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College of Arts & Sciences & Education

1. This is a group activity (Collaboration learning & Examination) involving 7-10 members.
2. Choose your Team leader, assistant team leader, secretary and assistant secretary (maximum
of 10 members and minimum of 7 members only!).
3. Discuss your answer with your group leader, assistant leader, secretary and assistant secretary.
4. The secretary/assistant secretary will summarize your group efforts using the following format:
Use 12-point font size Arial. All text in your paper should be single-spaced. Margins: All page margins
(top, bottom, left, and right) should be 1 inch. All text should be left-justified. Indentation: The first line of
every paragraph should be indented 0.5 inches.
5. Due date for submission: ________
6. Send to: ____________
7. Format: Leader:_______________ Assistant Leader:_____________________
Secretary:_____________ Assistant Secretary:___________________
Members: Section code: _________ Regular Schedule: _______

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
6. ______________

GUIDE QUESTIONS: (Minimum of 8 & Maximum of 10 sentences each)

OBE Activity #1: 10pts
When does material attachment become unhealthy? Explain your answer with specific
examples (Family/Education/Relationship).

OBE Activity #2: 10pts

What is the significant impact of observing the "DIS" method in your studies? How study habits
affect academic performance especially in college life?

OBE Assignment #1: 10pts

“Do not judge others, and God will not judge you; do not condemn, and God will not condemn
you, forgive others, and God will forgive you. (LK. 6:37)” What does the gospel of Luke emphasize
about forgiveness & condemnation? Why it is very important in the life of all Christians? Give some
specific examples.
College of Arts & Sciences & Education

OBE Project # 1: 10pts

What does it actually mean to "find the center" in our life as Christian? Explain your answer with
specific examples.

OBE Exam # 1: 10pts

“Success is the best kind of revenge to silence the haters" - What is the moral perspective from
that quotation? Explain your answer with specific examples.
- The moral perspective of this quotation, in our opinion, is that we must prove to others that
we can be successful in this life despite the haters, that we must always believe in
ourselves, that we must be tough and that we must always do our best even though there
are many difficulties and transgressions in this life. We only need to believe in ourselves and
always pray and have a strong faith on our almighty God to overcome it. We can look at
Manny Pacquiao's life as an example. When he first started his boxing career, no one
believed in him, including his own family, but despite the hatred and humiliations he
received, he just continued to pursue his greatest passion and dreams, and today we can
see that he is one of the most successful and biggest boxers in the world. As shown in this
example, getting revenge is not always negative, but this type of sweet revenge can help a
person grow and succeed.

OBE Exam # 2: 10pts

Explain this quotation by Edward Howards Griggs that says “Every experience, however bitter,
and to focus one’s attention on the lesson, helps one overcome the bitterness.” Give some specific
- Using the quotation by Edward Howards Griggs, "Every experience, however bitter, and to
focus one's attention on the lesson, helps one overcome the bitterness.", it explains that on
every experience that we encountered, whether good or bad, it will leave us with a lesson
that we can help to grow in this life in a way that we may evaluate this kind of situation to
help us to be strong and independent in this life, For example, there is a successful
businessman today who has faced many hardships and difficulties in the past, such as a
lack of financial as well as family and emotional support, as well as failing grades, but he
succeeds in this life because he does not easily give up and has become more persevere
and resilient that everything will be fine soon, which has helped him to where he is now
College of Arts & Sciences & Education

OBE Exam # 3: 10pts

What is the relevance of the Path to Holiness in attaining perfection? What are the obstacles of
realizing Perfection and holiness? Give some concrete examples.

- We believe that the relevance of the Path to Holiness in attaining objectives is on how we
became a better person in this life because we as human beings living in this world may
encounter many transgressions and difficulties that serve as a life test but sometimes we
may feel weak or lonely because of those things and sometimes we may question ourselves
what is happening to us but despite those we need to be strong and always have hope.
According to the New Living Translation (NLT) of II Peter 1:5, "In light of all of this, make
every effort to respond to God's promises." "Supplement your faith with a generous
provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge." It appears that in
order to achieve perfection, we must live according to God's word as written in the Bible.

OBE Exam # 4: 10pts

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The
whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, constantly complained, and was always in a bad
mood. The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming, and the more poisonous were his words.
People avoided him because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnatural and insulting to
be happy next to him. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, when he turned
eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumor: “An Old
Man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up.”
The whole village gathered together. The old man was asked:
Villager: What happened to you?
Old Man: “Nothing special. For eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless.
And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.”

What is the moral lesson of the story? Relate your answer in real-life situation at present.
Give some specific examples.

- We learned from this situation that in order to be happy, we must always be contented in
this life in such a way that even if we are not super rich or have a perfect life, we must
manage and accept that it is life that we have so we must enjoy every second, hour, and
day that we have because we only have one life and every day is a blessing for us. Ms.
Nadine Lustre, for example, although being wealthy and famous, chose to live and settle in
Siargao in order to live a normal and serene life in which she believes she will be happy and
content. We feel that acceptance and satisfaction are key for living a happy existence in this

OBE Exam # 5 (Reflective Analysis): 10pts

A rich woman asked her, "How much are you selling the Saba?"

The old seller replied, 3 pesos per banana, Madam.

She said to her, "I'll take 6 bananas for one peso each or I will leave."

The old seller replied, "Come take them at the price you want. Maybe this is a good beginning because
I haven't been able to sell even a single banana today."
College of Arts & Sciences & Education

She takes the bananas and walked away feeling she won. She got into her fancy car and went to a 1st
class restaurant with her friend, ordered whatever they liked. They ate a little and left a lot of what they
ordered. Then she went to pay the bill, costing P2,200.00. She gave P2,500.00 and told the owner to
keep the change.

This incident might have seemed quite normal to the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.

The point is:

a. “Why do we always show we have the power to bargain when we buy from the needy ones?
b. Why do we get generous to those who do not even need our generosity?

What is your analysis or realization from the short story?

- Our insight from the short narrative is that there are many wealthy people who take
advantage of the less fortunate since they know how much money those folks require on a
daily basis. As humans, we must always be concerned about the well-being of others and
refrain from being self-centered. We also understood that we should have empathy for others
because we have no idea what they are going through. Let us be thankful for what we have
and share our good fortune with others. "Do not do unto others what you do not want them to
do unto you," as the golden rule states.
College of Arts & Sciences & Education


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