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Kaiserslautern Military Community 5/6 Council By-Laws

Lead. Develop. Mentor.

Mission: Developing the NCO Core to be equipped with insights and forward thinking.
Vision: Fostering an environment of inclusion by challenging individuals at any experience level
through Mentorship, Leadership, and Development to do something bigger then one’s self.


1. All positions within the Executive Council will serve 12 month terms. In the event that an
Executive Council member cannot fulfill a complete term, an interim will be appointed by the
executive body to finish the term. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary,
Sergeant At Arms, and Social Media Chairman will serve 12 month terms. Previous council
will remain accessible for turnover after election closeout for 2 months. Committee leads will
serve a 6 month term, with the option to extend another 6 months.

2. The President shall:

a. Call special meetings of the Executive Council and/or mentorship.
b. Preside at the meeting every month.
c. Conduct semi-annual review of the by-laws.
d. Ensure the conduct of the organization’s activities is in accordance with the constitution
and by-laws.
e. Vote only in the event of a tie vote at general/special membership meetings.
f. Be responsible for ensuring activities of the organization are properly conducted.
g. Make appointment of committees noted in Article IV of the by-laws.
h. Ensure vacated officer positions are filled with an interim person, with Executive Council
approval. This excludes the office of the President.

3. The Vice President shall:

a. Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
b. Serve as an advisor to the President for various committee chairmen.
c. Oversee standing committees and chairmen.
d. The Vice President will chair the quarterly committee lead meeting and enforce
accountability for all KMC 5/6 activities or events.
e. Perform such other duties as directed by the President.

4. The Secretary shall:

a. Observe the proceedings of the executive, general and special meetings; publish and
maintain an accurate record of all meetings; report to the membership, the minutes of each
b. Route approved quarterly meeting minutes through The Private Organizations Coordinator
c. Assist the president in notifying members of the time and place of meetings.
d. Send all gifts, cards, letters, etc.
e. Maintain books, records, (paper and electronic) and non-financial records of the
f. Ensure the responsibilities of the election process are accomplished in accordance with
Article III of the constitution.
g. Notify 86 SVS/SVFR of any changes in leadership of the organization.
h. Submit request for waiver of insurance requirement annually.
i. In the absence of the president and vice-president, will call the meeting to order and preside
until the election of a Chairman Pro Tempore is determined.
j. Provide any member of the KMC 5/6 with the minutes from any meeting.

5. The Treasurer shall:

a. Be accountable for all funds, monies in the name of the organization.
b. Collect, receive, and disburse all funds, monies, and properties of the organization directed
by the general membership.
c. Maintain detailed records for a checking account and be responsible for deposits and

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
d. Render a full and complete financial statement on the financial condition of the
organization each month for attachment to the minutes of all monthly and special meetings.
e. Ensure that discrepancies noted during an audit are promptly corrected to the satisfaction
of membership.
f. Ensure all funds are properly transferred to his/her successor.
g. Submit financial reports annually, no later than 30 September each year, to the organization
and to 86 SVS/SVFR.
h. Delegate the disbursement of funds to any other member of the KMC 5/6 provided that the
Secretary has a written statement of delegation signed by the Treasurer and the member,
after the Treasurer has coordinated the delegation with the financial institution involved.
i. Maintain a record of members permitted to disburse funds.
j. Use AFI34-223 para 10 as guideline to fulfill Private Org financial obligation.

6. Sergeant at Arms shall:

a. Maintain adequate continuity in any event that an Executive Council Member is unable to
perform his/her duty.
b. Maintain order and discipline at all meetings and events.
c. Track Council and Committee Chairman Attendance.
d. Create and bring the standard sign-in sheets and ensure members sign in.
e. Facilitate all voting that occurs.
f. Verify membership status of all those present to vote.
g. Work with Membership Committee Leads to track KMC 5/6 membership and ensure
member rosters stay current.
h. Be accountable for all inventory and properties belonging to the organization. This includes
upkeep of the storage facility.


1. The President will inform the membership 30 days, 14 days, and 5 duty days prior to Election
Day, as well as the day of elections. Elections for President, Vice President, Treasurer,

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
Secretary, Sergeant of Arms, and Social Media Chairman, and Sergeant at Arms will take place
in October.

2. Preliminary vetting of applications will be conducted by the executive council. If more than 3
applications are received for each position, the executive council member of that respective
position will do preliminary interviews and select the top 3 candidates to give speeches to the
general membership.

