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CIS 192



[SIMRANPREET KAUR] [300200432]

CIS 192

CRN – 50886


CIS 192

Ques. 1. What is NAT? What is the purpose of implementing NAT? In IPv4

why is it necessary to implement NAT?
ANS. NAT stands for Network Address Translation. The purpose of NAT is to "hide" a private
IP address on a private network behind a public IP address on the Internet. The idea is to
use the public IP address rather than your private one when you go online - as if you had
been assigned that public IP address by your ISP instead of your private one.

In IPv4, NAT became necessary because there are more devices than there are IP addresses
in globally unique IPv4 space.

This is not just any IP address that you are using - it is an IP address on your home network.
The problem is this: one person does not need to use the same IP address on their home
network as they use when they go out and meet people in public. Therefore, NAT makes it
possible for one person to have a whole bunch of different IP addresses - so many that all
the packets sent by a single person out there will be a random mix of different private and
public addresses

Unfortunately, there are still more devices than there are IPv4 addresses worldwide (IPv6
was supposed to fix this, but it has not been widely implemented yet).

The issue remains: one person does not need to use the same IP address on their home
network as they use when they go out and meet people in public. Therefore, NAT makes it
possible for one person to have a whole bunch of different IP addresses - so many that all
the packets sent by a single person out there will be a random mix of different private and
public addresses.

If you have ever used the Internet, you've certainly wondered what those random IP
addresses are. For example, for several months during a discussion of IPv4 over the
Internet, I saw this address: . I knew it was not a public IP address because I was

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the only one using it. However, knowing that didn't tell me anything else - except that it was
unlikely to be used by anyone else.

As it turns out, that IP address is a private one that I use in my home network. It is not on
the Internet. It is a private address ( 10.0.0.* ). The reason why I know this is because my
router has "NAT" enabled just so that I can see what packets are being sent by my devices in
my home network on the Internet (as if they were sent from a "public" IP address).

There are many reasons to implement Network Address Translation (NAT) in IPv4. It can be
necessary for a variety of reasons, such as when an Internet Service Provider has a limited
number of IP addresses and needs to conserve them by sharing the same address among
multiple customers; or when two networks with different security needs share an Internet

Ultimately, NAT is used for network management and security purposes. One of the benefits
of NAT is that it permits people to access the Internet from other networks without being
seen from outside those networks. Another benefit is that it hides information about where
users are located on the network.

To get protection from NAT, you must use a protocol that can work behind the NAT system.
UDP or TCP are protocols that are not able to work behind a NAT system.

In IPv4 there are three types of Network Address Translators. The most common one is
called Basic NAT and Basic NAT does not have a port translation function built into the
hardware or software of the router. Basic NAT is mainly used for multiple users on private
networks who need Internet access and is also commonly found in small networks such as
home networks. The other two types of NAT are called Port Address Translation (PAT) and
Port Address Translation Port (PAT-Port). In these types of NAT, the protocol being used is

Although the basic idea behind NAT was to provide limited Internet access, it can also be
used for security purposes with the help of a firewall. For example, it helps to prevent

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outsiders from obtaining information that could be used to steal data or break into
computers. It can also help hide IP addresses to hide the specific location of a computer
when information is sent through the Internet. Perhaps more importantly, NAT can prevent
denial-of-service attacks from outsiders in which they bombard a network with useless
information to make it impossible for people on that network to gain access to the website
or other service they are trying to enjoy or use.

Although NAT is an effective tool for protecting networks, it is often associated with
problems because sometimes the network can lose its ability to communicate with specific
programs or devices, especially when an address translation is used. NAT can also cause
security problems. Even though it may prevent non-authorized users from accessing your
information, it may also keep authorized users from accessing certain materials on the

Ques. 2. What do you understand by the term RIP? What are the advantages of using
RIP compared to Static Routing? Explain with the help of an example.

ANS. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a routing protocol designed for use in computer
networks. The term means to send data through a series of computers that are connected by
telephone lines or an internet connection. This allows for quicker information transfer and
faster routing around broken connections, like those that may be found in a flooded area.

