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Alek Aker Josh Alley Mike Blevins Phil Blevins Tim Canup Steve Clevenger Tracy Dugger Robby

ve Clevenger Tracy Dugger Robby Eversole, Jr. Heather Ferguson Josh Ferguson

16th Annual Lectureship

June 5th-9th, 2022

Dan Fraley Luke Goulds

T r i - C i t i e s S c h o o l o f P r e a c h i n g & C h r i s t i a n D e v e l o p m e n t
S tone y C reek Ch urc h of Chr is t | 1162 Highway 91 | Eliza be t hton , T N 37643 | Phon e: 423-474-2622 | www. scho olofpr ea ch ing . c om

We live in a world filled with Bible illiteracy mixed with worldliness. This has resulted in religious confusion regarding the
objectivity of truth, what is authorized by God, and the pattern of the New Testament Church. We invite you to test what you
believe, hear what the Bible reveals, and hold fast to God’s ways. ‘Nobody’ will challenge your knowledge, strengthen your
faith, and show the Christ led path of the faith. Come and see if you speak where God speaks and are silent where He is silent.

Sunday, June 5th F.P. Class No One Makes You Do Drugs But You Alek Aker
10:00 AM Salvation Outside of Christ’s Church Mike Blevins 11:00 AM Faithfulness & Walking in the Light Luke Goulds
11:00 AM Salvation Outside of God’s Plan Phil Blevins 12:00 PM LUNCH Crandul CoC
6:00 PM The Law of Moses No Longer Saves Tracy Dugger 1:00 PM Salvation Without Sound Doctrine Steve Clevenger
Monday, June 6th 2:00 PM Worship In Any Way But God’s Way Chuck Stewart
9:00 AM Salvation & the Thief on the Cross Josh Alley 5:30 PM Friends & Alumni Dinner RSVP EVENT
10:00 AM Salvation & the Sinner’s Prayer Drew Leonard 7:00 PM The Way of Escape Over Sin David Irick
Ladies Class Women’s Importance & Church Growth Heather Ferguson Wednesday, June 8th
F.P. Class No Better Example of Christ than Youth Kyle LaForce 7:00 PM Forgiveness Without Faithful Repentance Tim Canup
11:00 AM Salvation & Belief in the Risen Savior Tony Hoss Thursday, June 9th
12:00 PM LUNCH Stoney Creek CoC 9:00 AM The Fold Should Seek the Fallen Kyle LaForce
1:00 PM Salvation & Faith Alone Dan Fraley 10:00 AM Expecting A Luke-Warm Approval Daniel Koen
2:00 PM Salvation & Repentance Josh Ferguson Ladies Class A Virtuous Woman Is of Great Value Kathy Jones
7:00 PM Heaven Holds No Borrowed Oil Todd Houston F.P. Class No Better Influence on Friends Than You Josh Alley
Tuesday, June 7th 11:00 AM Exempt from the Judgment Alek Aker
9:00 AM Salvation & Public Confession Ethan Tate 12:00 PM LUNCH Shady Valley CoC
10:00 AM Salvation & Remission of Sins Denver Tate 1:00 PM Eternal Torment Is Optional Jay Patterson
Ladies Class The Blessings of a Godly Mother Megan Stewart 2:00 PM Missing the Greatest Home: Heaven Robby Eversole, Jr.

Ladies Class will meet in the chapel room. RSVP by emailing us at
Future Preacher’s Class will meet in the 2nd year room.

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know
the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s
wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”

1 Corinthians 2:12-13
Tony Hoss Todd Houston

David Irick Kathy Jones Daniel Koen Kyle LaForce Drew Leonard Jay Patterson Chuck Stewart Megan Stewart Denver Tate Ethan Tate

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