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Author Details
Vanessa Virginia Kevin
Economics and Business Studies teacher and trainer by profession, who have been working
in this domain for past eleven years and looking forward to achieve higher teaching goals to
develop a new ‘Out-of-the-Box’ learning and teaching system. As a teacher I look forward
for a stage where education does not limit itself just in books and not beyond. After writing
this narrative and doing a thorough research on the requirements of the modern teaching
world, I really think that we need to jump up immediately to new teachings aspects as
teaching is also is journey of never ending learning and exploring. As a teacher I want to
develop myself as a student of today’s time where I need a lot to learn and therefore after
understanding these requirements I will be better able to teach my students to the full and
make them satisfied. As I think it is only the empty stomach that growls out of hunger, once
filled with food full of nourishment it not only stops growling but help the body start

Teacher education is one of the most important and critical issues that needs a core thought
and working over it. Education is no more the same as it used to be earlier in the days of our
forefathers and let’s include our schooling life as well, today, education cannot just be
limited to the maintained curriculum, but it is much more than that. Therefore in this regard
teachers who are known as a source of dispensing knowledge to their students, should not
limit themselves from entering the world of learning. So before this diffusion or scattering of
knowledge it is important that we as teachers, completely decipher the code, rather the
locked code of knowledge and then step into the world of teaching. Teachers’ education does
not limit itself to a certain age or degree, in fact it is continuous process of learning,
exploring, developing and delivering. When we talk about teachers’ education we need to
know that there are no boundaries to it, but we need to break the limited boundaries and let
ourselves enter into the world where teaching has a complete new dimension. The question
that arises normally is are we teaching in the correct way? Because if we are doing that than
“WHY DO WE HAVE FAILURES?” to answer this question a thorough survey (verbal)
was conducted from the teachers and the students in order to understand as to where as
teachers we are failing. After the survey SEVEN points were highlighted which made it quite
evident that there are many simplifier and easier ways to establish all our students on one
platform of progress. This teaching education should get in stilled in all the teachers for a
brighter and better future of our students. We all agree as teachers, that we owe a huge
responsibility of molding the life and future aspects of our students, so following certain
techniques of teaching will help us develop a better society and future for our students. THE
SEVEN ASTOUNDING TEACHING APPROACH” will make a definite change in all
students’ right from excellent, good, average and below average. The methodology includes
different approaches of teaching and correcting our previous mistakes as teachers, as it was
very rightly said in a movie that “There are no bad students but bad teachers”. Truly agreeing
to this statement I personally felt that there is something missing in my teaching techniques
that still some students were laid back and were not getting to the mark of success. Then
gradually I started highlighting the errors that were being done by me in a constant teaching
technique and finally I started realizing that these seven minor pointers can play major role
in the developing new goals in our students’ life and definitely in our teaching world as well.
The scrutiny was also a part of how the students see and us and what they really expect from
us? What are their requirements as students, belonging to different learning aptitudes,
different family ethos and vicinity influences?
Introduction: education is the essential part of any human’s life. It is this education, which
differentiated us from being animals. History is a proven proof that, it is education that had
given people to edify to live in cozy houses from stone caves. History also gives us an
insight about the development of human learning and moving forward towards a better
lifestyle. Education is not just going through books and e-books, but it is far more than what
we could ever imagine. To evaluate the spread of education, we have seen, read and learnt a
lot of testimonies from the past till today. Each day started becoming a bigger challenges for
the people to learn and explore new horizons of life and this did not just stop there but the
process of teaching took birth. The early humans discovered fire but also initiated the
process of teaching this procedure to their younger generations.
Research Objectives
The major object of this narrative is to ensure the reality behind the teaching process and
displaying the platform, where every human learns to teach ahead. But here in this narrative
it is important to understand that now teachers’ education have no boundaries to achieve,
rather it is a never ending ocean of learning every day, every minute and every second.
Today’s teachers’ are well-equipped with educational tools, modern technologies, latest
curriculums and power pact authors. But the question arise is this really enough to be a real
substance full teacher of the 21st century.
Today’s Teacher
How do we define today’s teacher? What are the qualities that we find or look forward in a
teacher? Is it only a degree or is it a degree along with experience? Is it how well the teacher
is leading their selves in technology? But findings today have proved that these above
questions are not the only requirement for being an effective teacher. Teachers’ globally are
linked together in order to learn from all aspects in lives, places, people and overall the
world. Why do we need to get educated? Why is there this need? What gave birth to this
complete new dimension of teaching?