A static routing solution, on the other hand, only sends information between two specific
locations within the network. By contrast, RIP tells all routers in a network how to get from
one point to another point as efficiently as possible and uses data packets rather than voice

Static routes do not use the data packets that are sent via RIP. Rather, static routes instruct
each router to take out and replace by hand a single piece of paper with a map showing where
the router is supposed to go from that point. Static routes are not as efficient as RIP in large

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The configuration of static routes is more difficult and requires more time than routing with
RIP, because each static route must be entered into the routing table for each individual
device. A static route also does not account for problems with distance or speed (the
maximum transmission unit, or MTU). Although the router may be able to route the data, it
cannot send all the data. This means that the router may have to drop some of the
information and then send it again.

There are numerous advantages that come with using RIP in comparison to static routes. The
biggest advantage is speed. Static routing does not use any of the data packets in a routing
table, so when a new device joins a network, it must be re-configured by hand. A static route
does not account for distance or speed (the MTU), which could cause delays and possibly
dropped data packets that could lead to service outages at customers' endpoints. Once
configured, static routes do not have to be changed again, which is ideal because companies
do not want their configurations to change frequently.

The disadvantages of static routing are that each router has to manually create a routing table
for every device on the network. This increases manual effort and time because static routes
cannot be randomly generated and stored in a database. Static routing also does not account
for problems with distance or speed (the MTU). With static routes, if the distance between
two routers is greater than the size of the data packet, then some data could be dropped and
sent again.

On a large network, two devices may be connected through several other routers before
reaching their destination.

Ques. 3. Construct a network in Cisco Packet tracer to demonstrate Dynamic NAT.

Provide examples of both Pool based NAT and Interface based NAT. What is the
purpose of overloading an interface in NAT?

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In a nutshell, the purpose of overloading an interface in NAT is to allow dynamic IP address

changes while maintaining existing dynamic configurations. In a typical small office or home
environment when the only type of link available between two routers is a wireless link, the
ability to change addresses and routes at any time quickly becomes necessary to ensure
connectivity throughout your network. If your equipment is configured with static
addresses, it's possible that during a busy or slow period you might have multiple devices
unable to communicate because they are configured statically with an IP address that
doesn't support communication between them. Overloading the interfaces with a NAT
translation table allows you to:
Make IP address assignments through static NAT configurations still supported
Change routes constantly between devices while maintaining stability.
Load balance traffic in an environment with wireless or DHCP-assigned IP addresses.

Ques. 4. What is the role of Multi-Layer Switch in a network? Why is it better to use a
multilayer switch than a router? Why is it better to use a router than a multilayer switch?

ANS. Multi-layer switches are faster and more versatile. They can also provide more
flexibility within the network without the experience of having to run cables across your
office. On the other hand, routers can be cheaper and easier for small networks, but offer

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less control over the network's wired and wireless settings. In both cases, you should
choose what will work best for your current and future needs.

In your network application, you may be required to perform some of the following
Managing different kinds of network devices: routers, switches, and patch panels. Deciding
who gets to access a certain computer or network resource. Networking is the technology
that makes this possible.
Networking takes place at all levels from the Internet (the largest) to the local area
networks. There are three ways to connect a device or computer with other devices: "point-
to-point" (using individual wires), "point-to-multipoint" (using shared cables or wireless
connections), and "multilayer switches".

The 3 layers of the network:

Layer 2 –
In a "Layer 2" network, a computer with IP address A sends data to other computers
directly. For example, when we send an email message to someone with IP address A, we
are sending the message over the Internet. This is also known as "link local". And when we
send data out to another device such as a router or switch, this is also called "point-to-
Layer 3 –
In a Layer 3 (aka IP routing) network, a computer with IP address A sends data to other
computers by sending it down a link. To do this, it needs to know what path to send the
data down. This is known as routing, and can be done at "Layer 3" of the OSI model. If all
the data you send over the Internet is routed at Layer 3, that is considered a "multilayer
Layer 4 –
In a Layer 4 network (aka Transmission Control Protocol), a computer with IP address A
sends data to other computers by using "port numbers", which are numbers used for
identifying what kind of service you are using. For example, if you wanted to download your
emails from an email server, you would use port 25.

