Reflection 1

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Put your reflection on a one-full-sheet of short bond paper. (30 pts)
1. In your own Church, what are the actions you consider as sacraments and how are they
being performed? (10 pts.)
Here are some of our actions that we consider sacraments in New Life Christian
Assemble of God (Born Again): First, baptism is seen as a sacrament of faith, delivering
sanctifying grace to the individual who is baptized. A Christian sacrament is marked by
the ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian community. In order to
do that, the pastor and his/her fellow members will sing at least 1-2 Christian songs, and
after that, they will pray for the person who will be baptized, and the pastor will say, "I
baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." The old
self is said to die in the waters, and a new self emerges, mirroring the death and
resurrection of Christ. Then he will assist some of his fellows to help him to Immerse the
person to be baptized in the water for at least 2-3 seconds and raise him up, then pray
again. Second, Holy Communion is a holy moment of connection with God during which
Christians commemorate Jesus' atonement on the cross. During this one-of-a-kind
moment of worship, believers remember the Lord's death through prayer and meditation.
It is complemented by a little piece of bread and a sip of wine (or grape juice). We do this
holy communion every first Sunday of the month. In order to do this, the music team and
the pastor will sing 1 worship song continuously until we get the bread on the centered
table and a small glass of grape juice. If we all have it, the pastor will start the ceremony
or the holy communion by sharing the bible verse that is connected to the sacrifice or the
remembrance of the body and blood of Jesus that was broken and poured out at the cross.
Then, the pastor will say, "Raise your hand" while holding the bread, which symbolizes
the body of Jesus Christ, and the pastor will read the bible verse "1 Corinthians 11:24",
then pray and eat the bread. Next is the other hand that is holding a glass of grape juice
that symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ poured on the cross. Then he will also read the
bible verse "1 Corinthians 11:25". In the same way, the cup after supper, saying, "This
cup is the new covenant in my blood." Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of
me. " And then pray again, then drink, and they will continue to play worship songs.
Lastly, a wedding ceremony is a sacrament that a baptized man and a baptized woman
administer to each other through their marriage vows and lifelong partnership. In order to
do this, it is the same as what Roman Catholics do. The rite commonly takes place during
a mass, with a pastor serving as the minister of the mass and as a witness to the mutual
consent of the couple. The marriage union is used to sanctify both the husband and wife
by drawing them into a deeper understanding of God’s love and is intended to be fruitful,
with any children to be raised within the teachings of the church. Then the process of
exchanging vows begins.
2. If there are, what are the mission/s in those actions? (10 pts.)
The missions of those activities in Baptism are as follows: Baptism rebirths us in the
image and likeness of God and makes us members of the Body of Christ, which is the
Church. Baptism, in this perspective, is very necessary for salvation because it informs us
that we are always and everywhere sons and daughters in the Father's home, never
orphans, strangers, or slaves. In Holy Communion, the mission of those actions is to
proclaim that our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, reaches out to embrace
us in eternal communion with himself and, even now, resides in and produces unity in the
church and in the hearts of believers via the glorious work of the Holy Spirit. Lastly, in
the wedding ceremony or marriage ceremony, the mission in those actions is The
marriage relationship is utilized to sanctify both the husband and wife by leading them
into a greater awareness of God's love, and it is supposed to be fruitful, with any children
nurtured in accordance with church teachings and living happily with the guidance of
family even the members, church, and God. The couple's objective, however, is to
understand this truth and put it into effect, even with their own children. As a result of
their comprehensive knowledge of Christ's connection with the Church as Bride, spouses
can travel as members of the Church toward the earthly kingdom.
3. Describe your own involvement in your own church. (10 pts)

My involvement in our church is fully complete. Why? Because I am just part of a music
team that performs on a tambourine and drum instrument. Also, an instrument of God and
Jesus Christ's servant in evangelizing his word. I am also a member that has the
capability to teach those children in church who are starting their first level as Christian
members. I am an active member, but nowadays I’m attending our church several times a
week because of the protocol and the presence of a pandemic. I have the ability to
positively impact the lives of young people. At its finest, the church's teaching embraces
every aspect of life; it is alive with hope and expectancy. Christians think that moral
behavior is part of their responsibility. This entails assisting those around them. The
Church may play an important role in encouraging Christians to help others by offering
food banks — locations where those living in poverty can go to get food.

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