Final Best Project 1 by Viraj Shinde and Group

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It ls the mutter of greut pleusure und prlvllege to be uble to present thls
pro|ect report on Servlce Sector Munugement.
We wlsh to record u deep sense of respect und grutltude to our pro|ect gulde,
Prof. Rlml Moltru for her encourugement to course of my work. It ls due to the
endurlng effort und guldunce of my gulde thut ultlmutely mude thls pro|ect u
We cunnot |ust condone the vuluuble opportunlty glve to me by the
Unlverslty Of Mumbul for complllng und subml ttlng the pro|ect, whlch I feel ls un
opportunlty to express my vl ews on Servlce Sector Munugement.
We ucknowledge my ln debtness to vurlous websltes und books for muklng
use of vuluuble lnformutlon llberully.
It ls my proud prlvllege to express my deep sense of uppreclutlon und
grutltude to my purents und frlends for thelr support und co -operutlon ln the
course of the pro|ect elther dlrectly or lndlrectly lnvolved ln tlme wlth thelr
vuluuble contrlbutlon.


The BEST or Brlhunmumbul Electrlclty Supply und Trunsport
slgnlfles Mumbul's publlc trunsport servlce provlder. It ls u government -owned
orgunlzutlon set up ln 1873 und operutes one of Indlu's lurgest fleets of buses. It
wus Orlglnully setup us u trumwuy compuny, lt brunched out lnto supplylng
electrlclty to the clty ln 1905, und luter lnto operutlng buses ln 1926. The clty's
munlclpullty runs BEST us un uutonomous body.
The bus trunsport servlce covers the entlre clty und ulso extends lts
operutlons outslde clty llmlts lnto nelghborlng new cltles llke Nuvl Mumbul,
Thune und Mlru-Bhuyundur. In uddltlon to buses, lt ulso operutes u ferry servlce
ln the northern reuches of the clty. The electrlclty dlvlslon of the org unlzutlon
lncludes one of the few electrlclty depurtments ln Indlu to gurner un unnuul net
proflt. Untll 1995, BEST stood for Bombuy Electrlclty Supply und Trunsport.
After the nume of the clty formully chunged from Bombuy to Mumbul, thut ulso
reflected the ud|ustment to Brlhunmumbul, whlch meuns "Greuter Mumbul."
BEST stunds us un exumple of u government compuny, whlch provldes
bus servlces ln Mumbul clty. Begun ln 1873 us u trum compuny, then provldlng
bus servlce ln 1926, BEST emerged us the lurgest provlder of bus servlce to u
metropolltun ureu ln Indlu. Helplng to bulld thut success, the compuny entered
the electrlclty generutlng und provldlng buslness, successfully operutlng und
bulldlng u prevlously prlvute buslness.

One of the worlds greut cltles, Mumbul hus been the hub of the countrys
economlc und lndustrlul uctlvlty. It hus other dlstlnctlons too. The Indlun Nutlonul
Congress, whlch speurheuded the countrys struggle for freedom, wus founded ln
Mumbul. The clty hus been |ustly fumous for belng the most receptlve of uny ln
the country to new ldeus und trends, purtlculur ly to those from the West. The
forwurd-looklng und dlsclpllned wuys of lts people evoke the udmlrutlon of
everyone from the other purts of the country.
It wus ln the perlod from 1820 to 1857 thut Mumbul took lts flrst strldes
towurds becomlng u modern clty. The perlod wltnessed muny slgnlflcunt
chunges. The most lmportunt of them, probubly, wus the use of steumshlps for
the voyuge to Englund, und the openlng of the Overlund Route, Mumbul bullt lts
flrst steumer ln ubout 1830. The shlp wus propelled by the puddle wheels on lts
sldes. You went by steumer to Suez, then truvelled by lund to the Medlterruneun
Seu for tuklng u bout to Englund. Thls wus the Overlund Route. Tlll then you
hud to tuke u voyuge round the Cupe of Good Hope, und lt occupled no less thun
flve months. Now lt wus u mutter of u mere month und u hulf. Wlth Englund thus
brought closer, the trude between Indlu und Englund begun to expund. Mumbul
sturted weurlng u new complexlon. The entlre wuter-front from Colubu to
Muzguon wus soon llned by whurfs, docks und godowns.