Today’s Education System and Teaching Requirements

Education has not taken any kind of a U-turn but it has included all the new learnings and
discoveries that are being done and eventually it will keep compiling the new working in the
area of education. Therefore todays’ teacher requires to have a lot more knowledge than it
was earlier. We as teachers’ need to think beyond the perimeters of the written curriculum.
We need to learn more and more so that we can deliver what is required. The education
system has also developed with time and now the part of education is a lot more than it used
be years ago. Today’s student with the help of latest technologies, knows a lot more before
even learning or being taught about it. When the generation which is on the counter to be
taught knows a lot, than the teacher needs to know a lot and even a lot more than them.
Teachers’ Education
The need of the hour tells us that we cannot just marvel in a specific subject and be
recognized as a subject specialist. We as teachers are now required to leave our comfort zone
and start marveling in other domain as well. Now it not mandatory to be jack of all trades
and master of none, as a little knowledge is dangerous. The requirement in this case is
different. Here a teacher needs to re-live the life of a student, she is teaching. Let me explain
it in detail. Life and world does not treat everyone the same, it have many hidden surprises
for all. Sometimes these surprises turn to be a beautiful success story and sometime a living
nightmare. The reason for this is the way they are educated or have been taught. An open
mind with liberal thinking can develop and mold the life and personality of the person. A
teacher’s educated lifestyle is reflected in all the ways they act, speak or preach. For a
brighter and a better developed society we need to have educated teachers for an educated
future. Being a teacher it is not mandatory to bar themselves with a specific degree and limit
their learnings only to the boundary of books of their relevant subjects.
What is the kind of education we are talking about? Teachers’ education is now an expanded
form of ever learning and ever ending collection of knowledge. The common problems that
we face today being teachers is that, the generation we need to sprinkle the water of
knowledge is getting wiser, smarter and more informative with the help of latest
technologies and updated gadgets. We as teachers need to match the same pace and
accompany their path with the required speed but maintain our style. Teachers are now
required to know a lot more than their books, subjects and lectures that they need to deliver.
Moving along with the time we need to develop the new era of teaching with an evolution
that could light up the new world of learning and shaping new lives.
When we enter the classroom w unzip our bags of knowledge and shower the gradient of
words that we call teaching or delivering an oration. But, do you think it is just enough in
today’s learning world? Today we need to go beyond the limit line of the curriculum and
expand themselves beyond a new horizon of the teaching world. It is mandatory to connect
ourselves with the real world so we could get ourselves with our students. It is important to
realize that we cannot prevail in the same old way of teaching techniques. To deliver a power
pact lecture or lesson it is mandatory to keep the students on the same page as we are on.
Many researches have been made through various means to identify the best way of
teaching. For these various result many training sessions have been conducted to inject the
techniques of teaching the teachers. According to different blogger, educations, teachers
many theories have been identified by them and they have even been showcased on different
platforms as well. But the question that I have and which have never been answered is that
does that make a real powerful impact on the generation that we are teaching and will be
Moving ahead of the prescribed syllabus that is handed over to ever teacher, we need to first
and fore mostly understand the REQUIREMENT OF EACH AND EVERY STUDENT
SITTING IN YOUR CLASS. After all these years of teaching I have prepared a teaching
model for my own satisfaction and definitely for 100% results as well.
1. Identifying the Students – What is the Child Best at?
This is the first and foremost step to learn while entering into the world of teaching. We
get students from different vicinities, backgrounds, culture and ethics. First of all we need
to identify which student fall in which particular category. Every child is different from
the other and there is no debate over it. The first analysis that we as teachers need to
identify is the interest of the student. What is he more involved in, any relevant subject,
any co-curricular activity or any other top that he finds interest in. once we are able to
identify the interest of the student than only we can help him gain interest in other
subjects the way he enjoys it. This observation can simply be done through various class
activities that can include reading, writing a composition, playing a game, singing, an art
activity, dancing, physical exercise, chat actives and a lot more. The above said will help
the teacher to identify the real interest of the student and then the teacher can move to the
second wonder.

