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In our opinion, there's nothing fake about the Tesla brand. From owning its mistakes and failures (Elon
Musk once said that starting the company was “idiocy squared”) to sharing Tesla's secret master plan,
every blog post and tweet is real and personable.

2. Simple customer service

Unlike with traditional car sales, consumers looking to buy a Tesla don't have to deal with a lengthy in-
person purchasing process. Instead, ordering and configuring a Tesla is as simple as going online.

3. Rely On Word-Of-Mouth

Tesla uses one of the most effective methods of marketing: word-of-mouth. The brand's referral
program rewards those who share their experiences with others. Consumers tend to trust
recommendations from people they know and trust - friends, co-workers and family members - more
than brand-owned channels.

4. Connect With The Community

Tesla has a solid user focus that includes customer forums and an owner club. This allows the company
to build loyalty and passion for the brand. This approach also fuels a robust foundation of content that
builds on itself and is available for prospective buyers to peruse.

5. Have A Social, Charismatic CEO

The name "Tesla" not only conjures up images of a sleek, aerodynamic electric sports car, but the name
of its charismatic CEO also quickly follows. Tesla turned the automotive industry on its head, and Musk
did the same for CEO behavior. In most cases, CEOs tend to be a careful bunch, but not Musk. Though his
social media presence has been controversial at times, ultimately, it has served as a key way to promote

6. Be Consistent With Your Brand's Mission And Vision

While Tesla clearly wants to sell cars, the brand is also focused on leading the world in the transition to
electric vehicles and renewable energy. This thread seems to resonate with the brand's audience and is
repeated time and again.

7. Use Multiple Channels For Brand Exposure

Taking advantage of numerous public relations opportunities is a natural and seamless way to make your
brand known. While Tesla's social media channels and website provide brand awareness, the company
also has gained attention for partnering with colleges to offer its START program. The 12-week training
program helps students gain the skills they need to work in electric car manufacturing.

8. Stand With Your Competitors

Musk made all Tesla's patents open-sourced so anyone anywhere has access to them. He is also known
to be supportive of the brand's competition when they've demonstrated progress on the electric vehicle
front. Healthy competition may be synonymous with innovation and more options for clients.

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