Symbolic Frame

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

1. Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

While serving as a military recuiter in 2019 to 2021, I had a leader who prioritized his need to

be the best recruiting commander within the Brigade by exceeding the standards or quota for

recruits at any cost. The problem was the process in which he took to reach this recognition

without considering the affects on his organization and recruiters, more so, during the middle of

the pandemic when the economy was in chaos.

2. Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

This framework was a little more challenging to break down with this situation, simply because

the events of the scenario was centered on meeting the agenda of one specific person and how

that agenda affected the company’s morale. However, as I went through the assigned readings

and learned more about the symbolic framewok, I was able to see how symbols as defined in

organizational culture influenced the reactions of personnel directly affected in this situation.

“Culture is both a product and a process. As a product, it embodies wisdom accumulated from

experience. As a process, it is renewed and re-created as newcomers learn the old ways and

eventually become teachers themselves.” (Bolman & Deal, 2021).

In thinking back to the situation, the organizational culture took a shift when the new leader

introduced his vision to the mission. Perhaps, at the time, he was not aware that in his quest to

achieve this recognition without strategy or consideration for the well-being of his recruiters, it

would later produce an uncohesive team and have a negative impact on company culture. We

see leaders as mentors; someone we look up to and learn from. Leaders or managers are

expected to know their followers and understand what it takes to lead an organization. It is why

we end up feeling disappointed when we fall under leadership who fail to see or care for our

basic needs in order to accomplish the mission. “Over time, an organization develops distinctive

beliefs, values, and customs. Managers who understand the significan of symbols and know how

to evoke the spirit and soul can shape more cohesive and effective organizations – so long as the

cultural patters align with the challenges of the marketplace.” (Bolman & Deal, 2021).

3. Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of action

regarding your case.

As a leader, it is important to reflect on new ways and ideas in order to bring about a culture that

works for the organization. In doing so, you are showing that you value your employees and

their input. Even if the ultimate goal in this situation was to be recognized as the leading

recruiting company in the U.S. Army, strategically, the idea would have been accepted openly

had it been introduced more as a goal open for discussion rather than an end statement. In most

cases, a leader who demands without empowerment or encouragement, typically receives

negative outcomes. Even if they somehow are able to achieve their goal, it is not without losing

the trust of followers. Followers are willing to go the extra mile for leaders who ensure their

basic needs are met, and that they are recognized as well for their efforts. It is a reassurance

most people need and it gives them hope in finding purpose and meaning to the work they do.

In this instance, I would have presented the idea as an incentive for going above and beyond the

recruiting mission. Recognizing the top station as a whole and offering a bonus to the leading

recruiter. While the original mission might already be a challenge to the recruiters, a proposal

for each station to come up with processes or ways they deem effective and efficient for

company-wide use to achieve this goal can turn into a team-building event. Using this goal to

bring recruiters together to brainstorm new ideas and innovative ways can ultimately lead to

better camaraderie and can boost organizational morale. To the recruiters, it shows that although

there is a big challenge ahead, the leadership is trusting them to take the lead; allowing them to

find meaning in their work.

4. Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned about this


Symbols are objects, phrases, rituals, ceremonies, etc…we carry with us throughout life that

defines certain things we do or say. It can have a negative or positive outcome depending on

how we use those symbols. Regardless, those symbols are what impact our visions and future. I

feel that even without the leaders reassurance, I could have motivated my team of recruiters to

brainstorm new ways and ideas to achieve this goal. Instead of focusing on the negative toll the

long hours and low morale was taking on our station, I could have used this challenge to bring us

closer as a team. The culture and ideals the new commander brought, as demanding as it was

could have been used as the push we needed to bring about new ideas regardless of his intent.

“Distilled to the essence, people 4 seek meaning in life.” (Bolman & Deal, 2021) If such

meaning is not brought about in a leaders vision, we need to find it in ourselves in order to move

forward in a positive way.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership

(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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