2. Teach the child his way

After recognizing the real ability of the child, the real subject of the child’s interest now
comes the actual working of the teacher, the critical task starts here i.e. how are we going
to make the child take interest in the subject that he doesn’t like to stud, or maybe he feels
difficulty in understanding it, or may be the subject is forced upon the child out of the
child’s wish. This pattern is normally seen when parents enforce the child to select
science subjects over arts or commerce as a concern of their personal prestige. In fact is
now a days a very common practice in schools and colleges as well the child is labelled as
weak or slow learner if he or she is not selecting science subjects as their majors. This is a
much affected enforcement on the child and this can lead to fatal failures in a child’s
developing career. Here it become difficult as how to motivate the child to enjoy other
subjects equally and come of his comfort zone. The more we get closer to the subject of
the child’s interest the more it becomes easier to grab his attention towards the other
subject in relation with his topic of interest, for example if a child is more interested in
arts but mathematics could be a night mare for him so “3 red (balls) and 7
(Balls) is equal to how many color balls? The answer could be 10 but in actual the answer
is 2 because there are two different colors used, a question like this will not only increase
the child’s IQ but will help him develop his interest as well. May be the answer is not
correct at the first attempts but as it is Try, Try and Try Again till you succeed.
3. What is the child expecting from us?
We tried teaching him his way but has the child really understood it? Is the concept clear?
Have I delivered my message to the student? Was the brain storming more than enough?
All these questions make us realize whether we were successful or task or we still need to
work upon our “Teachers’ Education Skills”. Now how are these questions answered?

Asking question at the end if the lecture is not enough. If we consider this to be the
completion of one task. I guess this is our failing point. A gentle round-up in the class
after completing the lecture and assigning the students with the task we can probe if they
have understood. This asking filled should be filled with politeness and a gesture of
helping the child.
If he have understood more than good, but if he did not get the lecture and he feels
comfortable to tell you or ask you to clear his queries this means that your actions and
words have bridged the gap for you and the child is comfortable asking for about his
This kind of communication will further help to understand the IQ level and the
satisfactory level of the child pertaining to that respective subject that you are teaching.

4. Are we fulfilling the expectations of the child?

Once after communicating with the student a teacher would be able to get that part of
education that is required to help the student develop and grow. It is a mutual
collaboration between the teacher and the student that help both i.e. teacher and the
student to grow and progress. Once we understand the mental learning ability of the
student than only we will be able to teach at the pace of the child, which will be the initial
stage and gradually when the child starts to speed up his learning process so can be
increases our speed also. As said earlier that all students come from different cultures and
have different learning abilities so if we can communicate well with the children they can
by words or actions explain us what they are expecting from us and how they want us to
explain. A simple example in this can include teaching the class in bilingual. Even
English language can be taught this way as all students again are not familiar with each
and every word spoken in the class by the teacher. Once we are at the level of the child
and he feels completely satisfied with your teaching session than only we can say that his
expectations are being fulfilled and he too will anxiously wait for your unit in his class.
This action of the student clearly tells us that the student is not taking interest in your
subject and has started liking it. This indication is a positive signal towards the progress
of the child in the subject you are teaching respectively.
5. Mark the child according to his ability
The most important task arrives for a teacher is to test and then mark the child. As a
teacher we have realized the strong and weak points of our students how do we mark
them? We ca make certain concessions for the different individuals who have given their
test. Making the child exactly according to the marking scheme may sometimes
demotivate the little effort that they would have shown and then a negative remark would
fully crush down their confidence level of the child. This act would eventually break his
developing interest in that particular subjects. According to various collection of
questionnaires from different and qualified teachers, they to agree that we should mark the
child as per his capability of answering the test. Even if have done little it is important that
his positive points are well-appreciated an points that he missed to state or have made him
negative marking should be highlighted and explained with proper explanation with proper
clarification as to why that particular point or points made is answers theory go wrong.
Rather than starting negative comments on the note book or a test sheet and printing or
inking it completely RED, it would be more appropriate to use sticky
notes with brief comment for the child’s explanation. Use of punctuations
will make your
narrative more
This is not an You didn’t expressive
You can score
acceptable score well but
better if you
result. Improve you can do it.
take more
it in future

Why Mark This Way?