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There is no switch as versatile as the multilayer switch. It can handle any number of devices,
including all your Ethernet and telephone connections with Ethernet ports and telephone
jacks, plus WiFi access points.
With one device it can be used to connect high numbers of devices and has a high data
transfer rate. What’s more, when you use it for security purposes you gain access to a
variety of features such as parental controls, access schedules for employees and guests,
network monitoring tools for intrusion detection etc.
All these features mean one thing: you can save on installation, power supplies and cabling.
And by integrating it into your network you gain a centralized control point.

A multilayer switch is the latest generation of switch; it has both Layer 2 (Ethernet) and
Layer 3 (Internet Protocol) functionality. This means that a single device can handle all the
Ethernet ports, plus all the VoIP lines, WiFi access points as well as any IP phone system,
such as Voice Over IP telephones or telephone systems based on Session Initiation Protocol

What’s more, switches now have their own processor to handle higher data rates.
They also have more memory and faster processors than routers, which means they can run
more sophisticated protocols and applications that route traffic.

More than this, they have a higher data rate to handle all the traffic in your network.
As you will see below, these features are of particular importance to businesses that use
VoIP solutions or want to offer Video over IP services, along with many other cost-saving

Benefit of using a multilayer switch

Easy to install, configure and troubleshoot

The installation of a router is not usually an easy or straightforward task for someone who
hasn’t done it before. As for configuring it, well that’s an even bigger headache. Not to
mention troubleshooting when you face connection issues. In most cases, when you ask for

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help from your ISP the technicians will try to solve the problem by changing your device
instead of simply solving the problem and saving you money.

Ques.5. What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6? What are the advantages of
using IPv6 instead of IPv4 in a network?

ANS. The most common internet protocol today is IPv4, or Internet Protocol version 4. The
latest release of the protocol is IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6. They are almost two
separate protocols because of how they function in relation to each other. This is an article
on what the difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are internet protocol standards that allow computers to be connected on
the internet. What sets them apart from one another is their ability to address more than just
4 billion resources out of a total of 2128, or roughly 3 trillion possible addresses for all objects
on the Internet globally. In addition, since there are 3 trillion addresses that can be used, it's
not ideal for many reasons such as system performance and processing power constraints
when trying to reach certain locations in order to deliver data over an IP connection without
any degradation.


IPv4 was the first release of an internet protocol and was created by Vint Cerf and Bob Khan
in 1981. The protocol that they created has only 32-bit addresses, which means it can't
support more than 4 billion resources to be communicated on the internet. IPv4 is still in use
today because it's backward compatible with IPv6, which makes it useful for the millions of
devices that don't support IPv6 technology just yet. While it is still used, it is slowly being
replaced by IPv6 as more systems upgrade to using that instead due to its advanced features.


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IPv4 was created in 1980, but it was too soon to use it to start communicating with computers.
So instead of waiting for it to be in place for the first time, a new protocol was created that
could be used to communicate with computers and even other devices as well. This protocol
is called IPv6 and became the most common internet protocol today.

The advantages of using IPv6 instead of IPv4 in a network.

The main reason for the switch to IPv6 is because it offers improved security over its

IPv6 isn't backward-compatible with older routing protocols and other systems, so you need
to make sure that your hardware supports it before trying an upgrade. You'll also need to
make sure that your software products support it, as well as any applications or services in
use across your network.

Employing IPv6 will also require some planning and changes to your network. You'll need to
add new hardware and make sure that your router software is up-to-date. This will allow you
to keep operating while making the transition to IPv6.

When you make the switch to IPv6, you'll need to make sure that your existing hardware
works properly. To do so, you may want to test it before deploying it in your network.

Security Protocols

IPv6 improvements are largely rooted in the changes made to security protocols. This includes
elements like the Security Parameter Index (SPI), which is an extension of IPsec, and provides
a more efficient way of handling security services.

Another major improvement over IPv4 is the use of a technique known as "stateless
autoconfiguration." This makes it easier to set up networking components and eliminates the
need for DHCP servers in many cases. This means that you won't have to deal with security
issues like rogue DNS servers, which can be problematic in some networks.

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Using Stateless Autoconfiguration, for example, will make it much harder for attackers to
spoof your IP address and launch DDoS attacks through port scanning.


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