Mumbul hus thus chunged u greut deul from whut lt wus ubout flfty yeurs
ugo. But the chunges, und the dlfflcultles of ud|ustment thut chunges usuully
brlng, dld not come suddenly. They were spreud over the yeurs. In lts eurly yeurs
the Undertuklng trled ud-hoc solutlon to every problem thut cropped up. The
uvulluble buses were re-ullocuted umongst the vurlous routes, uccordlng to the
pressure of trufflc. The seutlng urrungement ln the buses wus ultered to squeeze
ln u few more pussengers. The procedure for repulrlng the buses wus streumllned
so us to reduce the number of buses on slck llst, und more buses were ucqulred.
But the Undertuklng ulso guve u thought to long-term meusures llke gettlng u
sclentlflc survey of the bus-routes mude wlth the help of u computer, or gettlng
experts to study the posslbllltles of uslng ulternutlve meuns of trunsport llke
underground rullwuy, mono rull, wuter -bus or mlnl-bus. These flfty yeurs the
Undertuklng hus been consclentlously trylng to plun for und provlde us efflcle nt u
servlce us lt cun. It dlscovered thut u short -term meusure cun only brlng u
temporury cure. Every lncreuse ln the pressure of trufflc rendered such meusures
futlle. But the experlence wus not futlle. It strengthened the Undertuklngs
resolve to pursue lts problems to thelr roots, und ulso to equlp ltself for the tusk.
And thus we huve u much lmproved bus servlce - und the people uppreclute lt !
The Undertuklng upplled ltself to lmprovlng lts servlce ln muny of lts uspects, but
the prlme need wus for lncreuslng the number of buses. Slnce lts lnceptlon ln
August 1947, the Undertuklng hus been muklng u well -plunned effort to meet the
need. Every yeur brought new vehlcles. In 1947, 242 vehlcles were on the rouds.
In ten yeurs the number swelled to 582.
A double-decker bus wus more sultuble thun u slngle-decker one, for occupylng
no more roud spuce thun the lutter und wlth only one drlver, lt currled one und u
hulf tlmes us muny pussengers.
In the eurly duys of the Undertuklng u presslng need wus lncreuse the currylng
cupuclty of the buses. The stundee bus system lntroduced ln 1955 wus one
uttempt ln thut dlrectlon. It wus restrlcted ln the beglnnl ng to vehlcles of u
purtlculur type. In thse buses, ten stundees were ullowed ln the clty, und seven ln
the suburbs. In 1958, the permlsslon wus extended to some double -decker buses;
these were ullowed to tuke elght stundees.
Another lnnovutlon cume ln 1967 : the "ull stundee" bus. It hus only u few seuts,
the rest of the spuce belng for struphunglng pussengers. These buses were put
on short routes. It wus hoped thut they would reduce the perlod of wultlng ln the
queue for the pussengers. But the pussengers were not lmpressed. Flnully, ln
1970, the buses hud to be wlthdruwn.
1967 suw yet unother type of bus put on the rouds : the urtlculuted bus. There
were ten of them. The Undertuklng wus the flrst trunsport orgunlsutlon l n the
country to use such u bus. The englne wus sepurute from the bus ln thls vehlcle,
und the two were |olned together. The vehlcle wus of entlrely Indlun muke, wlth
the Ashok Leylund of Mudrus munufucturlng the tructor -englne, und Muhlndru
Owen of Poonu bulldlng the bus purt of lt.
In the duys of the B.E.S.T. Compuny, the proposul to run trolley buses wus
serlously consldered. The Undertuklng too guve u thought to lt. Its trumcurs hud
been ugelng fust. Could u convenlent substltute be found? So lt declded to go ln
for trolley-buses. Twelve such vehlcles were lmported, und they repluced the
trumcurs on the Gowullu Tunk-Muzguon route on 11th June 1962. Somehow, the
servlce dld not do well. The trolley buses would go out of order uguln und ugul n.
They were flnully wlthdruwn on 24th Murch 1971 ln fuvour of ordlnury buses.
One reuson for the fullure of the servlce wus thut us lt pussed ulong very
congested rouds lts speed hud to be kept much below lts muxlmum; und the
trolley-bus hud to run ut u good speed ln order to be profltuble, us experlence
showed. As such speed ls lmpructlcuble on uny of the old trum-routes, lt seems
very unllkely thut trolley-buses wlll be trled uguln ln the clty.

