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How Russia promoted the claim that Ukraine re-sold

French howitzers for profit

21 iulie 2022

Jul 21

8 min read

Kremlin media amplified narrative until mainstream coverage on

the risk of weapons smuggling allegedly gave it credence

Ukrainian troops using French anti-aircraft guns on a CAESAR howitzer wheeled chassis to attack
Russian aircraft, June 8, 2022. (Source: Reuters/General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

The Russian disinformation machine is spinning new and recycled narratives to claim
that Ukraine is re-selling French weapon systems on the black market and ending up in
Russian hands. This narrative aims to convince Western audiences that Ukraine is not to

be trusted with sophisticated weapons supplied by the West while casting a shadow on
France’s role in providing military aid. For Russian audiences, the narrative highlights
Russian “military might” prevailing against the “powerless West.” For Ukrainians, the
narrative is intended to raise fears that the West will stop providing weapon systems to

This is not the first attempt to cast doubt on the West’s military aid to Ukraine; the
DFRLab has previously covered similar narratives. For this particular case study, we have
attempted to retrace the Kremlin playbook for amplifying the narrative and adapting it to
its needs, until it finally reached the point where Russian media could claim it had been
picked up by Western media — even though it had not.

Step 1 — Start with a claim by a fringe social media user, preferably a

Western one

On June 20, 2022, Regis de Castelnau, a French lawyer who posts anti-West and anti-
Ukraine content, tweeted that Russia had captured two French-manufactured CAESAR
self-propelled howitzers provided by France to Ukraine. He claimed the two CAESAR
systems were now being studied by experts at Uralvagonzavod, a Russian weapons
manufacturer, and blamed French leadership for allowing Ukraine to lose them in the
first. Castelnau did not provide evidence to support his claims, but when asked on Twitter
about the source of his information, de Castelnau stated it was from the Russian Federal
Security Service, or FSB.

Step 2 — Stir the conversation with a smattering of sarcasm

Regis de Castelnau also has a Telegram channel where he publishes links to his tweets.
His Telegram post about the CAESAR systems tweet went viral. Eventually, the Telegram
channel channel for Russian weapons manufacturer Uralvagonzavod replied to Castelnau
and sarcastically asked him to thank French President Emmanuel Macron for providing
the system, claiming that the CAESAR is less superior than its Russian counterpart. The
Uralvagonzavod channel also took screenshots of the replies and published them on
Telegram as well.

Step 3 — Launch the media wave with non-existent

Following the Telegram exchange, pro-Kremlin and Kremlin-owned media disseminated
news stories about the alleged capture of the French howitzer systems. To add credence to
the claim, some outlets stated without evidence that the story had been confirmed by
France. Russian media has previously employed this tactic to combat the relatively low
trust in online news in the country.

Step 4 — Cast doubt on any denials

After Russian media widely disseminated the story, the French General Staff issued a
response to TF1Info denying the claim and stating the rumor was “completely
implausible.” The Armed Forces of Ukraine and StopFake also cast doubt on the capture
of the CAESAR systems by Russia.

However, these rebuttals and an absence of evidence did not prevent Russian narratives
from spreading and evolving. Russian media reported on French military denials but
framed the story to suggest there was still the possibility that the French were hiding
something or engaging in a cover-up. For instance, reported that French
General Staff “tried to refute the capture of two Caesars,” and Moscow Komsomolets said
that the General Staff “tried to explain the capture of Caesars systems.” Kremlin-owned
RIA reported on a comment from the French General Staff to L’Independant stating the
capture of the CAESAR systems as “improbable, even implausible,” but then twisted the
statement to suggest that the General Staff “implicitly assumed such a possibility.” RIA
also claimed that the French military did not provide any information “refuting data on
the capture of the systems,” leaving the impression that the French government did not
offer evidence to back up its denials.

Step 5 — Recycle old ‘evidence’ and inject with a dose of drama

Despite the denials from the French military, Rybar, a pro-Kremlin propaganda Telegram
channel, claimed that four CAESAR systems had been destroyed by Russia and two others
were sold on the black market for $120,000, eventually resurfacing in the hands of
Russian weapons manufacturer Uralvagonzavod. Without providing evidence, Rybar

claimed that France’s decision to deliver the weapon systems to Ukraine has negatively
impacted French defense capabilities, and that French experts considered “the transfer of
these systems as madness.”

Afterward, the pro-Kremlin fringe media outlet Donbass Insider, which has a history of
spreading Russian disinformation and propaganda and has been previously cited as a
source by the Russian embassy in London, published a story on the CAESAR systems
claiming it had confirmed the series of events with unnamed sources in the French
military. The channel went on to accuse French President Emmanuel Macron of
corruption for selling weaponry to Ukraine.

