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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other

course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and

format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation is that the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DCR) will be

facing a dilemma with accommodation for inmates presently in the establishment and

new committals by the courts. Due to refurbishment works that will be contracted and

carried out, DCR will have to empty out Blue and Green wings one at a time, to carry out

the project. DCR will be looking to downsize the population, create additional

accommodation and seek the help of the courts in relation to putting a hold on new

committals from being sent to our establishment.

My role is the Senior Project Officer responsible for all projects and maintenance works

at the Prison. For this situation, I have to manage the constructing of additional cells to

make space for accommodation for the population at our establishment and the possibility

of new commitals, and liaise with the Superintendent’s about a plan and solution to

downsize the existing population and to address the court about the possibility of putting

a hold on sending new committals to our establishment for a given period.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

The human resources of an organization focuses on people in the Organization. The focus

is on the fit between employees and the organization, while concentrating on developing

the needs, skills and relationships between employees. Where the human resource frame

is concerned in an organization, the people are their most important asset as the human

resource frame centers on what organizations and people do to and for one another

(Bolman & Deal, 2021). The influence that the human resources of my organization has

on the our situation is because of the working relationship that exist between our

employees and our organization, the working relationship between the justice system,

which is the courts who are responsible for new commitals that we are trying to keep out

of our establishment, and the working relationship that will have to coexist with our

organization and the contractor.

For our organization, the human resource frame helps to maintain the overall

effectiveness of our organizational structure. With the limited space at our establishment

which could result in overcrowding, the deteriorating of the wings and sanitation

problems, and the refurbishment work that in eminent that could put inmates in danger,

the basic needs for physical well-being and safety would not be met by our organization,

which is our goal as our mission which is to keep in safe custody those committed by the

courts, and our duty being to look after them with humanity and help them to lead law

abiding lives while in custody and after their release. Therefore, the skills, attitudes,

energy and commitment of our employees will be crucial as we deal with the possibility

of overcrowding, dealing with disgruntle inmates, human rights and lack of space as we

keep up with performance to achieve organizational goals. The lack of an effective

human resource frame from our organization will see this situation only worsen, as it

could result in space not created because of lack of work or no work, delays in the

refurbishment, interpersonal tensions between the courts and contractor, and most

importantly the safely of our employees and inmates, and human rights violations.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of

action regarding your case.

Our leader at our organization is a good leader who is sensitive to both task and process.

Because of our leader and his commitment and dedication to change and a better human

resource frame in out establishment, we are better structured and our organization has

seen a more developed, reinforced and change in our culture. As a result of this we are

now able to manage situations more effectively. We now have a Rehabilitation Unit, with

a Probation officer in our establishment. Something we have never had before. With our

people being our most important asset, with the unit in place, the employes have been

invested in, promotion occurred within the organization, and their empowerment, they are

now able to interact with inmates better. This could correlate with the unit doing their

assessment, granting inmates ROTL, which in Release On Temporary Licence and would

help our situation of downsizing.

Human resource is all about the people. Human rights are moral princles or something

standards that are entitled to everyone. Even those incarcerated. So, even those

committed by the courts have basic needs for physical well-being and safety that must be

satisfied. With these basic needs unfortunately not being possible to be met by our

organization for the population, because of overcrowding, deteriorating of the wings,

safety, and sanitary reasons due to plumbing and potable water issues, a proposal could

be drafted to the Governor of the our Islands, the Turks & Caicos Islands who is

responsible for and have the authority to grant this request, to allow for inmates who have

6 months to a year left on their sentenced, which is the time frame to complete the

refurbishment, to be released on early parole. This would also allow for more downsizing

to occur which would address the accommodation we need to empy out the wings for the

refurbishment, and also address the Human Rights violations that we could be facing

because of the conditions of our establishment.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned

about this frame.

The human resources frame which I believe in one of the most important frame, if not the

most important frame should not be taken lightly. The human resource frame is built on

core assumptions: Organizations exist to serve human needs rather than the converse;

People and organizations need each other; When the fit between individual and system is

poor, one or both suffer; and A good with fit benefits both the individual and the

organization (Bolman & Deal, 2021). Knowing what I know and learned about the

human resource frame, because of the basic needs that is an entitlement to every

individual, as the now acting Project Senior Officer in charge of maintenance of our

facility, I would be more vigilant with the upkeep of the organization. This in turn would

address the state of deteriorating and with sanitary issues that we now face, which not

only impacts and effects inmates, but also our employees health and safety.

Also, because the human resources frame centers around people and what they do for

each other, with our structure intact, I would encourage a better working communication

avenue and working relationship between our organization and the courts. This would

allow for more support in times of crucial needs. No one knows what tomorrow will

bring, so if we encourage and allow for growth and development with people outside of

your organization, that affects what you do and how you do it, like the courts for our

establishment, it would transcend our working relationship.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership

(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (ASU Bookstore Automatic Purchase-Perusall

Version Only)

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