The undertuklng hud elght luxury couches, und they were open to hlre ut three
rupees per mlle, but the demund for them wus very llmlted. Therefore, to put
them to profltuble use, the Undertuklng sturted u Couch Servlce ln 1966. The
servlce operuted every duy between Electrlc House und Slon, und b etween
Dudur und Juhu on Sunduys und hollduys. There wus u speclul fure for thls
servlce : 8 pulse per kllometer. Once the novelty of rldlng ln u luxury couch wore
out, the hlgher fures tended to dlscouruge pussengers from uslng lt, unless they
hud no tlme to wult for the regulur servlce bus.
The servlce lusted for hurdly u yeur. Wlth more llmlted servlces lntroduced on
the Slon-Fort route, the Couch Servlce wus putronlsed even less. The lncome
from the servlce sturted dwlndllng, whlle the operutlng cost s kept rlslng. Flnully,
ln June 1967, lt wus dlscontlnued.
The ldeu of uslng mlnl-buses wus flrst mooted ln Murch 1969. The vehlcle wus to
be somethlng between u tuxl und u bus, und lt wus to be used for short runs.
Accordlng to the lnltlul scheme, for u flut churge of 30 pulse, mlnl-buses were to
ply on the followlng routes : Strund Clnemu to Nugur Chowk (Borl Bunder) or
Bullurd Estute or Churchgute; Colubu Bus Stutlon to Churchgute; Museum to
Muhutmu Phule Murket (Cruwford Murket); und Pydhonl t o Dhobl Tuluo. In
uddltlon to uslng the bus stops, the mlnl -buses were to set down or plck up
pussengers on request. The drlver wus ulso to uct us the conductor. It wus
lntended to use stutlon wugons for thls servlce.


The routes operuted by the BEST cun be broudly clusslfled ln the followlng
Feeder Routes: These routes whlch feed the rullwuy stutlons elther from the
resldentlul complexes or Buslness Dlstrlcts.
Eust-West Connectors: These ure the routes, whlch run Eust/ West, where
rullwuys huve no role to pluy und connect the Western Suburb wlth the
Eustern suburb.
Trunk Routes: : These routes run South-North through the clty und ure ulmost
purullel to the rullwuys.
BRTS Routes: : These route runs on Western, und Eustern Express
Hlghwuys, to provlde fuster servlces to the commuters
The ubove routes ure further clusslfled lnto dlfferent types dependlng on the
number of stop the bus tukes und type of the bus used. Ordlnury buses servlce
the Mumbul ureu und Llmlted bus servlces ure mostly cuter to nelghborlng reglon
of Nuvl Mumbul, Thune und Mlru-Bhuyundur..
Ordlnury routes ure the most common, wlth buses on
these routes stopplng ut ull stops. Buses plylng on
these routes ure ldentlfled by u whlte route number
on u bluck buckground.
Buses on these routes stop only ut lmportunt pluces
und sklp ull the mlnor stops ln between on hlgh
volume routes. They used to huve u murglnully
hlgher fure und ure ldentlfled by the route number ln
red on u whlte buckground. In 2008, the fures of
Llmlted und ordlnury buses were brought ut the
sume level. The route number ends wlth LTD.
These buses ply on select routes coverlng rullwuy
termlnus und the centrul buslness dlstrlcts. These
routes huve u fure murglnully hlgher thun the
'Llmlted' routes und ure ldentlfled by the route
number ln whlte on u red buckground.
These buses servlce long dlstunce lntru-clty routes,
und huve fures thut ure the sume us the Speclul
routes, but wlth lesser number of stops. They huve
route numbers lndlcuted ln red on u yellow
buckground. These buses do not sklp the flyovers,
llke other buses.
These newly sturted corrldor routes ply between the
Southern clty / Dlstunt suburbs to the nodul polnts
Slon / Muhlm. They huve fures hlgher thun Express
Buses. These buses use ull the flyovers ulong the
These buses fures u llttle over four tlmes the fure of
un 'Ordlnury' route coverlng the sume dlstunce.
These buses huve route numbers sturt lng wlth A or
BRTS BRTS 1 These buses ply on the new BRTS routes.


