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1. What is law in general and the divisions of law?

2. What are the characteristics of Law?

3. What are the sources of law and rules in interpretation of laws?
4. What are the organization of courts in the Philippines?
5. What are the classification of laws as to purpose and subject matter?
6. What is meant by conclusive presumption of knowledge of law?
Law is defined as a principle governing action that is applied to everyone to have a system of uniformity.
While the divisions of Law are classified into two which are with state intervention and without state
intervention. The State Law is under with state intervention. As for without state intervention it
comprises of Divine Law, Natural Law, Moral Law and Physical Law.

Law is the general rule of human conduct and is obligatory that is then enforced by the government.
Each Law is binding and authoritative which means that non-compliance will have a corresponding

The Sources of Law includes the Constitution, Legislation, Administrative orders, regulation and rulings,
Jurisprudence, Customs and others. For the interpretation of Laws if there is doubt there is a need for it
to be reinterpreted and if the Law is clear then it won’t be interpreted anymore instead it will be solely
for application.

The Organization of Courts in the Philippines consists of three which are the Regular courts, Special
courts and Quasi-judicial agencies.

The first classification of laws is as to purpose; substantive creates and regulates right and duties while
adjective refers to procedures by which right may be enforces. The second one is as to subject matter
that is classified into public and private.

There is a conclusive presumption in law that ignorance of which excuses no one. In this sense, everyone
should be constructively informed through publication (Art 3 of CC)

Why do we study Operations Management?

Operations Management hold up an essential part for an organization to utilize and manage the
business properly. As this course is aligned with accounting, studying this course would mean
for us to have a better understanding on what goes on under the operating production system. It
includes the operation and movement of the production system like the process of how the
goods are produced. We are tackling this course to have knowledge about the managerial
functions and responsibilities of the people according to their roles under this management. In
general, we study operations management to be informed with the different business ideas and
concepts as well as on how to manage activities regarding the productions.
How does the framework work?
This framework is the conceptual structure on how the management works it includes the
Corporate Strategy, under this are Finance Strategy, Operations Strategy and Marketing
Strategy. The framework suggests that all business starts with the market place, wherein the
corporate strategy observes in the market place in order to come up with a goal together with
scheme that the three divisions will take part in attaining the said goal. Finance Strategy covers
the accounting part which comes up with financial statements that includes the report for the
cost of production and the report for profit or possible loss that was acquired through selling the
end product. Marketing Strategy is responsible for distributing the product and it’s also the
process that understands and analyzes the markets as well as influencing profitable customers.
While in the Operations Strategy lies the Operations Management; it consists of the five P’s
which are needed to perform various activities in production. Operation strategy encompasses
the various operations decisions and actions like making up the design to satisfy the customer’s
demands as well as efficiently allocating resources. These three divisions are keeps the firm’s
transactions and activities to be organized and systematic. It is also important in fulfilling the
corporate’s mission, without these three the firm will fail to operate and will have trouble in
managing the business.

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