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BMAT Course

Section 2: BIOLOGY
Content Topics
B1. Cell Biology
B2. Movement across membranes
B3. Cell division and sex determination
B4. Inheritance
B6. Gene technologies
B7. Variation
B8. Enzymes
B9. Animal physiology
B10. Ecosystems
Human immunodeficiency virus
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
B1 Cell biology
Cell structure
We should learn the names, locations and functions of the following cellular structures:

Animal cells Plant cells Bacterial cells

Animal cells
Structure Function and other key details
Cell membrane • Separates the internal and external environment of the cell
• Regulates the movement of substances in to and out of the cell
• Involved in cell-to-cell signaling
• Composed of a phospholipid bilayer
Cell nucleus • Contains nuclear DNA, in the form of chromosomes
• Bound by nuclear membrane
• Regulates the activities of the cell through transcription of DNA
Cytoplasm • ‘Gel-like’ substance in cell where many enzyme catalysed reactions take
place, e.g. glycolysis
Ribosomes • Protein and RNA structures that synthesise proteins
• Site of translation
Mitochondrion • Double membrane-bound structures that synthesise energy for the cell in
(pl. mitochondria) the form of ATP
• Also contains mitochondrial DNA and regulates its transcription
Plant cells
have all the structures contained within animal cells as well as additional structures,
Structure Function and other key details
Cell wall • Rigid structure made from cellulose that maintains the shape of the
cell and prevents it from bursting under osmotic pressure
Chloroplast • Double membrane-bound structure that is the site of photosynthesis
• Also contains chloroplast DNA and regulates its transcription
Permanent • Contains sap, which draws in water by osmosis and maintains the cell’s
vacuole turgidity. They also containing sugars and salts
Bacterial cells (Prokaryote)
do not contain a cell nucleus, mitochondria or chloroplasts, and other structures may differ
significantly from corresponding structures in animal and plant cells:

Structure Function and other key details

Cell wall • Rigid structure made from Peptidoglycan that maintains the shape
of the cell and prevents it bursting under osmotic pressure
Nucleoid/ • Large ring of DNA containing most of the cell’s genetic material
Chromosomal DNA • It is free-floating in the cytoplasm, i.e. not bound by a membrane
Plasmid • Small ring of free-floating DNA
• May code for antibiotic resistance; the transfer of plasmids between
bacterial cells helps spread resistance
Flagellum • ‘Whip-like’ structure that is used for motility
(pl. Flagella) • Not found on all bacterial cells
Levels of Organisation
➔ A tissue ​is a group of similar cells with a similar
structure and function, working together to do a
particular job, e.g. muscle
➔ An ​organ​ is made from a group of different tissues that
work together to do a particular job, e.g. liver
➔ An o​ rgan system​ is made of a group of different organs
that work together to do a particular job, e.g. circulatory
system containing the heart, different blood vessels etc
Specialised Cells
Differentiation describes the process of eukaryotic cells becoming specialised to a
particular function. Here are some examples of important specialised cells:

Function Adaptations
Red blood cells Oxygen transport • Concave​ ​shape​ ​to increase the surface area to volume ratio
• Contains​ haemoglobin​, which allows them to carry oxygen
• No ​nucleus​ to increase available volume for haemoglobin
• Mature RBC have no ​mitochondria
Egg cells Reproduction • Large ​food​ ​store​ in order to build molecules for the developing
(ovum) embryo
Sperm cells Reproduction • Long​ ​tail​ ​and streamlined head
• Many m ​ itochondria​ in order to provide the energy for
Root hair cell Absorption of water and • Long​ hair-like structure to provide large surface area
mineral ions from soil
Stem Cells
(n) (2n)

Outer cell mass

- Placenta
(n) - Chorion (umbilical cord)
Embryo - Amnion (amniotic fluid)
Osteoblasts = immature bone cells
Chondrocyte = mature cartilage cells
Adipocyte = mature fat cells
-blast ตัวอ่อน
Myoblast -> myocyte (muscle cell)
Hepatoblast -> hepatocyte (liver cell)
• The bacterial cell wall is made up of murein and protects the bacterium from the
external environment,
• in particular from osmotic stresses, and is important in most bacteria.
When thinking of subcellular components in plant and animal cells you need to
remember certain key differences between the two. There are certain sub-cellular
components that are only part of plant cells, these are:
● Cell wall
● Chloroplast
● Vacuole


High energy molecule that functions as an
immediate source of power for cell processes

•ATP contains three covalently bonded Phosphate groups that store potential energy between their bonds
•This potential energy is released and used by the cell when the end Phosphate is removed from ATP, forming
Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) and Phosphate (Pi)
•Cell respiration can regenerate ATP from the resulting ADP + Pi by using energy in organic compounds
(involves oxidation)
•This is a continuous cycle, allowing molecules to be recycled to provide a constant source of immediate energy in
the cell to facilitate metabolic pathway
B2 Movement across cell membranes and into cells
You need to know six ways in which substances can move across cell membranes:
1. Diffusion: The movement of dissolved particles from a region where they are highly
concentrated to a region where they are less highly concentrated. Movement is
passive and down a concentration gradient.
Substances that move across cell membranes by diffusion must be nonpolar or small
enough to dissolve directly into membrane (e.g. CO2, O2), or they require a protein
channel in the membrane (AKA facilitated diffusion, e.g. glucose).

2. Osmosis: The movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from a region

of low solute concentration (or high water potential) to a region of high solute
concentration (or low water potential). Movement is passive and down a concentration
gradient (i.e. that of water).

3. Active transport: The movement of substances against a concentration gradient.

This requires energy-consuming transport proteins in the membrane.
Osmosis is a passive transport process during which water moves from areas where solutes
are less concentrated to areas where they are more concentrated.
Passive Transport
Tonicity and cells
Tonicity of solution Solute concentration Water moves...
Hypertonic Higher solute in solution than in cell Out of the cell
Isotonic Equal amounts of solute in cell and solution Into and out of cell at the same time
Hypotonic Lower solute in solution than in cell Into the cell
The image above shows what happens to a cell in isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions.
Comparison Chart
Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic
Solution Solution Solution
High level of solutes outside of the cell No No Yes
Low level of solutes outside of the cell No Yes No
Water movement depends on the type of solute No No No
If uncontrolled, may lead to cell death No Yes Yes
Can cause the cell to wrinkle/shrivel No No Yes
Can cause the cell to swell/burst No Yes No
In plants, results in plasmolysis No No Yes
In plants, results in turgor pressure inside the cell No Yes No
Causes water movement via osmosis No Yes Yes
Represents a homeostatic state Yes No No
4. Phagocytosis: The movement of large particles into the cell by the infolding of a region of
cell membrane.
5. Pinocytosis: The movement of liquid into the cell by the infolding of a region of cell
6. Exocytosis: The movement of substances out of the cell by the fusing of vesicles with the
cell membrane.
End of Part

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