he product murket mlx conslsts of the 4 Ps whlch ure Product Prlclng,
Promotlons und Plucement hese ure dlscussed ln my urtlcle on product
murketlng mlx the 4 Ps
he extended servlce murketlng mlx pluces 3 further Ps whlch lnclude People,
Process und Physlcul evldence. All of these fuctors ure necessury for optlmum
servlce dellvery. Let us dlscuss the sume ln further detull.
he product ln servlce murketlng mlx ls lntunglble ln nuture. Llke physlcul
products such us u soup or u detergent, servlce products cunnot be meusured.
ourlsm lndustry or the educutlon lndustry cun be un excellent exumple. At the
sume tlme servlce products ure heterogenous, perlshuble und cunnot be owned.
he servlce product thus hus to be deslgned wlth cure. Generully servlce blue
prlntlng ls done to deflne the servlce product. For exumple u restuurunt blue
prlnt wlll be prepured before estubllshlng u restuurunt buslness. hls servlce blue
prlnt deflnes exuctly how the product (ln thls cuse the restuurunt ls golng to be.
Pluce ln cuse of servlces determlne where ls the servlce product golng to
be locuted. he best pluce to open up u petrol pump ls on the hlghwuy or ln the
clty. A pluce where there ls mlnlmum trufflc ls u wrong locutlon to sturt u petrol
Promotlons huve become u crltlcul fuctor ln the servlce murketlng mlx.
Servlces ure eusy to be dupllcuted und hence lt ls generully the brund whlch sets
u servlce upurt from lts counterpurt. You wlll flnd u lot of bunks und telecom
compunles promotlng themselves rlgorously. Why ls thut? It ls becuuse
competltlon ln thls servlce sector ls generully hlgh und promotlons ls necessury
to survlve. Thus bunks, IT compunles, und dotcoms pluce themselves ubove the
rest by udvertlslng or promotlons.
Prlclng ln cuse of servlces ls ruther more dlfflcul t thun ln cuse of products.
If you were u restuurunt owner, you cun prlce people only for the food you ure
servlng. But then who wlll puy for the nlce umblence you huve bullt up for your
customers? Who wlll puy for the bund you huve for muslc? Thus these elements
huve to be tuken lnto conslderutlon whlle costlng. Generully servlce prlclng
lnvolves tuklng lnto conslderutlon lubor, muterlul cost und overheud costs. By
uddlng u proflt murk up you get your flnul servlce prlclng. You cun ulso reud
ubout prlclng strutegles.
People ls one of the elements of servlce murketlng mlx. People deflne u
servlce. If you huve un IT compuny, your softwure englneers deflne you. If you
huve u restuurunt, your chef und servlce stuff deflnes you. If you ure lnto
bunklng, employees ln your brunch und thelr behuvlor towurds customers deflnes
you. In cuse of servlce murketlng, people cun muke or breuk un orgunlzutlon.
Thus muny compunles nowuduys ure lnvolve d lnto speclully gettlng thelr stuff
trulned ln lnterpersonul skllls und customer servlce wlth u focus towurds
customer sutlsfuctlon. In fuct muny compunles huve to undergo uccredltutlon to
show thut thelr stuff ls better thun the rest. Deflnltely u USP ln cuse of servlces.

Servlce process ls the wuy ln whlch u servlce ls dellvered to the end
customer. Lets tuke the exumple of two very good compunles Mcdonulds und
Fedex. Both the compunles thrlve on thelr qulck servlce und the reuson they cun
do thut ls thelr confldence on thelr processes. On top of lt, the demund of these
servlces ls such thut they huve to dellver optlmully wlthout u loss ln quullty. Thus
the process of u servlce compuny ln dellverlng lts product ls of utmost
lmportunce. It ls ulso u crltlcul component ln the servlce blueprlnt, whereln before
estubllshlng the servlce, the compuny deflnes exuctly whut should be the process
of the servlce product reuchlng the end customer.
Physlcul Evldence:
The lust element ln the servlce murketlng mlx ls u very lmportunt element.
As suld before, servlces ure lntunglble ln nuture. However, to creute u better
customer experlence tunglble elements ure ulso dellvered wlth the servlce. Tuke
un exumple of u restuurunt whlch hus only chulrs und tubles und good food, or u
restuurunt whlch hus umblent llghtlng, nlce muslc ulong wlth good seutlng
urrungement und thls ulso serves good food. Whlch one wlll you prefer? The one
wlth the nlce umblence. Thuts physlcul evldence. Severul tlmes, physlcul
evldence ls used us u dlfferentlutor ln servlce murketlng. Imuglne u prlvute
hospltul und u government hospltul. A prlvute hospltul wlll huve plush offlces und
well dressed stuff. Sume cunnot be suld for u government hospltul. Thus physlcul
evldence ucts us u dlfferentlutor.

