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What is an organization? FTU, Clubs…

Organization is a deliberate arrangement of people brought together to accomplish a specific


Common characteristics:

1. Distinct purpose
2. More than 2 people working together
3. A deliberate systematic structure

What is management?
Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish
organizational goals/purposes.
Management is the achievement of organizational goals by engaging in the four major
functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Managerial concerns:

 Efficiency: “Do things right” - Resource usage  Means (Hieu suat)

Getting the most output for the least inputs.

Vi du: Hoc mon 1 lan dc A va hoc mon 3 lan dc A

 Effectiveness: “Do the right things” - Goal attainment  Ends (Hieu qua)

Attaining organizational goals.

Vi du: Deu dc A

⇒ Management strives for low resource waste (high efficiency) and high goal attainment
(hight effectiveness)

The workers do the right tasks (tive)

Try to do all the questions even if it takes time (tive)
The business hardly wastes any material (cy)
The company can produce more products with the same amount of input materials (cy)
Compare effectiveness and efficiency

 Planning: The process of setting goals and deciding how to achieve them
⇒ Delivering strategic values

 Organizing: The process of allocating and coordinating human and non-human

resources so that plans can be carried out sucessfully.

⇒ Building a dynamic organization

 Leading: The process of influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary
to reach organizational goals

⇒ Mobilizing people

 Controlling: The process of regulating organizational activities so that actual

performance conforms to expected organisational standards and goals

⇒ Learning and training

Check your electricity to make sure it’s paid correctly (controlling)

Paying salary to employees – leading (Trả lương cho nv – lead, tính lương cho nv – organize)

Assign A to pay salaries to employees – organizing

Assign work to employees – organizing

Decided to change the restaurant menu – controlling

Decided to set up a new restaurant menu – planning

Decided to assign employees to set up the restaurant menu – organizing

Decided to pay bonus to the employees who set up the restaurant menu – leading

Decided to open a store – planning


Suppose you are a director of a garment company, list the factors that affect your
company’s business?

Technology, human resources, input materials, PESTLE, customers, competitors, 4P,

supplier, R&D, weather, governmental/company policies, globalization…

What opportunities and challenges does the development of technology bring to

Who are the buyers/customers of a company?
A buyer is a person who is buying smt or intends to buy it
Customer classification…
Customers & consumers: meaning, resell, ourchase of goods, purpose, price of product
or service
customer Consumer
The purchase of goods or The end users of goods or
services services
A customer can be a No
business entity, who can
purchase for the purpose
of resale
yes Not necessary
Resale or consumption Consumption
Paid Not necessary

MBO (dis)ad
Setting difficult, specific goals  high results
Effectively control the performance of employees
Motivating employees

Emphasis on short term goals

Waste of time, money
More management work on paper

Best goal setting method: Depends on leadership style

Democratic – MBO: hear suggestions, recommendations from employees
Autocratic – Traditional
Ability of employees
Urgency of problems

Strategic management:
The set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long run performance
of an organization
Imagine you r the owner of a milk tea shop called Old town with 10 employees on X
street. Draw an org chart of Old town

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