Step 6 — Reinvigorate reports through foreign “independent

The story received new life after a blog called wrote about the
CAESAR systems, citing the de Castelnau tweet and the Donbas Insider as sources. The
article also provided additional commentary from dubious experts in unrelated fields,
such as a climate change policy professor. The Bulgarian blog also suggested that the
CAESAR systems might be replicated by Russia for deployment in Ukraine, despite the
fact that Russian weapons manufacturer Uralvagonzavod had previously mocked its

The article revived a previous iteration of the narrative, which used screenshots allegedly
from dark web websites distributed by pro-Kremlin Telegram channels, that Ukraine is
selling Western munitions for profit rather than using them for defense. The DFRLab
debunked a previous iteration of this narrative.

The post also referenced a pro-Russian opinion blog written by

Jacques Baud, an RT France commenter, who echoed Kremlin claims. Baud cited
debunked narratives of dark web weapons trading while simultaneously noting genuine
comments made by Interpol Chief Jürgen Stock that weapons typically flood the black
market after any war.

“The greed of a certain group of Ukrainians can lead to human losses in Africa, due to the
lack of purchased weapons, which were brazenly resold on the black market,” concluded, successfully stringing a series of unproven and
disproven claims into a single narrative. This is an example of how pro-Kremlin
disinformation can be recycled and repurposed.

Step 7 — Keep adapting it

In the next phase of the story, pro-Russian sources picked up the narrative and began
amplifying it to different audiences. For instance, the Russian propaganda website
SouthFront boosted the story to foreign audiences. In contrast, a network of pro-Kremlin
Telegram channels used the blog to spread a variety of other
narratives. For instance, the channel MediaKiller used the Bulgarian post to “confirm”

that Ukraine sold weapons and that Western partners were “afraid” to provide modern
weaponry to Ukraine. The channel called this “weapons sabotage.” This narrative
attempts to erode trust between Ukraine and its allies.

The Kremlin-associated Telegram channel Legitimniy (“Legitimate”) suggested that the

“Caesar systems trade” was organized by Ukrainian intelligence to secure a prisoner
exchange. The channel used this claim as evidence of “weapons sabotage.” Moreover, the
channel mocked the Bayraktar combat drone that Lithuania gifted Ukraine and claimed
that the fact that only one drone was sent was evidence of a weapons delivery problem
connected to the “arms trade.”

Another Russian intelligence-tied channel, Rezident, claimed that the CAESAR story was
actually the second instance of Western weapons being captured by Russia. The channel
also claimed the blog was a “specialized publication that studies
military conflicts.”

Step 8 — Amplify until it appears to reach the mainstream media

The next wave of the narrative flourished after Telegram channel MediaKiller published a
mix of new and old weapons advertisements from the dark web allegedly showing Ukraine
selling Western weaponry. Some of the pictures in the ads had been recycled from

previously debunked reports. However, as MediaKiller did not provide links to its alleged
sources, it is difficult to verify the specifics of the posting. The ads were also amplified by
the Kremlin-tied Telegram channels Rezident, Cartel, and Gossip Girl. In one of the ads,
there is a photo of a bulletproof vest and an airsoft replica gun. This image was also
shared by the pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Signal, alongside screenshots of a sales chat.
These ads and screenshots cannot be independently verified and could have been
doctored, as has been documented in previous versions of the narrative.

On July 12, after the European Union launched a support hub for tracking potential
weapons smuggling, the Financial Times published an article about the fear that criminal
organizations could smuggle weapons out of Ukraine. While the article never mentioned
the CAESAR narrative, its original headline read, “EU states sound alarm over Ukraine
weapons smuggling.” The headline was later edited to “Nato and EU sound alarm over
riskof Ukraine weapons smuggling.” But the edit emphasizing the risk of smuggling came
too late, as Kremlin actors seized on the initial headline, despite the fact that the article
never even discussed Russian claims that CAESAR systems had been sold to Russia. They
gloated that Western media had “finally discovered” what they have been trying to prove.
Telegram channels further amplified and falsified the narrative, now reinforced by a
reputable media outlet’s temporary headline and the deception that the story was about
the narrative in question.

While Russian disinformation networks can be complex, at its core, they rely on a web of
sources that cite each other to create the illusion of a consensus. Many narratives follow a
pipeline from Telegram to Russian media, as they receive attention from sources like RT,
TASS and RIA Novosti. In some instances, pro-Kremlin media will forge evidence or
concoct wild explanations to skew a story even further. However, once a narrative is
amplified by mainstream media — or even gives the appearance of amplifying it — it the
narrative becomes more dangerous as it reaches a wider audience. All this is done by
Russia and its supporters to discredit Ukraine and undermine trust in Western
partnerships. This is by no means the first attempt to discredit Ukraine in this war, nor
will it be the last.

is a Research Associate at the DFRLab.

Roman Osadchuk, “How Russia promoted the claim that Ukraine re-sold French
howitzers for profit,” Digital Forensic Research Lab, July 21, 2022,


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