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7 JUNE 2020

1. All of the following are examples of patient safety incidents except

I. Patient relatives fall in healthcare facility
II. Retained foreign body after surgery
III. Staff beaten to death by patient in the hospital
IV. Patient was given wrong medication

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. I, II, and IV only
1. All above

2. What do we want to achieve in patient safety

I. Do no harm to patient
II. Prevent incident to happen
III. Achieve KPI target
IV. Deliver safe service and better quality of care
V. Minimize medico legal implication

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. I, II, IV, V only
D. All above

3. Which of thhe following is not a safe practice

A. Use safe surgery
B. Wash your hand before examining patient
C. Use 5R in ensuring medication safety
D. Use patient’s bed number to identify patient

4. The human factors that contribute in patient safety incidents include

I. Lack of supervision
II. Overworked
III. Failure to use checklist effectively
IV. Ineffective communication between staff
V. Slippery floor

C. I, II, III, IV only

5. These are examples of good prescribing practise except

I. Use abbreviations if necessary
II. Identify patient drug allergies
III. Use generic names for drug
IV. Use leading zero after decimal point
V. Avoid verbal orders

C . I and IV only

6. My 5 moments of hand hygiene include

I. Before touching patient
II. Before clean /aseptic procedure
III. After touching patient surrounding
IV. After touching patient
V. Before body fluid exposure

A. I and II only
B. I, II, III and IV only
C. I,III,IV only
D. All

7 . Element of standard precaution include

I. Hand hygiene
II. Mask, eye protection, and face shield
III. Wearing gown or apron
IV. Management of spills
V. Linen management

A. I and II onlyy
B. III and IV onlyy
C. I,II,III,IV only
D. All

8 The roles of junior doctor in preventing antimicrobial resistance include

I. Confirm diagnosis whether due to bacterial infection or not
II. Take appropriate sample from possible infected site
III. Take culture after initiation antibiotic
IV. Do blood culture and sensitivity under aseptic techniques
V. Trace and review antibiotic use based on culture result

D. I,II,IV and V only

9 . These are the contributing factor in surgical errors

I. Distraction during operations
II. No site marking
III. Ticking the checklist without checking
IV. Similar patient name in the operation list
V. Use “ whiteboard “ correctly

C I,II,III, IV onlyyy

10. These are the role of junior doctor in ensuring safe surgery program
I. Prepare prophylaxis antibiotic for patient after operation
II. Ensure latest x-rays are available
III. Check latest investigation result
IV. Participate in “time in “
V. Carry out post operative visit

B . II, III, V only

11 . Correct patient identification is important in preventing harm. Below are examples of process or
procedure requiring patient identification
I. Upon transfer of patient to the ward
II. Before releasing deceased patient to the next of kin
III. After completing blood transfusion
IV. Confirmation of patient death
V. Before delivering patient’s diet

C . I,II,IV and V
12 . The following is true with regards to effective communication in healthcare
I. Fatigue is one of the environmental barriers in effective communication
II. Effective communication requires clear verbal and non-verbal communication
III. Effective communication is required during consent taking
IV. Language also contributes as a barrier in effective communication
V. Effective communication loop requires communication between sender and receiver without

B. II, III, IV only

13 . “the patient is tachypnic and moderately dehydrated. Hhis temperature is 39 degrees Celsius,
respiratory rate 50/min and his HR is 120/min. ”This ISBAR statement best explain in”

A. Assessment

14 . ‘Good morning Mr Murad, I am Dr Carolina from ED, I have 60 years old Professor Chong who is
diabetic complaining of cough, sore throat and high grade fever. He recently travelled to Italy . His
chest x-ray showed evidence of pneumonia. We already took swab for COVID19 sample’ . this ISBAR
(introduction, situation, background, assessment, recommendation) statement is referring to

D . Introduction, situation, background, assessment

15. these are true statement regarding infection prevention and control
I. Health care associated infection (HCAI) is defined as infection acquired in a hospital by a patient
who is admitted for a reason other than infection
II. Percutaneous exposure, droplet and airborne are examples of infection transmission route
III. Urinary tract infection is the most frequent health care associated infection followed by blood
stream infection
IV. Environmental cleanliness is one of the ways to prevent HCAI
V. Waste management is one of the element in standard precaution

D . All above

16. Safety equation refer to

A. Safety thinking + safe environment = patient safety
B. Safety culture + safe practice = patient safety
C. Safety habit + safe place = patient safety
D. Safety thinking + safe practice = patient safety

17. System approach means

A. Looking at organizational system to improve patient safety
B. Looking at various levels to prevent patient harm
C. Looking at all factors to prevent patient harm
D. Looking and anticipate failure of health care system

18. Which of the following are included in 5R rules for safe medicine administration
I. Right medicine
II. Right patient
III. Right dose
IV. Right prescribing
V. Right route

D . I, II, III, and V only

19 . these are your role as a healthcare practitioner to prevent medication error
I. Encourage patient to be actively involved
II. Communicate clearly between staff
III. Use memory aid
IV. Use similar dose for patient with similar illness
V. Practise double/triple checking

D . I,II,III, and V only

20 . which statement is false regarding high alert medication (HAM)

A. HAM is a medication which has a high risk of causing significant patient harm when used in error
B. Insulin is a high alert medication
C. Use ‘HARM’ label to prevent high alert medication error use ‘ HIGH ALERT MEDICATION’ labels
D. Parenteral nutrition is high alert medication

21 . common mistakes which lead to patient harm are

I. No signature in clinical documentation
II. Use trade names in prescribing
III. Use generic names in prescribing
IV. Label specimen bottle prior to blood taking
V. Writing can be understood by certain people

B. I,II,IV, and V only

22 . these statements are true regarding incident reporting and learning system
I . Identify and investigate
II. Punitive
III. Learn from mistake
IV . Respond and report only if severe case
V . prevent similar incident

A . I,III,and V only

23 . These are true statements on how junior health care professional can implement safe practice
A. Communicate
B. Learn the clinical practice guidelines
C. Know your patient well
D. Do short cut if necessary

24. Doctor X unintentionally keyed in prescription of patient K instead of patient C in the Electronic
Prescription System. Matron Z noticed this situation and informed doctor X immediately . Doctor X
made a correction to the prescription order and both patients received their right medication. This
situation refers to
A. Error
B. Violation
C. Hazard
D. Near miss
25. A houseman noticed that a medical officer made a mistake during the transfusion process leading
to transfusion error. Investigation revealed that there is a lack of safety culture in the hospital which
made the houseman kept quite although he observe the incident. What is the most essential to
improve the situation ?

A. Promotion and education on patient safety among staff

B. Training on incident reporting among staff
C. System approach to prevent error
D. Risk assessment

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