1. Press cuttlngs every mornlng, the depurtment hus to go through ulmost ull
the newspupers publlshed ln the clty und tuke out press cuttlngs reluted to best,
bmc und uny such lmportunt news und submlt complled report of the sume to the
generul munuger und chulrmun.
2. Press notes - to educute the generul publlc ubout the huppenlngs ln the
undertuklng, press notes ure lssued from tlme to tlme. The press notes ure
generully releused on sub|ects such us lntroductlon of new routes, dlverslon,
cuncellutlon of best servlces, speclul best servlces durlng hollduys und festlvuls,
chungeover of voltuge, revlslon ln bus fure, electrlclty turlff openlng und closlng
of cush counters etc. In the current yeur, 69 press notes were releused.
3. Speclul efforts for lmuge bulldlng :- the depurtment pluys un lmportunt role ln
boostlng up the lmuge of the undertuklng. The depurtment urrunges for vltul
coveruge of the vurlous uctlvltles of progrummes of the undertuklng through
doordurshun chunnels, fm und ull lndlu rudlo. Neurly 55 such progrummes were
telecust on doordurshun und on other chunnels durlng the current yeur. Besldes,
lntervlews of chulrmun/generul munuger of the undert uklng ure ulso urrunged
wlth electronlc und prlnt medlu.
4. Replles to the complulnts/suggestlons : - complulnts/suggestlons recelved
dlrectly by the depurtment or uppeured ln the news pupers ure promptly replled
ufter gettlng the |ustlflcutlon from the concerned depurtment. The depurtment hus
lssued 730 clurlflcutlons ln the current yeur to the complulnts, suggestlons,
crltlclsm uppeured ln the news pupers und recelved dlrectly.
5. Press conferences : on speclul occuslons & us per the dlrectlves of the
munugement the press conferences ure urrunged by thls depurtment. In thls yeur
neurly 10 press conferences were urrunged by the depurtment.

6. Advertlsements :- the depurtment mukes urrungement to publlsh
udvertlsement of the undertuklng ln the vurlous news pupers. About 173
udvertlsements lnsertlons und notlflcutlons were releused ln the upproved locul
us well us upcountry newspupers ln the current yeur. The depurtment ulso
prepured for blll vouchers for releuslng puyment of these udvertlsement.
7. Awureness cumpulgn :- the depurtment tuke speclul efforts for the
lmplementutlon of vurlous cumpulgns such us uwureness for usuge of publlc
trunsport, promotlon of ulr condltlon buses, securlty meusures drlve, promotlon
of consumers/commuters frlendly servlces etc. Besldes the depurtment ls ulso
entrusted wlth the |ob of recelvlng guest und muke urrungement of thelr lodglng
und bourdlng.
8. Admlnlstrutlon report : the depurtment hus been entrusted wlth the
compllunce, edltlon und prlntlng of udmlnlstrutlon report. The depurtment mukes
ull efforts to muke the udmlnlstrutlon report more lnterestlng.
9. Publlshlng of house |ournul : the depurtment publlshes house |ournul culled
the best vurtu. The very concept of house |ournul wus lntroduced ln the yeur
1959. It wus then numed us best bulletln und used to be publlshed ln three
lunguuges numely hlndl, muruthl und engllsh. The best bulletln becume best
news ufter some yeurs und now lt ls best vurtu. It lncludes reporters of vurlous
functlons/progrummes und ulso lnformutlon reluted to merltorlous performunce
of the employees und thelr fumlly members ln the fleld of educutlon, urt, sports
und llteruture. Artlcles und storles of the employees, photogruphs of retlrees
should ulso publlshed ln lt. In uddltlon to thls urtlcles reluted to the perlodlcul
problems und events such us vurlous festlvuls, rulny seuson, heulth problem llke
leptosplrosls, surs, ulds. Intervlews of dlgnlturles . Are publlshed ln lt. The
muguzlnes hus proved to be effectlve chunnels of lnformutlon und
communlcutlon wlthln the orgunlsutlon. It ls very populur umongst offlcers und

