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Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) Global Studies202

Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) Academic Year: 2021-22

Chapter Three: Societies to Social Networks

(by Nhem Davut) Part A

Unit 1: Societies and their transformation

Part I: Discussion Questions

1. Please describe the characteristics of “hunting and gathering societies.”

2. What are the differences between “pastoral and horticultural societies”?
3. What is “agricultural societies”? How did this kind of societies emerge?
4. Please describe the development of industrial societies.
5. What are the differences between postindustrial (Information) societies and biotech

Part II: Complete information about the transformations of society 2
1 - Simplest society: few s…………d………… & little i………… - They are the most e…………. – they accumulate few
- Dependence on h………… & g………… for survival possessions. No rulers & most decisions arrive after
- S…………, a person thought to be able to influence spiritual forces Hunting & d…………. They have the most l…………. of all human
- These groups are n…………: They move to another place when their food gethering groups.
supply d………… in one area. They place high value on
- Based on the cultivation of p……… by using hand t………….; People
developed p…………. settlements. - Based on p…………. a…………. &
4 3
- We can call the domestication of animals and plants as the first Horticultural Pastoral developed in low r…………. where
s………….r………….; More dependable food supply: result in larger growing crops was impossible. People
socities societies remained n………….
groups & d…………. of labor; accumulate valuable o………….; & lead
to social i………… (feuds, wars, slavery… etc,) 5

- A…………. r………….: Using animals to pull plow was

6 - The concentration on resources and power was the
Agricultural efficient and resulted in food s…………. People engaged
forerunner of the s………….. more activities and developed cities or called c………….; this
- Not sure why females became the s…………. of males socities
7 period is also referred to as the dawn of s…………. & social
during this period. i…………. became common.
- The inception of the stream engine in Great Britain in 1765: I………….. r…………..; using
machines to produce g………….. Growth in social i…………..
- People left farms to cities to seek for job opportunities. Industrial
- Workers: no legal right to u………….. but later they got basic r…………... societies
- Reverse in social inequality: abolishment of s…………..; shift from m………….. to more
representative political systems or greater rights for women and m………….. 8

Postindustrial - New technology centering around m…………..

(informationo) - Main characteristic: I………….
societies - Technology can: uproot our old p………….
and replace them with new ones

- Centering on: g…………... structure to produce food, Biotic

medicine, & materials. sociteies?
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) Global Studies202
Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) Academic Year: 2021-22
Part III: Vocabulary
A- Match the following words/phrases with their definitions.

(A) egalitarian (B) oppression(C) genome (D) dwindle

(E) overlap (F) hallmark (G) trespass (H) tenant
(I) abolition (J) harness (K) drudge work (L) pestilence

1. a disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people

2. all the genes in one type of living thing
3. an idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or thing
4. based on the belief that everyone is equal and should have equal rights
5. sb who lives in a house, room, etc. and pays rent to the person who owns it
6. the formal ending of a law, system, or an institution
7. hard boring work
8. to control and use the natural force or power of sth
9. to cover something partly by going over its edge; to cover part of the same space
10. to go onto sb’s private land without their permission
11. to gradually become less and less or smaller and smaller
12. when people are governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having
opportunities and freedom

B- Choose the option that corresponds to the underlined word or phrase in each of the
following sentences.

1. Until several hundred years ago, such societies were common, but only about 300 hunter-
gatherer groups remain today. Their demise came when other groups moved into the
territory on which they depended for food.
(A) death (B) end (C) failure (D) transformation
2. Some families (or clans) acquired more goods than others. This led to feuds and war, for
groups now possessed animals, pastures, croplands, jewelry, and other material goods to
fight about.
(A) quarrels (B) revolutions (C) uprisings (D) instabilities
3. To protect their expanding privileges and power, this elite surrounded itself with armed
men. This small group even levied taxes on others, who now had become their
(A) abolished (B) imposed (C) evaded (D) deducted
4. As conflict theorists point out, this concentration of resources and power—along with the
oppression of people not in power—was the forerunner of the state.
(A) precondition (B) precaution (C) predisposition (D) precursor
5. The shift of the status of the woman farmer may have happened quite rapidly, once there
were two male specializations relating to agriculture: plowing and the care of cattle. This

situation left women with all the subsidiary tasks, including weeding and carrying water
to the fields.
(A) laborious (B) repetitive (C) routine (D) secondary
6. A recent extension of these equalities is the right to set up your own Internet blog where
you can bemoan life in your school or criticize the president.
(A) bewail (B) publicize (C) dedicate (D) rebuild
7. This trend away from manufacturing and toward selling information and services shows
no sign of letting up.
(A) continuing (B) progressing (C) diminishing (D) stopping
8. The microchip is transforming relations among people. It is also uprooting our old
perspectives and replacing them with new ones
(A) removing (B) altering (C) influencing (D) venturing
9. Society is not stagnant, and you are affected directly by the sweeping historical changes
that transform it.
(A) influential (B) static (C) egalitarian (D) bourgeois

Part IV: Supplying key terms

1. ________________: people who share a culture and a territory

2. ________________: a human group that depends on hunting and gathering for its
3. ________________: the healing specialist of a tribe who attempts to control the spirits
thought to cause a disease or injury; commonly called a witch doctor
4. ________________: a society based on the pasturing of animals
5. ________________: a society based on cultivating plants by the use of hand tools
6. ________________: the first social revolution, based on the domestication of plants and
animals, which led to pastoral and horticultural societies
7. ________________: the second social revolution, based on the invention of the plow,
which led to agricultural societies
8. ________________: a society based on large-scale agriculture
9. ________________: the third social revolution, occurring when machines powered by
fuels replaced most animal and human power
10. ________________: a society based on the use of machines powered by fuels
11. ________________: a society based on information, services, and high technology,
rather than on raw materials and manufacturing
12. ________________: a society whose economy increasingly centers on the application of
genetics to produce medicine, food, and materials
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) Global Studies202
Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) Academic Year: 2021-22
Answer Keys

Part II: Summary of the transformations of society

Section 1
- social division; inequality
- hunting; gathering
- Sham
- nomadic; dwindle; sharing food
Section 2
- egalitarian; discussion; leisure
Section 3
- pasturing; animals; rainfall; nomadic
Section 4
- plants; tools; permanent
- social revolution; division; objects; inequality
Section 5
- agricultural revolution; surplus; culture; civilization, inequality
Section 6
- state; subjects
Section 7
- Industrial; revolution; goods; inequality
- unionize; rights;
- slavery; monarchies; minorities
Section 8
- microchip
- information
- perspectives
Section 9
- genetic

Part III: Vocabulary

Section A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Section B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Part IV: Supplying key terms

1. society

2. hunting and gathering society
3. shaman
4. pastoral society
5. horticultural society
6. domestication revolution
7. agricultural revolution
8. agricultural society
9. Industrial Revolution
10. industrial society
11. postindustrial (information) society
12. biotech society

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