3. When standard elections are held, members must be present to vote. If virtual elections are
held, members must be logged on at the time of elections to vote.

4. Prior to voting, the Sergeant at Arms will verify membership status of all those present to vote.
Voting is only accepted from dues paying members in good standing. The Sergeant at Arms
will count the number of hands in favor of each nominee and the Secretary will record the
number of votes for each nominee. The President will announce the final results of the election
to the general members. Absentee ballots are not authorized, however a representative may be
sent to speak on the nominee’s behalf.

5. Any NCO (or NCO select) assigned to a unit within the KMC and in good standing is eligible
to be nominated for an officer position.

a. A nominee in good standing is defined as an active member who has paid all applicable
dues. For voting purposes, an individual’s membership status will be determined prior
to voting during the standard/special election process.

6. The President may request that an officer resign from his/her position if they are not performing
their duties in accordance with the organization’s constitution; This will be addressed with the
officer in question and the President, or his/her designated appointee. Removal of an officer
will require majority vote of the executive council. The officer will have 3 duty days to provide
written response. Any officers wishing to resign from office must provide a 30-day written

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
notification to the President and fulfill any duties required before leaving office (i.e. audits).
Witnesses will be present.

7. The President may request that a Committee Lead resign from his/her position if they are not
performing their duties in accordance with the organization’s constitution; this will be
addressed with the chairman in question. Removal of a chairman will require majority vote of
the executive council. The committee lead will have 3 duty days to provide written response.
Any committee lead wishing to resign from their position must provide a 30-day written
notification to the President and fulfill any duties required before leaving office.


1. KMC 5/6 General Membership meetings will be held monthly on the third Thursday of
the month. Activities will not be held in lieu of a meeting. The Executive Council will
meet the week prior to the KMC 5/6 General Membership meeting.

2. For the purpose of voting on issues presented at meetings, a simple majority of the members
present at a given meeting will be required to pass an issue at that meeting. The President
or presiding official will determine the method of vote.

3. For the purpose of establishing a quorum for Executive Council meetings and general
membership meetings, the majority of executive committee members must be present to
officially transact any business. Executive Council members and general membership may
use absentee votes up to five times per election year. Absentee votes are not permitted for

4. The Secretary, or another duly appointed person, will record minutes of all membership
meetings. Such minutes will be reviewed and approved by the presiding officer and will
be made available for public view no later than 10 duty days after membership meeting.
Meeting minutes shall be retained for no less than 24 months.

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 

1. The Standing Committees are composed of the respective leads. They will meet at least
monthly to discuss issues and projects. This will be enforced by the Vice President. The
Standing Committees are Chairmen required to attend the KMC 5/6 Meetings. If unable to
attend, it is their responsibility to coordinate with Chairmen counterpart or Executive Staff
to speak on their behalf.

2. Social Media Chairman shall:

a. Social Media Chairman will coordinate and oversee all aspects, functions, and
operations of the Social Media committee.
b. Oversees KMC 5/6 presence and advertisement on all social media platforms and
the creation of all event flyers.
c. Maintain a working relationship with Public Affairs regarding all KMC 5/6 news
and events.
d. To be accountable for the upkeep and maintenance of the KMC 5/6 SharePoint
e. Ensures photographer is present at all KMC 5/6 events. Photos will be posted via
social media outlets.
f. Facilitates collaboration with sister services on all KMC private organization events
and affiliated volunteer opportunities.
g. Collaborates with the Secretary to promote monthly general membership meetings,
quarterly committee lead meetings, and KMC 5/6 event details.

3. Professional Development members shall:

a. Provide the KMC 5/6 Council with tools necessary to develop future AF leaders,
through personal and professional broad-based seminars, involvement in professional
organizations, services and special events.
b. Enhance the potential of NCOs, NCO-selects, and subordinates in the KMC area.
c. Reach out to develop Airmen.

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
d. Facilitate a monthly Airman Professional Enhancement Seminar. Coordinate with the
Career Assistance Advisor to schedule times, dates, and location of class.
e. Acquire briefers for the monthly KMC 5/6 General Membership Meeting.
f. Coordinate 2 quarterly professional enhancement seminars (speed mentoring, bullet
writing, etc.)
g. Manages semi-annual KMC 5/6 Scholarship Program.
h. Tracks KMC 5/6 member accomplishments and completions i.e. Community College
of the Air Force, Bachelor of Arts/Sciences, Certifications.
i. Authors semiannual Professional Development matrix and submits to Social Media
Chairman for disbursement.