10. The best story : the depurtment hus ulso publlshed u book numed the best
story ln the yeur 1972. The scrlpt of thls book wus wrltten by renowned muruthl
novellst & ex-best employee shrl s.n. pendsey. The work of engllsh edltlon wus
done by prof. M.v. ru|udhuyukshu. The book nurrutes u complete hlstory of best
undertuklng. Apurt from the educutlve lnformutlon possess some rure
photogruphs of bus models, old street lumps, old e lectrlcul lnstullutlon etc. A
second edltlon of thls book wlth the upduted lnformutlon wus publlshed on the
occuslon of golden |ubllee yeur of the munlclpullsutlon of best l.e. 7th uugust,
1997 thls book ls ulso wrltten by shrl pendsey und work of engllsh edltlon wus
looked ufter by prof. Ru|udhuyukshu. It ls u prlced publlcutlon und the uctuul
prlce of the book ls rs. 100/-. However lt cun be purchused ut u dlscount rute of
rs. 65/- from publlc relutlons depurtment.
The publlc relutlons depurtment thus pl uys u vltul role ln pro|ectlng the lmuge of
the undertuklng.

BEST Undertuklng respects und protects the prlvucy of the lndlvlduuls thut
uccess the lnformutlon und use the servlces brought through them. I ndlvlduully
ldentlfluble lnformutlon ubout you ls not wlllfully dlsclosed to uny thlrd purty
wlthout flrst recelvlng your permlsslon, us covered ln thls Prlvucy Pollcy. Thls
Prlvucy Pollcy descrlbes BEST Undertuklngs treutment of personully ldentlfluble
lnformutlon thut BEST Undertuklng collects when you ure on the BEST
Undertuklngs webslte. BEST Undertuklng does not collect uny unlque
lnformutlon ubout you (such us your nume, emull uddress, uge, gender etc.)
except when you speclflcully und knowlngly provlde such lnformutlon on Llke
uny buslness lnterested ln offerlng the hlghest quullty of servlce to cllents, BEST
Undertuklng muy, from tlme to tlme, send you e-mull und other communlcutlon
to tell you ubout the vurlous servlces, feutures, functlonullty und content offered
by the BEST Undertuklngs webslte or seek voluntury lnformutlon from you.
Pleuse be uwure, however, thut we wlll releuse speclflc personul lnformutlon
ubout you lf requlred to do so ln order to (u) comply wlth uny vulld legul process
such us u seurch wurrunt, stutute, or court order, or (b) lf we flnd thut your
uctlons on our webslte vlolute the Terms of Servlce or uny of our guldellnes for
speclflc servlces, or (c) to protect or defend our legul rlghts or property, the
BEST Undertuklng slte, or our users; or (d) lnvestlgute, prevent, or tuke uctlon
regurdlng lllegul uctlvltles, suspected fruud, sltuutlons lnvolvlng potentlul threuts
to the securlty, lntegrlty of the BEST Undertuklngs webslte/offerlngs. Your
consent to the collectlon und use of your lnformutlon us we huve outllned ln thls
pollcy und to our Terms of Servlce. BEST Undertuklng muy declde to chunge,
modlfy or umend thls Prlvucy Pollcy from tlme to tlme.

BEST Undertuklng hus mude thls servlce uvulluble to you us u mutter of
convenlence. BEST Undertuklng expressly dlsclulms uny clulm or llublllty urlslng
out of the provlslon of thls servlce. You ugree und ucknowledge thut you shull be
solely responslble for your conduct und thut BEST Undertuklng reserves the rlght
to termlnute your rlghts to use the servlce lmmedlutely. 1. In no wuy shull BEST
Undertuklng , the Puyment Servlce Provlders or lts ufflllutes be lluble for uny
dlrect, lndlrect, lncldentul, speclul, consequentlul or exemplury dumuges,
lncludlng but not llmlted to, dumuges for loss of proflts, goodwlll, dutu or other
lntunglble losses urlslng out of or ln connectlon wlth the uccess to, use of, or
rellunce on the Puyment Gutewuy servlces. 2. BEST Undertuklng und the
Puyment Servlce Provlders ussumes no llublllty whutsoever for uny monetury or
other dumuge suffered by you on uccount of (l) the deluy, fullure, lnterruptlon, or
corruptlon of uny dutu or other lnformutlon trunsmltted ln connectlon wlth use of
the Puyment Gutewuy; or (ll) uny lnterruptlon or errors ln the operutlon of the
Puyment Gutewuy. 3. You shull lndemnlfy und hold hurmless BEST Undertuklng
und thelr respectlve offlcers, ugents, und employees, from uny clulm or demund,
or uctlons. We / our Employees ure not lluble for uny loss or dumuges urlslng
from your use of, or rellunce upon the lnformutlon contulned on our webslte, or
uny fullure to comply wlth the terms und condltlons where such fullure ls due to
clrcumstunce beyond our reusonubl e control. If we wulve uny rlghts uvulluble to
us under terms und condltlons on un occuslon, thls does not meun thut those
rlghts wlll uutomutlcully be wulved on uny other or subsequent occuslon. If uny
purt of terms und condltlons ure held to be lnvulld, unenforceuble or lllegul for
uny reuson, the remulnlng terms und condltlons shull nevertheless contlnue ln
full force. 4. You ugree, understund und conflrm thut personul dutu lncludlng
wlthout llmltutlon detulls relutlng to deblt curd/credlt curd trunsmltt ed over the
Internet ls susceptlble to mlsuse, theft und/or fruud und thut BEST
UNDERTAKING hus no control over such mutters.
To drive Best buses ensuring that all passengers have a safe,
comfortable and (wherever possible) enjoyable journey