This way of making can be removed after the correction of the errors that was done. The
student will not face the same humiliation if he remark remains permanently. These sticky
notes that are slightly adhesive can be removed. The note can be remembered by the child
but a permanent ink can put them to shame over and over again and this can make the child a
laughing stock among his peer group. This will eventually make the child move in either two
Stained Journal Students

Timid and more weak in Rebellious towards the subject and

Related subject sometimes even towards the teacher
An appropriate way of marking the child will improve and further avoid the mistakes that
make him score low grades.

6. Appreciation Booster
The appreciation tool is the most effective tool in boosting up our own teaching level. A
student with a lifted spirit and a more positive mind can produced a better and a much
improved result. As a student, no matter at what level he is, or whatever age he is at,
everyone likes being appreciated.
How can we APPRECIATE?
1. Verbal Appreciation
Appreciate the child even for his little effort of improvement that he has made.
Announcing about the improved result in front of his peers will encourage him and
this happiness will make him try even more hard for even better results. The
appreciation from the teachers and then from the peers will embark a light of
happiness from within and this can change him and even his neglected attitude
towards his least favorite subject to start becoming a favorite one.

2. Written Appreciation
Written appreciations can also very well boost up the credibility of the students.
Rather than inking negative remarks on the work, a positive and appreciative comment
will make the child’s believability groom even more.
Good, Excellent, Keep it Up, Great Job, Excellent performance, You
have done really well, Proud of You, Outstanding result.
Whenever the child will open his note book, reading and re-reading these remarks,
will help him regain his confidence over and over again. And will keep him motivated
to do his best always.
Over all the appreciation booster only motivates the child to do better because a child
or an adult both feel great and boosted when appreciated. Appreciating especially
those children who are either slow learners or are not interest in learning that
particular subject. This practice will only help them develop that interest which is
essential for working effectively in that relevant subject.

7. Teacher’s Self Analysis

After apply all teaching strategies to develop that required interest in the children for your
subject, we now need to analyze our own working. This is the most and major step in a
Teacher’s Education. Normally as teachers we feel accomplished when our syllabus or
given curriculum is completed. But we as teachers have analyzed as to why the students
still struggle to pass our subjects or understand it. When we are satisfied and the child is
not, than we as teachers also fail here. In one of the movie it was rightly said; “there are
no bad students – but bad teachers”. Because when we are teaching we keep them all in
one single line, but how can we forget that all students are not the same.

Good Weak
Students Students

This is the line that we

normally work on

Average Students

The line that we normally work on is stretched between good and weak students. We
normally focus on good students because we know that they can do it and somewhere we are
aware that these students require our less teaching labor and on the other side we rigidly
focus on weak students who are perpetually providing poor result. We constantly monitor
them and try to “improve them – Our Way” But we totally forget that if he is unable to cope
up we need to teach him his way. But we at time forget the major and majority chunk of the
class is the average student.

Good, Average & Weak

All Students on the same scale

A straight Curve
But if we call ourselves good teachers we should always follow the straight to succeed our
goals and work effectively upon our teaching techniques. Improved results of all the
students, is the real achievement and the real analysis as to where the teacher stand and then
surely we can categorize ourselves in the ratio of teaching from average to best.
How can we analyze our teaching ratio?
1. Constantly improving results for all the students shows Excellent teaching techniques
– Excellent Teacher is the award that can be given.
2. Improving results for majority students shows good and developing teaching
techniques – Good teacher can be the award for such teacher.
3. Constant/same result shows developing teaching techniques and room for further
development in teaching techniques – Fairly good teacher award can be given.
4. Unrestored/ downward slope curve result shows poor teaching techniques, needs to
first focus more on much required teaching patterns and explanation skills –
Unproductive teaching practice.
This teaching theory is the output of the many years of teaching experience along with the
observations that have been conducted not only by me but also by many other teachers who
have shared their valuable analysis after their observation of many years of teaching practice.
After all the observations, analysis, and discussions one particular thing has been discovered
and that is teaching is the most difficult art one can learn. It is something that doesn’t involve
dead material but living lives that need to be molded and formed to be called the future of
any nation. We cannot just take up the profession of teaching just for the sake of money or
because we think we can teach. We should only take up this noble profession if we are sure
at heart and mind that we are ready to face extreme challenges and every day of our teaching
will be a new mission that will require complete dedication, hard work and the determination
to end the task with the best that we can and the best that our students could take in for
“The Creativity of a Teacher, is reflected in the Progress of her Student”.

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