4. Social Media members shall:

a. Promote the existence, mission, and purpose of this organization by using all means
available to advertise meetings, special events, and other activities.
b. Collaborates with membership committee leads, of the KMC 5/6, to ensure a
representative is available at newcomers’ briefings and base introduction.
c. Works with Membership Committee Leads to maintain an electronic mail (e-mail)
listing of all members, active and non-voting, for notification purposes.
d. Coordinate with base Public Affairs to ensure any special event, sponsored by the KMC
5/6, is covered by any means of advertisement.
e. Coordinate with PA to photograph KMC 5/6 events and projects.
f. Organize and maintain the Organization’s SharePoint and Social Networking Sites.
g. Ensures distribution lists are accurate on all social media outlets.

5. Ways and Means shall:

a. Implement plans for fundraising methods to support the purposes and objectives of the
KMC 5/6.
b. Produce an after-action report to be filed with Secretary.
c. Ensures proper distribution and storage of all items purchased for resale.
Accountability of all items will be conducted with the Sergeant At Arms.

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
6. Special Projects shall:
a. Track 86th/435th/521nd Wing calendar events.
b. Responsible for all major KMC 5/6 sponsored events such as the Viking Challenge and
Joint Combat Dining In.
c. Coordinate with KMC 5/6 committees and assist with volunteer events.
d. Coordinate with Club 7 and Fisher House representatives, including, but not limited to,
correspondence, assistance and scheduling events.

7. Recognition members shall:

a. Design group sponsored recognition and awards program and present it to the
membership for vote.
b. Ensure awards and plaques are available for appropriate recognition ceremonies.
c. Manage quarterly Amn and NCO Leadership and Unsung Hero award programs to
include advertising, organizing review panels, notifications, presentations, and
maintaining proper inventory for necessary supplies. Will notify the Social Media
committee for publishing of award presentations.
d. KMC 5/6 award quarters are recognized as Dec-Feb, Mar-May, Jun-Aug, & Sep-Nov.
e. Host, sponsor, and coordinate (S)Sgt and (T)Sgt Promotion Socials.

8. Community Outreach shall:

a. Provides monthly historical report for the KMC 5/6 and formulates quarterly KMC 5/6
b. Works with all Committee and Project leads to get up to date information and photos.
Photos will be forwarded to the Social Media Committee.
c. Collaborates with Social Media Chairmen to ensure all necessary documentation
required for continuity of reoccurring events and projects are current and readily
available upon request.
d. Coordinates community outreach opportunities within the Kaiserslautern Military

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 
8. Membership shall:
a. Update distribution list for current members.
b. Keep account of all sign-in lists from KMC 5/6 meetings for 24 months. Provide the
secretary a copy to include in the KMC 5/6 General Membership Meeting minutes.
c. Attend Base Introduction every Wednesday of the month and solicit knowledgeable
volunteers to assist.
d. Stock and maintain appropriate monies and coin inventory required to process
membership applications at all KMC 5/6 Meetings and any special events as requested
by the KMC 5/6 Council.
e. Render a full and complete statistical breakdown of membership program and current
condition each month. Provide the secretary a copy to include in the KMC 5/6 General
Membership Meeting minutes.
f. Notify members 60 days and 30 days prior to expiration and provide all information
necessary for renewal.
g. Will provide briefer at Non Commissioned Officer Academy and Airman Leadership
school to encourage membership from NCO corps.


There will be a $15 initial non-refundable fee for membership into the KMC 5/6 Council and KMC
5/6 coin. Every year after, there will be a $10 non-refundable renewal fee into the KMC 5/6 Council.
The dues contribute to ordering coins, t-shirts, general maintenance and giving back to the community.


Executive Council members as well as Committee Chairmen of the KMC 5/6 may be recognized for
their outstanding duty to the mission upon completion of elected term, PCS/PCA or
Separation/Retirement. Standard recognition consists of a plaque or similar memento, not to exceed
$60 or 60 EU (if in local currency).

DISCLAIMER: This is a private organization.  It is not part of The Department of Defense or any of its components 
and it has no Governmental status. 

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