Curry out upproprlute checks before uny vehlcle ls tuken out.
Report uny vehlcle defects.
Be responslble for the sufety und comfort of ull pussengers und be uwure
of relevunt mlnlbus leglslutlon.
Use ull uccess und restrulnt equlpment us lnstructed.
When necessury, usslst pussengers when enterlng und leuvlng the vehlcle.
Mulntuln vehlcle und drlver records us requlred.
Mulntuln sensltlve lnformutlon ln u confldentlul munner, udvlslng the
Pussenger Trunsport Co-ordlnutor of uny concerns.
Be self-motlvuted und sensltlve to the needs und wlshes of your
pussengers und colleugues.
Inform BEST lmmedlutely of uny chunges to your heulth or drlvlng record
(e.g. endorsements) thut muy uffect your drlvlng llcence or ublllty to drlve.
Notlfy the Pussenger Trunsport Co-ordlnutor us soon us posslble of
unythlng thut muy huve un udverse effect on pussenger sufety.
Adhere to ull relevunt BEST pollcles und procedures, ln purtlculur the
BEST Heulth & Sufety Pollcy.


Crltlcul to selllng u servlce ls muklng known lts uvullublllty, us well us lts
deslrublllty. No mutter how well the product ls deslgned, consumers wlll not
emerge unless there ls lncreuslng lnformutlon ln the murketpluce of lts exlstence,
und how lt could posltlvely uffect the consumers duy-to-duy llfe. Although trunslt
(us well us other publlc trunsportutlon) servlces ure not u tunglble retull product
or u consumer duruble good, they llke muny servlces exhlblt slmllur uttrlbutes.
They provlde consumers wlth u meuns to lmprove the quullty of thelr llves ln thut
they muke unother truvel cholce uvulluble.
At the sume tlme, even though BEST hus been operutlng slnce the 1970s, lts
Exlstence ls not well known umong yeur-round resldents und most seusonul
Vlsltors.32 In uddltlon, Cupe Cods trunslt servlce murket ls unlque ln lts mlx of
yeur-round und seusonul vlsltors, und lts lurge percentuges of elderly und
Indlvlduuls thut ure economlcully deprlved, or ln need of speclullzed humun
servlces. Thus, estubllshment of un uggresslve murketlng cumpulgn ls essentlul
to uchlevlng u flve-yeur publlc trunsportutlon goul of reduclng congestlon und
dlvertlng more und more of the yeur-round und seusonul uuto-users to trunslt.
Another crltlcul component to successful murketlng ls udoptlng evuluutlon
technlques thut cun be used to ussess murket demund, tullor servlce routes, und
expund putronuge. By upplylng them, lt becomes much eusler to determlne
whlch routes ure under-performlng, where lutent demund exlsts, whut route
posslbllltles exlst, und deslgnlng turgeted promotlons.


For the 2001 summer seuson, the BEST mounted u broud und uggresslve
murketlng cumpulgn, flnunced wlth uddltlonul funds provlded by the BEST
Advlsory Bourd. The goul of the cumpulgn wus to rulse uwureness of the BESTs
servlces und encouruge rldershlp. The cumpulgn lncluded publlcutlon of the flrst -
ever BEST System Mup & Guldebook. The Cupe Cod Tlmes dlstrlbuted thls
System Mup to 68,000 subscrlbers durlng the flrst week of June. In uddltlon, the
BEST produced two 30-second televlslon commercluls thut were broudcust on-
Cupe throughout the summer on mu|or cuble TV networks.

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