The One Who Influences Me. ACT

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Describe how the following Social Groups influenced your development as a human

Our development is based on the influences of the people around us. The more that
we are closed to someone, the more that we are likely gonna be influenced by them.
But of course, influences can be bad or good, depending on the social groups that we
are in. Here are some examples of social groups and what they have influenced me.
 Peers have always been part of my social groups since it gives me joy to have
someone in my age to talk to about our experiences, ideas, opinions and hobbies.
Peers influenced me how to have fun, by simply watching anime and playing games.
Most of the people in my age nowadays chooses to play games to pass time, and for
me, those games help us to have a critical thinking and analytical skills that we could
School has been a part of my social group ever since I was a five years old. And as I
grow, I realized that school isn’t always about being a honor students, its about what
you’ve learn and what you have apply in your life for you to develop. School
influences me to focus on the things that I can develop for me to be able to get my
Our family have a big influenced in our life, most especially that they are the first
social groups that we have joined. Every experiences that we have in our home can
also have an influence to us. And as for me, the influence that I get to my family is
hard work and perseverance. I am born in not so wealthy family, and I’ve experience
hardships most especially in our financial when my sister went to college. And my
mother had always taught me that if I work harder, I’ll be able to get everything I
want someday. That is why I am always trying my best to have a better future for
myself and my family.
There are large variation of religions in our world, but I believe that religions only
influence us in one thing. It’s about morality. Every religion, even if it has differences,
had always teach us about the idea of morality. As a Roman Catholic, I have learn
that religions doesn’t really assure us that we are going to heaven and only our kind
actions can be the way on it. Religion influences us to have a strong sense of morality
and to remind us that everything we do have its consequences.
Just like religion, government influenced us by strengthening our sense of morality,
and reminding us that everything we do have consequences. However, government
also influence us to learn how to follow rules of our country, baranggay and
associations. And by this, people of the Philippines learns how to be obedient.

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