}, { a: 3 }, { a: 4 }]); // = [{ a: 2

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Index By
Index each element in a list by a value determined by the keying-function.
1 const indexBy = (fn, list) => Open in app Get started
2 list.reduce((prev, next) => ({
3 ...prev,
4 [fn(next)]: next
5 }), {});
7 indexBy(val => val.a, [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]);
8 // = { 1: { a: 1 }, 2: { a:2 }, 3: { a: 3 } }

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Difference By
Find all items in the first list that are not present in the second list — determined by the

1 import indexBy from './indexBy';

3 const differenceBy = (fn, listA, listB) => {
4 const bIndex = indexBy(fn, listb);
5 return listA.filter(val => !bIndex[fn(val)]);
6 });
8 differenceBy(val => val, [1,2,3], [3,4,5]); // = [1,2]
9 differenceBy(
10 vehicle => vehicle.make,
11 [{ make: 'tesla' }, { make: 'ford' }, { make: 'gm' }],
12 [{ make: 'tesla' }, { make: 'bmw' }, { make: 'audi' }],
13 ); // = [{ make: 'ford' }, { make: 'gm' }]

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Recover With
Return the default value if the given function throws an Error .

1 const recoverWith = async (defaultValue, fn, ...args) => {

2 try {
3 const result = await fn(...args);
4 return result;
5 } catch (_e) {
6 return defaultValue;
7 }
8 }
10 recoverWith('A', val => val, 'B'); // = B
11 recoverWith('A', () => { throw new Error() }); // = 'A'

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Calculate the Euclidean distance between two points p1 & p2 .

1 const distance = ([x0, y0], [x1, y1]) => (

2 Math.hypot(x1 - x0, y1 - y0)
3 );
5 distance([0, 1], [5, 4]); // = 5.8309518948453

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Drop While
Drops elements from the list, beginning at the first element, until som predicate is met.

1 const dropWhile = (pred, list) => {

2 let index = 0;
3 list.every(elem => {
4 index++;
5 return pred(elem);
6 });
7 return list.slice(index-1);
8 }
10 dropWhile(val => (val < 5), [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); // = [5,6,7]

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Sum By
Calculate the sum of all elements in a list given some function that produce the individual
value of each element.

1 const sumBy = (fn, list) =>

2 list.reduce((prev, next) => prev + fn(next), 0);
4 sumBy(product => product.price, [
5 { name: 'pizza', price: 10 },
6 { name: 'pepsi', price: 5 },
7 { name: 'salad', price: 5 },
8 ]); // = 20

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Creates a ascending comparator-function given a valuating function.

1 const ascending = (fn) => (a, b) => {

2 const valA = fn(a);
3 const valB = fn(b);
4 return valA < valB ? -1 : valA > valB ? 1 : 0;
5 }
7 const byPrice = ascending(val => val.price);
8 [{ price: 300 }, { price: 100 }, { price: 200 }].sort(byPrice);
8 [{ price: 300 }, { price: 100 }, { price: 200 }].sort(byPrice);
9 // = [{ price: 100 }, { price: 200 }, { price: 300 }]
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Creates a descending comparator-function given a valuating function.

1 const descending = (fn) => (a, b) => {

2 const valA = fn(b);
3 const valB = fn(a);
4 return valA < valB ? -1 : valA > valB ? 1 : 0;
5 }
7 const byPrice = descending(val => val.price);
8 [{ price: 300 }, { price: 100 }, { price: 200 }].sort(byPrice);
9 // = [{ price: 300 }, { price: 200 }, { price: 100 }]

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Find Key
Find the first key within an index that satisfies the given predicate
Find the first key within an index that satisfies the given predicate.
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1 const findKey = (predicate, index) => Object

2 .keys(index)
3 .find(key => predicate(index[key], key, index));
5 findKey(
6 car => !car.available,
7 {
8 tesla: { available: true },
9 ford: { available: false },
10 gm: { available: true }
11 },
12 ); // = "ford"

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Bifurcate By
Split the values of a given list into two lists, one containing values the predicate function
evaluates to truthy, the other list containing the falsy.

1 const bifurcateBy = (predicate, list) =>

2 list.reduce((acc, val, i) => (
3 acc[predicate(val, i) ? 0 : 1].push(val), acc),
4 [[], []]
5 );
7 bifurcateBy(val => val > 0, [-1, 2, -3, 4]);
8 // = [[2, 4], [-1, -3]]
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Perform left-to-right function composition. All extra arguments will be passed to the first
function in the list, thus can have any arity. The result will be passed on the second, and
the result of the second will be passed to third,… and so on until all functions have been

1 const pipe = (functions, ...args) => (

2 functions.reduce(
3 (prev, next) => Array.isArray(prev) ? next(...prev) : next(prev),
4 args
5 )
6 );
7 pipe([Math.abs, Math.floor, val => -val], 4.20); // = -4
8 pipe([(a, b) => a - b, Math.abs], 5, 10); // = 5

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Final Thoughts Open in app Get started

Though all these functions can be really useful to help you solve the problems you are
working on — the most important lesson is knowing how to break complex and difficult
problems into small well defined problems that can be solved independently. Once you
master this — then you are already on your way of becoming an excellent developer!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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